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May 25, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-25

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MAY 25, 1925.




01LIT DOUBLE RIeprescnatatives from the University : r. However 'he will be competing
S1 1 DO B E IA II ot Michigan winl p aanimportant against such swmers as Johnny
par intheOly~r'c;swimin t, y 'AeisullrWaler aufrand other
'Ruth Collects Fourtenuts to be heln 0n1Detroit natmo tarhfiin oe
,iiuh Cllets iinicef iI-InicRu 'The personnel of the Am"erie n :,cqn-
As hiipgr-ass Siiffe rs First Iatic team to compote in #h:, inter- Dick Spindle, 1928 Wolverine cap-
1D~ieat Of Se ''n I nattionral contests at Amsnterdam pin'tamn, will try for a place in the 100
July will be dct xrlnioed on the bashs; meter lyack 'stroke. H-e will have to
TIGEIRS DEFEAT, CHICAGO ,'T the showiing of theenrs in ti , match strokes with Walter Kojac,
trials. af,,JmsHueanGereP-
W~ile Detroit was busy taking a F+ive Wolverines, Buck Samson, Bob 1 Lr. 'Uob Walkeu, star :sopljohmore
twelve inning battle from Chicago Darnall, Dick Spinle, Johniy Ihays-, free styiler on the 1928 Michigan team,
yesterday, the Yanks and Athletics kifl, and Bob Wa'Iker will pirticipate; will also enter the hack- stroke.
managed to split their double header. in the races' June 22, 23, and 24 in the, Walker lIrs shown extraordinary abil-
his troit Boat club's 55 meter pool. ity as a, hack stroker, and may spring
Pipgras, New York hurler, lost his e
fistgmeo te esowhleRth1Another Wolverine, Garc vt~ils rss
folrste game orteseasnt h ier uthbe a candidate for the Canadian O~ym- j Michigan is practically" assured of
colctdhsporeetiomrc squad.; a swimmier on the Canadian Olympic
A31ERICAN LEAGUE Buck SamTson1, captain of the 1926 team in the person of Garnet Ault,
Michigan tank tceam, is already as-I holder of the national intercollegiafte
S1. Louis 006 014 010-12 12 4 suared of a trip to Amsterdamn. lie is a 440 yardl record. He will m~ake a bid
Cleveland 020 031 003- 9 18 2 member of the Illincis A. C. water for a place in the 4600 meter swim at
Detroit 001 020 001 002-6 15 1 polo steam which won the right to rep- the 0anadian tryouts~which are sched-
Chicgo 00 11 010000-4 13 4 resent the United Status by apnex.-, tled for July at Toronto..
Chiago 010110010mn the National A. A.U. title at Chli- Th711 Michigan 04lympic candidates
New York 002 001 303--4 12 2 cago inzi Apriil. However, 1Samson will - re wvorkinga out in the Union pool
Athletics 000 111 112-7 12 2 , lso try for a place in the 'swimming under ^the expert g;uid1a~fice of Coach
Second Came- events. He will be. a candidate in t att Mannii. Tbbhy are being groomed
New ork 0001Ufl010- 6 400 meter free style. to meet the nation's best swimmers in
NewYor 00 10 01-2 0 A former 'Princeton star now e- the tllhls at. Detroit.
Athletics 900 003 20x-5 fl 1 rolledl in the lawt school here, JAhtnuy- -
Washiington- Boston, rain. Hawkins, will make a bid for a. place, KANSAS CITY-The United States
in the 1500 meter free style. He will! Davis Cup Team will engage the
Homne runs: Gehzringer, (Detioit; meet strong opposition from Rayniond Chinese team in the semi-final match
Lazzeri,' Ruth,, (New York). Ruddy anid Clarence Crabbo. liefle May 25, 26, and 27.
NTOA 1ErnEThe 100 meters free style will find ' r -_--
NATIONA LEAGUEBob Darnall, 1927 captain among the ATHENS-Three students were in-
New York 000 000 000-0 3 many aspirants for th~e team. His'jured when the stands collapsed dur-
Brooklyn 200 000 01x-3 6 2 showing (luring the collegiate ;,eason iug the Georgia Tech-Georgia baseball
establishes him as a serious contend- game here recently.
0CIninnati 000 000 010-1 8 0 _______________________________________
St. Louis 103 300 00x-7 10 1

