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May 13, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-13

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''' " !
' ' 1

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Board in
'ontrol of Student Publications
Member of Weters Conference Editorial
The Associated' Press is exclusively en-
:itled to the use for republication of all news
lspatches credited to it or not otherwise
:redited in this paper and the local news pub.
ished herein
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Aichigan, as second class matter Special rate
if postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
naster General.
Subscription by carrier. $4.00: by mail,
Offices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
.ard Street.
Phones: Editorial, x4925; Business 2i=34.
Telephone 1926
Editor.........EllisE P.Merry
Editor Michigan "Weekly.. Charles E. Behyrner
News Editor....... ;........ Philip C. Brooks
Lity Editok..... ...Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor .... Marian L. Welles
Sports Editor,..:..,........Herbert E. Vedder
Theater, Books and Music. Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Assistant City 'Editor.,... Richard C. Kurvink
.Night Editors
Robert E. Finch t . Thomas McKean
J. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Margaret Arthur John H. Maloney
AlP A >Bochnowskj Marion McDonald
,Jean Campbell Charles. S. Monroe
Jessie Church Catherine Price
Blanchard W. Cleland Harold L. Passman
Clarence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
Valborg Egeland. Pierce -Rosenberg
Marjorie Follmer Eleanor Scribner
James B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
Robert T. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
Elaine E, Gruber Howard F. Simon
Alice Hlagelsliaw George F'. Simons
Joseph E. Howell Rowena Stillman
. Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufman George Tilley
Williai F. Kerby Bert. K.Tritscheller
Lawrence R .Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Donald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
Tack. L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager...George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising............Richard A. Meya
Advertising..........Edward L. Hulse
Advertising............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts................Raymond Wachter
Circulation...... ......George B. Ahn, Jr.
Publication........,.....Harvey Talcotrt
tieurgc Bradley Ray Hofelih
Marie Brummeles Ral A. Jaebu
Tames !Carpenter James Jordan
Charles K. Correl? Marion Kerr
Barbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
Mary Dively Catherine McKinven
Kessie V Egeianc Dorothy Lyons
Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer
Katherine Frohne George Spater
Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenhert Herbert E. Varnurn
Helen Gross Lawrence Walkley
. 3. Hamre Hannah Wallen
Carl W. Hammer


'MAY 13, 1928.

One of the rarest of emotional ap-
peals made to University students is
the appeal to human sympathy. All
other experiences, of loyalty, ambition.
enthusiasm, devotion, and affection,
abound in the collegiate atmosphere;
but sympathy, seldom appropriate to
college careers, is very seldom in evi-
On Monday and Tuesday of this
week, however, the University of Mich-
igan student body will have one of
its few opportunities of the college
year to exercise whatever feeling of
sympathy may not as yet have atro-
phied, with the drive for funds for
the University Fresh Air camp. Last
year more than 340 boys of Detroit
and nearby industrial communities,
whose circumstances would have pre-
vented them entirely from having any
vacation otherwise, were each given
12 days in camp through this agency.
This year again, for the eighth con-
secutive time, the University, through
the S. C. A. will have a chance to pro-
mote this fine work.
Superlatives in praise should be un-
necessary to arouse sufficient student
interest in this worthy enterprise to
make it a success. It is planned this
year, if funds warrant, to increase the
size of the camp to 400 boys, each of
whom will remain 12 days. Student
councilors, headed by George Rich,a
'30L, will give their time for small
remuneration t'o care for the boys,
and the sole phase of support whicha
the enterprise needs to bring about
success is the financial support of the
student body.r
Already advance fraternity contri-
butions have formed a very substantial
nucleus for the drive, and with whole-<
hearted aid by faculty members andt
students the goal of caring for 400t
boys is not a remote one. One dollar
is sufficient to' keep a boy in camp for
a day, and for $4,800 each of the 4001
boys planned for could be taken for!
12 days. The quota is less than 50
cents for every member of Michigan't
student body-a sum exceedingly low
for the high measure of return it of-t
fers. ,
Surely college students can makeI
a few more valuable manifestations ofc
their sympathy with humanity andt
with boyhood than this. It is an in-c
vestment wrhich will not only payr
large returns in the development of t
American manhood from Americane
boys, but which will paly similarlyI
large returns in satisfaction to thei
student body, and in training that stu-t
dent body in one of the fundamentals

Annonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
Iconfidential upon request. Letters pub--
lished should not be construed as ex
Pressing the editorial opinion of The
To the editor:
Permit me to commend you for the
attitude The Daily takes towards the
recent Swing-Out, as indicated in your
editorial "This Farce, Swing-Out," of
Friday morning. The situation was so
well handled in that editorial, little
further, it seems, could be said.
I would like, however, to register
my own reaction to the performance
of last Tuesday, speaking as a mem-
ber of the senior class. The occasion
of a person's graduating from college
is a time for jollity and merriment,
particularly on the part of those in-
dividuals participating. It represents,
in a measure, a certain achievement.
.The event, however, does not war-
rant the extreme of hilariousness (?)
which certain persons in the parade
exhibited last Tuesday. According to
the notion of some people, the only
way a person can really enjoy him-
self in a group is to get his mind
crazed with booze. Then he is really
living! But to self-respecting indi-
viduals such conduct is inexcusable,
especially among college seniors who
are supposed to show some develop-
ment of their finer sensibilities, who
are supposed to have acquired some
appreciation as to when certain con-
duct is altogether out of place. The
danger, as I see it, is that people, not
acquainted with the real things of
college life who might have happened
to watch the parade Tuesday, on see-
ing some members of the senior class
acting the part of drunken fools, are
so apt to conclude offhand that such
conduct is typical of the student body.
The big majority of the senior class
and the student body as well, I be-
lieve, resents the indiscreet behavior
on the part of the men who were
drunk in the parade.
If such people must have their "cel-
ebration," as they term it, why should
they make a public demonstration 01
the fact? It would seem that some
suitable pig pen could be found (al-
though the pigs might object) where
I they could spew out their filth. On
of the advantages from so doing woul
be that the floors of our beautifu
Hill auditorium would not be pro-
I trust the class of 1929 will change
the situation before it is necessary for
the University authorities to da away
with Swing-Out.
Dale H. Fillmore, '281.
* * *
To the editor:
I was much interested in an article
which appeared recently in Campu-
Opinion. 'It is indeed a mystery to me
how a student can condemn a suc-
cessful institution in this university
so emphatically when he apparently
knows so little about it. I refer to
S. T.'s article on "This Honor Sys-
He starts out by saying that the
members of Phi Eta Sigma are to be
commended for their zeal in attempt-
ing to install the honor system of ex-
aminations in the Literaryy college
but that the Freshmen have their
work cut out for them. I agree. To
illustrate his contention he immediate-

ly brings his gift of ridicule and
sarcasm into an attack on the honor
system in the Engineering college.
Perhaps he leaves himself open to a
little of his own "medicine."
He says: "Everyone knows that the
system isn't working over there." But
does everyone know this? I, for one,
do not and I believe that I am more
qualified to speak on the subject than
the critical Mr. S. T. I spent my firpt
two years in the University in the
Engineering college and at present
am enrolled in the Literary college.
This much I can safely say: There
is less cribbing in the Engineering
college under the honor system than
there is in the Literary college under
the proctor system.
I don't wish to be misunderstood.
I do not believe that the honor sys-
tem would be successful in the Lit-
erary college, not because of a defect
in the system, but rather because of
the vast difference between the stu-
dents in a professional school and
those in the Literary college. Prac-
tically all of the engineers are here
because they expect to use their edu-
cation directly to make a living. For
this reason, they realize the absurdity
of cribbing and seriously accept their
responsibility under the honor syt-
tem. I do not believe that this is
equally true of the Literary college
because a rather large element that
is here principally to have a good
I cannot resist the temptation to

Our world will be chock full of sun.
Don't tell me that this cannot be,
You'll not be there for me to see;
But write, I ask on bended knee,
"I shall be glad to wait for thee."
HEY, POISON IVY, how in the devil
can anybody write on bended knee?
And another thing, Poison, doesn't
this poem express almost the same
sentiments. You know, the old fav-


orite :
Four more weeks to vacation
And then we'll go to the station
Back to civilization
The train will carry us there.
IT MUST BE in the air, this ur-
for poetry. Tap Faucet, composer
the Elegy in a dalty Moody printed
just a few days ago, just crasheO
through with another bit of the sac

NOW THAT THE architects have
"brawled" and the freshmen have
"bawled" out their "Where, Oh
Where," nothing much remains of any-
thing except a few little examina-
* * *
who incidentally, has been one of the
best contributors this place has
known, of this:
** *

Me name is Patrick MacDonald
And I hail from county Kildare,
Me age is thirty-odd summers
And me enemy's name is CARE.
At ivery birthday and weddin,'
Sure none's more wanted than I
Who opens the lips of the silent,
Brings lustre to every dull eye.
Sure, 'tis a beautiful world thatv
live in.
With never- a trouble or fret;
That's the reason the Irish are
Thank God that the Free State is w


IWhen the rest of the campus is
drinking the lees of the scholastic
cup the School of Music digs up its
last year's verbiage and begins its
annual campaign to convince the pub-
lic that Ann Arbor is the Beyreuth
of America-also that the May Fes-
tival is the equivalent of that one
time vital, and now historically in-
teresting celebration that is held
In contrast to last year's collection
of musical talent the local entrepre-
neurs do not,,have a similar array
of nationally known names to bally-

