TIIT RPSlDAY,.J A NI 'A I tY 19, 19 2 TI-IF MICHIGAN DAILY SOUTHERN JAUNT WILL CONDITION [.-ATOCLO RAMFS WITH DAPVAn RPR P~fH P~l AT[ VOGEL'S HAWKEYE BASEBALL NINE A3PM ADVERTISINGAT3P- '.OTis.\';2 ,: l'[ N it"")'A .I S tng1e U ,ah, i n j)?j, 1'., U)h' P21. alsoIVdouhl 1 i)ii 'il ampus. 20,0' N. 0' .i2-0' persons. 500 Palwrd '01Z~ RENT --Front SuiteC, 5('0111 in' midw~lay lbetween Univ. I'Olosiitul and School of Medici li. ,apply u1 I8 N. Uhniv. (formerly Vlln) 9 1 a ' (SpecialIiIIHIL ..IIIUU U j UIU I L EFTFIEVFEIA- OVRIE' SCHEULE Col I T. andl --Dd i to The I laily ) i- a, team into the SoullIi nor thle fourtih t1 successive year'. Previous in vasions NOTICE TRY one of our Thirty-five ceeut noon lunch at Barney,",,, 516 E,. Williams. 8 9-91 5_ isIirriil Nine Will IOpp1ose !Iep, li als, Harvard, C'lemnson, ieG LOSE FOUR REGULA Three nxew teams that were played last year appearicon the Mi Wvill (condi ti onlthe unTiersity of Towa New awne, members of last year's team, W ill] likely (1o nmound 1 1forthle 7aseih i7t ear in for Ithe Western Con,- tolverines. Reichman is the onlv ]erenc-o( race again th1is spring for catcher remaining from the 1927 out ile H,' l keYCs will play eight gamest fi.in lDixi e, accord ing to Coachb Otto 1-1. NRS fit. daesExpected Next. Month Vogel. Coach Fisher, will issue a call. fr Coach Voge l, \vhose 1927 :;amn tied niot Varsity baseball candidates 'the first Illinois for the Big' Ten title, is taking' nlettedl eight victories, six defeats, andl one tie. This is the schedule: M\arch 31-St Louis at St. Louis. April 2, 3-Louisiana. State at. Pa- ton Rouge. April 4, 5-Tulane at New Orieans. April 6, 7-Mississippi A. & M. at. Starkvil le. April J--Washington at St. Lois. NOTICE-For Hire, "Carl's Wol- verines" 8-piece novelty orchestra., Phone 4398. Carl Kraatz, for rates. 89. 90, 91 DRESSMAKING-Experienced; _can furnish references. Estimate given on work desired. Phone 3655. QiTTn_, TviPSc, Thurs. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS-Our rapid, turnover insures a. fresh stock. You secure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade.I TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged], cleaned, re- paired. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. tt I.t A.SUITPE at 311 Thompson. Stlfezi heat, continiuouis hot water. 89, !W, 91 .j t a ( TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable rates. M. V. H artsuff.' Dial 9387. 77-180 10RRENT-Three nicely l i'r ied suites for melt stuttlit$, 3bok froi ca ins, N~ic hi. U nion. PhoneI 94612.S(), <9t, '91 ichii-j part of next semester. Some of the .gait lasebanll schedule for 1928. Tfhose batterytnen are already working teams, Harvard, Clemson and Indlia- in the field house, limbering up 1the approaching season. iia are among tiec1.5 nines s ea Last year's freshman nine was tiled to meet Coach Fisher's mren on up to the standard of recent year t he diamtond. A {total of 2.2 gamnesj teams. There was a lack of g out for r i not I'lig good definitely scheduled for the Wolver- ine nine this year, while a. home and litime agreement with Michigan State will likely be arranged. Will IOpen At('iiichiati MVichig an will open its annual sou- thern trip with a game against the Unliversity otf Cincinnati on April 7. Last year the Cincinnati team dle- leated the Wolverines 5-4 in a con- test 'during Commencement week. From Cincinnati the squad will go toi Nashville for a two-gamle series with Vanderbilt April 9 and 10. Clemson, a South Carolina college, jball players in the class of 1930, who reported to Coach Jack Blott last. spring. It is not expected that a great deal of Varsity material will be de- rived from this source by Coach Fisher. Michigan's team finished third in the Big Ten diamond race last year, ,with a percentage of .667. The Wol- verines worn eight games and ol(st four. With the number of lettermen remaining from, last season, Michi- gan should have good prospects of placing high in the Conference stand- ings this sp~ring..1 COR ELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think set too, let's get together. NOTICE-Two used portable type- writers for sale. One and two years I old respectively. Reasonable prices.3 Call 3489. E. H. Munn.I Tues., Thurs., Sat.1 NOTICE-It will pay you to call 3489 before buying or renting a type-- writer. E. H. Munn, 203 So. Thayer.1 Tues., Thurs., Sat. NOTICE--Be sure and visit this most modern and efficient Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlor. Michigan Theatre Bldg. 539 E. Liberty. