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May 11, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-11

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Add tion To Tuition Of Women Stu-l
dents Counts Toward Member-
ship I Leaguea
The attention of all senior woment
is called to the fact that if life mem-
bership pledges in the Women's1
league are paid for by the time of3
graduation they may be had for $40.E
The ruling which was made at the re- .
quest of. the undergraduate women to t
pay $10 on the tuition fee toward lifeF
membership was pas'sed by the Reg-
ents, so every woman student whG
entered this year has paid $10 on her
From now on, undergraduate wom-
en, if they remain in college for four
years, receive life membership in the
league when they are graduated. The
same opportunity 4is offered all
seniors, providing the $40 is paid by
commencement. This applies also toi
all members of the Nurses Training
school and to all University School,
of Music 'students of collegiate age.
Marie Hartwig, '29, is chairman of
a committee to interview all seniort
women who have not already signed1
for life membership. The Alumnit
council office is very desirous of re-1
ceiving .as many pledges as possible
according to Mrs. Wm. D. Henderson',
in order that no further campaign will
be necessary when the seniors leave
college. If the pledges already made
are not paid before graduation, they
will be $50.
Provide Lunches For
Lantern Night Picnic
To Be Held Tuesday
For those who do not live in organ-
ized houses yet who wish to put up
box-lunches for the Lantern Night
picnic next Tuesday night, a commit-
tee is preparing 'some for sale. They
will contain, among other things, po-
tato salad, several kinds of sandwich-t
es, fruit, and cake, the entire box to be
priced at 50 cents. Coffee'will also,
be served with them at Palmer field.
These will have to be ordered be-
fore Monday noon by signing on bul-
letins posted for the purpose at the
candy booth, Barbour gymnasium, and
the athletic building, or by telephon-
ing Bernice Shook, dial 21616, chair-
man of the committee. They are to be
obtained on Tuesday night from tables
set up near the old field house on
Palmer field.
Seniors Overwhelm
Sophomore Baseball
Team By_14-3 Score
In the interclass base ball game,
which was played yesterday at 4
o'clock, between the seniors and
sophomores, the senior team gained
the overwhelming victory of 14-3.
Errors were made by both teams,
but the senior batting, and general
co-operation was better, than that of
the sophomores. The pitchers on both
teams were efficient but the work of
the senior battery, Robinson, pitcher,
and Child, catcher, both speedy and
The game was played outside in
spite of the uncompromising weather,
and both team's wero considerhly
handicapped in this respect.
There will be a meeting of the
Board of Representatives at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning in room 102 Li-

All women wishing to enter the{
bowling tournament should sign up
on the bulletin board by noon today,
or if it is impossible to do this, call
Louise Cody, '30, at 6517, as quicklyj
's possible so that plans for the
tournament can be completed.
Busses will run to the golf course
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, and very likely on Friday.
and Saturday. They will leave in
front of Barbour gymnasium at 2:10,
3:10, and 4:10 o'clock. They will re-
turn from the course at 3, 4, and 5:45
o'clock. Anyone may use the busses.
Several college's already have or-
ganized amateur motion picture com-
panies. There are active groups at
the University of California and at
..........0-0. . . ............... .........":.
The Permanent
Is the Only Solution!
For keeping the hair attrac-
tively waved during the
warm weather.

Trend Of Lantern Night Tradition Is Shown
In Gradual Changes Through Michigan Mavdays

clq ?

