ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Lw1 4aitli MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 175. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1928. EIGHT PA WILL BE CELEBRATEDBY BY ALLAUNISN APPROXIMATELY 24O ALITUNI EX- PECTED TO REVISIT ANN ARBOR WILL INCLUDE NOTABLES Thirty-eight Classes Will Witness "The Old Grad." And Specially Scheduled Baseball Game An all-alumni Sing and thirty-eight class reunions will be features of this year's Alumni reunion which is sched- uled for Friday and Saturday, June 15 and 16, according to plans announ- ced yesterday by Charles J. Rash, general director of the affair. Although attendance at reunions has dwindled during many years, approximately 2500 alumni are expected in Ann Ar- bor this year due to the efficient work of the enlarged staff in the Alum'ni as- sociation offices and due to the activi- ty of the Class Secretaries organiza- tion. The Alumni Sing will be held for the second time at 9 o'clock, Friday night at Angell hall. A band stand will be constructed, and arrangements are being completed for the erection. of a huge screen on which to flash the, words of many old Michigan songs, some of which date back forty or fifty years. Class of '73. Will Meet - It is understood that possibly fifteen of the twenty-three living members of the class of '73 will be present at the reunion. Through the efforts of John P. Kirk, the class of 88L, is The thirty-eight classes hold- I ing reunions this year are: 73, k 76M, 76D, 77M, 77D, 78, 78M, 78D, 78L, 81, 83, 88, 88M, 88L, 93, 93L, 98, 98M, 98L, 03, 03M, 03D, 04M, I 05E, 06E, 07, 07D, 13E, 18, 1SM, | 18L, 23M, 23L, 24M, 24L, 24E, 25E, I 26L. PROPOSED MERIT SYSTEM OF UNION ENDORSED BY JEFFRIES AND GREENE William V. Jeffries, grad., president of the Union for the past year, and W. Roger Greene, '28, recording secretary during the same period, heartily en- dorsed the proposed merit system of selecting candidates to fill their of- fices in interviews given j The Daily yesterday. "Under the present sy-stem," Jef- fries declared, "there is too great a chance of unqualified individuals to secure the offices. Because a person is a good vote getter, it is not in- dicative that he will be a good admin- - istrator. "At present," he averred, " a com- mitteeman may work arduously for three years and then be unable to be HOBBS TO SAIL NORTH IN DISKO ON, JUNE 115 Ice-Bound Vessel Has At Last Been Freed And Will Proceed To Copenhagen WILL CO TO MT. EVANS Professor William Tierbert Hobbs, director of the'University Greenland expedition, yesterday received a cable- gram from Denmark which reveals that the Disko, stuck in the ice off the southern coast of Greenland for the last several weeks, has at last been freed and will be prepared to take Professor Hobbs and his party to the Mt. Evans observatory about June 15. Through this fortunate cir- cumstance the expedition will be de- layed only about two weeks and a half, Professor Hobbs estimates. Professor Hobbs, who has been anx- iously awaiting the news, will leave Ann Arbor Wednesday for New York and will sail Saturday to Copenhagen, where he will await the Disko. The freight of the party, which has been in New York since the delay, will sail on the same ship which ' takes Professor Hobbs. On June 5 the rest of the party, Ralph L. Belknap, second in command, L. R. Schneider, aerolqgist, Duncan Stewart, assistant geodosist and geo- elected to the higher offices due to the fact that he does not possess the faculty of being able to poll votes from both the fraternities and the in-I dependents.I "If the new plan is put into effect, the Board of Directors will choose only the person who is deserving. The selection will not be made in a hur- ried manner, but the records of the candidates will be thoroughly inves- tigated," Jeffries concluded. g Student interest will be stimulated tremedously and a much higher type of student will be drawn into compe- tition for the Union offices," Greene believes, "if the proposed amendment goes into effect." "This will naturally result," he con- tinued, "in a better type of president and recording secretary because men will be more tempted to enter the competition when they realize that their work and merit will be judged fairly, regardless of whether or not they have powerful fraternity or polit- ical backing." "Under the new plan," Greene stat- ed, "the selection will be made in such a way that the Board' of Director3a will be kept continually in close contact with the men working in the various departments and in voting will be in a position to know personally the in- dividual qualifications of each appli- cant." SOCIALISTS SHOW GMkN IN GEMA LCTIONS Party Leaders A greed That Reichstag Is Doomed Without Cooperation Of Winning Bloc COALITION WILL ORGANIZE (By Associated Press) BERLIN, May 21.