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May 23, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-23

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UT11iA Skitgar Daily
PubliLhed every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conferenee Editorial
The Associated Press' is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
0f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
lard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor...................Ellis P. Merry
FP45)r Michigan Weekly.. Charles E. Behymer
News Nditor................Philip C. Brooks
City i.cd tor.......... Courtlaud C. Smith
Women's Editor..........Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor,.. .....Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
PaulJ. Kern No K sonJ. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirtob')aul &
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Margaret Arthur Lihn 11. Maloney
Alex A. Bochnowsld Marion McDonald
Jecan Campbell Charles S. Monroe
essie Church C.,therine Price
Blanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edetson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland Pierce Rose.berg
Marsjorie Fullmer Eleanor Scribner
Bam B. Freeman Corinne Schwar
RobertJ. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
Elaine . Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hagelshaw George E. Simons
Aseph E. Howell Rowena Stillman
Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
harles R. Kaufman George Till~y
William F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Doald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
jack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable,


Advertising............Richard A. Meyw
Advertising............. Edward L. RHuse
Advertising............ John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts.................Raymond Wachter
Circulation,.............George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication..................Harvey Talcott
George Bradley Ray Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
Tames Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correll Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
KatherinekFrohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert . Varnum
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
1. J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer
WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1928.

sence of the band at the Harvard
track meet will occur again. This ab-
sence, almost discourteous to the vis-
iting team, was particularly comment-
ed upon by Detroit alumni.
Each of these factors of itself is
worthy of more than passing consider-
ation, for the band, in a large sense,
is representative of Michigan and as
such its successes and its accomplish-i
ments are surely to be encouraged,!
as they will in turn reflect credit upon
the University.
With the return of the football sea-
son next fall, the Student Council
plans to promote a cheering section
for the third year. Encouraged by
the continued cooperation of the Ath-
letic association in granting an even
larger block of seats than in the past,
the Council plans to begin enroll-
ment in the new section before the
close of the college year. It is also
planning through the means of let-
ters to interest incoming freshmen
in the project and to offer them an
opportunity to participate in the
cheering group.f
The cheering section as planned for
next year is to contain 1200 students,
a number larger than that of either
of the two seasons which have passed
and one which if attained will give
Michigan one of the largest cheering
sections in the entire country.
A section of such proportions seems
only logical in a stadium such as that
possessed by Michigan. How it may
be best obtained, however, seems to
be another question andone which in
its decision has in the past affected a
large portion of the student body. In
the two years that it has been tried
the system of capes and hats has
seemed most plausible and has worked
successfully. At the same time on
each occasion other forms of cheering
sections have been considered but
never appeared sufficiently worthy to
desrve trial.
The yellow and blue capes and hats,
of course, with the expense that ac-
companies them seem feasible only
for a permanent section and this is
their chief handicap. This objection
was removed to a considerable ex-
tent last fall through allowing stu-
dents to secure tickets outside of the
section and if they desired to sit with
their friends or guests to do so by
changing seats with someone not en-
rolled in the cheering group. A simi-
lar or perhaps a more effective sys-
tem will be devised, it is planned, to
function next year.
Thus the cheering section for the
1928 football season presents itself
as one of the best oportunities re-
cently afforded to the student body for
the exhibition of group loyalty. It will
as in former years offer seats be-
tween the 35 yard lines, by far better
than any others offered to students,
and at the same time it will mean
that if successfully established Mich-
igan's Block "M" of 1200 students will
rank among the finest of its kind and
will stand as a fitting tribute to the
spirit which the stadium and the
great crowds represent.
(*rom the Daily Princetonian)
The meaning of a college education
is a large subject. It has been de-
fined and debated many times. Some
men spend four years at college and
pass on without ever discovering just
why they are there at all. Some men
spend four years at college, groping
with various courses, struggling to
stop up various gaping holes in their
intellectual curiosity, and pass, on
with a patchwork quilt of spasmodic

education. A few come and go with
a definite purpose.
There is no reason why this few
should not swell to become the many.
Such a desired state of affairs in a
university can be; realized only when
the students understand the value of
the various phases of work taught
on the campus, and comprehend the
significance of the broad divisions of
modern education. When the under-
graduate, uncertain within himself as
to where his interest lies, unable to
tell just how valuable such and such
a line of study is going to prove in
giving him a cultural background, or
in fitting into a modern college educa-
tion, may form definite opinions as
to the value of the sciences, the arts,
the languages, etc., then he will have
set up a firm foundation upon which
to build. He will have formulated
his future course of study with
knowledge of his actions, with a real-
ization of his needs, so that he may
get the greatest possible benefit from
the various courses he takes in eol-

