I :STABLISHED 1890 r Lw zct an 4aiti MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 169. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1928. EIGHT CHINESE NATIONALISTS ADVANCE ON TIENTSIN IN SIXT MILE MARCH DEFEATED BY JAP SOLDIERS, iANKING ARMY RENEWS ITS SPRING DRIVE PROTEST RECEIVED ERE American And British Forces Mobilize To Guard Foreigners' Living' In Threatened Cities (By Associated Press) SHANGHAI, May 14-Foreign forc-- es prepared to guard their national today as the Southern (Nationalist) troops advanced on Tientsin, 60 miles southetst of Peking, their objective WILL MAKE SHIFT IN 'ENSIAN SALES Today is the last day during which distribution of 1928 Michiganensians will be made from the library base- ment, G. Wayne Brownell, business manager of the publication, .announc- ed yesterday. The booth at the base- vent door will be open from 8 o'- clock to 5 o'clock. Beginning tomorrow students who have not secured their books, may secure them by calling at the 'Ensian business office in the Press building. It was also announced that duplicate receipts may be obtained at the 'En- sian office beginning Wednesday. SENIOR BALL FAVORS .WILLB -ISTRIBUT nnaIrfall'~a L iIeii' 'W il IifR1. tQu rtews surenestra Wvtu rurnish in the Nationalist spring drive. 1Lusic For Last Senior As the Southern troops moved north. Soal Event the Nationalist council formally call-I ed President Coolidge's attention to TICKEITS YET AVAILABLE the recent clash between Southern and s. Japanese forces at Ssinan and asked Distrlbition of favors for the an- the attitude of the United State gov- nual Senior ball to be held Friday ernment "toward this grave situation night in the ball room of the Union created by Japan." will begin at 3 o'clock thi's afternoon." Capture of Tientain by the South- at the side desk of the Union, and will erners would cut Peking off from the continue until 5 o'clock. The distri- sea and the northern commander, bution will be continued on Wedne4- Chang Tso-Lin, from hisbase .and 'day during the same hours. Favors headquarters in Manchuria. for the affair are vari-colored ostrich A large foreign population in Tient- feather fans mounted on bone handles. sin would be placed in a precarious Music for the last Senior sociall situation such as resulted in grave event will be furnished by Frankie clashes at Nanking last year and at Quartell's feature recording. orches- Tsinan this year. tra. Quartell was formerly, trumpeter The foreign military commanders, with Isbam Jones' orchestra,'but has who have a force of 8,600 troops at recently been' playing engagements their disposal, decided to establish with his own organization. an outpost line on a radius of seven Miss' Mary Louise Murray, '28, is miles from Tientsin. Japanese troops chairman of the decoration committee were assigned to guard strategic and under her direction work will be- points in the foreign concessions, in- gin early this week to transform the cluding the Eastern railway station at Uniion ball room into a colorful formal the :junction of the important lines garden. Soft blue lights reflected linking Tientsin and Pukow, opposite from behind banks of, palms will il- Nanking, and Peking and Mukden. luminate large white pillars,. while Four thousand of the foreign troops four lighted fountains will be placed in Tientsin are Americans, who are in the corners of the hall. The or- equipped with' 20 airplanes, five tanks chestra is to be placed under an i1- and ftve field guns. luminated canopy:amid palm trees and One thousand are $ritish, 3,000 are floral decorations French and,.QA0.are _anaaese, _ 4Wt. ln u!.w ", *n . of the Japanese.troops had been with- o'clock until 2 o'clocQk.. Iis June drawn for duty in Tsinan and other Slomer, '29, and. James C. 