T P, T T) -,'k V, J A N I R Y 2 0, 1 -2 10) TH---,, MI'l JMAT, T._DATLY" r_ FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1 28 - PA~~ FT~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 - /E % j =W,9 I I M-- - ,i \ j i 1 7 : t 1 UJL IL A D [SProf. Rait Contrasts Life Of W p11men Prf i e ay 'o en L esl.l_ At Scotch And American Universities PIBCFRL~BEP om iger SysWoen nSurc~si f - iuedfo Que ofScts wul il3ANst AclmthL heeisJio uM 'I -cant to 0 mlphaize Ihe point tat Ii UhiII Vitt .11 oer the:ountry. Ii Omicron .a here('is 1no)reason why wonen, as- tb (Pt1y v ii!]o eh , cnt Iaie 1u-11 E Midd iinlAll i ta erere t TyIV i's lty, t o case tnIc. t o t d . i ' inr is , I slolu)nningiI d o 1thiat. they arie ra sonabily tie f ( to ~ii ld Ht. i .1nr omtainIlGl -~o ctihhistory andl lit rature t of ctsen.sur escaly iniro tig. Women havi~e 4Of Aunminn fie !m alofgithm sdy) of rkla w ra Studti'iIX ~Il lac manloftheo(o rmarabyvwll,' tsUteiiy ee l nj('i 11015 as aresult Sarah Ca CO 'I"NIT, O D1412) BVMNESS lsgwuivriy adRyalliso-their Itennis, but there are o ial 1 (>~~j'lsays IRap h 1)1W.Agler Of the o os 't(Iiytadtin orgym MErI(. ufog1rapher of AISco tIL" xml, IirTlm iainhasc o a ts po.In S't iei XESO ~~x~Ia\ col 'U( xrm"hieu' ea xvso*wmnt pe MONN pa t4:15 today in Naturiia 'jii iI5h ies ioiiai al :coahing ig! ae"rlyugwmnac 4L :IsIg N1S J iTllnY t \D"'l e r cv:rltpsO oe ob ie ______Science anditorium regarding this ( era ,ltis-- e ont ie Oeo i he om tat~quite welcome. We do 0111'best lfor in ly cla 5'cis Ini the fi rst are those turn in he Mary"Sh waIwelfVesrdi herahhs-tey nt ie Oeofteciffrs fatvte hem lust a we do men. 'rho reason Wt h have or expect to have estates er classes EXPECT BIG TTENDANCE ati SrewIalian elan vre nalan yone f or this. Ihe co aching atlot the Alumnae otice at the present xh lellehv (imrsio ht dfe'] t ha It h;knowledge of law mzitteeca L t ,Cr e ,I ai n an F en h a d Oxford I(and Cambridge is dolone.by old time is ini the tolleet ioir of pedgeos thy e p lef s haveinth e lw ch o d) x ii he ei tIto ten. ~ ae m S fr r h a 1r . E ' ill~e T o O u tl in e l e ii ~t teN n ilDI st u d e n tam pnepa rtn)U ilalif wrote poetry. She lived . in a time stdetswhlo)haetkeI prtin ah-made on the buidingfundfor te'thepoesosi.th a cho oI (' bok )'\\itl1inl ootahi Si. neyssr Khapp mil rive when royalty was very highly trained t( H n oedw ro odnInwWnns ege lilig ot desire women in their (lasses r:ilo edt motn uies Iap flan; TO ~0I)esi tnqtCte 'ere etbecausecom dowhfyo areonalwaysen'warngedbidng n'r,.Gact 'itve psitiosthi'elikaie sOi uch jigof E in these branches of learning, beter I) th os r( dos f t 1allnmnts on new Pledges are com- O ihgnWmneducated than they ever were betore the tegining that it is very dilfclt j souht t o a hepesent t hune by Rapids, a: ('ollege may have adt experience inring in mxost satisfactorily but there bt e n oe.tot or have been since. I think sie I'sai tn a oc teby rhweesm ifiute 'i-or them to statblish themselves after bt e n xoe.tot Reglarbuines o te aumneIwould have compared very well with but there is no Professionalism in it. necteti with pledges made in the e a- they leave the school. Women seem' eunoil will be taken up, as well as ithe modern college woman, in fact I "We do not, have thle large cam'i- iy days of the campaign and it is to be very well suited to much of the v , 'eports fromn the various alumnae might say it is too lbad that she was r useS 'in Sectl land t yuhat you have h eroei these delinquent pledges which are xwork of the lawyer although at times ' n,- ;r ''N~ grouaps throughoit the country, at no ne o telfeo-aqen, -1Great [rl'hain is an island and our, causing a little anxiety Ajd concern the ombaiveys3re.ofthe'ourtroo thosedays as fa fromsecur. ]an is vluabl. Wedo no timethis totteinfkeepingnotwitheei(gecid d dided mimi- 1 ichgnwmnwihTetn "Tine