Ahr Ar
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 23-President
Coolidge today vetoed .the McNary-
Haugen farm relief bill.
Thus for the second time in as many
years Mr. Coolidge has disapproved
a farm plan embodying the equaliza-
tion fee machinery for surplus crop
Whether there will be any farm re-
lief enacted this session now is up to
Congress. The house and senate have
a chance of repassing the bill with-
out the equalization fee, in the hope
of winning presidential favor, or of
attempting enactment of the measure
as it stands by over-riding Mr. Coo-
lidge's veto.
There is much doubt that the latter
course would prove successful.
"Prejudicial To Policy"
The president vetoed the bill on the
grounds of constitutionality and be-
cause the "so-called equalization fee
and other features of the old meas-
ure are still prejudicial in my opin-
ion to sound public policy and to ag-
The veto draws the issue between
the president and the farm group in
congress more tightly than it ever
has been and unless some further
action is taken at the capitol, will
place the agricultural question before
the coming presidential conventions
as an outstanding controversy
Frank 0. Lowden is one of the
bill's most outspoken champions. Vice
president Dawes favors it and Senator
Curtis of Kansas and Senator Watson
of Indiana, have voted for it.
Secretary Hoover has been regard-
ed as standing with the president on
farm relief.
The senate would have to muster
a two-thirds vote to pass the bill over
Mr. Coolidge's veto. This session the
senate passed it by a vote of 53 to 23,
or slightly more than the necessary
two-thirds. in the house the measure
was approved 204 to 121, or slightly
less than two-thirds.
Its consideration in both houses was
enlivened by a discussion of its possi-
The objections of the piresident
were summarized by him under
( these six headings:
I "First:' Its attempted price
fixing policy.
"Second: The tax characteris-
tics of the equalization fee. -
( "Third: The widespread bur-
eaucracy which it would set up.
"Fourth: Its encouragement to
profiteering and wasteful distri-
bution by middle-men.
( "Fifth: Its stimulation of '
"Sixth: Its aid to our foreign
I agricultural competitors."
ble effect on the forthcoming presi-
dential campaign, the names of Low-
den and Dawes frequently being in-
jected into the debate.
Mr. Coolidge said in his veto mes-
sage that this year's McNary-Haugen
bill is in some respects an improve-
ment over the one he vetoed last
year but nevertheless contained "new
and highly objectionable provisions."
The bill,'he said, "essentially con-
sisted of stimulation of the price of
agricultural commodities and products
thereof by artificially controlling the
surpluses so that there will be an ap-
parent scarcity on they market."
New "Objectionable" Items
The veto ended with an expression
of hope that farm legislation "along
the lines suggested in May last an-
nual message, with which many pro-
visions of this bill are in harmony,
may be enacted."
Mr. Coolidge wrote a twelve-page
printed pamphlet outlining his ob-
jections to the bill and included with
it another pamphlet of equal size giv-
ing the views of Attorney General
Sargent on the legal phases of the
In addition, he declared that "these
topics by no means exhausted the
list of fallacious, and indeed, dan-
gerous aspects of the bill-
"In conclusion," Mr. Coolidge de-
clared, "if the measure is enacted one
would be led to wonder how long
it would be before producers in other
lines would clamor for similar 'equal-
Showing On Saturday Night Will Mark
First In Nature Of Athletic
Triumph Celebration
Students of the University are in-
vited to attend a free movie to be
given at 8 o'clock Saturday night in
Hill auditorium as the guests of the
Butterfield theater management in cel-
ebration of winning the Western Con-
ference baseball championship, it was
announced yesterday.
Announcement of arrangements for
the movie was made yesterday by
Paul J. Kern, '29, following negotia-
tions with representatives of the thea-
ters which have extended over the
past three days. The picture has not
been selected as yet but will be se-
lected by the Student Council from
among those now showing in the local
theaters, according to the announce-
The entertainment being furnished
Saturday night will mark the first
time that the arrangement as it was
made by the theater representatives
more than a year ago has been put
into effect, and is in accordance with
the policy of the Butterfield theaters
of giving a free show in Hill audi-
torium each time that Michigan wins a
major athletic championship.
This policy was adopted in the
spring of 1927 following a series of
incidents which included a number of
attempted raids by students upon one
or the other of the local theaters fol-
lowing the winning of important con-
ference victories. The affair was
brought to a head the night of the
Michigan-Iowa basketball game in
which Michigan earned the undisput-
ed Big Ten basketball title.