'Hughey Jr., Shantung provinces points. '28, general chairman of the affair, The foreign preparations were be- will lead the grand march which is ing made in the face of Nationalists' scheduled to begin at 11 o'clock. The claims of a victory at Tsangchow, 51. Senior ball will' be' 'the last social nmiles south of Tientsin on the rail- event to be staged by the class of 1928 way leading to 'Tsinan. !as a class and will be one of the Gen. Yen Hsi-Shan, military go.v- last few functions in which the grad- ernor of Shansi and ally of the Nan- I uating class will be included. king, Nationalist government, an- TI'fe regular ticket' sale was con- nounced that his troops ocu pied cluded some weeks ago, but there are Tsangchow after a lightning advance, still a few tickets available at the They captured 7,000 Northerners with main desk of theUnion. a large booty and .arms and ammuni- tion. Technical Institu SEOffers New Course Humanics is the name that has Sbeen given to the new course in hu4 ,. L H man nature and human problems that Tis being introduced into the curric- 1 i 4 I "Of all the enterprises con- Iducted 'by the students of the ( University of Michigan, the Fresh I Air Camp, which for years past] I has been managed and financedj I through the efforts of the Student Christian association, Is one of I the most highly to be commend- I ed. To take hundreds of under- ] privileged and undernourished I boys off the streets of Detroit andj I other large cities of the State and ] give them a brief outing in as- I sociation with chosen leaders I from the Michigan student body, 1 is a splendid program which commands, I am sure, sympathy 1 I in every direction. It is desired 1 to take one hundred more boys ] to camp this year than last and] for that reason the campus is being asked for a larger sub- Iscription. I am sincerely hopeful that the funds will be forthcom- } ing." C. C. Little. LOCAL TAG DA Y COLLECTS $1,933 At the close of the first tag day yesterday approximately $1,933.00 was raised for the financing of the Stu- dent Christian association Fresh Air Camp. This exceeds half of the cam- pus goal, which was set by Henry S. Grinnell, '28,.chairman of the tag day , committee, at $3,000.00, the remainder of which is to be sought today. When asked concerning his opinions of the camp yesterday Joseph A. Bur- sley, dean of students, made the fol- lowing statement: "No one who has visited the boys' camp on Patterson lake can fail to be impressed by the spirit which pervades it-both the happy spirit among the boys .nd the real joy the counselors are getting out of their work there. ''For many of the campers this is the first taste of life in the open, and they are all re- juvenated from life in the city streets. I do not know of any way in which our students can be of greater ser- vice, or of anything which will bring them more real satisfaction, than to give what they can in time and money to the Fresh Air camp." MELLON 4SAYSHOOVER 'fliLin A#gSA ..r r i r' ln ri MEMNESOF SENATE CONTINUE DISCUSSION OF INCOMETA LAW ATTEMT OF DEMOCRATS TO SECURE LOWER RATES IS DEFEATEDI ADOPT REPUBLICAN SCALE Senator Reed Of Pennsylvania Labels 'Men Who Earn $80,00 A Year As "Poor Devils" (By Associatea Press) WASHINGTON, May 14.-The Sen- ate wrangled all day about the in- come tax plight of the class describ- ed by Reed of Pennsylvania as "the poor devils" who earn $80,000 a year. Even Reed had to laugh at the sound of that description. He quali- fied it by saying he used the term "poor" in a relative, not an absolute, wolf-at-the-door sense. The Senate finally put through the Republican in- termediate surtax proposal, designed to scale down totals for this class, on a strict party defeat on a Democrat- ic attempt to prescribe lower rates. In the House, prison labor goods took up the day in discussion of the bill thatwould' empower any state to close the door against such goods from other states if it chooses. As interludes to this debate, how- ever, the House put through the con- ference report on the shipping bil and later, by a vote of 205 to 117 sending both to the Senate for fina action. Both Senate and House had dis- tinguished visitors during the day. Secretary Kellogg and Secretary Dav- is were on the floor while looking things: over; and the House enter- tained one of the Republican presi- dential headliners in the person of' former Gov. Frank O. Lowden, of Il- linois. He held a reception in the Republican cloakroom, then gossiped with Speaker Longworth at the ros- trum, getting a stir of handclapping as he appeared on the floor. Earlier in the day Lowden was be- fore the Senate presidential campaign, nestigatorto say that around '$60,- '000 had gone into his efforts to ob- tain the nomination at Kansas City and that he had no arguments with Dawes on delegates, adding that ev- erybody knew they were old friends.; He was followed by Watson, Reed, wreathed with the laurels of his In- diana primary victory over Hoover, anld that concluded the .preliminary phase of the inquiry in which 14 Re- publican and Democratic avowe candidates, favorite sons, dark hors es, and the like have been questone in person as to expenses and cam paig methods. The campaign man ager group comes next. WASHINGTON, May 14.