?AY, MAY 23, MS. THE MICHIGAN DAILY P ~AY, MAY 23, 1928. P. THE MICHIGAN DAILY G A m \ -, -- ,.---. o o u p - GE[NEVA CO NFERENCE1 ATTRACTS DELEGATES Editor Of World Tomorrow; National Secretary Of Student Council To Be Present1 LEADERS HOLDDISCUSSION The Women's league and several of the student groups of the Ann Arbort churches will send representatives to1 the Geneva conference for women stu- dents. This conference will be held at+ Lake Genenva, Wis., from August 17-f 27. - Students from the nine middlewest- ern colleges and states and leaders, from all over the country will com- pose the personnel of the conference. Among the best known leaders who will be present are Kirby Page, editor of the World Tomorrow, Harrison S.1 Elliott, professor at Union Theolog- ical seminary, Glenn Clarke, author of '"The Soul's Sincere Desire" and Miss Leslie Blanchard, executive secretary of the National Student council. . These group leaders will conduct discussions in Interest groups on the subjects of Race Relations, "Prayer,"s Relations of Men and Women" and "Economic Problems." Delegates or representatives of or- ganizations are not the only women in" attendance at the conference. The purpose of the conference is to at-+ tract all students who are seeking a full and creative life. Any students who are interested in, attending this conference are asked to call Josephine Norton, '28, dial 21752. Costume Jewelry Is Fad, Says Carl Bay "'Women's costume jewelry is a fad which will only last about a year," is the prophesy of Carl Bay, owner of the Arcade Jewelry :shop. Mr. Bay claims that women realizing that this jewelry is a passing novelty, are unwilling to pay high prices for it. "All costume jewelry is made in, Europe," stated Mr.I Bay. "Not only do they know how to make it better than we Americans, but they can turn it out much cheaper. If American manufactures made costume jewelry, they could not afford to sell it at the present price. "This type of jewelry, as a. rule, consists of earrings, a necklace, and a] bracelet. However, often a ring and a pin are included in the set. The fav- orite colors are yellow, paris blue, and- green,' 'explained the jeweler. Mr..Bay related an amusing incident that every so often has happened ;n connection with selling costume jewelry. "Every once in a. while two or three girls will com.e in and each buy one piece of a set. WOMEN ARE ADVISED BY PRESIDENT TO ENGAGE IN INTER-COLLEGE SPORTS ''LUMNA,[, ASSOCIATI Speaking recently before the Mid The cost would be well repaid by the West Physical Education Society n inspiration gained." ANNOUNCES ITII S Uo Detroit, President Clarence Cook Lit- tle had an opportunity to state'his views regarding women's athletics, particularly upon the question of in- ter-collegiate competition. A printed copy of the speech has recently been received by Dr. Margaret Bell, head of the women's department of Physi- cal Education, who was chairman of the session addressed by President Little. That his address was not an official statement was one of the de- clarations, of President Little. The subject of inter-collegiate activities for women is one of the most-discus- sed in the world of women's athlet- ics at the present time and one with which all educators are concerning themselves, A resume of President Little's atti- tude is to be found in his statement that "if women students would visit the campus of other universities, with a serious objective in mind more than they now do they would come back with a greater appreciation of the benefits which they have in their own institution, and new ideas as well. Be-1 sides this they would see what pro-I blems are common to all universities and what problems are those of their own institution and their own indi- vidual selves. A stimulating reaction is bound to be the result of a group who are physically fit going to one place to play a game with other girls of their own age and training." Constructive in its content was President Little's next remark. 'I should like very much to see an ex- periment tried in which one of the varions ' co-educational institutions would send perhaps a hundred girls for a joint Field day. The delegation could include a field hockey team, a tennis team, the gled club, a group to act a one-act play in competition with the dramatic organization of the op- posite school, and any number of dif- ferent interests could be represented. Glee Club To Hold Election Tomorrow President Little qualified his re- marks, however, with the statement, that "men administrators will have to be guided and just back up the plans of the women who are In charge of the physical education program for, women, who are in atposition to kno A a great deal more about the formation problem than we are." He called at- tention to the fact that there have been investigations by bodies of wom- en regarding this matter of inter-col- Slegiate athletics which listed 114 rea- sons against it and only 77 for it, but he said "that does not prove that the 77 which are for it may not be more vital than the 114 which are against it " In regard to professionalism enter ing. the field of women's President Little expressed ion that there was little athletics the opu- danger of Women's sports ever becoming as; professional as men's sports, "because, men will not go to to see contests be- tween women if they can see men's contests in the same sports. Then too there will never be as many