ESTABLISHED 1890 At Lwr4i 47a113 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 171. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1928. IIHT PAGE~S . _ _ __ __J__ _ _ _ _e_... . MANY FAME0 ARTISTS TO GIVE PIERNE WORK ' AS FESTIVAL FEATURE CHICA0O SYMPHONY TO PLAY INI PRESENTATION OF FAMOUS 1 OPERA ST FRANCIS IS SUBJECT Choral Union, Children's Chorus, And Montana, Davies, And Koch ' Will Sing Tonight Pierne's opera, "St. Francis of As- sisi" will be presented tonight at 8:15 in Hill auditorium as the second fea- ture of the thirty-fifth annual May Festival which began last night. Tonight's work is new to Ann Arbor and is in the nature of a monumental composition. It includes the well- known selection "St, Francis Preach-j ing to the Birds." The Chicago Sym- phony orchestra, with Earl V. Moore.j of the, School of Music conducting, the University Choral Union, Ann Ar- bor school children's chorus, and a group of soloists including Marie Mon- tana, Merle Alcock, Tudor Davies, Chase Baromeo, Raymond Koch, and Palmer Christian, all take part in the presentation of Pierne's opera. Text Based On St. Francis The text of the well-known opera is founded on incidents in the life of} St. Francis of Assisi, that gay young son of a rich merchant, who became a profound mystic, a martyr, an ascet- ic, a Troubadour in the truest sense of the word as well as a lover of men. Francis is said in the story to be car- rying forward a glorious spiritual ad-f venture, giving his wealth to the poor,! gathering about him a group of men similarly fired with the gospel of prayer and good works. The English translation is by Claude Aveling. Marie Montana, in the role of Sis- ter Clare, will make her first local appearance tonight. She first gained a reputation as a soprano of quality when she sang there in many of the municipal opera companies. Her role for tonight is said by critics to be a rather difficult one. She will also be a soloist at tomorrow afternoon's special children's program. Will Introduce -Davies, Koch Tudor Davies and Raymond Koch will likewise be introduced to local concert goers in tonight's perform- ance. Tudor Davies is a tenor whose reputation was gained through work{ with the British national opera com- pany. He came to this country to fill a few special engagements at Philadelphia and other Eastern cen-1 ters. His part as Saint Francis is said to be a heavy, brilliant one, but extremely exacting, requiring great ability for its proper interpretation throughout.. Raymond Koch, contraryf to Davies, first became known in this country. His first distinction was gain-I ed with the American Opera company.- Tarantula Languishes In Store As Pal Quits To Enter Museum Still alive but looking a bit peaked after his long confinement, the Taran- tula that came to Ann Arbor last Tuesday continues to crawl about in< his glass jar, vainly searching for the bunch of bananas that brought1 him here. But as each day passes he grows more weary, more depressed- tired of it all.1 Last week, when he was on dis-I play with his stowaway pal, the ba- by Boa Constrictor, in a State street grocery store window, this Central American Tarantula was the cyno- sure of all eyes as he strutted about in his glass cage, and he fairly re- veled in the sudden flood of publicity that was the result of his runaway prank. People stared, women uttered little frightened shrieks, and traffic knotted itself into lugubrious tangles as people crowded and pushed to see. He was a hero. But this week, relegated as he is to the back of the store among the can- ned goods and dried prunes, he seems to have lost all interest in life. In fact, he looks downright discouraged. A fickle public has raised him to the heights of glory and then cast him SPECIAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULEANNOUNCED May 31, June 1 and 2 Are Chosen For Special Examination Dates In Literary School IS NEW UNIVERSITY PLAN Special dates ahead of the regular examination period for examining sev- eral large courses were announced yesterday through the Recorder's of- fice by Prof. Harry C. Carver, who has arranged the schedule. The new dates make use of the University holi- day on Memorial day, and the Thurs- day and Friday before the regular ex- amination period opens on Saturday, June 2. These special dates apply to students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts only. By agreement of the faculty of the Literary college, bolts in classes on Thursday, May 31, and Friday, June 1, necessitated by attendance at the