-After ' meeting of House Republican leaders Speaker Longworth said today thai In his opinion Congress would prob- ably adjourn about "J'une 1. He adde that the conference had been for the purpose of discussing a prospective adjournment date, and that it wa impossible to say definitely ju. whe that would take place. Representative Tilson, of Connect- Icut, the majority floor leader, con- curred with the speaker on the "a- bout June 1" date and both were in agreement that there was little if any chance of its being earlier. The speaker said that slow progress be- ing made by the Senate on the tax bill was one of the factors entering into the uncertainty of the adjourn- nent. He explained that the Senate leaders had expected action on the Imeasure last week and that at pre- sent there was no indication as to just when this would now be taken. COLLEGE TENNIS (By Associated Press) Iowa 7, Chicago 2. paint Soon will gather tree 'Round the oak Tappan There to greet palef ace. a MICHIGAMUA ON WARPATH, SEEKS NEW PALEFACES When from out the paleface wig- wam From behind the staring moonface Came the slow and solemn five booms Telling that the Evening Spirit Wanders over woods and meadows Lights the camp fires of the heavens, Then the Michigtamua wlarriors In their feathers and their war- 'round the Oak tree called the the trembling m .. .. k I (By Associated Press)t ST. LOUIS, May 14.-Thousands of St. Louisans, at Lambert --St. Louisy field and Forest park cheered the ar- rival late today of the trans-atlantic Bremen fliers-Baron von Huenefeld, Capt. Hermann Koehl and Maj. James Fitzmaurice. They .will be the city's guest for two days. . In the Junkers monoplane, F-13, sister ship of the Bremen, the two1 German fliers and their Irish compan- ion covered the 350 miles from Mil-'k waukee in 3 hours and 31 minutes, ar- riving 'at Lambert field at 4:33 p.m. Although the city's formal welcome, a military parade, is set for tomorrow morning, many could not wait so long for their first view of the visitors. Approximately 2,000 persons were at Lambert field. 'A group representing' German organizations was in the field to extend the first welcome to their countrymen. After a few minutes lively sociabil- ity, with the conversation largely.. im German, the fliers were taken in bi planes to Forest park.. A crowd of nearly .10,000 was at the park where the fliers were ex- tended an official welcome by Dr. George Ahrens, German consul, May- or Victor Miller, and other city offic- ials. Baro. von Huenefeld, who was first to land, saluted his comrades, then linked arms with them, and a mom- ent later, with the mayor and the re- ception committee, while the crowd broke into hearty cheering. The fliers were taken by automo- bile to their quarters in Hotel Jeffer- son. They were guests at a private dinner given by Dr. Ahrens at the University club. ulum of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, beginning next fall, it has recently been disclosed. The in- novation has occasioned great interest among educational authorities throug- out the country. The new course will consist of a series of .round-table discussions and any problem of interest will be ,al- lowed discussed. The hope of those who have planned the move is to broaden the technical interests of the Institute students so. as to include subjects which may be regarded as cultural. Special emphasis gwill be placed on the development of a senmi of humor and common sense. The first head of the new depart- ment will be Dr. Charles R. Gow. In a recent address before an M. I. T. al- umni group at Cambridge, Dr. Gow stated his plans, which he admits are still in the embryo state. He said that he believed the average person' has too little insight into the characters of his fellow men and that 'he hoped by using as illustrations men with very pronounced character traits, to both explain and build. character. Dr. Gow is going to make his course optional and at first it will be con- fined to the two upper classes. FORESTERS LEAVE FOR WEEK'S TOUR Twelve members of the Junior class of- the Forestry school left yesterday for a week's tour to Higgin's State forest near Roscommon where they will observe nursery and planting work, forest fire fighting methods in operation, and some of the oldest planted forests in the state. From Rosscommon they will go to Cadillac ldJULV : :--jfl=[ Ltr I1IU" ($y Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 14.