Only 23 Miners Able To Escape Death;
Rescue Crews Search In Vain
For Other Bodies
(By Associated Press.)
BLUEFFIELD, Va., May 23.-Seven-
teen miners were listed tonight as
victims of an explosion in the number
one mine of the YukonPocahantas
coul company at Yukon, McDowell
county. Thirteen badly mangled bod-
ies had been recovered.
Forty men were in the workings at
the time of the blast and 23 escaped to
the mwain entry. Those killed were
loaders and outters, nine white and
eight negroes.
The explosion occurred last night,
as members of the night shift were
ontheir way to their posts under-
ground and rescue efforts were handi-
capped for a time by the presence of
gases. The crews, however, erected
briattices as they pushed their way for-
ward and before many hours most of
the bodies had been found.
The state rescue squad as well as
those from 'nearby mining operations
were hurried to the mines. The 'state
crew from Matoaka was preparing to
leave for Kentucky, where another
mine explosion tool place near Hiar-
land, when they were advised of the
Yukon blast in their own territory.
They immediately changed their plans
and went to Yukon.
(By Associated Press.)
MATHER, Pa., May 23.-Rescue
work in the Mather mine, where more
than 190 miners met death in disas-
trous explosion, was suspended today,
and tonight the mine was being well
ventilated thoroughly in preparation
for the official investigiation of the
blast by state aind national mine in-
spectors and county authorities.
The !list of recovered dead stood at
164, with some 30 miners still un-
accounted for.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 23.-Two of
the opposing leaders in the Boulder
canyon fight-Douglas, of Arizona,
and Swing, of California,-were pit-
ted against each other in the House
today in an oratorical battle over
the merits of the Swing-Johnson bill.
The measure was laid aside in the
Senate temporarily, but Senator John-
son, Republican, California, gave no-
tice that when the body resumes con-
sideration of it tomorrow, he will ask
Seniors Do Some Mock And Some
Not So Mock Class "Electioning"
By Three Star
Just to show how that much-agi- Imocking, he of the not so misogynist-
tated merit system of elections would
work,fa committee of 17 supposed
seniors did some mock electioneering
of their own, at least they call what
they did "electioneering."
Now inasmuch as a colyum of book
reviews took the place of the Rolls
that are toasted, and seeing that we
must work every day to earn our
daily Daily fare, we, decided, upon re-
quest of the big boss. to report what
Paul Cook they elected their most
bashful boy, to which we might add
"bad." He who is generally known as
C. Cathcart Smutz, alias Courtland C.
Smith, was chosen class baby. And the
bluffer is William C. Pusch. "Mary
Lou" Murray, if we may speak of that
fair femme in the same paragraph
with the foregoing unholy three, was
named class handshaker.
Robert Leland, affectionately known
by many other titles, was named "in
not such a mock manner class poli-
tician. But, and this is much more
Nationalists Om ntiue In Baetingsu
Offensive In Grand Effort
To Maiintain Advantage
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, May 23. - Stung by the
steady drive of the Nationalists on
Peking, the Northerner's struck des-
perately iat the .Southern army in
eastern Chili today, recapturing the
key city of Hokien and pursuing Seng
Yu-hsiang's forces to the south, while
the Nationalists continued their of-
fensive at Eaotingsu, important center
on the railroad to the northern capital.
Advices received in Tokio reported
violent fighting in the vicinity of
Hokien, 100 miles from Peking; the
city first was captured by Feng Yu-
hsiang who drove out a Northern bri-
gade and then changed hands again
when an army of 160,000 men under
the command of Sun Chuan-fang, the
northern leader in Shantung, opened a
terrific offensive. Faced with the
critical situation caused by the loss of
Hokien whaich broke the Taotingfu-
Hokien-Ts:angehow defensive line, the
Northerners drove out the Southern-
Further to the west at Taotingfu, 80
miles south of Peking, a Nationalist
aeroplane bombed the city, dropping
a bomb at the railway station in the
vicinity of a Northern military special
train and at other places causing great
With the rumble of fight south of
Peking steadily growing stronger as
the Northerners turn on the Nation-
alists, the foreign circle in Peking are
stated in Reutter's dispatch to be
growing more and more interested
in the' attitude of the United States
regarding possible trouble there.
