ESTABLISHED 1890 Ir~ i t I aU MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . .............. . VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 178. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1928. EIGHT I 731 OTE I S OR U Io E 0 1 i L kA, 11' I STUDENT COUNCILMEN ENDORSE FALL OPEN CONVOCATION CUSTOM' COWBOYS AND DAGGER-THROWERS STRUT STAGE IN OPERA TRYOUTS REGRET OMISSION OF OPENING CONVOCATION LAST FALL CAUSE OF MOVE CHOOSE OTHER OFFICERS Bill Submitted By City For Damages To Property D)uring Freshma14n. Sophomore Tug Of War Endorsement of the Fall open con- vocation and recommendiaition thiat the custom be revived next year was moved and passed by the Student council at their regular weekly meet- ing la'st night. In the opinion of the council, the omission last fall of the customiary convocation to open the school year was regretted by a suffi- cient number of upperclassmen to warrant a move for its revival. David Wheeler, '29, reporting on the bill of $39 submitted by the city to the council for damages to city property during the freshman-sophomore tug of war, announced that bhe had made ,arrangements with Eli A. Gallup, city park commissioner and the city en- gineer for repairs to cost $17 or less. The city's bill was itemized at $9 for labor and $30 for curbstones to re- p'iace those brokeni during the games.' The labor item covered the filling of the holes dug by the sophomores on the south bank of the river for in- trenchment purpose's. Will Pay Bill Wheeler recommended that, the bill for labor be paid in full, iand that $8 be paid to a trucking company for hauiling to the river (curbstones) which could be obtained gratis during the summer. This proposition was "Can you throw the rope out so as to ciatch a man's feet while he is walk- ing across the floor?" Roy Hoyer ask- ed of the young man who was doing some roping stunts on the stage of the Mimes theater, last night. ""Sure" the young man replied promptly, and after' a victim had been selected, neatly tripped up the pedestrian tiptoeing across the stage. At the quer§ con- cerning his ability to catch four young men in similar style, the rope expert expressed some doubt but ask- ed only practice. The roper was folilowed by another ITALIARETURNS HOME FROM POLAR JOURNEY Opera tryout who acknowledged that he could throw knives with accuracy. Hoyer called on a redlheladed chorus boy who some day may wear skirts and a wig, to offer himself +as a sacri- fice, but on the extreme bashfulness of "Red" to let knives whirl around him, the tryout. was postponed till a later date. The rope handler comes from a ranch in Parras, Mexico, where he has spent time with .cowboys. The rope last night was not of the right tex- ture a'nd flexibility, but a few of the more familiar rope tricks were pulled off for the satisfaction of the chorus boys, gathered on the stage. The boy who can handle a mean knife,wdid nothing but play a, few moments with a foil but that was dangeous enough. Having been entertained a few min- utes. by such going-ons, the boys, from whom part of the next chorus- es will be chosen, were cialled to the center of the stage where they burst into a mad Black Bottom, sans music. Feature acts have been lacking from Operas, and those whohove thAt "something different" are welcomed by the Opera managers and directors. MAKE APPOINTMENTvi TO BUISINESS STAFFSI 4. said to be acceptable to the city, and was adopted in full by the council. Election of officers was held for tiheI ensuing year at which Robert F. War- ren, '29, was chosen vice-president, Willard E. Lowry, '30, secretary, and, John R. Gilmartin, '29E, treasurer. Two ballots were necessary in the vice presidential election to break a tie be- tween Warren and Eugene Easterly, '29E. Paul J. Kern, '29, president, an- nounced in the absence of Richard S. Spindle, '29E, that arrangements had been made with the Athletic associa- tion to begin registration of men for the cheering 'section next fall, and that I the work would begin at the end of! the present week. Committee Chosen Reporting on Earl E. Fleischman's proposal for a First Nighters' club to unify dramiatic interest on the campus, Lowry stated to the council that faculty men whom he :had interviewed on the proposition were in favor of a scheme of unification but advised the: counicil to proceed slowly in giving its support to the First Nighters' club specifically. After discussion a mo- tion was passed to appoint a commit- tee of three to consider the problem 1 and draft a resolution to be published tomorrow. Councilmen Lowry, Gil- martin, and Warren were appointed to the drafting committee. Appointments to the Advisory com- mittee of the council were ainnounced by Kern as follows: ex-officio, War- ren and Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, and' Gilmartin