THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, I .. _ _ _ _ Publislhed every morning except Monday during te University year by the Board n Control of Student Publications.- Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all newsj dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub-j fished herein. Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor Michigan, assecond classirfatter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-1 piaster, General. Subscription by sarrier, $4.00; by mail,l $4 .0 Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- sard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business st2r4.j EDITORIAL STAFFj Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORl JO H. CHAMBERLIN Editor...... ...........Ellis P. Merry Ed, r Michigan Weekly.Charles E. Behymer News :ditor...............Philip C. Brooks City i dstor...........Courtland C. Smith Women's Editor... ....Marian L. Welles Sports Editor...........Herbert E. Vedder Theater, Books and Music.Vincet C. Wall, Jr. Assistant city Editor....Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors Robert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick aul J. Kern t NelsonJ. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirs'aum Reporters Esther Anderson sally Knox Margaret Arthur John 1.1. Maloney Alex A. Bochnowskl Marion McDonald Jean Campbell Charles S. Monroe Jessie 'Church Catherine Price1 lanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal Valborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg Marjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner James B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz Robert J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar laine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon Alice Hageshaw George E. Simon lose h ;. Howell Rowena Stillman ,Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone harles R. Kaufman George Tilley William F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller Lawrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. Donald J, Kline Benjamin S. Washer tack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH resistant Manager.. .George H. Annable, Jr. advertising.... ........Richard A. Meyw kdvertising............Edward L. Hulse advertising...........John W. Rnswinckel Accounts................Raymond Wachter Circulation....... ..George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication .......... Harvey Talcott Assistants George Bradley Ray Hofelich Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn Tames Carpenter James Jordan Charles K.;Correll Marion Kerr Barbara Cromel Thale N. Leningtoa Mary ively ratherine McKinven Besie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons u~na Feker Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne George Spater Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley E. . Hammer Hannah Walen Carl W.Hammer FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1928. Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE MERIT AND THE PRESIDENCY Wednesday night, by student request and because of student dissatification, the men of th University will have an opportunity to vote on a proposed plan o f reorganization for their Mich- igan Union. For the past two decades' and more, since the founding of the Union in fact, the student head of that organization has been chosen by popular ballot. When the school was small, and the various candidates were. known personally to nearly all of their fellows, the plan doubtless presented considerable merit. Since the World war, when the' student body of the University be- came a vast heterogeneous mass, numbering its members in the thous- ands and tens of thousands and con- tinuously becoming less of a single unit, the election of the Union presi- dent in the spring has been largely a matter of chance. Political or- ganizations, surprising in their scope and influence, have been formed for the purpose of promoting one or an- other candidacy; and while the Union has been singularly fortunate through the period in constantly securing men of high qualifications for the position of president, the system is no guar- antee of such happenstance, and no surety of election by merit. The present proposal to place the Union presidency on an appointive ba- sis, with the president to be chosen by the board of directors after writ- ten application on the part of men en- gaged in Union work, is one which has emanated from the student body itself. It is in no way to be taken as an in- dictment of the students who have been chosen to the office of Union president in Ie past, fortheir effic- iency and capability has been such as to require no brief; but it is an in- dictment of the system which leaves to the caprice of popular vote the elec- tion to an office where personal pop- ularity means very little in the line of qualification. To get the requisite 600 men to con- stitute a quorum of the Union organ- ization to the meeting next Wednes- day is no easy task, as has been dem- onstrated time and again in the past. The vali.e of the new system over the old, however, and the obvious advan- tage of a system in any organization where tjw head can be appointed on the basis of merit is such as should command at least a respectable por- tion of student attention. Interest in REVIVE BLUE KEY Included in the recommendations made to the Student council at its last meeting was the suggestion that some campus organization such as Blue Key should be formed again, taking as its purpose the meeting and entertain- ing of visiting athletic teams. It need hardly be said that the purpose of such an organization is laudable and that the absence of one creates any- thing but a desirable situation. To meet such a need, Blue Key was founded here three years ago. It ex- isted for one year as an independent organization and its work was con- tinued until the Cornell track meet last spring by another