1928. THE MTCHTCAN DATLY amm"Now" LBRA RY ILL UTIL NEW TYPEPOTOSTATf REPRODUCING MAQUIN ONLY ONE OTHER LIBRARY I COUNTRY H AS SIMILAR DEPARTMENT ELIMINATES FORMER RISK Machines Are Much More Satisfact- ory Than Old Photographic Equipment Michigan's library has the distinc- tion of being one of two in th'e coun- try that have a photostat department consisting of two machines and a dark room for developing. It is only recently that one of these machines could be utilized, although it was in- stalled some tinie ago. However the photostat is, in itself, a recent devel- opment. These machines, resembling to some degree enormous cameras, are much more satisfactory than the old photographic system. They eliminate most of the risk of injuring rare manuscripts, formerly incurred in making photographic copies of them. The material to be reproduced is placed in a special glass-covered case This case is so constructed that its floor yields to any pressure, thus making injury from pressure on the manuscript impossible. The case is then placed in position before the len- ses and is brightly illuminated by two Hewitt mercury lights. The machines are so constructed that nothing except color Is inverted on the negative. Sensitive Paper Used The sensitive paper is not a regular camera fim, but is a special broide paper. This greatly reduces the cost of meaking the copy. This paper is ob- tainable with both sides coated so that two etposures can be made on the same sheet. In reproducing a page from a book, an exact replica Is made. This was formerly imposible as an exposure could be made on only one side of a sheet. A great amount of work has been done by Mrs. Woodford who does all the photostat work at the library, the most extensive of which thus far has been the photostating of all is- sues of the Kentucky Gazette, print- ed from July, 1787 until 180, and of the Detroit Gazette, printed from 1817 until 1831, when the office burned. Searching among the negatives fil- ed in the photostat room, Mrs. Wood- ward found one of a letter written by Napoleon. Another was of a letter written by a participant in the battle of Lexington, in which the name of Paul Revere and many other notables are mentioned. Many rare old maps have also been copied and these were later colored by hand. Photostat Missing Pages A great deal of work is done for other libraries that have books in which one or more pages are missing. These pages are photostated from books in our library, and thenega- tives are sent to the place where they are needed. Mr. Goodrich, associate Librarian, believes the greatest value of'the ma- chine lies in its use for procuring duplicates of rare books inaccessable themselves. This has been employed by the libarary and also by gradu- ato students doing research work. WILL PAVE DRIVE NEXT TOTHEATRE The drive from the Michigan Union to Maynard street will be paved in the near future, it was announced by the Buildings and Grounds department. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. - Sixteen sororities and special women's housets have already contributed an average of $10 each in the drive to raise money among university women for the Wisconsin room in the Amer- ican university dormitory in Paris. Lured b Aroma of Neighbor's Tobacco Boston, Mass., April 21, 1927 Larus & Bro. Co., Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: This morning Ilhad a smoking ad- venture worth recording. Next to me in the smoking car a gentleman was puffing his pipe con- tentedly. I was not smoking at the moment, and the aroma of his tobacco intrigued me exceedingly. For twelve years I had smoked Edgeworth with- out being tempted by any other brand, but the fragrance emanating from the pipe of the gentleman beside me was so agreeable that I could not resist the temptatioim to speak of it. "That is wonderfully fragrant to- bacco you have there," I remarked. "Would you mind telling me the name of it?" "It is Edgeworth," he answered. We then congratulated each other upon our mutual good taste, and I Ainodd that I wnld nntinme to use Librarians To Have F First Annual Dinner With Picnic Tonight At appreximately 6:45 tonight the future guardians of books and ene- mies of book-worms will meet at the first annual dinner of the Library school. The school of library science. one of the newer departments of the Uni- versitY, has already made great pro- gress. The students, feling that some of their merits were unappreciated by the world at large, decided to or-1 ganize as a class for pleasure and for profit. This talented group of1 individuals, recruited from all parts of thecglobe have already taken part as a class' in several stupendous en- terprises including a rustic frolic at. Irish Hills, where they