________________________ THE MCHIGAN DAILY r -PFrIDA ~,MY2 Y, MAY 25, JOURNAL'ISM ST'UDENTS Student Is Awarded rinPack Forestry Prize II LI TO [DII APr Chre eihar'2F wsan Sevenh members of a class in ad- Latlirop Pack: prize of $50 for the beat xvi itten essay on tihe subject, "Private vancedl new s writing yesterday Help., Forecstry: "Its P~ossii)ities and Diffi- edl edit the Aim Arbor Daily News. ! ulties," at a meeti;ng of the Forestry Under the auspices of the journalism clb yesterfa y. Competition is open department and Ray B3aker, editor of for this prize every yea~r among thu the ail paerthecooeraionbe-students of the For'estry school. th dil pprth coertin e Following the announcement of the tween the journalism classes and the 'winner-bf the prize the Forestry club paper were airanged. elected officers for the comning year.I The studlents reported at 7 o'clock Willis C.' Brunch, '28F was elected in- the morniing witlh the regular re- president, R~us'sell R. Reynolds, '30F, porters on the Daily News and work- v ice-president, Clayton W. Scribner, ed until the afternoon deadline. Each '29F, secretary, Albin G-. Jacobson, student was assigned to one depart- '30F, treasurer, and Paul A. Brinson, meat of theP ape ad covered the ''20F, corresponding secretary. "beat" of the regular reporter in, his_ company. Some were assined to the ULRIBBONS AI)lahdstesotsdprmn, T'ltt the society editor's' desk, thie city hall for all mtkes of beat, tlhe pholice reporter b~eat, and the city desk.. TYPE WIII1TElIS Practical experience in editing and Rapid turnover, fresh. stock Iiasirer inu the management- of a newspaper best quality at a moderate price. was learned by the "cubs." Several 0 ~ ;stories f'or the Thursday afternoon is- u ". 0 R IL sue were written and "heads" put on 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. f YOST IN CHICAGOI FOR CONFERENCE! Fielding H. Yost, director of iath- letics, is in Chicago today attending the annual meeting of athletic coaches am~d directors, and faculty representa- tives, which will extend over today and tomorrow. Mr. Yost, however,1 will return to Annl Arbor tomorrow3 mcrning, as he is forced to give up the Saturday program in Chicago (due to a meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics which convenes tomorrow. noon. TAK'E, A CHANCE NIGHT SA'I.-- RL(UA ALI) PENNY in "OUI.T ALL -NIfa11."' 4' Phoe 3694 Complete Radio Service ON ALL MAKES I CL.ASSI FIED ADS PA Y S WEETLA.N1' Geo. Wedemeyer 210 E. Washington U Home of Qduality I 11 'This Ad with 1, i Cents for r q ,.. . a ./1d1'.l.I".!d.I"d././.s"./r'1,. 1./"./. "«T, ".I". i'i:%1", r "1,s'dddf'"./": "".a'"d« dd1.i":d. d".oddd. rd. .s^. /_ Blue Lantern ]Ballroom Refreshments Fish Dinner Today WVie are serving a spe'ial Fish ]Diner A meal that tastes different, that is ent than other fish dinners. Gives Us aTrial today. differ- . . r j ',' . , ' i 5 ._ _ l Island Lake Decoration Day Specials DA4NCING Dgel icious Toasted Sandwiches Hbt Waffles Salads Matinee Two till Six Evening Eight till Micnitc LINCOLN RESTAURANTS, 213 E. HURON ST. '33 S. StiU 1TES. OFFERING MC iney's Cotton Pickers 'Orchestra 'rA~"J.J./.. ~'J./"1.I. ",.I..I. lll I"I.:'0«Il./ .P./. r .1'..I,./ d0" ". "~. °'.J.s". ".. ".. . . ,. .1". ".d". .i ./. . ", I" KUSSURELIS RROS-U 212 South Main Phone 6666 ;:. ' /.I them. It is nlainned that sections of, stu- dents in the Jou rn alism departmnt shall visit the Dally News next week , also. SUBSCRIBE TO THE WMEEKLY S'fARTING TQJ)AY II~Direct from Gravstone, DetroitI f' 'FAA TODAY ONLY, G iV'U ifJPUi3 ie7 * 1114IrY111t XVU *dVV ttMI 5 i tf -IA'4 tWV' The NUT House Sodas Lunches The y All Meet Here i MICHIGAN THEA IREI* STAGE PRESENTAIO HAYNES, LEHMAN & KAISER "'Three Little Playmates" S .. . SCHOOL-END CANDY SALE TO MAKE' ROOWIlOR A NEW LINE s,,yI ^:..7 Zke)i Kioris Story of an n )mazrriedlI)ife - a2rflerd ro4.pryn ""Siqhlysed" MAY M AVOY, AWAR. BROS. itP7ROYCCT[O TODAY ONLY! $ - PATSY -RUTH MILLER In dina, te enearof civilized io- culd t rehi, iltwoanshd '[.'011hA1? 6? O - iAOI S4 I I1SO-N---"5.I1A IlPSH.00EI IRS Passionately Tendr, Mirthful, Human Story by Darryl Francis Zauck odGni witAr WanerOlCosdT >Cyd Co ~1 Appc A Chu-I LO iintments Stio Comedy rESHY"' G I PARtA31OUNT NEWS r'Tlie Eyes of the World COMEVDY A OltGAN ORCHESTRA i1 Yewis Events CO~INNG Dolores SUN DAY Del Rio 0 G eo. Choos IA NotieJty Mich. Locals iLatest Topics, MAJESTIC 'ORCHESTRA "RAMVO NA" "Petite Revue" i Cosm'opolitan Opening SATURDAYV, May 26th - Be Here That Vibrant Flaming Film Sensation of Modorni Produced from Actual Scenes Calls a Spade a Spade-Shows Everything Ji "4'pG . 'fir kL .r s. . W. "/1 [4?. Jr, '... . , . "' :, . F , ,. *g j A, A-.r. its NimKt--D. TH'UI H . t NOW PLAYING THRU SAT. t . , ..e . + NMI 7 , 5 a '' fy _ r , +h J . j IN scow"S old Ovr For the Balance of the Week By Popular Demand :. r II ^r' .. C IIILI U IE N'SIA iTINEE Iten Aiiiiouiwenient Elsewh~ere here GAlloping Mlaly across the plains . . . to six.* hR~se tui=nts. Careening *..lurching. Drivers fighting. Suddenly a coihsion-anid. A thrill swept love story of the early West. THEPICTURE THAT HAS MADE ALL THEANN' ARBOR GASP 'NOTjE-Thiousanuds ar~e coming mnyt milts to see~ this senisationatl phtoplay andu to avoidi staain ad tl possible disappointment, we urge yoga to come early, Shows Daily at 1--3-5-7-9 P.m . NOTHING LIKE IT EVER OFFERED MAIE ADMTIfl AND NIGH'NIH BIG SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SOW SATURDAY, BERG. 11: 00 //am/Y^ ramount. R,~leas toU~EA {WTEEN TIgj 4ramoua gict tre ANN CHRISTIE. -A COMEDY COMET! ,' ',/ ADD)ED Comedies-Novelties-News ST1AR'TING' SUNDlAY ANI) ALL WEEK iAU The answer to MISAUEU.VI °~ BFAV EESTE" I *. SPECIAL _____ Children's Matinee Saturday Mornin g U P, UP,;tUP-another rocket of roars whien big Harold Lloyd gets into action and thiere are Ito speed limits for "Speedy:" It's a new triise i ili litugli realer whteit this f i-jnakp'r gets Into troublle 1I 6 Ak'1 A I If