(By X. E. F) Iors leading and carrying lighted lan-I
Atthi artia tE ' terns. The grand climax was a huge
At this particular time it is ap- bon-fire and the singing of songs im-
propriate to review the slow develop- promptu.
ment of the tradition of Lantern Night. Some phases of the first Lantern
It is oftentimes hard for us who are lays have been dropped, such as the
at Michigan for a fleeting four years field day and the bonfire; added fea-
to catch the spirit of its traditions tures have taken their places, the
until it is too late to get the full forming of a block M, the Freshman
benefit from them, and it is time for us pageant, and last year the dance
to graduate. drama. Ideas and practices which
That this is not mere philosophizing eventually become most firmly fixed
but a fact which is proved year after !are the ones that are unpremeditated
year is evidenced by the fact that on I and hint at spontaneity. Who knows
each succeeding Lantern Night nearly but some unexpected twist in the plans
every senior woman is to be seen on for Lantern Night next Tuesday will
Palmer field while the percentage of be handed down to our children and
the other classes represented is pro- to our children's children?
portionately smaller. Lantern Night Abolished in 1913
. The Michigan woman with a sincere The performance of Lantern Night
wish to accumulate as rich a store of is pretty well assured, for it was put
memories as possible to take with her to a severe test from 1913 to 1919,
when she graduates familiarizes her- when it was abolished. Its future hung
self with the traditions as early in her in the balance, and each May the
college life as possible. question as to whether or not the
Festivities Dedicate Palmer Field custom should be renewed was an-
The very earliest group of women swered in the negative. Dean Myra
on this; campus set aside one May B. Jordan gave the encouragement
afternoon and evening each year for that had been lacking, and since its
the purpose of seeing Ann Arbor at revival in 1919 Lantern Night has
its best and for recreation. This was never been discontinued.
"the modest beginning of a tradition About the same time, the more us-
as vital to women as Cap Night is to ual May-pole dance gave way to the
men. In 1910 George Herbert Palmer Freshman pageant. This too is becom-
presented a women's athletic field to ing traditional. And last year a dance
the University in memory of his wife, drama by Orchesis, the dancing club,
Alice Freeman Palmer, '76. This was! was added, which may or may not ex-
the occasion for festivities very much ist as a tradition after as many years
like those which marked the opening as Lantern Night has continued. That
of the new athletic building last Wed- a song contest was held three or four
nesday. The program included a field years ago before Lantern Night is a
day program in the afternoon, a pic- fact that has been gleaned from the
nic lunch on the slopes of the ridge files of The Daily. But apparently
and, after twilight had fallen, a pro- songs untried by time did not "take"
cession around the field, with the sen- as well as the familiar songs of Mich-'

igan. At any rate that practice was
one of those that was discontinued.
Many -3eanings Given to Lanterns
At present Lantern Night includes
a box supper at about 5:30 to which
everyone in the University of Michi-
gan, and in Ann Arbor or its vicinity,
both men and women, is welcomed, a
dance pageant by the freshman wo-
men, a dance drama by Orchesis danc-
ing society, a march by all of the
college women on the field, only the
men and townspeople remaining as
spectators, the passing of lighted lan-
terns to the junior women by the
senior women, and of garlanded hoops
to the sophomore women by the jun-
ior women, the formation of a block
M and singing. The ten leaders of the
line of march are selected by the wo-
men's organizations on the campus
assisted by the faculty as those who
have been, in general, the leaders of
the class during the year.
Various interpretations have been
assigned to the lanterns from which
the ceremony takes its name. They
have been said to represent the bright-
ness of college days which the seniors
are leaving for the junior class, the
responsibility of the seniors' which
is to be assumed by the juniors, or
the progress of the classes. Probably
nothing definite is embodied in the
lighted lanterns. They simply have
a meaning for the Michigan woman
which can be grasped by no one else,
and by no one who has not actually
either received a lantern as a junior
or given it away as a senior. It is this
meaning which the woman who only
stands on the side-lines is missing, a
valuable treasure from which she is
cheating herself if she does not take

A sport's conference for high school
girls, which is being sponsored by
both the W.A.A. and the department of
Physical Education for women, will
be held in Ann Arbor, .Tuesday, and
Wednesday, May 15 and 16.
The purpose of this conference is to
interest and help high school 'students
with athletics in their own schools,
and to show them what women here
are doing. This conference also pro-
vides an opportunity to lessen the
gap between college and high, school
life, and at the same time will give
them a chance to learn about campus
activities and institutions of the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
The program, which has been ar-
ranged to entertain the members of
the conference during their brief stay
in Ann Arbor, will include exhibi-
tions, by the students of the major
school, luncheons, teas, meetings, dis-
cussions, and various inspections and
tours of the university.
The delegates to the conference, 84
of whom have accepted the invita-
tions, will be greeted by Miss Alice
Lloyd, adviser to women at Michigan,
and immediately following this they
will be addressed, by Dr. Margaret
Bell, head of the department of phy-
sical education*for women, Gladys
Appelt, '28, President of the W.A.A.,
and Mary White, '29, President-elect
of the Women's league. President
Little will be unable to speak at the
conference as he will be out of town.
Tuesday evening, the delegates will
be guests to the Lantern Night pro-
gram and the Freshman pageant.
On Wednesday, a Play day has been
planned for them. This activity has
already been used in other schools to
take the place of intercollegiate com-
petition, for instead of teams being
made up of only members of one
school, different members from all
schools will be on one team. The
competition will lie interscholastic,
I but have mixed teams.