(By Associated Press)
PRESTWICK, Scotland, May 24. -
Douglas Grant, sole surviving_ Ameri-
can in the British amateur golf cham-
pionship was eliminated today by A.
R. MacCallum, young Scottish physi-
cian of Wblver Hampton 2 up.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea-
sonab'le rates. M. V. tHartsuff.
Dial 9387. C--77-180
TYPEWRITERS-Sales and Service.
All makes, large and portable,
bought, sold,. rented, repaired. Our
machines and work guaranteed. In
business since 1908. 0. D. Morril,
17 Nickels Arcade. C
FOR RENT-Suite of front rooms,
newly furnished; girls preferred.
$30. per month. Phone 7990. 206
S. 4th Ave. 176-7-8
FOR RENT-Rooms for summer 'stu-
dents or nurses; available after
Juine 15th. 204 N. Ingalls St.

WANTED TO RENT DURING 1 sanitiary couch and double desk. COLORED experienced all aro
SUMMER SESSION D il 8544 or 9714. 422 E. Washing-1 cook wishes position in fratenl
Furnished home or flat, of which thel ton.. 178-9-0, in the fall. Phone 21530J. 175
bscaewlbetkn Dosotneed tb be near campus if rent is WA-TLI COLORED couple want work a's c
reasonable. Can furnish references and porter in (non-Jewish) fra
if desired. Will be in Ann Arbor or WANTED-on-umrTelegraph Dy editor for night' nity house f--nr next Sep~tember.
Saturday to inspect and arrange " Dib.pertenced and clean. Refer'en
details. J. W. 13. Foley, 1124 For-1 177-8-9-0 Write box No. 51. 178
sythe St.. Toledo, Ohio. 176-71 WANTED-Couple want a job in fra-1LS
,~ternity beginning first semester. LOS____________________
D'ESIRABLE) single room in Girls'Faeniybs rfrnc',rciyL-Yelwd_-acse
M League House. Oen-half block from Faent etrfrneso iyLS-elwgl rah e
campus. 725 Haven Ave. 177-8-94 references. Daily, Box 48. seed pearls anid one diamond.
_____________________________174-5-6-7-8-9 ued as a -gift. Reward. M'rs. R
FOR RENT-Large double room, one, WANTI'E-Students to know that ourI Brown, 703 Church. Phone 955
single, and garage, ,Girls or young ioeludymtosgv or175
coule referrd. ial854 or clothes p~ersonal attention. M1oe I LOST-On Rilver Road, Sunday at
9714. 422 E. Washington. 178-9-0 Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C no.Mv2fmn' r et.


WELL furnished two-room apartment,
plenty of' hot water; quiet home.j
315 Packard. 22464. 178f


FOR SALE-Complete furnishings of
3-room apartment; transfer lease
if desired. Fine Stickley furniture,
Wilton rug, drapes, .mirrors, break-
fast set, completely equipped kitchen
with electric refrigeration, etc. Less
than one-half cost; new iS months
ago. 310 Washtenaw Apartments.
Dial 22276. 175-6-7
FOR SALE-Radio and electric pho-
no-graph combination. Home made.
6 tubes. Phone 8538. 444 S. State.

