FTHE MICHIGAN DAILY -SUN PRJFSSRPlflMNTDePriest Is Chosen Republican Nominee RRITES FRENCH BOOK, -... Prof. Michael S. Pargment, of the Romance languages department, has 'written a new French text hook which will be put on sale by the Machillan publishin~g company within a few days, it was announced yesterday at the headquarters of the (department. The book, "Exercises de Composition et de Grammaire," will be used in the inteiediate French classes here next seeter. Th~e book is intended to satisfy the, specia.l needs of the American college student, Professor P argment explain- ed. "In Europe, the direct* method of pedagogy used is intended for a course at, least six years long. In Ain3erica, where many students study French. for only two or three years, we must adopt the most modern and scientific methods available to the special Am- erican needs," he said. Professor Pargment, who comies from France, complimented the French departments of American universities. "American college students learn al- most aq much French in two or three years as they w.oould in six if they studied on thke 1Contin~ent," he 'said. "This is due to the fac4t that America is ahead of all other countries in re- spct tQ French teat-b~ooks. The out- put is tremendous and the improve- meat marked." SUMMER SCHOOL PLANS .ANNOUNCED Courses in' fine arts, mathematics, Latin, French, English, history, science, industrial arts, and typewrit- ing, will be given at. the summer ses- sion of the University high school which will begin Wednesday, June 27, it was announced yesterday. Regular sessions will be held daily during the summer until Wednesday, 'August 15., A varied "program will be offered, permitting gieater freedom for self-j" expression on the parts of pupils and greater freedom four instructors to teach well those topics for which the regular year is too short. "The summer school is not a male- up school," R. Schorling, of the Uni- versity high school staff stated yes- terday. "We hope'to enroll pupils for wvhom the joy of doing a good quality of work is the real challenge and for whom credit is a minor matter. No emphasis will be _placed on credits or marks, ah.d other seemingly necessary evils of the regular school year." if last summer's enrollment of S7 pupils is reached there will be a sec- tiou for each of grades seven, eight, and nine. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, High Grade Repair Ser- Jewlr ~Hotel Hron& vice Corner Huron Street and Fou Huron's quality has stood the test, H-uron has been successful. First. celient meals, reasonable prices. w . ~ 14.f~ Ar.I I~ .f n a.rw > u- . F- Cali'ng Cardls Neatly Egravyd Comnpletely New Line of Ryt, ex Personal Stationery OcrWho has been selected republican congressional nominee from the first Illinois district in Chicago. is name ,will replace that of the late Congress- man Madden on the ballot. ICOLORADO-Week end trips to mountain peaks are engineered by volunteer leaders from a summer camp situated in National Forest Re- serve, 25..miles from the campus. K'1'A Vi'I IS N TOD)AY D~n These Warm Spring Days-Enjoy Your ;Meals at a Cool and Pleasant Restaurant 4 o 1w OitbiitligPictures of the Ycar-,1 Nation ally iFmoujs "ecor!ding O" rc l!strav on the Stage, aind a, Caref'ully Arra2n i Sur.- rounn 'Pror"111-Th sat's W11-0t You ( anI Expect at Owh The Mchig an Cooling Plant Stands Instantly R'eady to Keep You Comfortable!l CHICKEN DINNERS RADIO MUSIC Service : Courtesy :,Satisfaction Ann, Arbor Restaurant, 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET Service at All Hours #4 %J { r c ]" .~. .:f: .A Ik e . If you're a girl who wants, to know hiow to N ~~ get her man: ifyoure . a man trying to figure ,. out the best defense against leap year tac- tics -you couldn't do ,_ better by yourself than~ to learn about love from this picture. This has been hailed .as Marion Davies' with best picture. Laughs ~IE DRSSLERfrom beginning to end. IRENCEGRAY r^1 l r- ?".- ., ~: S'I' ?''~t.^' + .t ~~. t .i. Y MAFR LAV N/\/\/V N7\/N V > xV\ /N~ iNw r ®i\ V /\ \ N ~V 7\'V ' saa .-A .O I I SPIECIAL!I ON THE STAGE! ZEZ CONFREY' i' ' . LLOYD HAMILTON Famous Composer of "Kitten on the Keys," "Dizzy Fingers," etc. "Between Jobs" Kino Grams World's G9reatest News Reel I I I And 14;-e V;t-jn*- Roi-nrd;n tr l H 11 -1A lca VI W0 earc~u 4 1 till. 1111 11