examinations, will be ignored, provid- ed students can show that they were taking examinations. Public speaking 31 and 32 will be examined W.ednesday morning, May 30 and German 1 and 2 will be examined in the afternoon. Geography 2 will be examined on Thursday morning, May 31, and Political Science 32 will be examinedin the afternoon. Zool- ogy J1 will be examined on Friday morning, June 1, and Sociology 51 will I be examined in the afternoon. The new plan of having several ex- aminations 'ahead of tim is being used forstherfirst time this semester, as it has, previously been the prac- tice to have most examinations occur within the regular period set aside for them. The regular examinations hours from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning and from 2 to 5 o'clock in the after- noon will be observed, according to Professor Carver. SWIMMING TRIALS WILL END MAY 25 Competition in this year's 10 mile swim contest in the Union pool will be brought to a close on the night of May 25, instead of on June 1 as was originally planned, it was announced at the Union last night. The change in date has been made in order to allow time for the ordering of the medals, 45 of which have been earned to date. The change was ne- cessitated, it was explained, so that the medals may be ordered and de livered in time for presentation to the I winners before the close, of school This would be impossible were the competition to be continued until a later date. PEKING IS QUIET AS FIGHT NEARS (By Associated Press) PEKING, May 16-Peking, with cap ture by Nationalist soldiers though' comparatively near, was outwardly quiet tonight. Larger patrols in the streets, both in the natiye city an f foreign concessions, the strict enforce ement of the curfew laws (10 o'clock) Showever, revealed the real feeling - here. s 1Throughout the day, Japanese sol diers night be seen working actively providing quarters for several hun- dred of their troops in the vicinity iof the former Austrian legation an away like a forgotten thing. He ap- pears to be dying of nostalgia, and it is feared that only an ocean voyage can save him. The Boa Constrictor, on the other hand, has, with all his reptilian cun- ning, endeared himself to the Univer- sity keepers of animal curiosities and has thus entered college with no cre- dits whatsoever, outside of being in a satisfactory physical condition. It is true that he will be an object of interest, but in time he will die and remain thereafter in a stuffy museun or wherever they keep stuffed snakes; in which case he will be no better off, mentally, than his stowaway pal. BREMEN FLIERS FAIL TO COME TO DETROIT! Disappointed Throng Waits In Drizzle At Ford Airport For Atlantic Heroes REMAIN IN INDIANAPOLIS (By Associated Press) DETROIT, May 16.-A vast thrig of approximately 2000 persons waited in vain here today to hale the three Bremen transatlantic fliers, who late today decided to spend tonight in In- dianapolis and complete their trip to Detroit from St. Louis tomorrow. Braving a drizzling rain, which fell intermittently throughout the day, ap- proximately 30,000 persons, about half of them with umbrellas, waited for hours at the Ford airport, where the famous airmen were scheduled to land, while other thousands; lined thoroughfares for a distance of more than a mile. An area around the city hall, where the Bremen crew was to have been presented to the public this afternoon was packed throughout the afternoon a~nd the crowds did not disperse until it was announced that the disting- uished visitors had decided to post- pone their visit because of unfavor- able weather. The city was dressed up in flags of the Irish Free state, the German re- public, and the American colors, and elaborate decorations had been pre- pared for the great ovation. Advised of the decision of the fliers to remain in Indianapolis, members of the Detroit reception announced that tomorrow's crowded program would be carried out as planned when the fliers arrived, and that other re- ceptions featured would be curtailed unless the visitors could be persuad- ed to extend their visit over Friday. INDIANAPOLIS, May 16. - The crew of the transatlantic monoplane, after a flight from St. Louis in the sister F-13, decided to remain in In- dianapolis over night and depart for Detroit at 6:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Poor visibility was given as the reasons for not continuing the flight to Michigan this afternoon. The crew, composed of Capt. Her- mann Koehl, Maj. James Fitzmaurice, Baron Gunter von Huenefeld and two companions, landed at Schoenfield y Fort Benjamin Harrison, at 2:27 o'- clock this afternoon after flying a- gainst strong headwinds for more than two hours. NEW AERONAUTIC ADVANCES MADE (By Associated Press) LANGLEY FIELD, Va., May 16.