and Ernest B. McCoy, '29. These men will sit with the University Discipline committee next year and with the Senate Committee oni Stu- dent Affairs. A motion to appoint a committee was passed to cooperate with Prof. William A. Frayer in securing upper- classmen to advise the freshmen dur- ing Freshmen week next fall. The members of this committee will be an- nounced later. POWER PROBLEMS CONCERN SENATE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 24- A hectic day in Congress, with Senate scenes not duplicated in the memory of older inhabitants of the floor or press gal- lery, left that body at sundown plung- ed in words which seems evidence of a brand new Muscle Shoals filibus- ter. The house, however, put through: Italian Commander Crosses Over Pole For The Second Time In A Year DROPS CROSSOVER POLE (By Associated Press) KING'S BAY, Spitzbergen, May 24. -Coated with much ice and with a strong southwest wind against it, the dirigible Italia today was slowly mak- ing its way back to the base at King's Bay after a brilliant flight to the North pole. Gen. Umberto Nobile, successful in his second dirigible flight to the top of the world, sent three historic mes- sages from the pole, one to Pope Pius, telling the pontiff that he had dropped the cross entrusted to him on the North pole from the Italia and the others to King Victor Emanuel and Premier Mussolini. While over the pole the flags of Italy and Milan and various othr souvenirs were dropped. The cross which was about six feet high with a metal base had a repos- itory in which was placed a message written in Latin by Pope Pius. For two hours the dirigible cruised over the pole, reaching the spot at 20 minutes after midnight, 19 hours and 30 minutes after leaving King's bay. At 2:20 a. m. the return flight was be-. gun, the dirigible following the 24th meridian to the halfway point about 350 miles from the pole, and then turn ing for King's Bay. At noon today, the Italia wirelessed her base ship, the Cittia Milano, that she was halfway home and that she would probably reach King's bay some time after midnight. General Nobile had planned to land several men at the pole to make ob- servations but the message received at King's bay indicated that this part of the plan had not been carried out. ALUMNI OFFICERS ATTEND MEETING Elmer J. Ottoway, '94, of Port Hur- on, Michigan, president of the Alumni Association, who was in Ann Arbor for a short visit Tuesday and Wednes- day, left yesterday with Hawley Tap- ping, field secretary, to attend a joint meeting of the Rotary and University' of Michigan clubs of Owosso, Michi- gan. While in Ann Arbor, Mr. Otto- way held several conferences with President Little concerning the gen- eral program of the association for the coining year. KOBE PRESS REPORTS JAPAN CONTROLS KEY TO CHINESESITUATION CHINESE WAR PARTIES AT MERCY OF JAPANESE RAILWAY DOMINATION HOLD TSINAN AND MUKDEN Can Decide Issue Of War By Stopping Advancement Of North Or South Troops (By Associated Press) TOKIO, May 24--Japan, through its control of Tsinan, the key city of Shangtung province, and through its ascendancy in Manchuria, holds the warring factions of China at its mer- cy, so the Japan Chronicle, the Eng- lish-language daily published at Kobe maintains. In discussing Japan's position and opportunities in China, the Chronicle says: "Japan holds Mukden and Tsin- an and can minimize or entirely pre- vent the advance of reinforcements of either the Northern or the Southern armies exactly as she wishes, and that without taking any visible action. Sh( can accomplish it simply by an or- der holding up the trains at either point; thus the issue of the war i. entirely in Japan's hands and which- ever way it turns it will be becausE Japan decides it shall turn that way.' Great Business Interests it may be that Japan does not car< whether the North or the South wins concludes the Chronicle. "We are al- ways told of the blood and treasurt with wich they were bought, not to speak of their economic necessity Japan's interests in Shantung were from 1915 to 1922, almost as great, al though the Washington treaty appar- ently changed all that. However, ther( were considerable properties and bus iness interests left even when th< military troops were withdrawn an( the military and civil administratior handed over. For the second time th( protection of these interests have jus- tified precautions such as would b( (and have been) taken in Manchuria when anything menaced Japanese in terests there. "Japan, therefore, is the arbiter of fate for the Chinese faction and can secure agreements from both of them at the same time. Moreover, her posi- tion in Northeastern Asia is so strong that no other state will find fault with her action in this region. It i's only necessary to add that