PAGE, TWO TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY FRlIDAY, JANUARY 20, 19i 20, 1923 PLANS TO- INCREASE ATHLETIC CHANNELS'', APPROVED BY BOARfti DONATES MILLION ARCHEOLOGISTS TO U. OF CHICAGO WILL MAKE TRIP eseach C mpleed 5It. has been found tha. the rate ofi B Buisjr S i si oek turn increases regulartly andI~ REITORT 'FAVORIS iULIN4GS INCREASE PARTICIPATION INt VARSITY S1PQR, tro I I II accomlp any 1% gfee F. Al c D)alH1(1 accQordinlg to aniiannotin cemlit. o' oil all exa rintr1 lp to I si I IRoyale thiie 1Bureau of Buisiness ReseaHrch o= I n Lake Siiperaor, m'x' .iJillv. lw tlie school. (f Bus.inless A di mi sra_ part v will make the :rip abozlvd Ab'i ~ ; trl i day, ii" foth inma;]or'rsearcht i Dolai ; aclt-, ll] te 10('31I0 te ia ihers file mot o01)1 Ol l i about fild l- Poet, Han invest iion o ther11a ing [ tlher tra itsof thea cllv it v of ion:h ip bet weelHl Zl((' k and lsales: in lthe Norsemen, Wiolo tobelijeve(Il to j ya11,10U5 ropresentiiVe (01)11 ltllis Ki e iniha bit ed the Isle n' n y yea is cei_~nl~tsoeIln;atbe before the white man made a1)1p-ted. p laan( in Ame(H c~. A(cDonll dhia"s I ol to Isl e hiovalhe before anad fola ld Th1e0 work, Alhick0 Was under 1'the di- conll JWve (evdence o'.'ithe in - r eliou 0:Prof. Carnl iN. SchmalIz, as- WILL ENLARGE PROGRAM ii isIailderstandiIng (01 -ature Of Pla HIas Cased Cuidne CrtciG;1, JBoardI elleves Approbation of the new plans and rulings recently adopted to govern participation in intercollegiate ath- let ics was exception ally stressed in{ the report :of the Board in Control! ofi Athletics :presented a few days ago to the University Senate and to the Board of Regents by Prof. Ralph Aig- ber of the Law school, chairman of the Board. The report stated that for many years one of the chief criti- cisms of intercollegiate athletics had been. the centering of attention and tr aining upon such a small percent- age of the student body; that fur - thermore, Conference legislation ha d tendled strongly to emphasize suchi concentration. The recent changes in rules. mnade by that body were first presented five or six years ago, but opinion was not readly for such rev- ,olttionary action and the proposal failed of adoption. Since that time the insistence es .i'gai'oliniig I he reha Iionsh iJ) lu'twe \V'~ stock Hand(1 sO] ('5inl ret ail ADS PAY CLASSIFIED F T Look into THEMIRROR Beauty Shop for Soap-Sud Shampoos lB. Soft Water JUST T11E1 THING 'I that the geer~l'r elaitions~hip bet \vOOII stoc'k and sales may be expressed lini mnat henlat ial tennms. Will Anyon Accept r hIis Challne Columbia., S. D. E Sept. 9, 1926 Larus & Bro. Co. Richmond, Va. Gentlemen: I am a veteran of "h E,'geworth army, still in actiV e sci'tvie, 1 make this claim, chall1ning all comners, to have smoked 11x:11"won'thl and nothing else buxt IE;,e_.r:h (wh len it was possible to g~et it) for a onr period than any other person wiithin the scope of your territory. I have srnoked Edgoworth for 'twenty-one years and will soon start on the twenty-second. IIll admit to having tried other brands, including so-termed high-class,I lhigh-priced blends andl mrixtures, enough to appreciate and satisfy my- self of the superiority of Edigeworth. In all these years I ha-ve 'Lever had one can of Edgew xorth that varied in flavor 'or otherwise. Y ours very truly, ( igned) J. J. Rloberts Extra fl-h Grade Smoking rp" 1 e STETON tailed /or~jOun fJV Cenf '4 ' r S"S I Irv I - Aithoritie's in dress are direct ingnrmen's atten- tion a little more toward formal shalies in soft hats. The new Stetsons of this Lvfae are Partian- laarly smart and becomning; anld are, of course, hand-blocked to Stetson quality stand~ards. Eight IDo~ars and zip - &M=MKM= 11,111IM-, III -- - ----- _.v.... _._.w. . r Ann Arb~or's MAag.nificent Institution 7 F ri '/~ C2hecz ate " 7 STARTING TODAY I- " j 118 0.hIeRST -genius or great lover? marriage to an in- nocent girl and ap- plause of the mnul- titude or e Opposite Eingineerinmg Arch "Ainn Arbor's Unique Sandwich and Coffee Shop" . . I fl a mi ng romance with luring sirens ---and the world r, f