- The development of a light-weight, oil burning motor and other advances in - scientific research expected to reduef the hazards and costs and increase th usefulness of airplanes have been ex plained before American aircraft en a gineers here by the National Advi sory committee for Aeronautics. The heavy-oil fuel engine for .air craft, weighing less than three pounds per horsepower, has been devised in S the committee's laboratories her after five year's of experiment. A one-cylinder model was demonstrate( - to the commercial engineers Tuesda3 - during the third annual aircraft en y gineering research conference, and i e was made known that the experiment d have advanced far enough now' t warrantthe construction of multi cylindered motors for actual use it g aircraft. DANA WILL SPEAK ABOUTFORESTRI y d Dean S. T. Dana of the School o - ri l- iii AnTom 102 ii S[NA[ VOTEFAVORS[ BILL ON FARM RELIEF DURING BUSY SESSION POLICY FOR MERCHANT MARINE SANCTIONED IN SENATE BY - LARGE VOTE SHIP BILLCAUSES FURY lonce Approves Government Control Oif Muscle Shoals With Vote Of 1201 Against 165 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 16.-Exercis- ing freely its rights to the free and unlimited coinage of phrases, the Senate, put in a seven-hour day to- day. It adopted the conference report on the McNary-Haugen farm relief bill without a record bill, the similar re- port of the merchant marine policy by a vote of 51 to 20, and a resolu- tion to investigate the five-cornered Republican senatorial race in New Jersey, without a roll call. Then it sat a while tonight to clean up small- er bills it had found no time to dis- cuss during daylight hours. On the House side, the Muscle Shoals government corporation bill went through finally by a vote of 251 to 165, with only 15 members of the House not accounted for. That is al- most a record. Then the House ap- proved a project for congressional in- vestigation of the Wright plane going Ito the British museum for historical I preservation. Tomorrow it will take up the barge line extension bill. Blaine Speaks At Length In the senate, despite an extra hour in the morning, granted in the hope j of getting the merchant marine bill through to the President without more (delay on tax debate, it took actually more than five hours to reach the vote. Blaine, of Wisconsin, made two speeches, aggregating nearly three hours, and other members of the farm I bloc helped out. While the Blury over the ship bill was at its peak, a sudden move by Chairman McNary of the agriculture committee brought up the farm relief conference report and it was hustled through; but Shipstead's opponents forced two roll calls, to go down more than 2 to 1 each time. The rest of the day was scheduled for taxes, but Caraway, of Arkansas, brought in his New Jersey investigation which nobody opposed. It would extend pow- er of the committee headed by Reed of Missouri to make the inquiry, but the Missourian rose to ask that he be excused from the task. Before he could get recognition, Bruce of Mary- land was on his feet to renew his pro- hibition fight of yesterday with Black 'of Alabama, and it was an hour or more before the chance tonadopt the Caraway resolution was offered. Tax Reduction Considered In the Bruce-Black interchange, supplemented by Heflin of Alabama who came to the aid of his colleagues, sparks flew for a time, but finally the Senate recessed without a word hav- ing been said in the nearly seven hours of speech-making on the tax reduction bill that is its big, outstand- ing job at the moment. In committee, the senators investi- gating campaign expenditures held the 1 spotlight, digging again into Hoover and Smith activities. They learned that Smith had some wealthy friends who are willing to take a long ride y with him financially just for old times' sake, and that a Hoover man spent $10,000 in the South to help line up Hoover delegates there.- HOOVER PLEDGED ENTIRE SUPPORT - e OF NEW JERSEY - (By Associated Press) - WASHINGTON, May 16.