HONESTLY THIS isn't a publicity
stunt, our raving all about the pretty
green and pretty otherwise Gargie
that's out for sale at bargain price
* * *
BUT WHEN WE saw the pretty


Two vaeaneies in my European travel
group visiting Lisbon, Vadiz, Seville,
Tanjiers, Gibraltar, and Algiers en-
Yt=1 Wnh~nn~xr7nUl 2_97


cover of the thing, we couldn't
but peek behind it (as we are
erally wont to do with covers
how), and this is some of the
we found:


Tomorrow night the male student
body of the University wit have an
opportunity to accept, if it so desires,
a proposal placing the Union presi.
dency on an appointive rather than ai
elective basis. It has for years beei
the conviction of large portions of the
student body and faculty that this sys.
tern of appointment by the board of,
governors is the only logical method
of choosing the head of the men's or-
ganiation; and tomorrow night, for the
second time within the past decade,
the student body will have a chance
to pass judgment on the proposal.
Endorsed by the present adminis-
tration of the Union and by the mom-.
hers of the board of governors, it has
seemed from the first to the editors of
The Daily that the proposed system
is a desirable plan. The measure is
designed in no sense to condemn the
present office-holders, but is rather an
attempt to perpetuate such efficient
management and administration in-
definitely, by the expedient of choos-'
ing the president on the basis of inerit
without the hazard of popular elec-
Without a quorum of 600 members,
however, the measure will fail in
spite of any worthiness it may offer.
The issue is squarely up to the stu-
dent body.
Distinctive among Michigan organi-
zations for the service it renders, and
yet far from repaid in recognition for
the continued efforts which that ser-
vice entails, is the Varsity band- Often
referred to as "Michigan's fighting
band"'it has come of late to be charg-
ed almost alone with the maintenance
of Michigan spirit- Functions have
been assigned to it and much has been
expected of it but little official en-
couragement or aid has been given'
which might serve as a means of in-
teresting capable musicians.
As a possible solution of this prob-
lem, it has been suggested, and seem-
ingly advisedly, that credit in Uni-
versity hours be arranged for band
members. Such a proposal is doubt-
less worthy of consideration. It would
mean that the present membership
would feel more inclined to devote
its extra time to band work or to
additional practice, and it would serve
as a definite attraction to men now
unable to participate in the band as
an activity who would be able to if
University credit were given.

* * *
The Invitation
SHE: I love your cigarette holder.
HE: But I never use one.
SHE (softly): Don't be so dense.
* * *
TO WHICH OUR only reply is sin-
ply-ooph 1But that's the only really
old one in the whole book.
* * *
There's An Edit, Too
"SOON HE'LL BE carving over
there on Sundays. ....."-this theme
of an interesting disclosure ought to
tickle the scandal mongers.
* * *
AND GARGIE WENT us several
better on our theme for the Murad
advertisement. They tell us that it
has something to do with a dog. Again
* * *
THEN THERE'S A poem entitled
"Lines to a Clipper," which of course,
i'eminds us of the little jingle which
we shall leave unfinished, because of
lack of space, but which we will com-
plete in a personal interview for any
so interested.
Oh, the cabin boy served the skipper
And he certainly was a clipper
He filled up
* Consultation hours, The Daily, aft-
er six tonight.
passing to other things, green and
otherwise, listen to some of these
latest contributions:
* * *
DEAR THREE * * * :
I have nothing at all to say but
I thought that you didn't have
much to say either, and so I'm
sending this in to you just so
that I'll have something to huntt
for on the editorial page for the
next few days." (signed)
Co-ed Ed
* * *
YOUNG LA;DY, YOU and Georgian-
na are now positively on the black-
list, unless you redeem yourselves
with a note filled with the note that's
in the air.
* * *
IF ERNIE SETS up that type, we're
going to petition the Board for his
* * *
BOOBY, KNOWN hereabouts as the
big cheese of the Rocquefort players
and, as a former Music and Drama
reviewer on The Daily, the traditional1
eyesore of all editors of Rolls that
are toasted, after asking a very per
sonal question, continues:1
* * *
"I AM NOW playing lovers in the
unholy town of Pontiac, but I do wantt
you to know how darn flattered I wast
to inaugurate your column. Keep up'
the glorious days of G. D. E. and Col-'
ligula and Jason Cowles. The Com-t
pany this summer season will be my
last in Ann, Arbor for I am going to
live in a garret in New York next 1
year and starve."
* * *
NOW, AS POISON IVY mentioneda
to us once before-it was the immor-!