(Special to The Daily,)
COLUMBUS, May 23.-Micrigian
golfers defeated Ohio State, the Wol-
verines winning nine and one half
l points out of 12 in the singles match-
es. The playing of the doubles match-
es originally scheduled for afternoon
I were postponed bcause Michigan had
I won sufficient point's to cinch the meet
and also that they might rest. before
the two days of the Conference tourn-
ament to be played here today and to-
morrow. Tournament will be based
on medal play of teams and individ-
I uads.
ic tendencies, James Hughey, uph,
ughy, and ugh, was named class wd-
man hater.
It is rumored that she and he, Dor-
othy Herrick and William Campbell,
chosen as the best students, each need
17 hours of A to graduate. They'll get
their titles again next year.
It was almost a tie, boys, but Ellis
Merry vanquished Vincent Wall for
the place as the best athlete. But sim-
ply by changing Vincent to Vi, the
Music and Drama personage (we must
use a vague word), our traditional
eyesore, was dubbed most "booful"
girl, William Ramsay of Mimes chor-
us, almost won over Wall here, but
Music and Drama could not be denied.
Ruth Moore, Edna Balz, and Sophie
White, to finish the women honored
(?) were named best vamp, most basp
ful, and most popular, respectively,
but not so respectfully.
Dapper Frank Harrigan will have
the opportunity to scoff at the other
pictures of sartorial perfection with
his new title (he is a senior finally).
Fred Duffield may now puff with just
pride when John Gilbert, also hand-
some, passes on the screen. Gordon
Packer, as class Apollo, gets some-
thing to paste in his memory book.
Jo Chamberlin, class dumbbell, Rob-
ert Shambaugh, of the best line, all
Veteran Missionary Of
Ojibway Has
Worked Among Indians For
Many Years
This afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev-
erend Father William F. Gagnieur, a
priest of the Order of Jesuits, and the
last missionary among the Ojibway
Indians will speak in Room 25, Angell
hall on "The Ojibway Indians: Their
Language and Literature."
For the past 30 years Father Gag-
nieur, who is over 80 years of age,
has served these Indians, branches- of
the Algonquin Tribe located in the
Upper Peninsula. He knows the Ojib-
ways as probably no other man in
the world knows them, and he speaks
the three Ojibway dialects fluently,
and correctly, being the only living
man who can claim this distinction.
Records Will Be Mfade
In spite of the fact that the Indians
themselves have combined these three
distinct dialects into one tongue
Father Gagnieur has succeeded in
keeping them separate in his own
mind and while here will preserve
them on (dictaphone records.
Brought here largely through the
plans and efforts of Prof. Eric W. Wal-
ter of the rhetoric department, Father
Gagnieur will make these records Fri-
cday morning in the laboratory of the
rhetoric department under the direc-
tion of Prof. A. R. Morris.
Father Gagnieur will also record at
that time the songs and chants of the
tribes so that they may be compared
with those of other nationalities. Dr.
Morris plans also to record, by means
of a microphone and a dictaphone,
this afternoon's lecture.
Is Beloved By Indians
Among the Ojibway Indians Father
Gagnieur is loved more than any other
white man. He lives in their cabins,
eats the same food they do, and often
has to subsist on eggs alone. When he
goes out on his missionary trips he
carries a small altar and his vest-
ments with him in a suitcase, and con-
ducts his services in log cabins and
schoolhouses. He has traveled by sail-
boat, canoe, dog teams, and on foot
many thousands of miles since he be-
came a missionary. Many times his
life has been endangered by the bit-
ter cold of northern winters, in cross-
ing unsound ice, and during storms on
the lakes over which he travels in
small boats.
University Professor Will Succeed
Potts As Head Of Department
Of OrientalI Languages
Another Michigan man wa's added
to the faculty of the University of
California when Prof. Esson M. Gale
was chosen to head the department of
Oriental languages at the Berkeley
institution. Professor Gale will suc-
ceed Prof. W. S. A. Potts, well known
in the fields of Chinese language and
political science.
Under the Agassiz found'aition the
University of California provides a
complete department devoted to the
study of Far Eastern civilizations, in-
eluding both elementary and ad-
vanced courses in the Chinese and,
Japanese languages.j
Professor Gale, who resides in Bay
City, hias been a member of the Uni-:
versity of Michigan faculty for some
time. For five years he specialized
here in ancient and modern languages,
and also in medieval European his-
tory. In 1908, when he was appointed
to the United States foreign service in
the Orient, he began his Chinese stud-
ies at the American legation at Pe-
Subsequently, as an official in the
Chinese ministry of finance, he
travelled extensively inm China (and
Manchuria,. From time to time he
visited Korea and Japan, thoroughly
acquainting himself with Oriental
languages and fiscal and administra-
[tive methods.
