AY 14; 19$. THE MICHIGAN DAILY M. 1 i ... - -- S r v COMMITTEEFOR ARCHITECTS' MAY PARTY COMPLETE IPLANS FOR ANNUAL DANCE TO BE HELD ON MAY 11 PHARMACY STUDENTS' GATHERING AT UNION' NAMES OF THOSE EVUCTED) HOWER SOVITI 1S ANNO)UNCED) TO WOTRING IS TOASTMASTER Fred HI. Weinnian Awarded Eckler Prize While Oliver Weinkauf Gets Scholarship Medal "It is a fine thing at any time to be at home with your own soul," was the advice of Prof. J. 1. Brumm to the sixty students and faculty members of the School o% Pharmacy at their annual all-Pharmacy banquet Tues- day evening at the Michigan Union. Prof. Brumm asserted that there are two ideals for education which are at present distinctly oppsed to each, oth- er. The one, culture, he considers the most worth while and the most bene- ficial; the other, efficiency, he relegates to a poslition of relative unimport- ance in the scheme of things. Fred R. Wotring, '31 was the toast- master and introduced the speakers of the evening including representatives of the various, classes. Wayne J. Wat- kins, Rex Green, Harry Benson, and R. M. Twining represented the fresh- man, sophomore, junior and senior classes, respectively' Dean Edward H. Kraus, in pre- senting the prizes and medals for te year, stressed the point that honorary scholastic societies are a rather un- ique characteristic of the American University and that at present very few organzations of this type exist in European universities although they are now being introduced into many foreign schools. The award of membership into Phi Eta Sigma, national freshman honor- ary group, was 'received by four out of a class of 40 in the Pharmacy school. Those named were: J. A. Pi- anfetti, Fred R. Wotring, and W. J. Watkins. These men were chosen into Phi Lambda Upsilon, honorary chemistry organization for men, the three being: Richard Byce, '28, Urban Oakdale, and Oliver Weinkauf, while Miss.Dorothy} Campbell, '28, was elected into Iota Sigma Phi, women's honorary chemis- try group Miss Cam'pbell is the first woman in the pharmacy school to have ever achieved this distinction. Two pharmacists, 0. J. Weinkauf and U. O. Oakdale were elected into Phi Kappa Phi, which is to students of pharmacy what Sigma Xi is to to students of, general science, offers an annual prize of $10 to the fresh- man with the highest record for the first semester and John Andrew P1- anfetti was announced the winner for this year. The Charles Ralph Eckler prize, which is given annually to the student making the best drawings in Pharm- acognosy I, was presented to Fred H. Weinmann. Mr. Eckler, donor of the award, is an alumnus of the class of '02 and is at present a pharmacolo- gist with Eli Lilly and Co, of Indian- apolis. and his prize consists of a set of almost two hundred crude drugs, whch are boxed and enclosed In a large cabinet. TEXAS DEMOCRATS[ r E BCK PROHIBITIONi FOR AR TI JOR EY DALLIA TMa 9-Avocates of ap rohibition plank in the Democrat- (Continued From Page One). is platform and a dry candidate for Kallquist the aerological expert President will he in control of the loaned last year's expedition by the Democratic state convention at Beau- United States weather bureau, will mont, May 22. rn to Copenhagen on the ship that This was assured by returns from will take Professor Hobbs and the Woro than half of the conventions other members of the expedition in. held in 253 counties of Texas T'ues- This ship is the Danish govenent day, which showed various factions vessel Disko which will leave Copen- .es hagen, June 1 on its second trip of the o the Texas Democratic party united year to the villages on the coast of for a strong stand in support of the Greenland. Professor Hobbs has eighteenth amendment. praised very highly the work which Reports from county conventions of Kallquist has lone a's a member of the tho Republican Party in Texas also 1927-28 expedition. Will Attempt Flights held yesterday indicated that Herbert One of the features of this year's IHioover, Secretary of Commerce, was expedition will be the United States- favored for the Republican president- to-Europe flights which are going to lal nomination. attempt spanning the ocean via the . As Gov. Dan Moody led the facton, Arctic circle route with stops on seeking a prohibition plank and a dry Greenland and Iceland. Bert J. J. candidate, he was regarded as being Has'sell, a native of Sweden, will fly virtually assre of th chairmasi a single-motored Stinson plane from of the 44 delegates to the Democratic IRocklford, 11., ito Copenhagen late national convention to be named at in Juneror early in July. his plane Beaumont., is being finished this week at the Gov. Moody has expressed opposi- Stinson plant in Northville. tion to the nomination of Gov. Al- The flight will be made in one 2,100- fred . Smith, of New York, for Presi- mile hop from Rockford to Camp (lent, but has favored a delegation un- Lloyd, Greenland, and a second hop of instructed for or against anyone by the possibility of a stop on Iceland name, and for a dry plank and a dry which lies about midway in the di- candidate. He has said repeatedly, rect line of flight. Camp Lloyd is on however, that he would support the (Genera0 Committee for Architects' 'May Party Top Row (left to right)-Holmes, Kimball, Benhoff, Ruse. 2nd Row-(left to right)-Jackson, Podbeilniak, Beyvl, Philpott; Outcalt. 