-The whole strength of New Jersey's 31 delegates at the Kansas Citysconvention was a claimed for Hoover today by Senator e Edge and Representative Fort of that state. Every member of the delega- d tion elected yesterday is either a y Hoover man by personal preference - assuming that President Coolidge is t not a candidate, or was elected under s a Hoover. pledge, Senator Edge said o Representative Fort explained that - in several districts, like his own, no n preference as to candidates was shown on the ballot which merely gave the party designation. In some cases Lowden delegates had filed, he added, but these had been defeated in eacl Y case by Hoover men. f COLUMBIA, S.C., May 16.-A reso- n I lntion to instruct South Carolina's 18 Officer Young, 4lias Andy Gump, Pulls Trigger On Ailing Canine B yTellit Officer Young, better known to target practice. "Fact is," he de- i hordes of student admirers as Andy clared, "I'm a one-shot man." Eye- Gump, told yesterday in an exclusive witnesses testify that Gump crept up interview granted The Daily how and on the dog from the rear and pulled why he shot the dog whose gory the fatal trigger with the n-uzzle of corpse decorated the walk at the his gun pressed to the skull. northeast corner of Mason hall at 2 "As a matter of fact," Officer o'clock in the afternoon. Young added, "the City Health offic- He denied emphatically rumors to er had received several complaits the effect that he was seeking revenge about a sick dog, and asked me to on the loyal campus hounds that snap dispose of him. Being a good friend at his legs and the wheels of his mo- of his, I shot the hound." Verification torcycle as he drives up and down of this account came about half an the driveway to the dean's office. hour after the dog's demise, when a "Those dogs don't bother me," he as- health department car appeared and serted proudly. removed the corpse. He also denied that he was seeking Meanwhile considerable squeam- ishness was noted among passers-bZ' who detoured several feet around the deceased animal. Flies and other na- tural scavangers were having a field I~rg R Tday when the health department ar- rived. 'IIITE T r nu n Late last night the scene of the shooting was marked only by a slight inx, Triangle, And Web AnFlan excavation of the earth near Mason Induct New Members An Flnge hall. Inquiry revealed that the dirt Iu ystic Mmes had been used to cover up the canine gore; the corpse was not interred at NEW POSITIONS WITH RBETIRING OF SENIORS DETROIT ALUMNI COMPLAIN OF LICK OF COURTESY TO OTHER TEAMS KERN TAKESIOVER CHAIR Earl Fleischman Proposes Organization Of Campus Dramatic Society In Talk to Council I HOLD BANQUETS AT UNION Thirty-one students and three pro- fessors comprised the list of those ad- mitted to membership in three hon- orary campus organizations, Sphinx, Triangle, and Web and Flange, at their annual initiations held yesterday. Followirrg the ceremonies, each ofl the organizations later held a ban- quet at the Union. Ten members of the junior literary class, having proved their mettle by a long, perilous journey across the burning sands and down the river Nile were initiated into Sphinx, jun- ior honorary society of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts,1 at their annual banquet last night at the Union. The men who entered the portals of the organization after pass- ing through the initiation rites are: George E. Simons, Edwin B. Poorman, James Jordan, Charles D. Roth, Stan- ton W. Todd, George E. Leonard, Sam- uel F. Atkins, Robert C. Chapman, George G. Squier, and Frank R. Lovell. While these events were transpir- ing, eight members of the engineering class scrubbed their way into Tri- angles, junior honorary engineering society. The Engineering Arch re- ceived its semi-annual cleaning at the hands of the neophytes. The men who were iadmitted to that ancient organ- 'ization are: John S. Macdonald, Lud- wig Emde, Theodore N. Will, John C. Widinan, Robert N. Grunow, George E. Holbrook, James C. Houston, and Philip S. Cochran. Web and Flange, honorary senior civil engineering society also held their initiation yesterday on the di- agonal in front of the Engineering arch, 16 men being admitted to the society. The following are the men iinitiated: Prof. Walter J. Emmons, Prof. Gustavo Maldonado, Prof. Walter C. Sadler, and the following members of the class of '29E, Henry L. Byrne, Robert Easterly, Lois W. Fitch, Charles W. S. Grace, John R. Hall, J. S. Hamel, John A. Hapke, George E. Hubbell, Louis D. Kirshner, Austin J. Paddock, Richard H. Shakel- ton, Maxwell R. Wiard, and George W. Efner. DIRIGIBLE ITALIA HEADS OVER SEA (By Associated Press) KING'S BAY, 'pitzbegen, May 16.