astonished all the natives by their agility in climb- ing the mountains. The dinner tonight is another indi- cation of the resourcefulness of the group who feel that this burst into publid notice will in some slight m'ea- sure tend to dispel the erroneous be- lief that a librarian's main object in life is to collect five cent fines for overdue books from an innocent pub- lic. 1837 AND EQUALLY 1928 CAMPUS STYLES ARE REFINED AND CONSERVATIVE Conservation has always been the creed of the Michigan campus. Back in 1837 the five or ten male students attended their classes in trousers with eight inch bottoms while the more dowdy boys of Yale, Harvard, and Princeton went so far as to sport ten inche bottoms. Around 1890 when the turtle-neck sweaters were the rage, Michigan men never concealed their chins in the ample necks of these sweaters as did the football warriors of the East. Today, the same as yesterday, con- servation gives the campus an 'air of refinement. Although Spring is 'apt to bring a temporary period of gaudi- ness, this season is especially marked by the dominence of plain colors- green, tan, light blue, and the new canary yellow. Not so many ex- tremely light colored suits are in evi-I dence this spring. Maybe this is due to the slack in the spring suit busi- ness which has affected Ann Arbor's dealers so keenly; maybe it is a reali- zation on the part of 'the student of the economy of dark clothing. Styles have not changed much. The three button coat i's still supreme with wide trousers to match. Colored shirts of the aforementioned shades are meeting with favor this season and I white. A great number of black and white shoes are being worn by stu- dents taking the place of lia'st year's tan and white footwear. Neckties of plain colors meet the student's fancy' much more than those with elaborate designs. Of the designed ones stripes seem to be more popular than figures. Last year's knicker craze ha's died out somewhat. The few who do wear them favor matched knickers with golf hose in plain colors. So few hats are seen on the campus that it is difficult to dicern a fashion. As the Ann Arbor hatters sary, "If all the hats sold to ,students were placed end to end-." 'Well, draw your own conclusions. GROUP WILL HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION Nominating three men for each of five offices, irembers of the Architec- tural society have set today, Wed- nesday, May 23, from 1 to 5 o'clock, as the date for the general election. All students of the school of Archi- tecture and allied arts are eligible to vote at this time and are urged to be present. Candidates for president for the year 1928-29 are: Samual Wet7r zel, '29; Le Roy Peterson, '29; and Marshall Rouse, '29. ILLINI PEP UP ELECTION WITH TWO-PARTY SCRAP, In keeping wih the Illinois election spirit., especially that of Chicago, the recent University of Illnoi, board in control of student publications elec- tion contained all the elements of a good old two party scrap, with ballot- box stuffing, soap box speeches, badg- rs, and automobile voting, in fact only the absence of machine guns made thl entire affair differ from the usual Chi- eago election brawl. The two parties, the Old Line and the New Line parties, were very ac- tive, both being extremely anxious to put their candidate's in office. Mem- bers of both parties wore badges on their lapels denoting their candi- dates, and all day long automobinle bearing voters were rushed up to tn polling place and then away again. In the afternoon it was discovered that 313 of the official ballots had been stolen and that 30 of them had been cast. These ballots had >een stamped with an imitation of the of- ficial rubber 'stamp, especially con- structed for the purpose. MINNESOTA.-According to Dean Frederick J. Kelly, professional and not educational organizations are 'set- ting the standards for the professional schools. )ENVEl-St udents have signed a OHIO STATE.--For the first tim ti onrquetfigan aviation unit the history of this university a w, wS than the infantry unit which ani has beenr.t apinted editor of was1 io ihave bIren inaugurated, annual, the Athena,. ara ,rapidly surpassing the plain For the Best Sales Values Offered in Months and Months ENDOF SEASON SALE $39,75 \,. kk 1/ °!i : " # ' . " y.. , .. r ily d Ii d I Id~ 4 [I* I, I " : . . _ ,, :: > IT'S H ERE! This Sale is a signal ( chandising history! For in this ance we are offering the most corn ment of Suits ever presented by this a Why, there ate browns, blues ,gravs in every popular fabric. Hundre None were less than $50.00. More Made by Scheyer, Oxford & Murra NVWiF ;, , s.. event in mer- huge Clear- plete assort- store. Suits? and mixtures ds of them! were $68.00. lv. 7 : F 21 PA I .