THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 22, CHIGA N'S SONGS HAVE CO LORFUL BACKGROUND liarly intrinsic to this era of science yuth to ngh and elficieny. Te mechanism of labord unde the whole affair is apt to deceive the the soul of t spectators into losing sight of the c S A few othe part that encouragement from the of Michigan a111N A A KF ata(~rl ly n frm Fathe on" si inea, from the stands, and from "l Tlf IiiiClr 4 ~r Fl.f t , ' ands, truly plays in a victory one.g Arbor" the l Ky Stlrig )hrcles Are lorgotte; he field! History of the songs rbowrtte' though not an accurate indication of Remia~in Most PopuIla~r the wins and tosses, seems to point to presecuting the fact that the spirit is the thing! ty. "In Col SIS IS AUTHOR OF SONG The chorus of '"Michigan's Men of tional and f Steel" holds the germ of sentiment Friar society ditor'i \te: this is the fourth full blown in the verse of the song #a seties of xweekly artithe stoy t ye rytofr self:wich reh ted by The Daily ni thisi ory of 6IChigan \usic and the Liuio Operas "Hail, il, H ailthe men whoplay advent of r eit material for these rticles was' ' neverpublis oinilel 1 rkits. 1nuic Macs Root, the game! nager of the lichigan Jsic Sho Hail, hail, hail, the men who win city disban athe .Arcd(evwho has four yeas fostred ' tl, uget dema Jkhigan spirit iu te work which she has the fame. Afterttheni ro,, unaided, for the permanence of its Michigan's men both far and near, Aftthe ar Join in one triumphant cheere it was arra Varsity" was not played by the ee ae sthe men all enemies fear, e that songs were born to live, book and co Michigan's men of steel." pherep chigan band alone on the dedica- Sg Is Failure when "friends were friends for friend- C uh in day of the new stadium, but by More tuneful, perhaps, than the ship's sake," and patrons of the Compilinght combined banda of Ohio and Mich- prize song of 1910, this song failed to "Orient" and "Joe's" sang with the tn its eighth task as ite in. October 22, 1927, was one of the win the applause it merited at the sincerity of a prayer! With the pass- from 160 to t perfect days in the history of time but it is considered by .music ing of Joe Parker, some of the atmos- it impossibl days critics as a true cheering song. Songs phere has gone, leaving only a hazy ittisp ichigan football. A clear sky like this should be sung at all the recollection in the minds of the older and to say read like a canopy over the tiers of games by students, as an exclusive alumni of the good times once en- succss wou alumi o th god ties nceen-Bound inc ill-filled seats and crowded bleach- student feature of the games. The joyed at the Huron street meeting book sales . An occasional e'rutane, engaged in only way in which this idea may be place. bran over 1, dng pictures cf the game, roared worked out is to instigate informal Many of the songs which are in- Dr. J. B. An Orhead. Photogrophers on the grid- Isinging of the songs at all gatherings cluded in the present Michigan song versity at th a and on the very top of the buzz- i of any sort, at fraternities, around the books are those which have grown, honored pos press box, were grinding away fur- camp fire on Cap night, and on all oc- and knew their birth in "Joe's" and I ws edited isly, as fully 85 thousand people ;asions which draw loyal Michigan the "Orient." Among the best of these '09, and Ear ed their voices to the strains of ( students together. is the song: published b arsity" accompanied by two bands Four operas were tucked away in "I want to go back to Michigan house in the tich resembled in no particular the the belts of the aspiring dramatists at To dear Ann Arbor town, by Mrs. M. poverished organizations which had the University, -and several football Back to Joe's and the Orient, University M fred out "Varsity" many years be- songs had Miade their appearance Back to some of the money I spent. over 14 year . Truly, the stage was set, the when a demand was created for a new I want to go back to Michigan, The onlya ature ready to be framed and hung! wsong book containing the more modern To dear Ann Arbor town, it contained 'Varsity" is peculiarly suited to songs. After deliberation warranted I want to go back, J B adstand singing and carries with it by well-founded fear as to how a new I got to go back,-to Mich-i-gan" oJ HBAngell, entiment and inspiration which has song book would be received, Mrs. Song's Writer Is Unknown heof ri Audit declined but rather improved since Minnie Maes Root, founder of the Nobody seems to know who wrote in the wrigis day it stimulated Mr. Fisher, the University Music house, undertook the this song and nobody seems to care! idea was so e .well-known dance orchestra lead- task of compiling a new song book Authorities on Michigan say it "simply accepted fe to lay the foundation for our pres- which contained the music from the growed, like Topsy." It is a fact that m f unsae tUniversity band. When the foot- first five aperas, the football songs it "growed" either in the homely, - tions of the i teams hear the sincere strains of which have been described in earlier timate atmosphere if the "Orient," or forts madei 'We're for you, here for you, toiissues of the history, and the