-The dirigible Italia had left- the bleak shores of Franz Josef's land behind it late today and was headedl across the Polar sea to the little known Leninland (Nicholas II land). At noon Gen. Umberto Nobile re- ported by radio to the suplly ship, the Citta di Milano, in the harbor here, that its position was longitude 70:40 east, and latitude 82:10 north. At the time it was said there was little ad- verse wind and ;little difficulty was expected in making Leninland before I midnight. The sea beneath was a vast ice- covered expance, the relief radio mes- sages indicated, with little fog and visibility good for 100 kilometers. At Leninland, which roughly speaking is 30 degrees of the last given position of the Italia, and is just north o Taimyr peninsula, the northernmosi point of Siberian mainland, it was planned to lower three men to the ground to conduct explorations. A ice anchor will be used to moor the dirigible temporarily. the spot. COOLIDGE, ASKS- HELP FOR ART AND BEAUTY President Slieaks Before American Federdaion Of Arts SAt Capital STRESSES ESTHETIC NEED WASHINGTON, May 16.-A plea for more art and beauty in the daily life of the American people in order that their "moral standards" might be raised was made here today by President Coolidge. "It is especially the practical side of art that requires more emphasis," Mr. Coolidge said in an address op-. th ma C id co to w wl in r m th d in to W ec sX in p st a t o a r n o t C 01 di m d+ 'I . A review of last night's May Festival concert held in' Hill au- ditorium will be found in the Theater, Books, and Music col- umn on page four. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the third May Festival concert will in- clude Miss Montana, Benno Rabinof, violinist, the children's festival chorus, the usual orchestral accompaniment under Frederick Stock and Juva Hig- bee, and Mabel Ross Rhead, the ac- companist. Rabinof is giving his in- itial concert of the May festival at that time. Grainger To Conduct Singing Percy Grainger will personally con- duct the Choral Union group singing one of his own composition, "March- ing Song of Democracy." In :addi- tion, Leonora Corona will render sev- eral solos. The Chicago Symphony orchestra has several selections which it will also give tomorrow night when Frederick Stock and Percy Grainger will be the conductors. Saturday afternoon, as is the tra- ditional custom, the orchestra will oc- cupy the major portion of the program and will play several numbers includ- ing an overture, "The Roman Carn- ival," Opus 9 by Berlioz and a sym- phony by Tchaikowski in four parts. Percy Grainger will play several selections on the piano for the second part of the program. "Aida" will climax the thirty-fifth May festival Saturday night when many of the foremost of the artists will combine in the presentation of that well known opera by Guiseppe Verdi. The University glee club will make its only appearance of the fes- tival when its members play the parts sof priests. Mr. Moore will be the con- ductor for the occasion. ie"DN A? J IWIA ICTFR ning a joint meeting of the American Federation of Arts and the American I Association of Museums. o "We need to put more effort inte ranslating art into the daily life of he people," he added. "If we could surround ourselves with fogrms ofe beauty, the evil things of life wouldt end to disappear and our moral standards would be raised. Through C >ur contact with the beautiful we seet nore of the truth and are brought in- o closer contact with the infinite.. "Our country has reached a point where this, is no longer a visionaryr desire but it is becom-ing an actualI reality. With general prosperity withr high wages, with reasonable hours of labor, has come both the means and' the time to cultivate the artistic spir- it. "Philanthropy has given the people' access, of all that is most beautiful in form and colors. It is theirs without money and without price, if they will1 but go and possess it. Out of our ag- riculture, our commerce and our in- dustry, we can see already emerging a new spirit. The potential is becom-, ing actual. President Coolidge cited the Chicago World Fair of 1893 and the Washing- ton plan commission created in 1901 as two mighty influences in the artis- tie awakening of the United St tes, The great development of museuir- was praised by him as affording in- spiration for a revival of beauty in this country. "Aid in the extension of your work has been given by various philanth- ropic endowments," Mr. Coolidge told this audience. "One is interested in.. the elevation of industrial arts in Am- erica on the sound theory that beauty in a commercial product is worth while, not only materially, but also