THE MICHIGAN DAILY JDJ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m., Saturday.) Voluille S. FRIDAY, MAY 18. Number 172. Uiniversity Senate: The fourth regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1927- 1928 will be held in Room C, Law Building on Monday, May 21, at 4:15 p.m. Order of business: 1. Annual report of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 2. Memorial to Professor F. C. Newcombe. 3. Memorial to Professor H. S. Mallory. 4. Election of Secretary. .John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate. Notice to All Seniors: There are five more business days after today for payment of diploma and certificate fees of any candidates for graduation at the coming com- mencement. If you have not yet paid, please delay no longer. There can and will be no 'extension beyond 4 p.m., May 24.1 Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. Dedication of !ablet in Memory of The Late Professor Joseph Baker Davis: On Saturday afternoon, May 19, at 3 o'clock, in the Engineering Quad- rangle, will occur the exercises for the dedication of the tablet in memory of the late Professor J. B. Davis. Addresses: Mr. George IT, Fenkell, '95, "Professor Davis, the Engineer;" Mr. Gardner S. Williams, '89, "Profes'sor Davis' Service to the College of Engineering -and to the University;" Mr. George M. Ames, '85, ''Professor Davis and Michigan Engineers;" Mr. Louis E. Ayres, '08, "The Influence of Professor Davis on the Younger Men." Unveiling of tablet by Mr. Carleton W. Angell, the artist and designer. Presentation of the memorial to the Univer'sity by Professor Clarence T. Johnston. Its acceptance for the University by Secretary Shirley W. Smith. Louis A. Hopkins. Sumnier Employment: Mr. J. A. Pickens, representing the Butterwick Company of New York, wil be in Room 304 Michigan Union, on Friday, May 18, from 2 to 5 p.m., to interview students interested in employment for the summer. J. A. Bursley. Ifistory 61:. There will be no meeting of this class today. E. M. Gale. Glacial Geology Field Trip: The class in Geology 128, Glacial Geology, will make a field trip by motor bu S into Jackson County, Saturday morning, May 19, leaving the Natural Science Building at 8:30 o'clock, and returning .at noon. The bus fare will be one dollar for each member. Take map of Ann Arbor Quadrangle and a note book. Frank Leverett. Geography Summer Field Course: There will be a meeting, Friday evening at 7:15 p.m., in Room 11, Angell Hall, for all students who contemplate attending the Geography Summer Camp in Kentucky. R. B. Hall. Choral Union, Frederick Stock, Percy Grainger (guest conductors.) The program is as follows: Sinigaglia: Overture, "Le Baruffe Chi- oziotte," Opus 32; Bellini: ''Ca'sta Diva" from "Norma;" Ponchielli: "Sui- cidio" from "La Gioconda" Leonora Corona; Glazounow: Symphony No. 4 E. Flat Major, Opus 48; Grainger: "Marching Song of Democracy" University Choral Union (Conducted by the Composer); Puccini: "In Quelle Trine Mor- bide" from "Manon;" Puccini: "Vissi d'arte" from "Tosca," Leonora Corona; Strawinsky: Suite from ''L'Oiseau de Feu;" Tchaikowsky: "Adieu, forets," from Jeanne D'Arc," Leonora. Corona. The public is respectfully requested to detach from their season tickets, and to present for admission only the individual coupons. The public is further requested to be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. Charles A. Sink. Lecture CAmrse For 1928-29: The lecture course committee of the Oratorical association will meet next week to begin consideration of next year's lecture course. Any member of the University faculty who wishes to make suggestions in regard to next year's lecture program should send the suggestions at once to Professor J. M. O'Neill, 3211 Angell Hall, Chairman of the Committee. Robert J. Gessner, President of the Oratorical Association, 