At the present time, Professor GaAe
is engaged in gathering further ma-
terial for a special study of early
Chinese fiscal organizatioin He will
assume his new duties at the Univer-
sity of California in August.I
Dean Sadler Explains Operations Of
Newly Designed Speed Boat
In Feature Article
The May number, the final issue
of the Michigan Technic, official mag-
azine of the Colleges of Engineering
and Architecture, appeared on the
campus yesterday.
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, expert in
naval design and recently appointed
Dean of the Engineering college, is
the author of one of the feature ar-
ticles, "Crossing the Atlantic in Four
Days." Professor Sadler describes the
work of a committee of which he is a
member in designing a. new type of
I fast ship constructed of high tensile
steel and driven by high speed tur-
bines generating electricity for slow-
er speed motors which drive the pro-
pllers. The ship is expected to at
tain an average speed of 40 miles per
"Engineering Teaching As A Pro-
fession" is the title of an article by
A. D. Moore, Assistant Professor o
Electrical Engineering. He points out
the advantagesfand disadvantages of
teaching as a field for the graduating
senior, and mentions the qualifica-
tions necessary to enter it.
E. G. Dudley, 'ISE, of the turbine
department of the General Electric
company, reviews the recent devel-
opments in installation of turbine el-
ectric drives in passenger vessel.
In an interesting article entitled
"The Antiquity of Recent Inventions,"
John S. Worley, Professor of Trans-j
portation, presents documentary ma-I
terial to show that many modern de-
vices such as the steamboat, automo-6
bile, submarine, and airplane were an-
ticipated by old writers.
Endorsed by representative students and faculty members and having
been approved unanimously by the board of directors, the merit system of
choosing the president and; recording secretary of the Union will be put
to a vote of the male students of the University at an assembly to be held
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the ballroom of the Union.
If the proposed amendment is accepted, it will mean that these two
offices will be filled next spring by the newly created board of directors
which in its organization and expected operation is closely modeled after
the system used by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
In order that this change may be accomplished, it is necessary under
the Union constitution for at least
600 members of the organization to be
present and that the amendment
SM under consideration receive at least
400 votes, or two-thirds of those cast.
The amendment as originallly sug-
gested to the boiard is being advoiated
by members of the student body in
Proihbition Issue Causes Uonmplete the belief that it will result in re-
Rout Of New Yoik Governor's moving the presidency and recording
Fight For eldlgates secretaryship of the Union from the
influence of campus politics; and that
MOODY LEADS OPPOSITION it will mean that in the future these
two offices will be filled solely on a
(By Associated Press) basis of ability and work on Union
BEAUMONT, Texas, May 23.-Sup- committees rather than on a basis of
porters of Gov. Alfred E. Smith of personal popularity or political back-
New York were routed at the Demo- ing.
crati convention here late today by As it is now planned, each of the 17
Gov. Dan Moody in a fight for dele- members of the board will under the
gates to the national convention after amendment be placed in a position of
the Smith and Moody forces had knowing each candidate for office and
combined to defeat a demand of the in being personially acquainted with
multra-dry faction for specific instruc the work that each individual has
to-s ga tin Smith. st done. It is also planned to give each
Heedinan appeal by Governor of the'six student vice-presidents who
will continue to be elected at the cam-
would be in sympathy with tie plank pus elections a more prominent place
in the state platform favoring prohi- in Union activities.
bition, the convention voted 483 to It is also probable that under the
252 to permit a convention committee proposed plians the president and re-
to name the ( nelegates. cording secretary will make written
The nmith enead ..waged a fight recommendations to the board giving
Thae Smih mengrhsswage district in detail the qualifications and record
to have each congressionaldititoeahcndtem hassnw
choose its own delegates asserting done by the retiring busines s manag-
that if this plan were followed !Smith ers and mjanaging editors of the pub-
would win 10 or 12 of the state's 40 lications.
votes at lonston. An organization committee consist-
When the roll call was taken the
pendulum swung to his side with the
result that the delegation to Houston
probably will consist of men vifhom
the Moody-'Harmony group of Demo-
crats endorsed as satisfactorily dry
and opposed to Smith. as long as it is
possible to oppose him without
scratching the ticket.