college life or a w7omin word c(ampus, cither, but1 call all our l Plans are being worked out now, inity. Besides there are not itire-Ya timla miomnen counchill fored thsoe daysewsitarfrosvecudifrentai i valabl.sWemeonotasekhe ohthtofice.l"'to,' law- on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 10 o'clock ffrmteclgeie in motUmn 'iverity roundsy are ' ws,--hereby the delinquent lists are sent qunl1oetsstatfl olw fromthecolegelifein ostAmei- wothr tey eall ar ornot I to each groutp chairman who in turn yes that one hesitates to ask a worn-, room D of Alumnae Memorial hall. It can colleges,'' Dr. Rait continued. was (especially impesdwt h esnlyatmt h olcinoint o is epeced hatrepesetaties rom"Yo se wehaveno ormtores eztt~yOf the beauty of tile cam pus! the pledges. Reminders have lbeeni "An outstanding fact is that womeni marny of tihe Michigan alumnae groups whatever, so there is none (of thaht of Wellesley ollege."1 sent to all subscribers whose pedg- wvho do splendidly here often mneet17 Qd will be present. More than usual in- iefrete h e rtew That. Scottish unie'iiswr o es are past due, granting anl exten- every sort of obstacle when they seek (L\+I totes: men.onThere areh onesoratwo)'cu-ite- situated in ('ollege towns but in large sion of time whenever it is requestedol)sitions' out in the world," adds terst s cnncte wih hispario- tls"whih heycal hllsnow cbtie -s spcally renarked up~on .A delinquent pledge is only the one Professor Agler. "AccomplishmentsI Ja cunilmetngdu o hefat hy reto ewtobeconed iiayby Dr. ail. "The four prominent to which no response has been ire- bel)ingapproximately equal, the man I 1 1 r'+° fl that President Clarence Cook Little of our students come to Glasgow to universities in Scotland- Aberdeen, ( ceived at any timge. In many cass t is the one who is generally accepted InI is a ddres'ing the Michigan -women on ' classes on the train froml nearby Int. Andrews, Glasgow, and Edt~c-I these pledges aie overlookeoldde to)Ilprefer'enc'e to the woman. I do not that day at a luncheon to he held at towns, so they have none of thiuriigh are not like the colleges here i' anly other demands and only a re- know whether i is prejudice or vwlet- 12 o'clock at the Union, taliking to the college community life which makes- except St. Anoews. That is a n;inder from the pesonal point of ci' the world isn't useod to women lawx-k .~ women on what he calls his "Alumnae a university pleasant. 'There are no! small town -- a village, really-- view is necessary to bring forthin ci5and~ hesitates to take up some- / 1$ uniersty"rD.iLtte."llDlae.b-Luivrsiyerlee- taie f te yoandyouwouldproaby cll ha a ithrlull ohaprt aymntart apa-thigmnw.Ittinkthtaterwme fore the women what he feels to be versity prope ote tdnsir U colll ee lawn but the rest 0o- tieuni- I qtuest for extension of time. in the law' profession ]ave an even afl' ilk1 their particular service to Michigan lowed to do pretty much what theyI versities are in large citis, such asI When one realizes that practically mr difficult time than women physi- ex lbt and will no doubt outline his plane please. The faculty used to strictly ,,our universities at Chioago and 700,000 is now on hand in cash and cai mors heia o ealinghag// fo h et1 er hc il~ supervise the lives of the students, Pittsbturgh. in securities in the league treasury always' been con L ^ cteis withfwomen consmmated at the centennial tin- but they became. tired of thiis so110 _____ over and above all tile epn of niversary of the University. All they tare left to themselves. Ithe enti' pnes aa o n d m, xandosi r duperssofth eii 'n 'I I "Women students were admit ted ti>Education Eing out the ledge of WcountJ h- sx ocor.Gmadats"itfpln-I Mciawoeareseilyu G asgowuniverityiim1892.adLaredid records aek:positions in law firms / vA!sim ly to be present at the