Baron Tanaka now premier and foreign minister, was intimately associated with the Chinese policy which was supposed to have come to an end at Washington." IFauster And Miller Name Assistani s For Next Year's hargoyle, 3lIichiganensian UPPER STAFFFOR WOMEN Junior appointments to the upper business staffs of the Gargoyle and 'Ensian were made yester lay by the business managers of the two pub- lications, Carl U. Faeuster, '29, andl J. Franklin Miller, '29. Miller also announced additional changes in the 'Ensia n program for the coming year. Under the new plans for the 'Ensian which include the appointment of the first women's upper staff in the his- tory of campus publications, it was announced that an additional wo- men's sales staff had been appointed as a part of the 'Ensian drive which will seek to sell a total of more than 4,000 'Ensians next fall. The upper women's business staff of the 'Ensian as appointed by Mar- garet Moore, '29, woman's business manager of the publication is as fol- lows: accounts, Elfrida Peterson, '30; advertising, Harriet Moses, '30; or- ganizations, Dorothy Woodrow, '30; and sales and distribution, Jane Brooks, '30. The newly formed women's sales staff, which is being established this year for the first time, includes the following: Florence Bultain, '30, Jean Duffield, '30, Lela Crump, '30, and Ruth Bishop, '30. The men appointed to the upper staff of the publication are: sales and; distribution, Fred Bauschard, '30; ad- vertising, Samuel Atkin4, '30; organi- zations, Franklin Moore, '30; and al- ternate, James Osborne, '30. Assignments to departments in the Gargoyle business office were also made yesterday. The men appointed were announced nearly two weeks ago but were not assigned to their posi- tions until yesterday. The appointments are: accounts, Richard S. Cole, '30; national adver- tising, Bernard Friedland, '30; local advertising, William D. Berger, '30; circulation, Charles Roth, '30; publi- cations, T. Samuel Long, '30; and ser- vice, Franklin Quale, '30. Norman Levy, '30, and Paul Kelly, '30, were selected as alternates. IOLSTAD LEADS IN BIGTEN GOLF (Special to The Daily.) COLUMBUS, May 24.-Lester Bol- stad, 1927 Big Ten championi, led the field in the Conference tournament here today with a c'ard of 159 for the first 36 holes of play over the difficult Scioto course. Sargent of Ohio State was in second place with 161, one stroke ahead of Captain Connor of Michigan and Lehman of Purdue who tied for third position. Vyse of Mich- igan tied for sixth with 168, while Bergelin and Cole registered,171 and 178 respectively. Ohio State, with all four members of its team pllaying consistent golf, took a ten stroke lead over ,Lllinois in team totals with 665. Northwest- ern was third with 676, while Mich- igan was in fourth place with 679. Play will be completed with another 36 holes ,tomorrow. PHI KAPPA PHI HOLDS INITIATIONAND DINNER 36 Initiated Into National Academic Honor Society And Officers Elected For Next Year LEWIS DELIVERS ADDRESS "Draw distinctions in the absence of lifferences," was the advice of Prof. Howard B. Lewis of the Chemistry lepartment in discussing certain as- pects of research in scientific fields before the annual initiation and din- 4fer of Phi Kappa Phi, national aca- lemic honor society, which was held ast night at the Union. "Among the >ther benefits of training in research, 'onesty and humility must be, includ- }d as furnishing constructive train- ng to the true investigator, for one an accomplish little in any field of -esearch unless he is governed by ,hese two precepts." Preceding the address of Profes- sor Lewis, eight members of the Uni- versity faculties and 78 undergraduat- js were initiated into the society. Following the initiation, Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus of, the college of ?harmacy, chairman of the nominat- ng committee, reported the nomina-. ion of the following men as officers or the academic year, .1928-29, who were subsequently elected by the so- Aiety: Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, presi- dent; Prof. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice- oresident; Prof. Roy S. Swinton, se- -retary; J. C. Christensen, treasurer; and Prof. Clifford C. Glover, histor- i an. QUESTION LEGALITY OF RESULTS DIR0ECTORS WILL MAKE DECISIOI FOLLOWING MEETING ISATURDA' PLAN WOULD PLACE MAJOR OFFICE OF ORGANIZATION UNDER MERIT SYSTEM Legality of the results of the voting which took place last nigl at the Union on the proposed amendment to change the method c selection of the offices of president and recording secretary frol popular election to appointment by the board of directors will.1 submitted to the board of directors for decision at a meeting to 1 held Saturday afternoon, it was announced late last night by Williai