3rd Row (left to right)-Zuck, Liebert, Weiner, Cummings. Bottom Row (left to right) -Hanna, Sevald, Wenzler (chairman), Wetzel, and Cool-dge. TEST PROVESTRYIN Through the enterprise of ambitious; Boston reporters several of the Bos- ton papers have obtained some of' the questions used in the recent Har- vard-Yale brain fest. Many are the complaints made by athletes concerning the rigors or train- ing, but one look at the knowledge' required of brain athletes will make' any physical athlete content with his lot. The examination occupied three 10 by 12 sheets printed in very small type. Here are some of the selections which met the warriors' eyes: "Hikke the hosteilere hadde the cloke In covenaunte that Clement shulde the cup file And have Hikkes hode hostellere and holde hym yserved: And whose repented rathest shulde arise after And grete Sire Glouton with a gal- oun ale. The contestants were to "show by analysis of the contest, style, and dic- tion of the passages in what ways theyI are characteristic of their authors or of the times in which they were writ- ten." The passage quoted is from Will Langland's "Piers the Plowman," writ- ten in the time of Chaucer, and is supposed to be an example of glut- tony, one of the seven deadly sins. The exam consisted of three ques- tions and each question required the writing of five themes. Most of the questions were based on English lit- erature and a successful answer re- quired a thorough, in fact, perfect, knowledge of the subject. The results of the contest will be determined as soon as the judges have compared the various answers. One of the Harvard contestants, suffering from a broken knee cap, took the test in the hospital. News From Other Colleges UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA.- clude an extensive tour of the Hawai- Hell's Bells, semi-annual campus razz ian islands. sheet, will be edited henceforth by Pi Delta Epsilon, men's honorary journ- NORTHAMPTON, MASS.---Pursuing alistic fraternity here, if a recent a new policy in regard to debate op- recommendation of the 'student coun- cil goes into effect. ' olents the Smith Debating Union held its first debate with a boys' col- INDIANA UNIVERSITY. - Approx- lege, represented by the Princeton 'State High School Music Meeting Here More than 1500 school inusici1k from various Michigan districts wilJ be in town here today for the annua championship contests for state 11W, school orchestras, choruses, and en sembles. The competing groups hav already survived district eliminutior contests which were held in four s ta cities, last week. The contests today will begin at Ix o'clock this morning in the School a Music and will end at '3:30 this after noon, when a mass meeting will1bi held in Yost Field house to anouume the various winners in the differen groups, and to join in the combinee chorus and orchestra, directed by Jo seph Maddy. This meeting will bf open to the public. Seven classes of high school a sicians will compete in fourdiffeel school groups which are classifleda.e cording to the enrollment of tj school. These groups are boys' gle clubs, girls' glee clubs, mixed chor uses, string ensembles, wood wind ensembles, brass ensembles, and o chestras of unlimited numbers.tEacl geographic division will have its ;re presentative champions in each of, ensembles and groups. These will compete tomorrow a will be judged on many points, th same basis being used as in the dis trict meets. Among the judges wh( will be here are Karl Gehrken o . Oberlin, Ohio, who will judge the I class strings and orchestras; Q. fi Montgomery of Cleveland, who ei;l judge other B contests; Eugene Sdtimi son of the Chicago Daily Journal, wh( will pudge upon the class A string and orchestras; Harrison Le:Baron e Delaware, Ohio, judging the class I strings and brass, anq Andrew Walke of Evansville, Indiana, who will han die other class C contests. Tomorrow afternoon, the winner of the various vocal and instruimets contests will make up a single unt orchestra of about 250 pieces, .and s chorus of about 150 voices to giv a special concert in Hill auditorlum Hill auditorium. This concert, wrhir starts at 2:30, will be broadcas through a special arrangement it WWJ, the Detroit News station. '-? large organization will be directed,) Joseph Maddy of the School of 141u While here, the visitors will be e tertained by the University and othe parties. The lunch today will be giv en by the church organizations, th housing will be provided for by th Parent-Teachers association, -and th dinner tonight will be given by t University. The Varsity band an Glee club will entertain at this .timf Twenty-five Mexican professor: headed by Eurado Prunedo, Presiden of the Natiqual University of Mexdc will be the guests of Stanford Un1 versity next week. imately 100,000 specimens make up the collection of South American fi-sh- es which have been gathered, grouped, and classified, mostly through the work of Dr. C. H. Eigenmann, late head of the Zoology department and dean of the graduate school at In- diana university. This collection is believed to be the largest of its kind in the world. Most of the fishes have been gathered by members of the Zoology department under the direc- tion of Dr. Eigenmann, although some specimens from the collections of Theodore Roosevelt and the collection for a large British museum are pres- ent. WISCONSIN.