luncheon, reserva- Glagoluivrstyin182 ndajorsX . J'1 ont of Chicago, which is the same and 'are often disappointed. Then too i ' Y, l tion's for which should be made either on an equal footing with the mein., .UfIO r HiJ~siold a ah l u bu 2000 15i'alwOtii I hi Thr r omnhwvr ht;fthey establish a/a fieo hr , ,figyd bycalling. Mrs. Joseph Bursley, 2107Thr aesonayhwveta collected and three fou m otlts his .own the public is nearly as skeptical 2U~ /hr Ilill Street, telephone 7721 or through sometimles the classes are diviedVl /\/tA U r ln amount is not die for two years, 0one, as he frmiablelawsirmchnlss the' Alumnae council offce, room A, and the woran are in stpai'ae readily sees how unusual the Pagt~haforibedsaworire.lies;~~l a, Alumnae Memorial hall, telephone 242 courses. They have even raisedl a i Major stuodents in t he physical eou- ments on the league pledges have i hhem she nmay get a start the pi'olosi- I llnivemsity exchange. The charge for clamor for women lectures butthle ca o ee.Nvrheesi f'l'sth /I atonepart ment helod a swi mmng gen eeteesi sawy h ~toisntey.the luncheon will be $1.25. women themiselves ini the UlIive','it 3' imiet yestei'dmiy lonrinii at the Uni1on fewt who do not respondo who maike:,tomsno ay At present a canvass is being made seem to prefer the men. rhe -rinCpor l wx'hih i::(eves\'(e'u d the work of collections diicult. It.is "The la ooldosno ane n ofiMichigan women in Ann Arbor but amd the wome each have thceb'on(la1)th foi'm and spieed. Among the increly hoped iltanyoneoigttofn sh orga- ~fc ti mosbet ec vr~Union with se pparate buildings, l vnt ngeIfr omwc' heee this article who ishako their' bureau to idiin or gad-I one by telephone, the above request your Michigan Union here. Here, tbey mentary back, breast stroke, side, IPledges or installments will coim ates," states Professor Aiger, "but 1%r making reservations has been have their literary societies. Latilback crwt'den snl vr nunicate with the Alumnae council Dean Bates amd other' members of the(Sc mlade. societies, debating clubs and( such rmn, crawl, and (livilig. The speedl office at once. The league work is an "acuimty write many letters of recom-i-(eo The meeting of the Board of Di- things. They also, give their damce' eventswere races in free style, breast, )outstanding piece of cooperaive lby- mendation duuing the spiing moths I22 r.a. .. I- 1-11 .,e at,,. n,.. (in thes huiinehi c' - - - n 21212 ' ' - _______________________ NOTICES ral basketball games schd today at 4 o'clock are as Kappa Delta vs. AMliha Pi, and Dela Zeta vs. Group Ilewood). nior Women in tile Junior ty are reminded of the first actice at 5 o'clock todaiy ini swell Angell hall of Ba r- inasium. Everyone is urgeul 4eut, ando to come pi'elaret o) r schedule of second s~eme'r.- 3so that the executive Coil- ,n arrange convemnient imour nsalI. Delta announces the 'lelg- lhel l-lanodei'mnan, '29, GrandI ad Eleamnor' Cook, '31, of Dce- NVER before have we beeln a collection ttime fash- beautifully, and charm- esigned, at rprinces. ud floor) 5. Main rectoVr3 winl be neld at the residencee of Mm'ts. Shirley Smith, Friday night "Women in Scotland and England J1anuary 27, beginning with a supper smoke a great deal but it is dying at 5:30 o'clock. The questions es-lout, especially am'ong the younger peciakly' to be discussed at the board girls-perhaps they haven't, taken it mieeting are as follows, up as yet. The daughter of John 1. Now that the $l, 00,000 for time Buchan, author of 'Greenmantles,' league fund has bee{ pledged, shall and the 'Lodge in the Wilderne:s,' life 'memberships be increased? 2. said to her father, just the other How long shall a delinquent pledge day: 'We are going to be (different- be 'carried before it forefits? 