V. Jeffries, grad., pres dent of the Union for the past year. An actual count of the ballots cast on the proposition showed total of 731 in favor and 29 opposed. Some protests, however, hay been registered as to the legality of the voting and as a result th decision of the validity of the election will be' held over until tl meeting- of the board and official announcement of the adoption 4 the amendlment will >e withheld pending approval of that body. Jeff ries, acting in his capacity of president, called the' a sembly to order shortly after 7:30 o'clock. Examining the crowd, h estimated that the necessai quorum of 600 was not present an announcing that fact after he had rem E lared, however, that the ballots wou be passed aind the voting held, tl polls remainig open for an hour. The amendment under consider "Slightly Used" To lie Feature Plc- tion proposes that beginning ne: ture On Baseball Championship spring the president and recordir Program Tomorrow secretary of the Union be appoint by the board of directors. This ph 8EE E B COUNCIL would remove these offices from theE IS SEfilled at the annual' all-campus ele ions and, leave, the six vice-pres "Slightly Used," featuring May Mc:-dencys as the only Union offices to 1 Avoy and Conrad Nagel, now playing filled by popular election. at the Michigan, has been selected by Proposed more than two mont the Student Council, it was announced ago, endorsed by a.speci'al committ( last night, as the picture which will on reorganization, and endorsed ngai be shown Saturday night in I4 au- Lananimously, by the board of direc ditorium through the courtesy of the >rs, the project is in its inceptic Butterfield theaters in commemora- modeled after the method now fc tion of Michigan's 1928 Big Ten base- lowed by the Board in Control of Stt I Anyone who has had consid- erable experience at typing, who can type with reasonable speed and accuracy, and who would like to act as telegraph editor of The Daily or The Summer Michigan Daily, will please communicate with The Daily office in the Press building at once. This position is for night work and pays a salary. 4 1 t i Many In Shantung At present there are about 24,000 Japanese in S'hantung, most of them at Tsingtao, Tsinan, and the vicinity. It is not believed that these nationals will leave Shantung because of the, recent troubles between the Shantung and the Nipponese troops. It may be that the following advice of Mr. Seij- iro Miyajima, one of the leading fin- ancial magnates of the nation, will represent the attitude of the govern- ment: "The best way for Japan to deal with China is to revive the pre-Wash-, ington conference condition. That is to say, Japan should occupy Tsingtao and control the railways. She should station troops in Shanghai and other places of importance. IN CONFR[ENCE MEET! (Special To The Daily) LAFAYETTE, May 24.-Two of Michigan's three entries in the Con- ference tennis meet survived today's play on the University of Purdue courts, Captain Barton advancing to the semi-finals of the singles tournai, ment while the doubles team of Bar- ton and Moore, 1927 Big Ten champ- ions, defeated Captain McMillan and Lebord of Wisconsin 6-4, 7-5 in the first round match. Barton found easy going in his first I match of the day, winning over Cap- tain Milford of Purdue with the loss of but four games in two sets, but found stiffer opposition in Bard, ex-, Trost, North Chosen Leaders Of Varsity Music Organizations Varsity Glee club officers for the coming year were elected last night at a meeting held in the Union. Theodore Louis Trost, Spec., was reelected pres-6 ident; Vincent Peterson, '29, was el- ected representative to the Board of Control; Lawrence Goodman, '29, sec- retary; and Frederick Fleming, '29D, librarian. Theodore Harrison, director of the club during the past year, was given a great ovation in. appreciation of his splendid personal intetest in the club. Following the meeting, the singers made their annual serenading tour. Officers of another campus musical organization, the Varsity Band, were also elected at a meting held Wed- nesday night. They are: Walter North, '28, president; Robrt Burhans, '29M, vice-president; and Lee D. Van Ant- werp, '31M, secretary. Gilbert Salton- stall, '30, was appointed manager for the coming year, and Elbert Trail, '31, assistant manager. ball championship. The student celebration has been ar- ranged through the efforts of the Stu- dent Council after negotiations with theater managers during the past week, and will be held at 8 o'cljick Saturday night in Hill auditorium,.he Butterfield theaters are furnishing the film and an operator in accordance with their traditional policy of giving Michigan students a free show each time one of the major University ath- letic teams wins aWestern conference title. The