organization which took the same name and was composed of th joint membership of Sphinx and Triangles, junior honorary societies, operating under a separate set of officers. More than a year, however, has passed since the Blue Key ceased to function. During that time the visit- ing teams from other universities, par- ticularly in the minor sports, have been forced to shift pretty much for themselves. Michigan athletic squads, on the other hand, often receive the best in entertainment when compet- ing away from Ann Arbor. This incongruity has not been due wholly to any lack of student interest as efforts at entertainment in the past have met with considerable en- thusiasm. The chief difficulty has been that there have been no funds, what- soever, supplied for the purpose; and even most willing of students find it difficult if not impossible to extend hospitality of any sort, much less hos- pitality worthy of a great University, without some financial aid. As it is, since it is athletes who re- ceive the benefits of entertainment on their trips away from home, it would seem logical that the body to make some provision for the entertainment of visiting teams would be the Ath- letic association. And it may well be hoped that this organization in pre- paring its budget for another year will extend its program to include somef means for the entertainment of visit- ing athletes. THE HOUSTON CONVENTION Virtually assured of a majority of the democratic convention and enter- ing the final weeks of the campaign with his opposition rapidly dwindling following the withdrawal of Senator Walsh from the race, Governor Smith continuesto appear more and more the popular choice of the democratic voters. At such a 'time, It is indeed interesting to examine some of the factors which are quite certain to af- fect his chances in the Houston con- vention. Senator Walsh, in withdrawing, de- clared that Smith is the apparent choice of the party. Whether this is necessarily true or not, it must be at least granted that he has secured a large support in pledged delegates from a number of states. Then too his active opposition has decreased until one seldom hears any other name mentioned with the exception of Rit- chie or Reed. These factors combin- ed with the fact that he will in all probability carry his own, in the elec- tion seem to weigh in his favor as the logical party choice. On the other hand, there is his re- ligion which should not be, but un- doubtedly will be a factor in any con- test in which he may be entered. There is the very obvious location of the convention in the far southern and western city of Houston, obviously a hostile territory. Still it is reported that the redoubtable "Al" is rapidly gaining friends even in Texas and it may be that what now seems to be opposition may turn to support in the final hours of the conventions. Never- theless, there is one jinx which Mr. Smith must meet in thq Hountyn convention, and that is the so often demonstrated fact that the primary and pre-convention choice almost in- evitably is defeated for the nomina- tion by some lesser known selection. The outstanding factors seem to make Smith the Democratic choice but as the time for the convention ap- proaches, it hardly seems likely that he can possibly have enough pledged delegations to carry the necessary two-thirds of the nominating conven- tion at least on the opening ballots, and without that power every cand- idate must seriously consider the his- tory of previous conventions which on so many occasions have seen the party selection pass to some other than the popular choice. Michigan's senior annual presuma- bly is planning on entering active competition with the Gargoyle before long. Its cover page came out with a picture of the stadium during the Ohio game with a suitable caption underneath- "All of the $80,000 in OASTED RLL CONTRIBUTORS ) & HATE ITHER DAY IN ACCORDANCE with the practice initiated not so long ago, and in pur- suance of our threats to run another colyum of contributions, we have set aside Friday as Der Tag. * * * AND SO, FROM now on the old song will go this way- Wednesday soooop, Thursday roastbif, Friday Rolls, etc. S* * * BROMO SELTZER, after attending the dedication of the new Frieze Or- gan, contributes thus: "The organ was all right." * * * THAT MUST BE one of your fast ones, Bromo-though you are terribly extravagant in placing a 'two-cent stamp on that little piece. . * * * WE WERE AT the dedication and thought thus: "If it had only been Sunday!" * * * BLUE FRONT, AFTER seeing the advertisement we prepared for Murads in yesterday's column, tacked a no- tice on the bulletin board and gave us the idea which is this: * * * ' SOME ADVERTISEMENTS "Luckies Never Hurt My Voice" * * * THAT'S NOT BAD at all, Blue Front, see you next Friday, unless you see me first. * * * ANOTHER POEM (in chem. lab.) He: Absorbe this, dear, for I shall be Most absolutely formal; The concentration of my love Is far from, being normal. The bubbling of your laughter shames An efflorescent gas Your eyes are blue as potash flames When viewed through cobalt glass. Suchrose, cane, or saccharine Were ne'er so sweet as you; Your gentle, scented breath I know Is purest CO-2. We'll raise a flocculate of kinds And keep them in solution. They're sure to lead a heavenly life In such an institution. Oh, be my efflorescent, Kate! Be silicate for me And you shall dwell in shining rooms Of CaCo-3.f She: I will not take you diamond, sir. It's allotropic carbon. So get the helium out of here, For I can't stand your jargon. Three Star Comments: Then with a broken heart in rage He did, this just to pique her: He seized ten drams of HCI And drained them from a beaker. THAT POEM, FOLLOWING up the one by the now immortal Yellit (whose identity we trust is fast becoming un- forgettable) ought to make this col- umn better than the Inlander-for poesie. WE SHALL CALL the author of the the little ditty printed above, Claret. He promises to be a regular contri- butor. Now with Yellit, Tap Faucet, and Claret on the list of poets, we havera fair nucleus for something or other. HERE'S ANOTHER contribution that isn't half bad: ANENT OSCULATION- ABOUT KISSING, OH! "A KISS IS a peculiar proposition -of no use to one, yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to steal it. The old fogey has to buy it. It's the baby's right, the lover's privilege, and the hypocrite's mask. To a young it signifieth Faith-to a married wo- man, Hope-to an old lady, Charity." London Jack WELCOME! WELCOME! London Jack. See you, too, on next Friday, even though it seems to use we've heard that stuff somewhere before. THIS WEATHER reminds us of the sixteen men on a dead man's chest. 