tal B. L. T. of the Linotype or Two1
who said, "You can make any columnI
in the country provided that you af-I
ford the columnist something to re-1
* * *
TO BOOBY WE say first that wec
are sorry, not that his Company this
summer is to be his last, but sorry
that he has decided to starve in NewI
York. We would much rather seeI
him here, on the local stage, wheret
he could thrive on the vegetables ofc
all sorts and odors which he cer-t
tainly must glean for his efforts.
* * *

A review by Philip C. Brooks
To review what Mencken rather
justly calls this University-"a gar-
gantuan intellectual rolling mill"-
in a Music and Drama column would
be a little incongruous. But to dis-
cuss it in those fields where this col-!
umn reaches it from the standpoint
of one who has done occasional re-
viewing for some three years, seems
justified. This work has given a cer-
tain confidence on the basis of ob-
servation from a critical standpoint
during that time, a basis of opinion
which will be credited to different ex-
tents by people of varying degrees
of intellect and sympathy.
The hopes and fears, the intense
ambitions, the connivings and conspira-
cies-and the loves-of future years
will keep campus activities going, pro-
ductive of 90 per cent futility, but
also productive of a very worthwhile
ten per cent which justifies the exis-
tence of those organizations with
sound bases of competition.
And as they go on they will be
criticized. As campus dramatics go
on, they will be reviewed in this col-
umn, with very definite standards of
progressive excellence.
Next Year's Editor
Next year's editor of this column is
a gentleman of more than adequate in-
telligence and appreciation, whose
standards of value are going to be
painfully high for some of the more
aspiring and less effective groups who
may wish paternal blessing on their
efforts. He will expect much from
the outside professional productions,
both musical and dramatic. In all
fields, however, he is capable of feel-
ing intensely the effect of really mer-
itorious work. God give us more peo-
ple who can feel things-there are too
many unimpressionable people in this
realm of superficiality.ds
The countless readers who wsh
that The Daily would get "reviewers
who know how to write" would pro-
fit by a little consideration of how to
read criticism.
It is well to remember above all
that, in accord with human conceit,
the reviewer, writing signed criticism.
has the- prestige of his own opinion
to uphold, and will therefore refrain
from statements he is not willing to
back. Such is no more than natural.
This has its effect two ways. First,
he will not want thanks for favorable
reviews, as if he were doing people
favors. He will want rather candid
opinions as to the justification of his
judgment. If he says he likes he
likes something, he very probably
likes it.
On the contrary, his unfavorable
comments will be based on definite
reasons or decided impressions. Those
who have in the past and will in the
future hold up the Music and Drama
editor as a fiend who flays people on
grounds of personal or general grudg-
es flatter the reviewer in thinking he
would have the nerve to maintain so
individual a position, and they flat-
ter themselves in thinking that he
would waste his time taunting them
for personal reasons.
A li-We have A Goal!
Groups or individuals who take it
upon themselves to perform in pub-I
lic obligate themselves to present
something worthwhile from the stand-
point of the audience. The latter I
knows little and cares less for the
obstacles confronting the performer, I

and it is no business of the reviewer's

6 {
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to explain and apologize for them. He
too must be guided by the degree to
which his impressions measure up
with his standard of expectation from
the particular class of performance.
That standard must be kept far-
enough ahead of accomplishments to
lead them on toward the definite goal +
which must be kept in mind.
That goal centers in the plans for
a University theater to be built onto
the south end of Angell hall in case
the relic now standing there is ever
blown up or otherwise removed. Some
unified organization must of course
take charge then, and can perhaps
give Michigan a rating with the prom-
inent few in dramatics on University
campuses. It has not that rating now,
and there is neither the organization
nor the director here that has so far
proved worthy of accomplishing it.
Many are the petty jealousies and the
technical difficulties which must be
overcome. The best way to encourage
them is to continue always the pro-
gress towards a more consistent ex-
cellence of dramatics that is already
underway. This was to be a review,

6 L





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