-Secretary Mellon elaborated today on his state- ment of Saturday that Herbert Hoov- er seented to him to most closely fit the Republican party's requirements# for the presidency by saying: "I think he would make a good presi- dent." Informed that many interpretations had been given his statement to the I Pennsylvania Republican delegationE to the' Kansas City convention, the treasury head said: "I don't see why my statement should be misinterp- reted. It is pretty plain English." The Pennsylvania delegation, he said,, "is a cohesive organization and there has never been a time when the state organization was more har- monious than it is now." One other comment was: "Any- thing can happen." Mr. Mellon all along has favored renomination of President Coolidge, and the secretary's associates do not believe that his endorsement of Hoov- er will necessarily mean that Penn- sylvania's delegation will support Hoover. They believe the delegation will 'await developments before defin- itely allying itself. MUSEUM OPENING, SET FOR JUNE 15 June 15 has been set as the date for the formal opening of the new Uni- versity museum. The dedicatory pro- gram will be held at 10 o'clock on that morning at the museum with Dr. Thomas Barbour, of the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, as the principal speaker. ;:{ Many in number wait the bidding Of the loud rejoicing redskins, For before they take the long trail To the home of Michigamua - Many trials and many tortures First must prove their strengthI and courage. 'Ere the red man bids them wel- come 'Ere he calls each paleface "Indian," 'Ere the peace-pipe goes skyward. HOYE TAKES CHARGEj OF OPERAREHEARSALS Various Dance Routines For New, Union Opera Devised, Rehearsals Begin Iiniediately ASK SINGERSTO TRY QUT With an unusually large number of tryouts r.porting for the first 4nstruc- tions on work for the fut r Roy I Hoyer, leading man with Fred Stone in "Criss-Cross," personally took charge of training choruses for the' 1928 Michigan Union Opera. ' Hoyer arrived Sunday night and1 immediately began working out var- ious dance routines for the new pre- sentation. He has directed the danc- ing in Operas for the last 12 years with the exception of last yea wthenj duties with Fred Stone prevente4 'him from vtending. "'conuaittee zxyoits have also ias tejir initial meeting and the many ap- plicants fnr chairmanships and mem-x berships in the various committees have started active work for the new show. Keen competition is shown for the 13 or more positions which bring with thm a trip during Christmas vacation when the Opera company goes on is anmual trip. Several changes in policy have been 'ade public by Dalton D. Walper, '29, ;ereral chairman of the 1928 'Opera. \. special ,effort will be made to im-- >rove the quality of the singers in the how as well as of the music, 'tself. ncouragementaof members of the Jee clubs and enouragement of any vriters of muic who are interested' n the Opera has ,been the keynote, is E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the mtire production, is determined that there shall be a noted improvement In ,nusic in general over any of the pre-, ;eding Operas. Rehearsals will continue at 7:30 ightly in 'Mimes, theat r henceforth o the close of school. All those who ire trying out for positions in the ieverai units of the production, chor- uses, cast, and committees are expect- 'd to attend the regular rehearsals as important .work is being contem- plated by Hoyer for the men. CITY WILL VOTE ON STEEL BRIDGE Voting on the bond issue of $115,000 for the new bridge over the Michigan Central tracks will be held, Monday, May 28. In the event of the issue get- ting the required three-fifths major- ity, the new bridge, which is to be of structural steel, will be started soon after May 28. The cost of construction has been placed at $302,000, of which the Michi- 1 gau Central will pay half. REQUEST FORMAL DRESS All those holding special guest I tickets entitling them to sit in 1 I the special reserved section on I I the first floor of Hill