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 'NOTICE-We deliver . etween the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt4 Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481.I 1 20 100 FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE WE have three skilled penmakers back of our retail counter to serve you on correct fitting, adjustments and repairing of all makes. You will not find equal service any- where else. Our prices are no more than you would. pay elsewhere.I Manufacturers of the famous Rider1 "Masterpen." Rider's Pen Shop. FOR SALE LAST WEEK of special oriental rug sale. Oriental brassware, Indian prints, etc. Must be closed out re- gardless of cost. Real opportunity to buy. Mr. Jamgotch's importations at reduced prices. Third flor, Mack & Co. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 TYPEWRITING and Mimeographing promptly and neatly done by ex- !1'O ENT-: perienced operators at moderate 'lose toc rates. College work a specialty for 611 Chutrch nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill, !O RENT'- 17 Nickels Arcade. i rooms for1 Second floor; t wo)'blocks fronm Union. 555 So. Division. Phone 8072. 89. 90 FIRST-FLOOR apart ment:. w lag rooms and bath. Will accoinniodal e three ersons. 500 Packard. FOR RENT-Rooms, single cr dube in quiet house, for iii'xt enstc' Glood iocat ion, 429 So. hlivhsica i ~89, 90, !91, 92,.9T" ROOMS, single Or dolubl, ,II 5 Chioral I nion ticketlo soIc,$8 I'hoiie 7185. 8.S) t -Single1r(om'-; and sit Cs, c:ampus, . Reasona hIle rent. a11 89, 90. 91, 92 '-Two fut nished double boys, $3.00 and $2.50 e','ch. will pr'ovide the opposition for the -___ rambling Wolverines on April 11 andh K01,';EMA1NEN ENTERSI 12.Theseresof games in the Sont T will conclude April 13 and 11 wih PYLES COAST°COXST I the U~niversity of Georgia at Athens. MARATHON TO URNISY Twelve games with six Conference teanms are on the 1928 baseball cardl. (Rt~ Associated Press) home ando home games with Northr- NEW YORK, Jan. 18-Willie R oih- l western, Iowa, Illinois,. 'sconsin, lemainen, the world's greatest mart-1 rind Ohio State are s hedtiled, while thoner two decades ago, has startedo sIngle games with Indiana and, Pur- training for a come back at the ace (Ine will he played during April. of 40 years. Northwestern opens the Big Ten sea- Kohlemainen, a brother of the fain- .son for the Wolverines with a coiln.-os Hannes, has teiuporarily Mitd test here on April 16. aside his bricklayer's tools and don- Trhree Eastern Teamts Listfd ned running togs in preparation -'or 1Hai'vard, Syracuse, and Colgate are 'his entry in C. C. Pyle's cross-co 1r1- the eastern otfits that will be play-netrcsatigfo LsAgls pd this year. The two gan-me series on March 4. With Spracuse is scheduled for April Along with about a thousand (of the 27 and 28 at Ferr~ field, while thelednditcernrsnth nv tea wil gi t HmilonN. ., oPtry, Kohlemainen will try for the two c'ontests with the Colgate nine 1$25,000 prize.j IMay 3 and( 4. On May 5 the Wolver-_______~ ines will journey to Cambridge for CHICAGO - Nineteen exhibitin °a game with Harvard. The return; games, all of which will. be played in gane will be played here May 26. ( Los Angeles, have been arranged for Michigan will play six home gaines th Cbs (iring April, while in May only two_______________- gamnes are scheduled for Ferry field. Oklahoma leads in the Missouri A single cuntest with Ohio St ate will V'allhjy Conference basketball race be played in Ann Arbor in June, al-E with seven straight victories and 110 though there are prospects of a game deeas with Michigan State dutring Coin-___________ mencem'ent week. NEW YORK-Montr'eal Canad(ieCiis Coach Fisher loses only four,,play- bold first place by a ten point mar-j ers this year, Don Miller, pitcher, gin over the Boston Bruins in the Bill Puckelwartz outfielder. Red Da- Nationa egehce ae vis, catcher, Earl Ruetz, pitcher. His nalegehcyrc. infield returns intact, with Ooster- I . l'aan at first, Morse at second, Cap- I I Coach Ray Fisher's freshman tarn Loos at short, and Weintraub~ atI basketball team defeated the third. physical education five 41-15, in Lang, Corriden, Nebelung, and Mc~- - their annual game played re- Coy, all veterans, will take care ofI cently on the field house court. the outfield. Asbeck, Gilmartin, and ______________________ ATTENTION SALESMEN - Position Open part or all time for very= in- teresting work here in the city. Must be neat appearing and actually want to work. Prefer someone who has had experience. Call at 408-9 Ypsi-Ann Building. Ask for Cornell 88, 89 i FOl.REN- FotsuPle, rd 21l~ac art , Single rooms,, line Ilocation,'-'1a andl reasonale. 