1928-29. French Play Pictures: Members of the cast or others wishing to secure a photo of the French play, "Le Docteur Miracle," may see the proofs and leave their orders in Room 104, South Wing, office of the Romance. Language Department. All orders must be in before May 24. Max Fruhauf, Jr., Treasurer Cercle Francais. Adelphi House of Representatives: New members should order their pins immediately at Burr Patterson & Auld, Forest and South University Avenue. All bills should be presented and all initiation fees should be paid at the meeting Tuesday next. This is necessary in order to close the books for the year. All active and associate members are asked to be present at the Debate,' Business meeting and Banquet next week. Robert H. Lloyd, Treasurer. Phi Delta Kappa: Annual field day activitie's will occur Friday, June 1, at the Huron Hills Country Club, beginning at 4 p.m. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m., followed by a social evening of dancing and card playing. As the tickets ($1.50 per person) for this occasion are'limited, reservations must be made before May 28. Reginald D. XacNitt, President Omega Chapter. Cosmopolhtaint Club, Re-Election M$eeting: Owing to the fact that last Saturday's election was unconstitutional on the ground of not having a quorum present, there will be a re-election of of- fificers next Monday evening after the final banquet which is to be held in the Union Ball room, May 21, 6 p.m. Nominations could be made from the floor for the various offices. All active members are urgently asked to be present. Raja F. Howrani, President. Ann Arbor Art Association: Two Special Exhibitions of Paintings and Etchings opened on Tuesday, May 15 in the West and North Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. In the West Gallery the Louis W. Hill collection of American Indian Portraits; in the North Gallery a group of recent European Etchings by Robert Fulton Logan are shown. Bruce X. Donaldson, President. Beta Kappa lllio Girls: The bus to North Lake will leave Barbour Gymnasium at 3:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Please be prompt and bring a cup, fork and spoon with you. Beatriie Av. Johnson. )Iichigan Union Opera Music: Anyone planning to submit music for the 1928 Michigan Union Opera should make an ,ppointment with Roy S. Langham to be sure that it will be properly prepared for a hear- ing by the committee next week. Phone 21617. Roy S. Langham, Conductor. Negro-Ca.,casian ('l): Members of the Club and friends are invited to the home of Mrs. E. M. Fales, 1245 Fair Oak Parkway, at the head of Granger Avenue, Saturday, May 19, at 8 p.m., to meet Mr. Louis G. Gregory, of Washington, D. C., who will speak on "New lope for Inter- racial Amity." W. W. Denton. DE FILIPPIS WILL RETURN FOR VISIT Returning after an absence of eight months, Michael De Filippis, former instructor in the Romance languages, department, is expected to reach Ann Arbor in a few days for a brief visit before leaving for a vacation in It- aly, it was announced yesterday. Mr. De Filippis has accepted an ap- pointment as an instructor of Span- ish in San Bernardino Junior college, California. He was an instructor at the University for some years until forced to leave, in the fall of 1926, because of his health. CHORUS WILL REHEARSE Rehearsal for the chorus of -the choral union will be held at 9:30 o'clock this morning in Hill auditori- um, according to an announcement of Earl V. Moore, director. DELUXE MOTOR COACHES Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Toledo Terminals-Ann Arbor, City Pharmacy L ^1 ~Ypsilanti, Huron Hotel4, Toledo, Interurban Station $1.25 one way, $2.25 round trip Leave Ann Arbor Leave Toledo A A. M. 12 Noon 8 A. M. 12 Noon 4 P.M. 8 P. M. 4 P.M. 8 P.M. Stop at Union 5 Minutes later 4 . THE BLUE BIRD COACH LINE, INC. Phone 970, 118 Fourth St. HOURS-8 A. M. to 11 P. MW E-lV E RY D A Y Saunder's Canoe Livery On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. I °Lay Festival Ushers: ti 1NI 1 Iliii l 111111111111III II il I tIIIIII1 All ticket takers and members of the ushering force mu'st be in their places for today's concerts in order that the doors may be opened promptly =If at 2 o'clock for the afternoon concert, and at 7:30 o'clock for the. evening f you want something nice for your Sunday dinner, try a concert. 