-Returns today from the election of a new reichstag Sunday indicated that the Socialists were the strongest political unit in Germany. The Socialists registered de- cisive gains whil the German Na- tionalist party's losses wer.e conspi- cuous. 'TAX IDUCTION BILL ADOPTED BY SENATE WITHOUT CLOSE VOTE REPUBLICANS ARE ABLE DEFEAT DEMOCRATIC PROPOSAL TO PROVIDES FOR LARGE CUTI Repeal Of Tax On Automobiles Involving $60,00,000 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 21-The tax reduction bill was passed tonight by the Senate tonight without a record vote. The measure provides for a slash of $205,000,000 in the burden of the taxpayers. In a desperate last minute drive Republicans succeeded in eliminating the bill the only important provision won by the Democrats during the long tax contest-the proposal for a grad- uated scale of lower rates on corpor- ations with ,incomes of $115,000 and less. This action was won on a tie vote after two roll calls, with Vice Presi- dent Dawes deciding the issue. The, elimination of the graduated scale provision clipped $24,000,000 from the total reduction provided by the mea-I sure, thus bringing the total tax cut within range of the $200,000,000 limi- tation set by President Coolidge and Secretary Mellon. Chairman Smoot of the Senate fi- nance committee in charge of the bill mmediately asked that the SenateI meet in conference with the House, which voted for a $290,000,000 reduc- tion and his request was acceded to. Several days at least are expected to be consumed in the efforts to obtain a compromise between the Senate and the House. Corporations win the big chunk of -he tax reduction melon, getting $94,- '00,000 directly from its provisions. The proposal of the Senate to cut the corporation levy from 13 1-2 to 12 1-2 per cent accounts for $82,000,000 of the reduction. The provisions approved by both 'he Senate and House for an increase 'n the exemption allowed corporations from $2000 to $3000 involved a loss in revenue of $12,000,000. The other main provisions of the re- Auction program is the repeal of the automobile tax, involving $66,000.000 in revenue. Lindbergh FinishedI Trans-Atlantic Hop A Year Ago Today PRICE OF CAMPUS WIT IS LOWERED AS GARGOYLE VENTURES NEW POLICY Beginning with the June issue of with the June issue is the first which the publication which will appear on has been made by the Gargoyle in the campus Wednesday morning, the more than 20 years. It is especially Gargoyle will inaugurate a new pot- noteworthy in that no other college icy under which the price of the mag- humor magazine is offered today at azine will 'be reduced from 25 cents to the same price though the Gargoyle 15 cents a copy, it was announced yes- probably prints more editorial mat- terday in the Gargoyle business of- ter, contains more cuts, and uses bet- fice. ter paper than any other student hu- The new price is being tried in an mor publication. Prices for the others effort to increase the number of Gar- range between 25 and 50 cents. goyle sales. If successful, it will be' The coming issue is being planned continued through next year. as a Commencement number and will One of the oldest college humor include a number of takeoffs on grad- magazines, the Gargoyle is rated by uating scenes. It is being edited by magazine agencies and by College Htu- the new Gargoyle editors, who were mor as well as by other colleges as appointed by the Board in Control of one of the best in its field. During Publications less than a month ago, the past year it has succeeded in be- Lichtenstein and Philip M. Crane, '29. ing widely reprinted in other maga- zines of the same type, its artists have been recognized as the best, and one of them Maurice Lichtenstein, '29, . was awarded first prize in a nation wide contest conducted by College Humor. WILL BE PROTECTED The change in price which comes | UNION MEMBERS WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY Constitution Provides That 600 Students Must Be Present To Vote On Amendment Men holding its first reunion since its grad- ' U..None'of the m'ajor