PAGE lTWO THDE MICHIGAN DAILY I URS I)A MANYNE~CIIJRSFPATROLSI N CHINA!RT AE DRS ARE TO BE OFFEHRD' BEoFOR OPEN FORpUMll i SM [r S[50~ : :.~p Y Beton l (Form the head is dIisgraceful and~ the (lelay DLH FAVORS and (le vra tion that are a part of the mUnI cipal gaine a ie not in accord U.NIV1ERSAL IR F W «ith t hat, ('thcienlcvr,' he said. ''A city-1 nteed-,it a anager for the direction of Adelphi 1House of Representat ivos its manmy business interests . A mayor1 went, on record Tuesday evening asj is (lectedt beca use 01.ipopular'ity, -lavoring the Universal IDraft TBilnow «vite a manager mnus;t show he is et- hfr Coge, i eat pn t ficieiit. Ther'efore, it isn't and leo: oges nadfaeuo h shoudin't he a quest ion of politics, subject.I The cli ancec; are that only once in 12: Installation of new officers look: times a peirson that is really quali pla1ce after !the open session. 'those fied antd caipable of exercising the install edl were Ru sseli AT. Sanderson. '29, siea~er; 1Rohert 11, Lloyd, "28. treasurer ; and Milton AMc(reery,'2 l erk. 'I'lw instiallat ion ceremronices vw"ereo hel( at the Union. IThc' topic for (debate for the next meeting. which will take p~lace e Tnes- day, Feb. 7, is: Resolved, that this ib house conlsidlers Al Sm ith ithli logical I-resident ialnoInmin e of the Ilnmoc.rra- tic. P'arty." I Somillii 0. D. 17 Miclucls Read P()ltIT ARIVE TYPE WRIlTERIS C'oroina, llud4erw ood, Rei hgi oii, Royal. Ile Ihave *II I loie'. Icolored ductI(itliheS Areade. IPholne 6615. The Want Ads D)EPA RTMENT iOF FINE ARTS I'IO-H(IIUR(()(ISES O'NEILL TO DIRECT SPEECH Hire (Courses In .lonialie i lli Offered 11141cr Proftess ors Itrumm iiA'id IHaines Be I City (ol el-luent AlTTACKS PRESENT SYSTEM "Adoption of the mnanagerial1 fo(rm (f (city government in lDetlroit will eventually followv as in the eases of 400 other American cities,. prof. Thomas H . Reed, of hle poiticai science dlepartment, said recently in an address before the Detroit Open Forum. Professor Reed, whose plan of municipal consolidation for Pitts- burgh is before the voters of that city, startled his audience by his es- timates of the capacities of various American mayors, in an effort to drive home his idleas on municipl1 govern- ment. "City government with a mayor at Thiree courses in the department of Fine Arts in the Literary college will le offered in the 1928 suimmer session, according to the latest announcement oV the schedule for the next Session. hear Admiral, Yles Sfirlinw,, Jr., The courses in this department are 1.S given only every other year. Who has assumted c'omimand o.' I. S. The introductory course, number Is, inaval vessels hanro lling Chnese w- and Sculpture as a Fine Art, 18s, b)th te-rs. for two hours credit, will be given by Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson. Course 50s, Oriental art, will lbe given by 'Missr Adelaide A. Adams, also for two hours of credit. Dean Edward H. Kraus ofTO A the summer session points out that ! 1N EV:1 HERtE students, who intend to take the B3EFOR1E- courses in summer school should try and elect them next summer as they LV will not he offered again until 1930. s'A'TIOIN Includes Journallim Coulrses Five two-hour courses in journal-,IRMN' ism which will be offered in the l___ 1928 'session will be given by Profes- sor John L. Brumm and Donald Ham- ilton Haines. Haines will give the CM D course in elementary journalism, 51s, Allcej-tlDay newspaper editing, 54s, and the com- 111 munity newspaper, 56s. Brumm will1t rn give the two courses, one each in Iitare feature writing, 101s, and in written criticism, 103s. -FRI DAY The Department of Speech will of- fer 23 different courses in all, ac- BEBE D1)" cording to Dean Kraus._ This is the largest number of individual " courses that has ever been offered in 1 S VIM summer session by this department.; SATIrr As in the regular sessions, the depart- ment will be under the direction of Prof. J. M. O'Neill who will be here for his first summer session with the University. Professor O'Neill will give two courses. Most of the usualN courses will also be offered by mem- bers of this department. 