Just think, in four weeks and one
Together you and I shall play;
Together we'll have lots of fun,


vet I

HOW NOW, TAP Faucet, and how
reconcile the MacDonald with the re-
of that stuff?
LONG AGO, WHEN we were ce
brating a certain July 4 by attendi
tween the Chicago Cubs and St. Louie
Cards, something funny happened.
* * *
ST. LOUIS HAD a certain Cliff
Heatheote and Chicago had a certain
Maxie Flack; both were outfielders.
After playing the morning game for
their respective old loves the players
were traded by the rival managements'
during the interim between the two
games. Heathcote played the after-
noon game for the Cubs and banged
out a pair of clouts. Flack finished the
afternoon with the Cards, and with-
out any pangs of partiotism, broke up
the "ole ball game," if we recall
THAT WAS WEIRD, all right, but
now comes another case even strang-
er. On Friday, Jim Wilson, after
catching two innings of that day's
game for the Philadelphia Nationals,
was traded suddenly to the Cardinals.
Wilson immediately changed uniforms
and sat on the Cardinals' bench for
the rest of the game. If he had knownE
the signals, he probably would havet
played the rest of the game for the
new bunch.
YEA, VERILY, TRUTH is funnier
than fiction.
AS LONG AS we have started thist
stuff from the sporting world, we
might just as well let loose this, one1
from Blonde Bud: Bud, slightly wor-1
ried about Michigan's chances in yes-
terday's pair of games with Illinois
and knowing McAfee couldn't pitche
again today without straining hist
arm, said: ,
* * *

hoo this year; "with the exception of
Margerete Matzenaur, Percy Grainger,
and Frederick Stock, the names of the
other artist-Leonora Corona, Marion
Telva, Marie Montana, Mario Basiola,
all of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, do not carry much to mid-wes-
tern ears,. although Chase Baromeo.
the Michigan.) singer, has received
much attenltion, in New York, and i
said to possess a beautiful bass-bari-
tone voice. Benno Rabinof, highly
touted as the 'latest "find," is con-
paratively unknown,,.but his program,
which inchides a concerto of Mendel-
ssohn's for violin and orchestra, de-
mands a real- artist for proper inter-
pretation. The character of the per-
formance of: these artists is uncertain
because the artists are unknown-
they may either win bigger and better
laurels for this thirty fifth Festival
or may leave it holding the bag ad
trying hard to smile.
The Dowers that are at the Festival
helm evidently believe that piquing
the curiosity of the public is as good
box office advertising as by means of
names that have graced opera house
signs from coast to coast-in addition
to the dark horse artists they have
included in their programs several
new compositions-that of Eric De-
Lamaerter for the new Frieze Memor-
ial 'organ is to have its maiden per-
formance. Also is included the Pierne
choral work "Saint Francis of Assisi"
which is concerned with the life of
St. Francis, whom the School of Music
bulletin .has mistakenly characterized
as "that kindly man"-it is a well
known fact that saints are the most
troublesome of people-this choral
opus will have its first Ann Arbor
performance, and is said to provide
ample opportunities for the singers
to display what they can do. In addi-
tion to "St. Francis of Assisi"there
are two other pieces for chorus in
the program, "The Quest of the Queer
Prince" by the American composer
Hyde, and a strange working over of
Aida, that resplendent opera, into an
oratorio. "The Quest of the Queer
Prince" is t'6b sung by a children's
chorus that Juya Higbee, an indus-
trious educator, has been training in
sections in High Schools throughout
the state. The programs are com-
posed of much that has been heard
many times before and much that is
new and unheard. The most inter-
esting thing on the program, as it
appears in a review, is the Strav-
insky suite "Le Oiseau de feu."
* * * ,
A review, ly Esther Anderson
Creating, for; an hour or so, the
sort of atmosphere which has long
been thought to have been dead and
buried, the University Girls' Glee club
appeared in a concert which surpris-
ed more than a few people last night.
All the agitators for bigger and bet-
ter campus tradiltions should have
been there. Even they could not have
desired a college spirit more sincere-
ly thusiastic. Though the program
opened with a feeble rendition of
"Laudes atque &armina," it closely
convincingly and even tearfully with
the "Yellow and Blue." An informal
"college sing" an'd a number of Junior
Girls' Play songs were given as
though the singers loved them. Every-
one forgot to be blase.I
In the Nevin number, "Wynken,
Blynken and Nod," the tone was hea-
vy, and the soloist was not allowed
the prominence that both her voice
and her part naturally demanded. Per-
haps the broad expanse of dance floor
between stage and balcony, chorus

and audience, seemed at first to be an
almost insurmountable barrier. If+
such was the case, it was nobly,
though gradually, overcome. The
Brahms love songs so rich in con-
tent, so bare of display, were given
with stately dignity and true finish,
lacking in neither feeling or form.
Helen Gould's song in costume was
quaint, her tiny, sweet voice, and her
graceful gestures putting one beauti-

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"WHY NOT LET him start pitching
without warming up? He could last
for a few innings then, couldn't he?"
r * *g
AND NOW THAT we are nearing

i 5



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