1= roast of genuine spring lamb. 7e also have fresh spring c w. A. Davenport- r broilers and chickens to roast and boil. hidrd and Fourth May Festival Concerts: The Third May Festival concert will be given Friday afternoon, May 18, ' SPECIAL at 2:30 o'clock, Benno Rabinof, violinist, Marie Montana, soprano, Chil- dren's Festival Chorus, Orchestral Accompaniment, Frederic, Stock and Juva Try a Box of Palm and Olve Soap- Higbee, conductors, Mabel Ross Rhead, pianist. ry bars of Pal and Olive Soa , 60 The program is as follows: Mozart: Overture to "The Impresario;" Bizet: "Siccome un di" from "The Pearl Fishers" Marie Montana; Mendel- Monarch Peaches, 4 cans, 35c value . . $1.00 :- 'sohn: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra E Minor, Opus 64, Benno Rabinof; Hyde: Cantata, "The Quest of the Queer Prince," Children's Festival Chorus; 6 Cans Lighthouse Cleanser . ... . . . . . 25c Chabrier; Waltz Scherzo; Kreisler: Gypsy Caprice; Paganini: Witches' 4 Dance, Benno Rabinof; Campbell Tipton: The Crying of Waters, Sigurd Lie: The Soft-Footed Snow; Rachmaninoff: In the Silence of the Night, FrankV o g el TOS Bridge: Love Went a Riding, Marie Montana. The Fourth May Festival concert will be given Friday evening, May 18, Phone 6656 339 S. Main St. at8:16ocok Soloists: Leonora Corona, soprano, Palmer Christian, organi'st, Mabel 111IIilt11ll lilllIllllllllillil lulllili1111llllillllllllli Ross Rhead, pianist, the University Symphony Orchestra, the University I ------------------------------- rrrcrtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrr__cr rrccrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I ......Y........Y........Y.....................Y.Y.......... G... - - - - - - --................ vv c l 11 LEST YOU FORGET ORDER THEM NOW Engraved Calling Vards 100 Cards-Process Engraving . . s$2.25 100Cards with Plate 3.00 and up SPECIAL PRICE TO UNIVERSITY GIRLS ON WEDDING STATIONERY WAH ,K S T V E BOOKSORE A- ,F -" Come Down To Prekete's SUGAR BOWL 109 South Main Street When "Old Sol" Makes It Hot for You iU U ll itilll111111U t11liltill N iltlitltllliili11i1ttI1 U ltiliilttllit U H lilttlitliiilliililiilitilr. r r _ -1 _ r l rt - Try, a Real Orangeade I r r r or Lemonade a Our. 1111 .. r r y _ F ounA _ r y W y _ r r - r r r r _ r r _ r _ 'The are very refreshen r_ =1 r r -r r r r rr a _ _ _ _ r Swi*ft's Dru-g r _ Opposite Law Building r - r - y r r r r itilil tl 1111 1 111t IlUillt11t11flIUllili11111tiiiiiltiitlttti utnuururrtnurrurrrrrnrrrn - QUALITY. * 0 IF - rp I ~~ dG fL dG WF SPRING NEEDS 4, Q UALI T. *li~ .5 II ~I I You will find plenty of them at this store. Such a Whipcord Lawn Hose-nothing better made. Hose, Nozzle and Reels, Lawn Sprays, Rollers and Rakes. rr A 2UR PLEASANT FOUNTAIN SERVICE WILL BE READY TO SERVE YOU D. M. Ferry's Lawn Seed. .All Kinds of Tools to Keep the Lawn in Shape Lawn Mowers, several makes, sizes and and prices, from $8.00 to $31.00. Be sure and see the Great States Mower, the best mower we have ever seen for the price- .$11.50, $12.50 and $14.00 JQUALITY. JC.Fischer Co.4, ALITY. voMain, near Washington Washington, near Main R30 E=RIC) Tasty Luncheons Salads, Toasted Sandwiches and Choice Desserts Candies Sodas ,.,,,,...........:1 I I- IL I Ax, aau,,BRIE uaaiuu, uuiaiiu"jj111111111 a1 -..______._ D A CI G rr f'"N XT T t"N- TT ' .# O with music by r w V A T o w-t T ThnA