WANTED-Ten students, Michigan
re'sidents, for summer employment.
!Profits $250-$300 per month. Phone
Mr.i Bramble, Michigan. Union,
Thursday P. M. or Frid-ay. 175-67
WANTED-Four students, either men
or women, for direct selling during
the summer. Can easily earn from
$600 to $1,000 during the three,
months. For further details write'
Allen Specialty Co., 38 N. Genesee
St., Waukegan, Ill. 176-7-8
WANTED - Transportation to Cali-,
fornia. Will drive and share in ex-
pense of car. Phone 9810 after_ 10
P. M. Call Elliott. 176-7-8
WANTED-Cook in sorority house be-t
ginning next fall: Apply Michigan
Daily, Box No. 49. 176-7-8-9-01
WANTED-Good canoe by June9.
Write Clare Kafer, Palmyra, Mich.,
giving full description, 177-8-9

tamning gold watch and chain, fo
tamd pen, and Detroit 'street
tickets. Name inside of -watch b
Vest left hanging on tree tru
Will finder nlease telephone 5463
or address ine, 2918 Grand -aver
Detroit. Substantial reward. Lot
F. Dittmar. 176.
LOST-Small brown purse, contin
keys, T-hursday evening in vich
of Michigan theater. Phone 577'
LOST-Blue silk umbrella. at
Auditorium, Saturday night. Val
as gift. Rewrda. Gertrude Or
Phone 7042. 17,
LOST-Black Duofold foimtain pen
State between Williams and C,
erine. Leiave at this office. 1'
LOST-Heavy sterling fraternity r
Crest set in rectangular black o:
Reward offer'ed. Calll 4718 or
dress box 50.1
LOST-Zeta Psi Pi. Gall 5717r

Phone 3627. 176-7 FOR SALE-'24 Hupp touring. Call
FLETHERHAL-An Aror' ony 6126 between 7 and S P. M. 176-7
men's dormitory. Shower baths, FRATERNITY and rooming hou'ses.
hot and cold water in each room. - . T.' Albro, 106 East Huron.1
Summer rate, $2.50 per week. Home Phone 5800. c
cooked meals in connection. 915
Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Phone FOR SALE-Double deck bed and
4770. 175-6-7-8-9-0 mattresses, single bed, double bed,

TRYOUTS for boeard
Alpha Epsilon.




Home runs:

0 ,00 001 100-2 8
'foo 420 00x-6 11


Hiolm, Bottomley, (St.

SShaw, Grotery CO.
.Staple and Fancy
-~Quality Meats.
P hones 3 7 12-39400 - 1 P a k r S t
709-711 Pack~rrr 6ard t.~nrr

Attractive Fraterni ties
and Sororities:
Here is an opportunity that comes only once in a long time:
One of the older fraternities having purchased a new building
site is going to sell the house they now own and occupy.
This house is located only 3 blocks from the campus on 'a
beautiful, large, wooded lot in a very desirable section. It is
fully equipped for 28 boys or girls and in excellent condition
throughout. It is altogether a large, beautiful, well arranged
house and the price is much less than half the replacement
If you are in a position to arrange for the purchase of a house
or wait to trade your present house toward a better one, please
get in touch with me at once.

~ ,MAN,

Established 1888
Orders Ta ken Every Wednesdi y Aflerf oon at Our Petrt I fice,
Rom 416 United Artists ,Bldg., Bagleq Ave.


Ainn Arbor




A.' S. Lyndon,
333 South Main Street

Phone 9312

Evenings 5041

* , ..........

f _
. and he Ywonders..why
j Dejected! Blue! Just-chasing, rainbows! Bad Luck!
" ~A hundred different emotions seized him! Always
LL' seemed to "almost get there," but never connected!
Success just failing to arrive--year after year. Great
fellow; hard worker; honest. But careless beyond
r ~belief. His careless (garterless) fallen. socks are an excel-
lent example of his What do I care?" attitude. And still
he wonders why success never arrives.:
~~Give Y'ourself SOX .Appeal--Wear

s ., ,
. .
,- !
,w ;, ,
.. t
t l "a
o " Y V 1.\ k
11/1/ . MZMi'.>_
7 /
y '
h'" y r u
, I f li
.l t.11K , a . a
' .. , !
> ',
e 7 J

Correct Clothes and. Accessories
For, Golf an d Count ry Wear


styled to our ideas

Striped 'Flannel Trousers
Knickers in ca m el's hair,' tweed, atnd linenn

S ip over


Whipcord Breeches


Sport shoes in black an d white-
alokrb 1k'.nal hrowrin mIn tfrrne


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