women as men with afternoons to spend loafing at contests of this kind." Among President Little's other ob- servations at the Detroit meeting was this one. "It is remarkable that Am- erican girls and women have acquir- ed the interest in physical education that they have when the attitude to- ward women which our'civilization'has developed is considered. The idea of a successful woman came to be, at one time, that it was she who could afford to avoid physical effort. Cer- tainly in the Victorian period the clinging vine idea was prevalent." "Would the tendency be toward more normality or less normality if women had their own inter-collegiate or inter-scholastic teams instead of devoting both their time and energy to ; following the men's athletic teams?" "More normality" would be the inevitable outcome, as President Little sees it. MISS SHAMBAUGH TO TALK TO CLUB The last meeting of the Women's Educational club will be a social meet- ing held at four o'clock this afternoon at the club room in the Faculty Wom- en's< Club house, on S'outh Ingalls street. A short business meeting will precede the social meeting, at which plans for next year are to be dis- cussed. Announcement has ben made of the .une meetings of the Alumnae Assoc- iation of Michigan Women. The board of directors will meet at the home of Mrs. W. D. Henderson, 1001 Forest Avenue, Thursday night June 14. The' meeting will be preceded by a supper. The regular council meeting isto 1 be combined with the annual meeting o take place at 10 o'clock, Friday June 15, in Room D, Alumni Memor- ial Hall. These meetings are to be followed by an Alumnae luncheon at 1:00 o'-a clock at Betsy Barbour- Dormitory, to which Alumnae and friends are in- vited. The program for the luncheon will be announced later. The increase in dues for member\ ship in the Women's League will be a subject of discussion at these meet- ings. Once more, the Alumnae Coun- cil wishes to call attention to the fact that this increase will take place the first of July. It should be remembered also that priveleges in the League building are available to life members and undergraduate women. A 1)VISOR GIVES AID IN FINDING WORK University women may make ap- plication for summer employment through Miss Beatrice Johnson, one o1 the advisers of women. Miss Johnson interviews applicants and secures names of possible employers for them.. The two greatest sources of summer employment, according to Miss John- son, are pastimes as counsellors in camps and hotel work. Hotel manag- ers write to Miss Johiison, stating the type and number of positions open. A large percentage of such positions are obtained, however, by the applicant writing directly to the manager of the hotel, stating that they desire work in that particular place. Miss Johnson also runs notices in the issue's of the Michigan Alumnus calling attention to the fact that a great deal of student help is availably during the summer months. In this way any available positions are tap- ped. During the summer session in Ann Arbor, places in private homs are available. In these cases the student usually secures her room and board in return for four hours work daily. Po- sitions in local tea rooms and dormi- tories are also usually available. Some calls come in for cashiers and jhostesses. s po Daily Bulletin O FRESHMEN YIELD TO SENIOR TEAM In revenge for their defeat Monday at the hands of the freshmen, the seniors beat the frosh baseball team by a 'score of 13 to 5 at Palmer field yesterday afternoon. The seniors showed much better ability at bat, Appelt, Child, Beaumont, and Powers doing excellent stick work. The freah- men were not playing their best de- fensive game, but Wood, Koch, andl Whitney each hit several two-baggers. At the same time the juniors de- feated the sophomores, 19 to 1. This puts the juniors in first place for the interclass championship. The fresh- man had received only one defeat up to yesterday, but the beating admin- istered by the seniors put them defin- itely out of the running. Lineup. Seniors: Beaumont, Pow-, ers, Child, Bonine, Appelt, Folsom, Hough, Robinson, Tuthill. Substitutes, Wright, and Van Tuyl. Freshmen: Wilson, Koch, Schafer, Whitney, Locke, and Wood. COLLEGES INQUIREI ABOUT UNIVERSIT Y1 DIE TICIAN SERVICEi R T S------ BLULBOOKS ARE ON R T f Sportswme I Sorlw'ncnSALE FOR LAST TliME[ FIRST INTERCLASS Wyvern society will hold its final GOLF TOURNEY IS sale of bluebooks from four to five o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium. HELD AT'MICHIGAN Regulation size bluebooks at the two prices of three for ten cents and five The first interclass golf tournament cents each will be procurable. ever to be staged at Michigan was Members of Wyvern conduct perio- played Sunday morning. Martha die sales of bluebooks throughout the ayed un28,dway mherninn.rMwith a year, the benefits going to the League. Forbes, '28, was the winner with a The organization also supplies the can- score of 101 for the 18 holes. Ethel dy booth in University hall with blue- Crowe, '28, with 114, Nellie Hoover; books for sale. '28, with 118, Geraldine Wilkinson, It is customary for organized hous- , au ,es, sororities, fraternities, and dorm- 29, and Katherine McMurray, '31, both itories to buy the bluebooks in pack- with 119 were the other low scorers. ages of a hundred or so, for the con- Dorothy Lyons, '29, Muriel Casey, '30, venience of their members. This sale and Nancy