esthetically, and that it gives an op- portunity to bring art into the home." KRAUS ANNOUNCES TEACHER COURSE A conference course for superinten- dents, principals. supervisors and tea- chers will be an innovation in the 1928 University summer session, ac prding to Dean Edward 14. Kraus. The course will be offered by the schcol of educa- tion. It will be informal and will deal with phases of present day problems. Regular enrollment in the summer' session will not be required and no academic credit will be given. Round table discussions will be led by spec- ialists in the various fields of educa- tion, who will present topics supple- mented by group discussion. The program has been arranged in 1,1-c~ nla nlr rnai nr - .1Arnc f At a combined meeting last night of he retiring and of the newly-elected embers of the Student council, ourtland C. Smith, '28, retiring pres- dent, thanked the old council for their. ooperation, and turned over the chair o Paul J. Kern, '29, new incumbent, ho spoke inl appreciation of Smith's ork and expressed a hope to follow n his steps. On the agenda of the meeting, Smith ead a letter from the University of Michigan club of Detroit, lamenting he lack of courtesy shown by the stu- ent body to athletic teams visiting n Ann Arbor, with special reference o the recent track meet between Har- ard and Michigan. The letter deplor- d specifically the lack of student re- ponse to the generous Harvard cheer- ng and the fact that the band was not resent. The general tendency of the tudent body to lose interest when team begins to lose, and their desire o have a thrill furnished them instead f becoming a part o04the thrill were lso decried. Retiring Members Speak In the discussion of the letter the etiring members recommended to the new council the fostering of such rganizations as Blue Key to enter- ain visiting teams, and the backing f a proposal to secure an hour's cre- lit or other suitable remuneration for members of the band. Earl E. Fleischman of the speech lepartment outlined a proposal to the ouncil to form a First Nighters' Club with a closed membership of about 00 to include all those on the campus nterested in dramatics. The purpose f the club, he said, would be to give i solidarity of opinion on dramatic matters, to exert an influence toward productions of a higher standard, to eliminate competitive undermining of the membership of various producing ;roups, and to provide an organiza- tion to work toward a University thea- ter. Fleischman Asks Resolution Fleischman asked for a resolution f the council addressed to the dean recommending the formation of the proposed First Nighters' Club. It was moved and carried that a committee be formed of the council, Mimes, Play production, and Comedy club to con- rider the proposal with Fleischman. In the absence of Jo H. Chamberlin, '28, no official report was submitted on the Burton memorial campanile, but Smith anounced that the interest of the Ann Arbor Alumni association lad been enlisted, and that the class- es of the University had promised support. Richard S. Spindle, '29E, reporting on the cheering section for the 1928 football season, said that all arrange- ments had been made for a booth to be maintained in the Union next week to receive applications for seats in the section. Attempts will be made to reach next year's freshmen with information on the cheering section through the letters sent the freshmen by the University during the sum- mer. Group Accepts Report The council accepted the report of John T. Snodgrass, '28, on the student -onvocations of the past year, thank- ing Reverend Henry Lewis and Mr. James Inglis for their interest and support. Snodgrass reported that the committee on convocations had finish- ed the year in good shape financially, and that tentative dates had been set for convocations next fall on Nov. 18 and 25 and Dec. 2 and 9. William Lyon Phelps of Yale will 'be the first speak- er on the new convocation series. Summing up the accomplishments of the past year, Smith pointed out the fourteen discipline cases in which the University Discipline committee accepted the recommendations of the Advisory committee of the council with only one or two minor alterations due to the introduction of new evi- dence. LECTURE SERIES TO BE ARRANGED In an effort to make early arrange- ments for the program of speakers for next year's lecture series, the lecture course committee of the Oratorical association will meet next Tuesday, SENIORS NOTICE! Programs, invitations, and an- . i nrnmrn~t will he distributed I