-41"" PTHE MICHIGAN DAILY ..... KELLOGG TO ADDRESS COSMOPOLITAN CLUB Two Honor Students Receive Fellowships v PORTABLE TYPEITI1ThRS Corona, Underwood, Remington, iRoyal. We have all makes. colored duco finishes. MORRILL, __ . _ " , . I Two English students, John M.7 bertson of the University of GI Dr. John H. Kellogg, superintendent of Christ church, Oxford, have b of the Battle Creek sanitarium, will awarded fellowships at the Univer be the principal speaker at the an- by the Commonwealth Fund ofI nual banquet of the Cosmopolitan club York, it was announced yestcr( This is the fourth annual award to be held at 6 o'clock, Monday night, these fellowships, which include st May 21, in the Union ball room. His for two years at some Americani subject will be "How to Live Long versity and extensive travel in and Well." country during the first summer In addition to being supervisor. and cation. surgeon of, his sanitarium, Dr. Kel- Both students are honor gradu< of their respective universities, logg is president of Battle Creek col- bertson~ majoring in organic chier lege, editor of the Good Health maga- try, while White will (10 resea mne, and founder of the Race Better-1I work in American History. The ment Foundation. He is the author lowships are not awarded as a suit of examinations but on the car of many books, magazine articles,, and date's university and general rec4 technical papers, most of his works following a personal interview v being of a medical and 'hygenic na- the committee of award. Since ture. fund was established in 1925, 85 The remainder of the ,program will dents have been awarded feliowsl consist of a group of native songs of and have been. brought to this co India, sung by Mrs. A. J. Diakoff; a try for study. violin solo by Benito Lopez, '30; and __________ an address by Marion A. Wenger, '28, WOMAN JUDGE TO SPE whose topic is "The Vision of a Sen-. Oeo h irttowmnt io."Oeo h is w oe oTickets for the banquet, which is admitted to the American bar ta: being held in the honor of the senior ciation, Judge Mary B. Grossnr members of the club, are priced at $1 of the Municipal Court of Clevele for members and $11.25 for others. H. is to speak on "Law and 1-mi C. Chang, Grad., general chairman, is Conduct" at 4 o'clock next Sun in charge of the reservations. All those atron a 0a h illf wishing to attend the banquet should dation. Judge Grossman began pi address their reservations to Chang at Lice in 1912, was admitted to Lanehal no laer hantomorrow. American Bar association in 1918, Lanehallnot aterthanbecame municipal Judge in 1923. Ro- l~as- hite been rsity N4ew 'clay. d of tudy uni- this va- iates Ro- nis- arcli fel- r e- undi- ord, with the stu- [uips oun- tAK be raan, :an day oun- orac- the and t) '~ Some in O}. D RAE . 'MY WIFE'S RELATIONS' -ALSO- "DAzE OF THE WEST" BLUE LANTERN BALLROOM ISLAND LAKE Opens Tonight Mc inney's Cottoni Pickers 'Orchestra 1)I i g 'gNii."Itiv xc 1pt Mondta ys-Sii it i Mainees, 3 to 6 013 Gi'and illlve -1?2 Miles Fast4 ofBrighton 3iaiaigge ttnt of 4 can 4,I dhette, inc. 17 Nlickels Arcade. Phone 6615. > t This Ad wiith 14 -Cents SUNDAY--"WEST POINT"' with W)L IHAINES Jtlc1iarmids 715 N. University Next to Arcade Theater CLASSIFIED ADS PAY__ -~www-w.w Assorted Cream Wafers L Bon-bons for. Teas uJliw -- a r + t During May Festival L LAST TIMES TO DAY.. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Another of WARWICK IDEEPING'S Famous Stories ...... i NOW SOWINGt The picturization of ON isstory'sdcliax as written by 'Mr. Deeping is mtior e thrilling thtan niany of the sup~er attrac-' lioins. Whose Last Classic was "SORRELL and SON" -------------------- c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Splendid Art Materials Those who use artists' materials find Wenzel's a good place to buy them. We have a good stock of quality materials in which you'll be interested. ARTISTS' 3MATERIALS Canvas Canvas Board Academy Board Stretcher Pieces Water Color in TubeL Fitted Oil Color Boxes 1Water Color Boxes Art Stencil. Sets, Stencil Outfits Pastels Artist's Brushes Clay Moulding Outfits Oil Colors in Tubes Oil : "Is THAI 'h.: :7evolute, iesenL. { a A tfiP ?<>?n } DK. v PP.O UCTtON Chased by lions, hissed by a chimpanzee, pursued by can- nibal head-hunters, our hero gets his daily thrifls-And Howl And- Policy 2.00 3:35 Wic 10c 7:00 8:40 Si0c 10u The Magnificent Techni-color P'roduic- tion Reveals the Riotous, Revelry _ . f WENZEL'S Phone 6713 207 F. Liberty St. A PPOINTIENTS A Christie Comedy "LONG HOSE" PARAMOUNT MIHCHIG~AN A liT ANI) NEWS LOCALS BEAUTY 2 I estimate that...... .. ........people have walked w 2over the Herrick Heirloom Chinese Rug which has been out on the Ssidewalk in front of Quarry's corner, N orlt Unlveasity and State2 street, Annt Arbor, for fourteen days. fronm 8:00 A. 31. to 10:30 P. M. 2In rain and sun, May. 5th to May 19th, 1928. Nmie.......... ............. .............. ... = w1 2Street.....................................- lif ul Tree' rug.To................................ The erson coming nearest to the correct numiber gets tihe bean. tfl"Jewetlre u shown at Quarry's. Ann Arbor, Mich.c - PERMANENT DISPLAY, 928 CHURCH ST. - Evenings by Appointment Only-Phone 3155 "A NIGHT AT THE CLUB" HOLL IS DEVANY, and MALE OCTETTE KARL IEI)EJI OL1)'S M'III xN ORICHIESTRA. ICOSMOPOLITAN OPENING SAT, MAY 19th i HERE A T POPULAR PRICES!f FIRES OF YOUTH AND LOV!'° IKINO4GRAMS__ t 2:00 and 3:30 FOIE SALE A B3LTNG"AL0W HIAROLD) LOlING 7 :414) audi 8$:4A) 10-50 ~~C hL I fI \\Ik , ' ' .. '',' .c= . - 4 . 1 Rupert Hughes never, told a finer love story ! Never was it love so tested ! A cabaret girl dancing through life! 'A boy spoiled by applause ! Yet they loved-with the fire of youth!I ,ATE i r kikTu E;t P.. DT T017D r uT Tt" u1Wc .ID