1 \T0VfrV lTSTVlrCWrrn .TTNVT[TfLfl-'0TmV N ! I functions entrusted to him, hecomes a mayor." Professor lReed':, citev manager lplan wouldi allow for the election of a city (ouncil1, who woutld in turn alppoint a city managerIlie said that such a plan would be (lemocratic. AI GLERTO LEA V E F OR HIOT SP RING S Pm ii .Ralph W. Aigici 01f the L~aw1 school, will leave about Feb. 4 for Hot1 Springs, Virginia, to attend a meeting of a committee of the American Law Institute for the purpose of re-state-4 nment of the laws on property. He will lbe gone several days. He Married Her Cto Tame Her , &20001 Children 'waunted to ait- Send(Iailng the kiddies awdt collie yourself as the Arcade is gilving' r MONET THI COPONAND l 0c Will dit Two C(hildren to the Matillee -Next Sat. -CLI 1111I C()VPO- D)AY. BRINGI A RIDIFI and( SATURDIA Y- ,ANIEL V- Other GIRL rRI)AY IS swim KIDDIIES,(COUPON __ ___ POLICY POLICY [ O u 35C IOc S:4O :HOC l~AO ISTARTSI___ -o TODAYq Sh To ,Love, Honor S neand Disobey flel Jtatfl I tt liete idto (' a t ifrdti. (I Ne f adJI* *"dl*' I stt'("In.* 4 'eeQ eita OW PLAYING! :N URTH W1 ES ~I ER~N ULN I VERITY.! A shop fitted out with the latest col- legiate dresses and hats has been es- tablished to cater exclusively to the 'Women students of Northwestern Uni- versity. I .................................................. t 5i . ia , el Q'ex 'i-e -" II Detroit Theaters. _ ................. ................. I :: C AS S THEATRE Mat, $1.00 to $2.50 Nights, $1 to $3.50 SCHWAB & MANDEL 'Present "GOOD NEWS" Forty Flapper Fresliles ABE LYMAN (Himself) and ils Orchestra ,;TAGS F IRESE nITT~roN __________ VIRGINIA BACON &Co. With EUGENE JENKINS and JACK KEARNEY Introducing BETTY ACKERMAN, HELEN GREEN, GWEN STONE and HELEN GALE M iss Bacon isbthe iDaught er of Franuk Bacon-Star of "Lightill~g I MAT.[iINFF5 I c-30c--4c 2 :00--3 :30 1 Oc-40C 7 :00-S5:45 ON THE SCRIEEN MWOLPH ZUKOR Amu~ JESSE L LASK(Y .aetsm Y a i ... __ Ibneymc n NCE A' Shubert-Lafayette Beginning Sunday, Jan. Sth, THE SPIDER MFats., Thurs. and Sat. Prices: iEveninigs, 50c to $2.50. Popular Mat. Thiurs. 46c to $1.50 Saturday Matinee, 50c to $2.49) (Plus Tax) ALSO- BEN TIURPIN in "Pride of Pikeville" KI NOGRAMS WORLD'S BEST NEWS REEL I BUSY BODIES A Michigan Novelty FLOYD ,HOFMAN at 'lIE tCNSOLE 'OF THEli~ G~OLD)EN VOIC'ED O1IGAN From the SATIURDAY EVENIN(G IPOST __ *** _ , * d d t % 4 ' min, PARAMOUNT NEWS ARIT A.N I BEAUTY M1AJ ESTIC ORCHLE STRAl Itt-DOLL'hJ 1VI)IEESEN CON 7 T w( FA,J EsTCIC APPOINTME FNTS t:_ _ i 11 Woodward, at Eliot B ONS TELLE PLA YHOUSE SECOND WEEK NIGHTS, 75C, $1.50. Ma11ts. Tuies., Thturs. and Sat., 50c, 75c A FUN-NY S1now Sam Janney's INew York W{Fow "Loose Ankles" 10111L IIEI)ERIIOLD'S MI('IIGAN ORCH ESTRA The Devil spoke, saying: "Forget this wrom1an. She has brought you :.s far as she canl. Tak e the oilier cr1eatulre. She is fair .11(I he beauty is su(ch that it INill ha iiuit your tireamus." SH !!! THE GORILLA A NOVELTY MONARCHS OF THE GLEN MICH. LOCALS N'WISS movemen is cr Sanomo nt- G ,< c I I I.- I SUNDAY-CL ARA BOW in "GET YOUR MAN" IJ -- -- i 1: .... :: II iil ENGGEENT EXTNDD Y L THE MIMES PR2ESENT P THURS. FRI. SAT. ?ll IFiND This play ran two years in New York and is now playing to capacity audiences in London. JAN. 19-20-21 "SEVENTH HEA V- IlL" BY AUSTIN STRONG The Dramatic Event of the Theatrical Season Cast Includes Boul...... ..........Robert Wetzel Police Sergeant .....Wallace Baxter The Rat................ Roy Curtis Arlette.................... Leone Lee Maximill'an Gobin... .Samuel Bonnell Nana ...............Lucette Moulin Recan ........ William M. Lewis, Jr. Diane ............. Phyliss Loughton Brissac ......... Thomas J. Dougall Blonde.............. .Alfred Foster P'ere Chievillon ... Frederick Randall Lamplighter ........... John Starret Un1cle George .........Wade Carney Aunt Valentine....Nellie Hoover Chico............Charles Livingstone and others. It THIS IS AMIMES PRODUCTION SEATS NOW ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE I HII InIItFl*VL71'7% r Av(oTCvIrV 1111'