parties was re- uo r yradio expert, will sail to join nation forty Years ago and all indi- garded as likely to obtain an over- atnc frpoint toward a large attend- the Honbat is ardy aM whelming control in the new reich- anTe from tis class. n the Erd t stag and parliamentary leaders, head- The program will open with the Evansbel tesotes'o h ed by Dr. Gustav Stresemann, foreign annual Alumni meeting and registra- Undoubtedly the shortness' of the e yD.Gsa teean oeg ionn Room Alumni Memond rira- delay will cause little change in the minister and leader of the Peoples tion in Room I7, Alumni Memorial plans of the expedition. The Green- party were determined to form a coal- hall, Friday morning at 10 o'clock land storms will be studied to deter- ition ministry of S'ocialists, Centrists. and is followed by a luncheon at mine what effect they have upon the Peoples party and Democrats. The Betsy Barbour House and a specially winds of the Atlantic, and Belknap present cabinet, which terminates its scheduled ball game at 3 o'clock in and Stewart will journey inland to official career as soon as the vote has the afternoon, between Michigan's the edge of the ice and map the ice- been certified by the election com- championship baseball team and M. cap for about two hundred .miles, un- missioner, is a coalition of a National- S. C. Friday night a great many of the til it swings around to the coast. ists, Centrists and Peoples party. classes will hold separate banquets . Professor Hobbs, with Belknap and The losses of the Nationalists were and then all will gather in front of Stewart, will return to Ann Arbor in regarded as eliminating that party Angell hall for the song fest at which time for the school session next fall from participation in the next min- time pictures of some of last year's while Schneider, Baer, and Carlson, istry. Leaders of the three middle par- football games will also be shown. will remain for the winter at Mt. Ev- ties were agreed that the reichstag Will Hear Presidents Report ans to collect meteorological data. Es- was doomed to remain an impotent Saturday murorning's plans include pecial effort will be concentrated on parliamentary instrument as long as .the annual business meeting in Hill the glacial anticyclone, and material any cabinet attempted to run the gov- auditorium, at which time committee ]will be collected by means of balloons. ernment without the active coopera- reports and the President's report on tion of the Socialists. the year's activities will' be presented, BREMEN WRECKED Approximately 331,000,000 Germans and a luncheon in Barbour gymnas- voted in the national election of the ium at 12:15. "The Old Grad," the Uni- IN NEW A TTEMPT reichtag and nine million of them versity film, will be shown to the Al- - voted the Socialist ticket. The distri- umni at a mass meeting in Hill audi- (By Associated Press bution of the votes among the other torium at 1:30, after which they will NEW YORK, May 21.-The transat- parties was: attend another baseball game with lantic plane Bremen lay wrecked on German National party, 4,444,000; M. S. C. at Ferry Field. Nathan Pot- Labrador beach tonight, so badly dam- Center, 3,612,000; German People, ter, who takes the leading role in the aged that the plans to fly her to New 3,094,000; Communists, 3,080,000; campus movie, is secretary of his York were definitely abandoned. Democrats, 1,495,000; Bavarian Peo- class and will be present at his class The salvaging operations appeared ples, 942,000; Economic, 1,366,000; reunion here. The week end will be to be temporarily at a standstill, but Fascists, 777,000, and other parties. completed with a Senate reception officials of the Junkers corporation 2,790,000. Saturday evening, of America said they were negotiating The medical and dental classes of to have the bhip dimanted an CABOT AND HICKEY '76, '77, and '78 will hold a joint re- bATTEND MEETING union which is being sponsored byvyage by steamer. Victor H. iacsobng77D, Reports from St. Johns, N.F., were Jackson, '77D, '78M, and that only mere details of her unsuc- Dr. Hugh Cabot, dean of the Medi- '14 Hon. A. M. Governor .Fred Green, cessful attempts at a takeoff last week cal school and professor of surgery, secretary of the class of '98L, will be had seeped out of the north, but a and Dr. Preston M. Hickey, professor host to those of his class attending brief message from Long point, where of roentgenology, will address the the reunion, at