auditorium I I at tonight's opening recital on C I the new Frieze Memorial organ, I I or any others who care to sit on I the first floor, are asked to wear ; formal dress as a tribute to the I E rendition of the first concert on I I the new instrument by Palmer I I Christian. Although formal dress I is not required, it is urgently re- I quested that such dress be worn.I CHRISTIAN WILL GIVE' F IRST ORGAN CONCERT Famous Organist Will Present Con- cert Before :300 Noted: Artists And General Public ORWiA BUILDER TO SPEAK Palmer Christian will .give the op- ening recital oil the new Frieze mem- ortal organ tonight at Hill auditorium' before an array of 300 noted artists and the general; public. Regent Ill- iamt L. Clemnents of Bay City, will re- present the University and will ,'in- troduce Ernest M. Skinner, builder of'the organ, who will address the audience. The new organ replaces the old Frieze memorial organ 'acquired in 1893 from the music hall of the World's Fair' at Chicago. At that time it represented the highest perfection of the period. It was one of the :first great organs to be operated entirely 'y electricity. During the period while iwas at the World's Fair, famed ar- tists from all over the world played upon its historic keys. It, was a sight well-known to practically all visitors to the World's Fair and it tone was a subject of great interest., At first the old instrument was set up in University hall, but in 1913 ,It was transferred to Hill :auditorium. Since that date the organ has bleen heard Innumer'able times at reitas For the past several ;yearPle Christian has given reular ' "l concerts and has 'attracted ag~~ many people regularly. However, as timnepassed on, many features of the Instrument grew to be obsolete" so that the need for a new, organ with the many perfected, modern features~ was felt. Less than a year ago, the Board of regents authorized the construction of the new organ and the Skinner Or- II 'a11 company of Boston has, beenI working on its constructionl and in- stallationl ever since. Although. to-] night's recital is practically the firstk public performance on the organ, the' actual formal dedication will. take I place tommorrow night as one of the events on the opening May Festival program. CLUB WILL HEAR JOHN H. KELLOGG The Cosmopolitan Club twill holdl its anlnual banquet at 6 o'clck Mon- day, May 21, in the ball room of the Union. The principal address will be given by Mr. John H. Kellogg. The price of tickets to the banquet is $1.00 for 'club members, and $1.25 for non-members. All those who wishl to attend can make reservations with H. C. Chang, 1412 Geddes Avenue,. Mr. Chang is chairman of the ban- quet committee, and all tickets can be procured through himt. The officers of the club for net semester are: Donato Syat, '28 Ed, president; Miss Helen Mihalyi,, '29; vice-president; Maximino G. Bueno, '28, treasurer; and Miss Helen Clarke, secretary. Mr. F. C. Wells was chos- en faculty treasurer, and the Board of Directors is composed of Rev. H. H. Chapman, Mrs. Helen Snyder, Dr. Curi and John Brumm '31. Y cian myth of Persephone a tirely portrayed by dancing. The prologue known kas" of the Twilight" is unique personnel includes freshma who have never before had the pageant. Their intere pageant is evidenced by the their practices have been i had to be at night after thei duty in the University hosl Each sorority and dormi entertain several faculty who are to act as patrons ai esses of the affair at Lan and at the picnic supper v cedes it. MI OG LLITI WMNWIL.TO OBSERVE LA NTER NIGHT AT NEW FIEL MORE THAN TWO THOUSAN WILL PARTICIPATE IN PARADE VARSITY BAND WILL PU Pienie Supper And Annual Freslun Pageant Will Immediately Precede Ceremonies ' Lantern night, the most beautif and spectacular of Michigan women activities, will be the occasion for t assembling of more than 2,000 wom in the traditional line of march at o'clock tonight on Palmer field. This Lantern night will be unli all previous ones, in that it will ta on the newly graded athletic field f women adjoining the new women field house. Bleachers have been s up for the accommodation of spec tors, while flags and bunting ado the natural background which will the scene of.the lantern march. Re resentatives from the junior colleg of the state, and high school studen in Ann Arbor for 'tomorrow's P1S day sponsored by the Women's