-- I

Wilma E. Green, '29, is the author maturely and turns them into little
of a fascinating fairy story, "Captain machines.
Bobbie Shafto," which has just been It is Miss Green's hope to write
accepted by "Child Play," a children's more stories of Bobbie Shafto, telling
magazine published in Cleveland. Miss further adventures of the little here.
Green, who is a junior in the literary The writing of fairy stories is a type
college and a member of Chi Delta of writing which particularly appeals
Phi, writes under the name "Billie to her, she remarks.
The story of Bobbie Shafto is based
on a nursery rhyme which Miss Green A CORRECTION
quotes as follows:
"Bobbie Shafto's gone to sea,
Silver buckles on his knee. ' Special busses making the trip
Someday he'll come back to me- I to Detroit for the University of
Pretty Bobbie Shafto." } Michigan day at Ford airport w1il
Miss Green has written of Bobbie ( leave the Union at 8 o'clock Sat- I
Shafto's adventures when he sailed } urday morning and at 1 o'cock,
with "Pirate Robinson" to fairyland. not at 8:30 as previously stated.
The story is remarkable for its whim-
sical descriptions, especially the de-
scription of the home of the fairies. WS IGNA-A rhsr
Miss Green says that in writing the WEST VIRGINIA - An orchest'a
story she sought for elfin-like phrases made up of talent from the Univers-
and tried to make her expressions ity of West Virginia will sail for
pretty, thus appealing to the child's Europe in July where they will play
mind more than if she had tried to in the principal cities in the British
make everything absolutely true to Isles, France, and Italy. They will be
nature. * employed by the Cunard Steamship
The condemnation which is frequent- company and will furnish music on
ly made of fairy tales for children, the way over.
Miss Green considers quite ill-found-
ed. She has arrived at this conclu- TEMPLE UNIVERSITY-Construc,
sion after discussing the question with tion of a stadium which will hold
a number of teachers. It hai often 34,200 people has begun here. The
been maintained that the reading of structure will cost approximately
fairy tales is likely to make children $350,000, and will be so constructed
untruthful and dishonest. Miss Green, as to provide for a second tier of
however, is of the opinion that bring- seats if needed. This addition would
ing children up on stories of "How increase the capacity of the bowl to
Rubber Is Made," etc., ages them pre- 75,000.

All members of the cast for the
freshman pageant are required to be
present at a rehearsal to be held at 2
o'clock in Sara Caswell Angell hall,
Saturday, May 12. This rehearsal is
very important and no excuse except,
illness will be accepted for absence.
The entire pageant will be gone over,
and costumes will be finally arranged
for and distributed.
At this time also the fines for prev-
ious absences from rehearsals will be
collected. This money will be used to
provide for refreshments to be served
at the dress rehearsal Monday after-


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Fresh Bakery kuouus
Tasty Cakes and Pies and
Real Home-Made Bread
"You'll Be Satisfied"

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Toledo, interurban Station
one way, $2.25 round trip
Arbor Leave Toledo


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- -

Soda Fountain
Between Classes Drop in for a
Refreshing Drink at
(Formerly Juilleret's)


Candy 1

Leave Ann


8 A. M. 12 Noon
4 P.M. 8 P.M.
Stop at Union 5 Minutes later
Phone 9870,

8 A. M.
4 P.M.

118 Fourth St.



Toasw ches

/J oGe.

w e s wwrwrrw. . ww .w . rr ..

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. 11

Hundreds of new dresses for
street, afternoon and evening
wear. Sizes 13 to 46.





O UR fashions
are advanced
in mode but re-

SUITS - Closing Out All
Suits at $11.50 and

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Fashions for any

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Skirts, 5.95. Jackets, 5.95.
Hosiery, 69c Pair 1

' ;p

figure at any fig-
ure are coming in
daily from New


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