a dinner given in the the plane now is, indicated that the Wayne County medical society this state capitol during one of the two Bremen did not even get off Uhe afternoon. Dr. Hickey will speak on days. Many are expected to attend the ground before it cracked up so badly "X-ray Examination of the Stomach," annual reunion of the class of '81. Ias to preclude the possibility of a and Dr. Cabot will give a paper on Franck Will Come , flight. "Surgery of the Stomach." Some f thse idiviualsreturn- , ing from long distances to attend the iNOTABLES VISIT DOCTOR KELLOGG'S affair are Harry A. Franck, '03, fam-AR ous lecturer, author, and globe-trot-' FAMOUS BATTLECREEK SANITARIUM ter, who is coming back' from thel heart of Abyssinia, land 'Charles E. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who made I when he is pretty well tired, Dr. Kel- Tompkins, '98, 'OOM, who is return- two separate addresses here yester- f logg is seemingly unexhausted and ling from medical missionary work in day, is without a doubt one of the most "rarin' to go." As Dr. Kellogg stated Suifu, China to attend the reunion of interesting and picturesque figures in yesterday, he is often accused of the class of '98. Mr. Franck has been this country today. working like a horse, but to make famous as an author since he first Practically all of the most famous up for it, he eats like a horse, not in circled the globeand related his ad- statesmen,diplomats, bankers, in the matter ofrquantity, but with the ventures in a book printed in 1907, I fact everybody of note can be found proverbial "horse sense." called "A Vagabond Journey Around 'at some time or other at the wlrld- This "horse sense" in eating con-. the World." He was here as a speak- renowned sanitarium to which this sists of, from Dr. Kellogg's point of er on the Oratorical lecture series doctor-scientist has contributed fifty- view, a complete vegetarian diet. In, program last semester. five years of his life, an interview yes- his great Battle iCreek Sanitarium Friday is to be known as Reunion .terday with his student chauffer, a there is not a bit of meat on the pre- day and saturday as Alumni Day. I junior at Dr. Kellogg's own Battle mises, he said yesterday. According By C. S. M. Just a year ago this morning, The Daily carried one of the most porten- tious headlines that has ever graced he top of its front page: "'Lindbergh j succeeds in New York-Paris Flight." . The type which bore this news to the Mchigan caipu's was not as large as .hat which flared across the tops of 1 ity papers, but it created as great an sffect as did the two-and three-inch streamers. The morning before, May 21, the tart of the Captain's flight -he was not a colonel then-was heralded in a 1 ory at the bottom of the front page. It was a matter of fact, Associated Press story. The heads, too, were l matter of fact. A few weeks before, two of France's most famous aviators had failed in the western flight. Their deaths were still in the memories of the world. People were still sceptical about the Atlantic flight. Many, then, 2onsidered Lindbergh as a fool, a young flier who could fly mail planes, :naybe, but who knew nothing of acean flight. When he took off, very{ sew, if any, dreamed of the fame thatf was to be his within the next day, the next week, and the next year. Sunday morning's Daily bore the epochal story of Lindbergh's landingl At Le Bourget field, and of the French >vation. It told of the weary-eyed Uindbergh, who had sat at the con- trols of his plane for 34 straight hours, and of the dangers through which he had safely passed. To many on cam- pus The Daily story was not the first news of accomplishment, for on the Saturday night previous, the phones were kept busy by anxious persons seeking confirmation of the landing or the latest developments. Since then, Lindbergh has become a national hero, he has flown around the country and the continent, and is now preparing for greater tasks. Books sometimes carry the story of sudden rise to fame, but few have ever told of such a dramatic ri'se as do the columns in The Daily files. PLAN IS WELL ENDORSED Owing to a number of conflicting meetings to be held at the same time,, the assembly of Union members sche-s duled for tomorrow night has been changed until 7:30 o'clock Thursdayt night when it will be held in the ballJ room of the Union, it was announced last night by William V. Jeffries, grad., president of the Union for thet past year. After