1 It also remindsG eorgianna of some- THEATER BOOKS MUSIC THIS AFTERNOON: The third concert of the May Festival series in Hill auditorium at 2:30 o'clock. TONIGHT: The fourth concert of the May Festival series in Hill auditorium at 8:1 o'clock. ST. FRANCIS A review by Harold May m In an interesting and sometimes beautiful attempt to portray the life and death of St. Francis of Assisi, the University Choral Union and the Chil- dren's Chorus, with the help of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and under the leadership of Earl V. Moore exhibited a skill that can only come from long and rigorous practice. The attempt, as I said, was interesting and, although the music was abounding in melody and full of nuance, very little was suggested of the Middle Ages, that turbulent, rapid, intense, aspiring time of a part of which St. Francis was such an eloquent expression. The oratorio also abounded in imitations of the songs of birds, and other noises -which occur in the course of a day; this is not the way to reawaken a period, and least of all that period through which St. Francis' pantheism went like a soughing flame, uniting the whole Western world into a great conflagration which reached heaven, and in its fierce heat assayed that un- certain metal, the Church. Pierne fail- ed to catch the sublime import of St. Francis preaching to the birds just as did Lizst in his piece of that name; onomatopaeia does not make for real- ism, or, for that matter, the recreat- ing of event experienced. Every sound must be translated into conventional musical symbols, and these symbols must be used to build up the picture not in terms of the milieu in which it occurred, which after all can not be fitted into logical exposition with- out rationalizing and conventionaliz- ing, but in the new medium, this time an oratorio, and subject to the new rhythm and the new conditions. In short imitation results only in imita- tion, and not in exposition or delinea- tion. The oratorio consequently, while it had beautiful parts of its own, did not bear an accurate and historic re- lation to its subject. The piece, however, is massive in its structure and exhaustive in its de- mands, but in the hands of E. V. Moore itsucomplexities were welded toether into one successful whole. There were several parts that were notably uninspired especially in the prologue, part II-"Francis and the Lady Poverty," which was only saved by the splendid singing of Merle Al- cock as Lady Poverty. From the Children's Chorus came the most ex- cellent work of the evening-their enunciation was excellent, and their fresh light voices were a refreshing contrast to the fuller and heavier tone of the adult ensemble. Tudor Davies, St. Francis, was given a part that would have made so robust a tenor as Caruso, himself, recoil, and al- though it seemed at times as if its de- fects as well as its difficulties would surely overcome him, yet he emerg- ed in the end still singing. Marie Montana, Sister Clare, displayed a pleasingly lyrical voice, but without much power. The men to distinguish themselves were Raymond Koch, Friar Leon, whose voice had both tone and volume, and Chase Baromeo, The Leper, and the Voice of God. A real interpretive difficulty was that the music in no way fitted the rhythm of the language into which the libretto of the oratorio was trans- lated: this difficulty was a drag on the performances of the soloists, and a detriment, to the enjoyment of the music. FRIDAY EVENING CONCERT Soloist: Leonora Corona, Soprano. Program - Overture, "La Bariffe Chiozzotte," Opus 32 .............. Sinigaglia Arias: (a) "Casta Diva" from "Norma"...............Bellini (b) "Suicido" from "La Gioconda" -Ponchielli Leonora Corona Symphony No. 4 E flat Major, Opus 8................Glazounow Andante-Allegro moderato; Scherzo, Allegro vivace; Andante- Allegro "Marching Song of Democracy" -Grainger University Choral Union (Conducted by the Composer) Arias: (a) "In Quelle Trine Morbide" from "Manon"..............Puccini (b) "Vissi d'Arte" from "Tosca" -Puccini Leonora Corona Suite from "L'Oiseau de Feu" -Strawinski i Il onrycount ANY way you figure it, P. A. is bettez tobacco. Take fragrance, for instance. Your well-known olfactory organ will tell you. And taste-who _ can describe that? And mildness-you couldn't ask for anything milder. Yes, Sir, P. A. is cool and comfortable and nellow and mild. Long-burning, with a good clean ash. You never tire of P.A. It's always the same old friendly smoke. Get yourself a tidy red tin and check everything I'm telling you! . The more you know about tobaccos, the more you appreciate -no other tobacco is like irt! P .iL U2928, R. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Witon-Salem, N. C.t S ri z J e. A I ^dand he wonders why HE WASN'T PROMOTED I CAN'T understand why Iwasn't promoted-and why a fellow like Smith was," muttered Bill. But his boss explained it to him this way: eYou're a good man, but I can't recommend you for this bigger opportunity. You're so careless about little things, I'm afraid you'd slip up and wouldn't make good. Even our President has noticed your careless (garterless) fallen socks, and insisted that I give Smith the job. Give Yourself SOX Appeal-Wear ir 2TU