438 Sonuth Div ...:.,. 85, 91' 0 FOR SALE--Two J-Hop tickets. Call 9670, ask for Bob. 89, 90 CORN WELL COAL - COKE TYEWITRSERVICE I FOR SALE-One J-Hop ticket. Call TYMPLEEWyriter srie e 3074. Kimimick. 89, 90, 91 and used machines of all makes. FOR RENT Rental's by the week, month or.I FOR RENT-i'iootern turnishedI apart- semester; repairing of all niakes by, ment or rooms for two girls, second skilled workmen; all kinds of typ- semester. 621 Forest. Phone 5607, ing, prompt service. High class rib- near campus. 87, 88, 89 bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. - --FOR RENT-Newly decorated front TYPING - Theses. Expert work, suite. Light and warms. Shower bath. promp~tly done. 1026 Packard. Dial 803 South State. Phone 6110. j7391. 89, 90, 911I 86, 87, 88. 89 OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones. Office : 4551-4552 Yard Office : 5152 I . I'll - I -_ - - _.__ , f I H THE MAIN STREET CASH GROCERY 2151 North Main S. Whitefish ...... Trout ........ Halibut....... . Phlone Sll .,... Salmon . Fillets . . Perch . Herring, 2 Wall-eyed ....30c .,..30c ....30c ....30c ....30c ....25c Smelt ..............35c Smoked Trout .......40c Smoked Whitefish ... .30c Kippered Herring 2 for 25c Bloaters .......2. for 25c Smoked Fillets....... 30c Also-All kinds of Salted and Pickled Fish re Y 'CQs4 AOp A N unusual and dis- tinctive line of woolens for. spring suitings - noiv on display lbs for... .25c Pike .....30lc Open E veiings-Sindays avnd Hllidalys i I i I i I E0 FOR li''-Sinlerooi, iin1)pr ixate home, upper c 1;acs: or gnuiiat"" s 0a- (lent pr'Ceerredl. I'h one 6G122, ! 88, 89 9(), 91, 92 FOR RENT-- Two firis droi'iY15 ,,withi bath, f'or girls ; nea im pus. Dial 6204. 8 8, 89, 90 FOR H NT On-()e alia-'(wenit lanld one jsuite for ladies. 920 lAlotiroc. l)ia 1 21241. 18, 89. 90) FOR RENT--Fnrnished Apt. 1215;[h1ll St. Thirst; floor front, four room, sun parlor and bath. Phone 67 87, 88, 89 FOR RENT-Suite in a quiet hourse and a good localtion, it 429 S. iDivi- sion. 89, 90, 91 SUITE for oneC or two boys, on (quie.. street, two lblocks. from Campus. Phone 4707. 89, 90, 91 1+'OR RE~tNTI---Comfor t able surite *anI single room. Phone 81 94. 89, 90, 91 ROOMS ,t $3.25 p'er week at FLETCHER HALL jAnn Arbor's only IT\[en's Dormiitoryi. Unoher new Management. Especially adapted for Student's con- venience. New, Fire-proof Building; Steam heat, Shower Baths, Hot and cold water in each room. Lounging andl Smoking Room 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial 1770.' FOR RENT-EU rnisli et house, 6 rooms, goodl condition, f'acing cam- pus. For second semester. 421 Church. Phone 5561. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 FOR RENT-Completely furnished five-room house; heated; one block from Campus. Very reasonable. Phone 6642. 83, 84, 85. 86, 87, 88; 89 WANTED ROOM-MATE wanted. Pleasant front room. 1/g block from..campus. (aradu- ate preferred. 1115 S. University. 21489. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 WANTED-Refined lady wonuld like a position of companion I~r invalid or children. Phone 5304.;S LOST LOST-An Elgin watch was lost in the locker room of Waterman gym, Saturday. Reward for its return to Champe, '556 So. State or Phione 4017. 87, 88, 89 LOST -A reward is offered for the return of the Elgin watch which was lost Saturday in Waterman gym. Call Champe, Phone 4017, or 556 So. State St. LOST-A black Moore fountain pen with a -Rider clip. Reward. Call Johnson, 6293 or 9714: 89, 90, 91 L O ST -- Shakespeare's Complete Works. Cambridge 'edit ion in Eng- lish department of Angell Hall. Re- ward. N~o questions asked. Box 25, Michigan Daily. 89, 90), 91. - - t T takes a high degree of designing- skill to properly produce true style in formal attire. Quiet dignity is the idea- to be conveyed. Extremes are taboo. The grace and charm of the models that we are showing will appeal ~h man who- is particularly c:-lcwrned to know that his garments are correctly tailored when- he is on dress parade. I _r- Subscribe For THE MICHIGAN WEEKLY -- I """A ... GUPSTAIRS AT 324 STATE T, CYke larqestselmng quality pencl in~ the world1 ~blackj L I I I I