tradi- in "Joe Parker's Place." outgrowth o eheer you.. tional songs which have been sung At all informal mnetings it is to this hall and the and then the joyful burst of around the tables at Joe Parker's, the song that old grads turn for an outlet May festival husiasm cincident with the half- meeting place for thousands of stu- to their vocal abilities. Of all the gent of the n , half-shouted verse: dnts and almni who found it neces- Michigan comic songs, like "Romeo Michigan, d -Varsity, down the field, never yield, sary to quench their thirst before be- and Juliet,' 'the "Co-ed That Van- project of a raise high your shield, ginning of the second verse! Joe's, a quishes Me," '"When I First Kissed ture May fe larch on to victory for Mich-i- rendezvous for those who liked to talk Sweet Margaret," and "Tobias and tions, and a gan!" a bit, study a bit, and drink a glass Bohunkus," "I Want to Go Back to tion. The re .it is no wonder Michiga teams of beer, was also a meeting place for Michigan" is the most popular and the forts was ti winningwtean m! the alumni association of Ann Arbor best known. Lacking the swing and structure n Denand Field Song for many years. The only evidence luster of the fight songs, and the torium. .bout the time that "Varsity" ap- of the charm of Joe Parker's lies in depth of feeling present in the "Yel- - ed, Michigan spirit, both in the the engraving of names in the tops of low and the Blue," this song holds I UNIVERS] relopment of songs and in the ini- the tables, some of which were later something of the humor and hilarious A unique de on of a strong football game pa- transferred to the Union tap room, and atmosphere of college life. Neither ly when an nage, made rapid strides until in others to the new '"Joe Parker" res- true to Michigan standards, not typical with a profe .0 there arose -a. demand for a field taurant, managed by the daughter of of college life in general, it retains ucation. Th ig. The University Alumni associa- Joe Parker. enough of the stereotyped picture of that college n offered a prize which was cap- Benohii Old Spirit the care-free, self-indulgent college should be a ed by Roy Dickinson Welch and If alumni of the University wish to man Bryson, the former having return some of these fine, days and itten the music, Bryson, the words. create an old-time uproar in Joe Park- NO e chorus of the song runs rich in er's or the "Orient," erstwhile Main dfication of, the long-sought, true streat rival of Parker's, they will cligan spirit. Welch expressed in have to bomb the place! In the words -air what Bryson conveyed when of the former owner of the "Orient," wrote: "Things in Ann Arbor aren'.t what Strong in the strength of our thou- they used to be." sands, Back in the "good old days," when 'dey can never fight in vain! cheers were cheers and beer was beer, The Gayest Picture of ',ift to the goal they are plunging Joe Parker's flourished, in spite of its and Aain street competitor. Crowds Loye You've 'hey honor the prize they gain. gathered joyfully around the '"benches )f manly fame undying, built fer two" loyally boasting of the 7irtors in spirit and daring prowess of Michigan teams and of the 'hyy will fight as true men can. immortal Michigan spirit. After the WV'l yell, yell, yell, 'til ]the last games, thse two harbors of refuge kichoes tell were turnitd into veritable riot halls. _, rICTORY! for MICHIGAN!" Cheers raised the roofs, while plain- ie song was immediately published tive melodies floated out into the the Root Music house and although streets to the merry tinkle of the cash- njoyed a good sale at its inaugur- registeru. It was in such an atmos- n it has since fallen by the way- ten the heart of the he- rgraduate and to gladdn '; he retrospective alumnus. rs in thi; class are " 'Tis We Sing," the "Old Friars "I Kind of Like Ann ast of which is known to I y Robert M. Toms, now attorney in Wayne coun- ege Days" was the tradi- avorite song of the old SIX PHYSICIANS PEAKEleven Killed When ENN PRAR Poison Gas Escapes L IN I In German Town PROGRAMS OFSTUDY Faced with the grim reality of chem- Of Sixty-Five Addresses Scheduled, . Prof. James B. Edmonson, direc __ _ r l u la f h h iini±o TTa [ i I y, a campus organization ed its zenith, before the ohibition. This song was hed until the Friar so- ded, and then only at the and of the student body. r was secured from onc r Friar society members, nged for the new song pyrighted.R Ale -New Son~gboo(k the latest song book, now edition, was a notable entailed the enlargement 280 pages. Demand made e to with-hold publication, that it enjoyed a huge ild be mildly stating facts. oth in maize and blue, the for the first five months 000. It was dedicated to gell, president of the Uni- at time, and holder of the sition for over 40 years. by Roy Dickinson Welch, l Vincent Moore, '12, and y the University Music year 1913, being compiled M. Root, founder of the Music house and owner for s. pictures of interest that were those of President of Dr. A. A. Stanley, and torium. Dr. Stanley's work nation of the May festival well done, and .so widely hat University hall be- for singing congrega-, size that Dr. Stanley's ef- necessary. It was as an f this condemnation of U-1 