Moody announced flatly against
delegates instructed for Smith and
supported time resolution of Tom Ball,
of Houston, to allow a convention to
name the delegates.k
He stated frankly that he favored'
such a course because he felt the
Texas delegation should be in ac-
cordance with the prohibition plank
in the state platform.
While staves tapped and torches lit
the way, 18 members of the junior lit-
erary class groped blindly and pain-
fully from the sacred rock in Druid
Grove up the long path to redemption
last night, when the, Druids, honorary
senior literary society, held their an-
nual initiation. The latter part of the
ceremonies was held in the Union, af-
ter which a banquet was held for tl-/
Those from whom the toll was ex-
acted were Edward Wachs, Raymond
J. Wachter, Rolland W. Taylor, Hor-
ace J. Barton, Frank E. Meese, Har-
Ian P. Christy, Paul E. Minsel, Ralph
E. Popp, John W. Tarbill, Glenn A.
Carlson, John D. Whittle, Fenton Ra-
ber, Arthur M. Hinkley, Howard K.
Kenyon, Morris Quinn, C. Lyman
Crane, John O. Bergelin, and Melvin.
R. Deo.
Winners in the Inlander spring poe-
try contest were announced yester-
day following the receipt of a com-
munication from Robert Frost, the
judge, naming his selections.
First prize of $10.00 offered by
George Wahr was awarded to Betina
A. Bush, '29 for her poem, "Swamp in
Spring." Second prize of $5 offered by
the Inlander was awarded, to Alice E.
Ford, '29, for her poem, "Notes on
North House." The sonnet prize of-
(1) Change Article IV, Sec-
tion one, paragraph one, to read
as follows-The President of the
Union and its Recording Secre-
tary, to be students, ex-officio, to
be appointed by the Board of
Directors as hereinafter provided
I(2) Under Article IV add the
following-The Board of Direc-
tors shall, on the Saturday pre-
ceding the all-Campus elections,
appoint, by a majority of vote of
the entire Board, a President and
Recording 'Secretary of the
(3) Under Article XII See-
tion I, paragraph two, leave out
the words "at least two condi-
dates for President and Record-
ing Secretary and for each of the
4 Vice-Presidents, five in all."
Insert the words "at least two
candidates for each of the Vice-
Presidents, six in all."
j (4) Under Article XII, Section
II, leave out the words "may
nominate a candidate or candi-
dates for any or all such offices"
and add the words "may nomin-
ate a candidate or candidates
for Vice-president."
(9) Article XIII, Section I,
leave out the words "President,
Recording Secretary and five
Vice-Presidents" and add "six
(6) Article XIII, Section II,
I leave out the words "each mem-
ber of the Union shall be entitl-
ed to vote for one candidate for
President, one candidate for Re-
Icording Secretary" and add the
words, "each student member
Ishall be entitled to vote for one
candidate for Vice-President for
the college or school in which
I he shall then be a student.
but it was a rather unsuccessful at-played by the band, but what the
By Esidnoe . tempt. Seniors and the rest of the songsters
Singing at the top of their voices, Then, after all efforts to locate were singing during its rendition still
nearly 100 seniors tried to drown out more members of the graduating class remains a mystery. After that wasi
the Varsity band concert at their an- had failed, some auxiliaiy singers over, the vocal chorus sang the4
nual musical get-together held last were enlisted from the lower classes "Drinking Song" from the "StudentI
night on the campus. At the time of and put up in the section with the Prince" in chich they displayed real ,
the opening selection by the band "whiskey tenors" from out on Wash- talent. Encouraged, the band played
several academic-looking people, tenaw. They tried the old stand-by, the "Victors," "Varsity" and "The Yel-
garbed in caps and gowns were ga- "My Name is Samuel Hall," but be- low and Blue" in rapid succession .
thered around the intersection of the fore they could get under way, the while the chorus tried to keep up.1
diagonals wondering what to do next. band had resumed its regular pro- With this the band disbanded, but un-
Finally Michigan's major domo as- gram. daunted the seniors sang on. After an-
sumed the role of chorus master and "College Days" was the next song other attempt had ben made on "Sam-
ing of William V. Jeffries, grad., presi-
dent of the Union for the past year;
Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of the me-
chaniolal engineering department; and
Archie W. Diack, '29D, was named
from the Board of Directors more
than two months ago after student in-
terest in the change had been brought
to the attention of the board.
Change In Original Plan Made