having been endors'ed by thet Board of Directors of the Union and approved by the present student offic- ers as well as by members of the fac-t ulty, the amendments proposing tof write the merit system of selecting1 the president and recording secretaryt into the Union constitution will be) submitted for the assembly's approv-t al on Thursday night. In order for 'the amendments to be2 accepted, the Union constitution pro- vides that at least 600 men students shall be present that at least 400 or two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of the proposal. The project in detail proposes to take the offices of president and re- cording secretary of the Union, nowI elected at the annual spring all-cam- pus elections, and to have them chos- en the week previous to the election{ by the 17 members of the newly form- ed Board of Directors of 17 members, which was authorized by the Union mem'bership early this year. This'new board of directors is com- posed of the president and recording secretary of the Union, the six vice- presidents who will continue to be selected at the spring election from their respective schools, three mem- bers of the faculty, two alumni, the dean of students, the financial secre- tary of the Union, the secretary of the Alumni association, and one member of the Board of Regents of the Uni- versity. SAMMY MANDELL BEATS M'LARNIN (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 21.-Sammy Man- dell, dapper cleancut champion of the lightweights, successfully warded off the challenge of Jimmy McLarnin,' game little Irishman from LosAngel- es, in a 15-round title bout tonight. Both weighed in at 135 pounds, the class limit. For 15 rounds, the black haired champion slashed and tore at the little challenger, but could not put him on the floor. Throughout the latter half of the fight, McLarnin's left eye was closed, his nose bleeding and his other eye half shut, bugt he carried the fight of the champion every inch of the way, and drew the plaudits of more than 20,000 fans throughout for his bulldog courage'and fighting heart. BIG TEN BASEBALL (By Associated Press Wisconsin 9, Iowa 6. Illinois 17, Minnesota 0. International Aspects Of New Civil War Figure In New Dispatches' From Far East MANCHURIA IS INVOLVED (By Associated Press) LONDON, May 21.---Tnternational as- pects of the, civilwarfare in China again figured today in the news dis- patches from the East. Word from Pe- king brought news of statements by John A. MacMurray, American minis- ter ,sent to both sides and inf-Irming them that the United States troops would be used defensively if Ameri- can lives were endangered at Peking and Tientsin. He expressed apprecia- tion of assurances already given that Americans would be protected. The Japanese plan for maintenance of the status quo in Manhuria went on apace. The general staff of the Japanese army ordered all its de- tachments in Manchuria concentrated in Mukden where they may be easily distributed to strategical points on the Chili border or used to guard the Mukden railway. These troops will be augmented by a full brigade which is. regularly stationed at Dairen. This body has just been relieved from du- ty at Tsin-tao. The Japanese also notified the Pe- king government that they intend to disarm any demoralized troops which may cross the Manchurian-Chili bor- der, The whole Japanese plan for Man- churia is frought with "far-reaching consequences," said a statement is- sued at Peking by Chang Tso-lin, Northern dictator. He hoped the Sou- therners would gain enough wisdom to see the "futility of continuing a doubtful campaign," and of augment- Ing international difficulties. CORWIN ELECTED TO ALUMNI POST Official notification of his election as Director of the tenth di'strict of the University of Michigan Alumni as- sociation, was accorded H. H-. Cor- win, '99, of Jackson, recently by a committee composed of C. J. Goodrich, 14 Law, of Battle Creek, newly elect- ed president of the district ,and T. H. Tapping, field secretary of the Alumni association. Mr. Corwin, who is president of the Corwin Lumber company of Jackson,I was elected for a three-year term to succeed J. Arthur Whitworthe, '94, ofI Grand Rapids, but was not present at the election which took place at the recent Triennial in Chicago and did not know of his selection until the committee interviewed him in Jack- son. DR. KLLOGG DEPLORE DEATH RATE INCREAS AMONG OLDER lPEOPL DECLARES THAT HUAN RA( WILL