Grier, '30, were also en- is particularly timely with final exam- tered. Miss Ethel McCormick served inations looming ahead. All orders for bluebooks must be paid at once. breakfast to the contestants on the For the convenience of these or- golf course before the match. She ganizations, Wyvern has arranged to was a. sisted by Dorothy Ogborn. accept all bluebooks that are left over D'Is,; McCormick considers that the at the end of the term, provided these tournament was very successful, and ne returned by June 10; a cash re- hopes to make it an annual event. fund will be made. Martha Forbes, the winner, will be sent The sale of bluebooks is in. the to Detroit to play in a tournament hands of Ellen Grinnell, '29, from there, as she broke fifty in one of the whom further information may be ob- '1 WYVERN, SENIOR SOCIETY, GUESTS OFMORTARBOARD Wvyern, honorary junior society, and Senior society, honorory associa- Inquiries have been received from tion for independent senior women, a number of universities with regard were the guests of Mortarboard, hon- to the work of the University dieti- orary senior society at a local theater cian who is now cooperating with 12 'party Tuesday night. The; organiza- organized houses on campus, includ- tions met at Helen Newberry resi- ing sororities, fraternities, and oneIdence at 7 o'clock and proceeded from dormitory, in the direction of their kitchen. The plan is based on the economies of cooperative buying, and is aittractive because of its attempt to balance the menus served. Miss Lexna F. Cooper, who is now at the head of the department has re- ceived letters from the University of Chicago, Nebraska, Purdue and De Pau; two of ,these are planning defin- itely to adopt the system. A leading newspaper of the East ha's also writ- ten for information, Miss Cooper states. As the University of Michigan is the first institution of its kind to inaug- urate the plan, it has been somewhat of an economic !experiment. there to the theater. NOTICES W. A. A. will have a hike followed by a breakfast "bat" Sunday morn- ing. Everyone bring 35 cents to pay for the breakfast. Will meet at the gym. Sign up on the bulletin board before Saturday. All members of Orciesis are re- quested to look on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium for the sched- ule of rehearsals. All those who have not as yet handed in schedule cards must do so at once. The usual meet- ing will be held at 7:30 o'clock Wed- nesday in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. tained. Miss Grinnell will be at 1ar- bour gymnasium from four to five to- day, or may be reached by dialing 3218. SOCIE TY INITIATES PRECEDING DINNER Senior Society held their initiation last night at Helen Newberry resi- dence jusst preceding the dinner given to the initiates at the Cosy Corner tea room. Officers elected for the coming year are Marie Hartwig, president, Rose Strausser, vice-president, Ann Zauer, secretary, Margaret Arthur, treasurer. The tables at the dinner were decor- ated with white paper and the corsag- es of the initiates. Laura Osgood gave the welcome address and Marie Hart- wig replied. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona, Underwood, Remington, Royal. We have all makes. Some in colored duco finishes. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. Election of officers for next year and the singing of favorite and special songs will feature the last' meeting of the University Girls' Glee club, which will be held tomorrow in the regular assembly room of the School of Music at 4 o'clock. The present officers of the glee club have nominated two women for the! office of president, and one for each of the following: vice-president, bust- ness manager, secretary, treasurer, li- brarian, and auditor. Nominations from the floor will be in order on Tuesday for all of the offices to bq filled except that of president. Nora Crane Hunt is the director of the glee club, and will lead the last singing of the year. --_ - . .. .. .i, W ~ ROOM polo nfort Your o an p ORCH With Beautiful Lloyd Loom Furniture Graduation Gifts of Jewelry IIEveryone likes beautiful jewelry. There are no more welcome grad- uation gifts than some piece se- lected from our large assortment. Gifts that live forever3 CarlF. Bay Jeweler Nickels Arcade OLYMPIC LIPSTICK CQTY I F Ne w- double size - and specially shaped to give ex- quisite, clear-cut outlines to the lips. Thefive radiant Coty shades are a subtle glorification of nature's colouring, imparting soft, fresh, satiny beauty in a final dashing exclamation It' SSurprising Inexpensive) OR furnishing the Sun Room or Porch you can find nothing finer nor superior than the fam-' ous, nationally advertised, Lloyd Loom Furniture. It is specially adapted for that purpose-light, % strong, comfortable and colorful. We are showing the latest designs in a great array of color effects, beauti- SU fully upholstered at prices that are actually lower than you would expect to pay for this type of furniture. Come in' and let us show you these handsome Lloyd creations in r three and five-piece suites and individual pieces.r (Third Floor) s . SHADES LIGHT MEDIUM DARK CERISE INVISIBLE Rdflls Obtainale EverywAere point of charm. ITES $48.00 and up -4; AT DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES 222 S. Main ,/GG(c/4 e Phone 4161 w) ~~ . ..:... 1q In Your Cap and Gown-Be Ph A Priceless Treasure in Years to Come t1 0a..40A otographed