3. we are going to stop smoking, let our' Shall Michigan women who have not 'hair grow, wear long .skirts, and lie fa'ken life memberships in the league respectful to our parents in public.' or who have not written to the The women in Scotlamnd do not paint Alumnae office explaining why -a'their, lips as most of the girls ini mnembership has not been taken, be al- America do and they use ver'y little lowed~ privileges in this building? rouge. They use powder, thougi.-- None of ther questions apply, of yes they powder their nose-that i.- course, to undergraduate women, for the piart of the face they, too, think: at all times they will have every priv- needs powdering." ilege afforded by every portion of the Dr. Rait said the're is a noticeable b~uilding. The recommendation of the' lack of athletics in Scottish inivensi- b~oard of directors will be taken be- ties. "The faculties try to encourage fore the council meeting on Saturdahy and work imp an interest'iiaheis morning, January 28. T'he~ critics of thie Ameri'.'an us i-- Formals for the J-Hop 1 . Aff AW-WA 523 Liberty St. New 3LichigauiThieal re Bld g. back. anod relay.Lichignwmesandwentuarrsm. ns Tlhe' juniors won the meet with a 1 ihgnwmnw r esosbeTPW-TN n toa I 1points, the seniors canie in for every pledge and eventually we I YPWIIN-n seoilwt 412piis h rs-will make the pledges 100 pe cat' IINEGRII HNG secnatvesitwas-2wointby the jnreshant uewapte aer einct:priivd vr -, "" Wrmn wem'e third with 231 Ipoints, and good. a specialty for the sopliomi'es last with 831-2. In r.twny years. ie r'elay each (lass 11a( four repro- the junior class to give t hema a Proimpt Se'vice, ExerenedO'r snaies;it aswo b 'te u ior hne ouewatteiae eretors, Moerate Raites. who gained egtpoints in this alone. in studying the technique of meets 0.D.M 0 R R I LIL.f'" { j/ tY ry ' ', T his eveint was quite exciting as the~ and tournaments in practical exper- 17 Nices Arade. Phtone (6615. MU ,,t' a . race foi' second Ilace between seniiors lencde. The committee which super- and freshmen wvas very close.E vised the meet was composed of three 'The divimig event was won by a junior women, Aletta Mortomn, chair'- IIIIIIIIii hI1tiia9i 11IIIGIfoiItl~~ieF10tt~ii~il~lB@fgai11lIIOI0Ilit~l~hlm~taI~I~;nI~I~~I iiil~IIaIIltIIIlIII11ItlhI4 junior represemtative, Ann Zauer, man, Frances Miller and ILily - Each c'ontestant did three dives, Schmidt, but every membiher of they- stanuing front, runinmg front and 01p- class had some par't to) play ii it tional odive, for which jacknife, swam, either as a judge, a starter, or scorem'. aind back oivesy were all offered. The position of timer' alome was held Thme mmeet itself was iun entirely by by the faculty. = Iou so g i I Presents I"The Shop of CorrctWFrma I=Personal Service" pp a '~h + e fo' the social event IIof the year . THE J-HOP A IN, Jacobson is prepared IL., to assume the role of former _____,years, as the shop that the di- criminating Miss visits in select- a ing her apparel for the J-Hop n t f In the past this shop has made special effort to satisfy those who wish the ultimate in formal ap- 1:1 Ke~lyl&I Iparel. Qlo~e r ~y.Ti erw gi have selected a brilliant array of formal' 7: g owns, and are rxeceiving them fresh from New York daily, of Q~h~IiI hc noeso lucky to attend this social event, would be r proud to wear. All are replicas of the Parisian mode and are the last word in styldorn. our advisers will be glad to assist you in picking out the gown that will be corred and appeal- II E ENIN SLIPERSing. To wear a gown from this shop is to be correctly and E V ING S LIP PE .S - magnificently appareled, Smart in Their Simplicity- w (i Exquisite Strap and Pum1p Patterns f. II T!Iintedl to Match One's GownsII 3, By Special Permission of one of New York's most famous makers of Formal 'Frocks, we have their line canI exhibit, and for sale, for DAYS ONLY oumay Come ~expecting:: hin the way ofLm and value. The Exhibit will be closed Tuesday everting., Jantuary 24th I I