PERISH UNLESS TIDE TURNS GIVES RULES FOR HEALT In Tolstoy Centennial Address Doet Asserts That Meat Is Very Harmful To Body "The human Kace is degeneratinm and will certainly perish unless ti tide'turns," said Dr. John Harvey K logg, founder of the Battle Creek sa atarium, at the annual banquet of ti Cosmopolitan club last night at if Union. "Though statistics show greater life expectancy now than ev before, the figures do not show tU true state of affairs," he continue "The greater life expectancy is due decrease in the death rate of tho below twenty years of age. The'dea rate of men above seventy is great now than ever before, and the hums race is dying at the top." "If man did not abuse his orgar the average age of man would be o: hundred years, and men living up 250 would not be very uncommo since man's machinery is capable lasting that long if treated well. Ho ever, man pays more attention to i proving domestic animals than he do to himself. We now have horses th can run faster than ever before, b Whore men are dying of heart falu and kidney and lung, troubles th at any other time in our history. U less we pay more attention to ou selves than we are doing now, the h man race will not last very long. ' must first learn to be good anima Gives Fundamental Rules Dr. Kellogg gave two fundament rules for good health and a long li: The first was: Sit, stand, and wa erect. "Too many people," Dr. K logg explained, walk with their che behind and their hips in front. T abdominal muscles control the dire laton of the blood, and unless th Iare kept in good order, they can do their work properly.'" The seco rule concerned our food. "Man tri to eat all sorts of food with a stoma made for fruits and vegetables. Whi we eat today, walks and talks tom row," said the doctor. Yesterday afternoon, Dr. Kello spoke in the Natural Science au< torium, under the auspices of the.T stoy centennial league. His topic w "It Pays to be Good to Yourself." k spoke mainly on the diet, and sa that meat was very harmful, sin it introduces millions of germs i the body, which break down the r sistance 'to disease. "There are abc 10Q million germs to every gram meat as it comes to the table," said. Concludes Club's Events The banquet last night at the ion was the last event on the progr of the Cosmopolitan club for tl year. The program consisted of a t by M. A. Wenger, '28, songs by M A. J. Diakoff of India, a violin solo Benito Lopez of the Philippines a Dr. Kellogg's speech. Dr. Kellog w introduced by Prof. J. A. C. Hildm of the German department. After I meeting the officers for next year w elected. MILITARY SOCIETY1 HOLDS INITIATION' Scabbard and Blade, national hon- orary military society, initiated 23 members into the local chapter . last Saturday afternoon and night. The ceremonies took place on the rifle range on Packard street aind on the' campus.,: The initiation banquet was held Sunday night at the Union, at which three of the departing faculty mem.- bers gave addresses. Major Reinold Melburg is leaving to take a post at Fortress Monroe, Virginia; Captain WillianA Louisell is going to Fort Woshington, Washington, D. C., and Lieutenant John H. Madison is leaving for Kansas Agricultural college, Man- hattan, Kansas. PARDON AT'TENDS ANNUAL MEETIN Mr. Edward C. Pardon, Superint( dent of Buildings and Grounds, h4 recently returned to Ann Arbor afi attendingi the annual meeting of t Association of Superintendents Buildings and Grounds of the m western universities, held at Itha N. Y. and after making a short tc of many eastern colleges. Representatives from the followi colleges were also present at the co vention: Wisconsin, Chicago, Kans Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Ohio, .a Amherst. Many topics of interest w discussed at the meetings includi a comparison of the cost of jani service, fuel, heating, painting, e of the buildings at the different u versities. Mr. Pardon and Mr. Gal: tel of Wisconsin delivered a paper I "Standardizing Methods for Main nance Costs." SMITH CAMPAIG EXPENSES ARE LO - (By Associated Press) RALEIGH, N.C., May 21.-Trail ,3 , s t t, t r a WOODEN STAND MYSTERY SOLVED- WILL BE USED FOR SENIOR SINGS Last week's mystery-the wooden the library was the logical and ap- structure that has been standing onl campus just abaft the library steps-- is no longer a mystery. It's a band- propriate location for the ring. Others were confident that the skeleton of boards would evolve into a judges'