athle' association are to be the guests the W.A.A. tonight. The Varsity band will play as h been customary in the past, to a company the 'singing of Michig songs. The band stand has been s up at the north end of the field. Dr. Margaret Bell, head of t women's department of physical ed cation and one of the most entli siastic sponsors for Lantern nig has this to say in regard to the occ sion, "Every Michigan woman, if 's has any spirit at all, will be in t line of march, Lantern night, 11 all - other traditions, is not an oce sion for prized memories unless t individual has actually taken par Immediately preceding the Lante night ceremonies will be a 'pic snnner beginning at 5:30 o'clock a , e r 1 r r r F l s "NEW YORK IS A HARD MARKET FOR THE NEW DRAMATIST TO CRASH."-STATES PAUL OSBORNE "New York is a hard market for thet new dramatist to crash," said Paul Osborne in an interview yesterday, "but it can be done, and if his plays can weather commercial criticism,< he's pretty much of a success." A former Michigan man and rhet-1 oric instructor, Paul Osborne became interested in playwriting and is now1 busy with Rock Pemberton, his pro- ducer, in getting two of his plays,1 "The Ledge," and "Side Show" ready for their New York presentation the latter part of the summer. "The+ Ledge,' 'a melodrama, was written ins Osborne's former office in Angell1 hall; and "Side Show," a satirical question as to whether it's be'st to write plays and take them to :New York or go to New York and write I plays. I can't see that it makes much difference. "The hardest thing a dramatist has ,to face is commercial criticism. The play may be a literary masterpiece but unless it has the 'stuff the pro- ducers want-plot,'more than charac-' terization-it hasn't the value com- mercially of a Rhetoric I theme. I "I had an amusing experience in the office of one producer to whom I took one of my plays. A young man in- formed me that my play would have to go through several readers before the telephone operator! I found out, that his criticism was quite correct in this case." Paul Osborne's first effort was a mystery play produced here in collab- oration with a friend. "It was a ter- rible thing," he said with a smile,'"but it was a start. When I left here, -I went to Baker's Shop in New Haven, for awhile land learned something of play construction. Baker has an in- ternational reputation as an authority on. play construction, and his popu- larity and efficiency may be brought out by the fact that out of four hun- dred applicants a year he chooses but 30 who may work under him." MANY WILL VISIT PHARMACY PLANT Between 60 and 70 students and faculty members' of the School of Pharmacy will spend the afternoon and evening in Detroit today, as the guests of Frederick Stearns and Com- pany, pharmaceutical supply concern. The trip is another of a regular series of trips to out of town manufacturing companies, the last trip being to one of the larger companies in Indianapo- lis. The local men will meet at the company's offices at 2 o'clock this aft- ernoon, and will spend most of the afternoon inspecting' the plant. To- nithftho wllbP ~b emnav' (By Associated Press) HUNSTANTON, Eng., May 14.-M: Glenna Collett, former woman's g champion of the United States, sw through two rounds of the Brit woman's title event today. The Ame can girl, one of the game's long hitters, used her ability to drive ball through the wind to good adva age in defeating Mile. Simone. Thi De La Chaume, the French girl w holds the British title, and Miss Si ley Lamplough, 18-year-old Engl player. The first round match wi brought the star American and Fren entries together was a see-saw aff finally won at the 17th, 3 up and 1 play. In the afternoon, -a very ti Glenna, played excellent golf to v from her younger and less experien opponent with little effort, 7 up an( to play. The English girl won c one hole. The American girl had to come fi behind to win in the morning. champion was off in front with birdie three at the first hole, gal through a 40-foot chip from the e of the green. Through rain and a ing wind the star woman pla.y plodded through the first nine ho nip and tuck. Glenna squared match at the seventh but at the eig went down again when she took n strokes. Three shots sailed out bounds on this hole. She was not I mayed, however, anal again made affair all even at the ninth. PRESIDENT ASKS