immediate success of thej , that Arthur Hill, a re- University from Saginaw, onated funds to back the new auditorium for fu- stival activities, convoca- ssemblies of like descrip- esult of Arthur Hill's ef- he realization of a great ow known as Hill audi- ITY OF WASHINGTON- bate was held here recent- masked student debated ssor of the School of Ed- e question was: Resolved, fraternities and sororities bolished. Not One Doctor Capcelled 1 His Engagement MANY DOCTORS ATTENDa More than 1200 physicians were inl attendance at the four day medical clinic held last week in Detroit and at which six University doctors gave addresses. A unique feature of the clinic was that of the 65 addresses7 which were scheduled, not a doctori broke his engagement. Eight hundred registered for the clinic which was held under the com- bined aid of the Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, the Wayne' County Medical Society, the Michi- gan Medical Society, and the Depart- ment of Post-Graduate Medicine of the University of Michigan. Over 400 other doctors attended the clinic with- out registering. At present a program is under con- sideration for similar clinics of shor- ter duration to be given yearly in three or four of the larger cities of the state. A tentative program of clinics for next fall is being arranged for Flint, Grand Rapids, and Ann Ar- 1)01. The clinics will probably con- tinue for a two or three day period, ind are primarily for the purpose of tiding doctors to keep up with the idvances in their profession. University doctors who addressee he clinic were Dr. Aldred Scott War thin, professor of pathology, Dr. Pres- ton M. Hickey, professor of roentgen- ology, Dr. Louis H. Newburgh, profes- sor of clinical investigation, Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the department of post-graduate medicine, and pro- fessor of internal medicine, Dr. Cyru: C. Sturgis, director of the Simpsorn Memorial institute, and Dr. Roy P Canfield, professor of Otolaryngology. EXTINGUISHERS ARE PURCHASED Sixty-two extinguishers and ten py- rene extinguishers have been purch- ased by the Building and Grounds de- i at warare, the citizens o1 Hamburg, Germany, realized again the horrors of the late war when a deluge of phosgene gas swept down upon them Sunday from the laboratories of Dr. Hugo Stolzenburg. It is reported that by noon of that day the fumes of this wartim e poison gas had penetrated the Free Harbor district throwing the residents into a panic, while eleven firemen and pol- icemen had died and ninety other vic- tims had been taken to hospitals. Troops were called, out to guide men, women, and children through the streets to other sections of the city while the endangered district has been closed. It. was hoped that a rain which set in would clear up the atmosphere and aid the northeast wind which was blowing the gas to the nearby town of Wilhelmsburg. The gas which is no longer manu- factured was some that had been left over from' the late war and was stored in the laboratories of Dr. S'tolzenburg in tanks preparatory to being sent to the United States. A supply of gas- masks has been ordered from Berlin to cope with the situation and to aid in stopping the leaks in the tanks. of the Division of Uiversity Inspye- tion of High Schools, has issued a suggested program for training pu- pils of the secondary schools in ef- ficient habits of study. As every school accredited by th University is expected to follow sous; definite and specified plan for train- ing their students in effective study methods, Professor Edmonson consid- ered that "study helps" issued by the Univesity would furnis the b e!> means for accomplishing this. Co;- sequently, lie has published a list fC 112 requisites for good study. Anoug these are a study program; have the proper conditions of light, materal, etc.; work independently; and several other suggestions of equal merit. RIBBONS AA SUPPLIES for all makes of - TYPEWRITERS Rapid turnover. fresh gfd k -hIsres best quality at a moderate price. 0. D. MORRI LL 17 Nickels Arcade. phone 66V". partment and will be distributed im- mediately in many of the campus - buildings, including the new museum. A few will be installed in the Natural Science building and especially in those places where laboratory equip- 1ment is situated. TI -v T] .o W SHOWING Modern Youth andI Ever Roared At! ~IE PA A KING VIDOR production with Le as others of the now well-re- embered Michigan songs came arching in. Not satisfied with a few song pro- ctions, Roy Dickinson Welch step- d gallantly forwad with a new foot- 11 song about 1913, at the time when otball spirit was pulling itself out a trough of depression. Welch ote the music and words for his ng called "Michigan's Men of Steel," d appropriately dedicated it to len who play and men who cheer r Michigan." To the casual football n, -the precision with which this me is played lends an air pecu- RAE CONRAD VEIDT in "A MAN'S PAST" MEf iMAID COMEDY Tis Ad with 15 Cents ,UAil IHER TO THE RAE Ann Ardor's Only Independent Theatre -- ., ". tf".I Modern tt cfsY a t Marie Dressler Lawrence Gray Zr#Yo V o r *'II Iit I! )W SHOWING THRU WED. NIGHT TW WPARDY Nom. LAm DY L A a£ f "-4- T+d- ,"--Ni .C. C- ~P. TO14S '1