present theater policy was an- nounced a little over a year ago in March and came as the result of a number of riots in which mobs of students sought to rush the local the- aters in cele"rating,' i "portant con- ference victories. Although these efforts failed in their original end, they led local authori- ties to realize that some change in the situation must be arranged. As a re- sult, a number of conferences were held between Mayor Campbell for the, city, President Little for the Univers- ity, and the Butterfield theater manag- ers. These meetings culminated in an announcement of the policy which is being put in operation Saturday night for the first time, GLEE CLUB, BAND TO HOLD BANQUET The two major musical organizia- tions on the campus, the Varsity Band ,and the Varsity Glee club, will hold a joint banquet tonight iat the Union. This will be the first time- the annual banquets of the two organizations have been combined into one. A feature of tonight's banquet will be the announcement of the names of musicians elected to the honorary band fraternity, the "R.O.O.C."--- O"Royal Order of Oil Cans," election to which is a reward for signal service to the band during, the past year. THE UNION AMENDMENT (, (1) Change Article IV, Section tion one, paragraph one, to read as follows-The President of the Union and its Recording Secre- tary, to be students, ex-officio, to be appointed by the Board of ( Directors as hereinafter provided for. (2) Under Article IV add the ( following-The Board of Direc- tors shall, on the Saturday pre- ceding the all-Campus elections, appoint, by a majority of vote of the entire Board, a President and Recording Secretary of the Un- Iion.a . (3) Under Article XII See- tion I, paragraph two, leave out the words "at least two candi- dates for President and Record- ing Secretary and for each of the Vice presidents, five in all." Insert the words "at least two I candidates for each of the Vice- I Presidents, six in all." " (4) Under Article XII, Section I II, leave out the words "may I nominate a candidate or candi- dates for any or all such offices" I and add the words "may nom- inate a candidate or candidates for Vice-president." I (9) Article XIII, Section I, I leave out the words "President, ( Recording Secretary and five I Vice-Presidents and add "six I Vice-Presidents." I (6) Article XIII, Section II, I leave out the words "each mem- | ber of the Union shall be entitled I to vote for one candidate for I President, one candidate for Re- I cording Secretary" and add the words, "each student member I shall be entitled to vote for one ( candidate for Vice-President for I the college or school in which I he shall then be a student." dent Publi'ations in selecting t business managers and managing ed tors of the various publications. As under the system employed the publications board, it is thoug that under the workings of the pla the recording secretary and the prat dent would submit a cGmppilete reco of the work sand 'abilities of each f applying for one or the other of t offices. Tihe bolard which would sit in makiri | ] i PROSPECTIVE MEDIC HEAR TALK' BY "Medicine," said Dean Cabot of the medical school in his lecture before prospective medical students yester- day afternoon in Natural Science audi- torium, "will probably never be suc- cessfully socialized as has been done in other professions." He referred to the establishment of a state medical staff. "The cause for this," he con- tinued, "is the fact that a person pre- fers to select his own physician." The Weather (By Associated Press) Unsettled with local showers andt warmer today; mostly fair tomiorrow.1 CAL STUDENTS DEAN HUGH CABOT factors in the success of a physician, such as a degree of physical sound- ness," he said. "The demand for thisI has been greatly decreased since thel use of the automobile, but a doctor is expected to be able and ready to re- spond to any call at any time." An- other factor in success in the medical line, is a "cordiality toward science," as Dr. Cabot phrased it, for medicinej is rapidly becoming more of a scienceI and less of an art.j NOTED MISSIONARY GIVES LECTURE ON INDIAN LANGUAGES AND DIALECTS "An Indian boy of ten can speak his I over 30 years, will be in Ann Arbor language as correctly as can a man of 50," 'stated Father Wm. F. Gagnieur. in his lecture on the Odjibway dia- lects yesterday afternoon in Angell hall before a large audience. "Tihe language is so nicely constructed," he went on "that it is absolutely impos- sible to make grammaticial errors! today and tomorrow for the purpose of acquainting philologists with the three Odjibway dialects. He is the only man living who has an accurate knowledge of them, for the Indians. themselves have combined the three dialects into one tongue. At the conclusion of his lecture, I Ai