---Miss Olga Rubinaw of Philadelphia, a senior at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin, has just recently been added to the list of those refus- ing membership to Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society. M\Iiss Rubinow, in a letter declining the honor, asserted that she believed that high grades are not an indication of true scholarship and that many times students acquired the distine- tion undeservedly. UNIV'ERSIT'4 OF WASHINGTON. ---Seven representatives of the local advertising club will leave May 310 for Honolulu where they will attend the convention of the Pacific advertising Sclubs association. The trip will in- ,university team in the last part of April. The question: "Resolved that our grandchildren should be pitied," was chosen for the occasion of which the Princetonians took the negative side to debate. YALE.---With the precedent once 'started of a puglilist openly avowing himself a literary man, a "pug" here at Yale has thrown discretion to the winds and, following Gene Tunney, announces that he too finds pleasant and stimulating Homer, Herodatus, Plutarch, and Shakespeare. Umbarto Torrino is this man'-s name and of the ten fights he has been in in Italy none of his opponents lasted over four rounds. According to the statistics, which were recently revealed by the Student employment bureau, 97 of he class of '28 are going to pursue graduate work, 15 with the ultimate intention of be- comning teachers in high schools or. universities, and 87 with the inten- tion of entering some professional line. Only 48 seniors have as yet actually obtained positions. The Student employment bureau is maint ained by students and graduates, andS ecures a great amonut of part tue employment, summer employ- meni, and permanent work, both for graduates and undergraduates. the shore of Kangdenlugsdak fjord,l near Mt. Evans, and near a long sandI flat believed suitable for landing a plane. Speaking of the landing field, Pro- fessor Hobbs said Tuesday, "While we have provided photographs of the pos-. sible landing field near Camp Lloyd,. we are assuming no responsibility for its being an adequate field. In oth- er words, we will not be to blame should a plane crash there in at- tempting to land." - There is, how- ever, the possibility that a flying man to be chosen by Bert Hassel will be added to the expedition as a regular salaried, working member to advise in aviation matters. Hassell's Rockford- to-Copenhagen plane will refuel at Camp Lloyd with gasoline to be car- ried in by the Hobbs' expedition. Lindbergh Rumors Start Rumors that Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh would attempt ,a transoceanic flight via the arctic circle were re- vived yesterday and Tuesday when he landed at the Ford airport for a con- ference with Major Thomas Lanphier. It is known that Lindbergh and Lan- phier have had their heads together for some time over the feasibility of such a flight. Professor Hobbs has been called in- to conference with Lanphier and Wil- liam Mayo, chief engineer of the Ford Motor company, within the last two weeks with regard to the possibiliy of such flights, and he has provided a} party nominee, whoever that might be. large amount of meteorological data for Lindbergh and Lanphier. A possible third flight, al'so, accord- ing to Professor Hobbs, may be at- tempted via Mt. Evans this summer, but nothing as yet has been given out with regard to the details. Weather reports and predictions will be furn- i'shedthe fliers from the Mt. Evans station, and news of the fliers will be given to the world through he short- wave radio station maintained by the expedition. The station has been sil- ent since March 21 since Paul C. Os- canyan Jr., radio operator left for Copenhagen, but it will be reopened by Francis M. Baer when he arrives late in June, and Mt. Evan's will again be in daily contact with United States stations. Expedition Costs $20,000 This year's expedition, costing about $20,000 has been made possible through gifts of alumni and friends of the University, and a $5,000 contribu- tion made by the Guggenheim founda- tion for Promotion of Aeronautics. In the list of donors are: O. D. Mor- rill of Ann Arbor, C. S. Mott, president of General Motors, Herbert H. Dow, president of the Dow Chemical com- pany of Midland, Senator James Cou- zens, Edward S. Evans of Detroit, holdre of the record for encircling the globe, Dexter M. Ferry Jr., of Detroit, president of the Ferry Seed company, I and other prominent Detroit alumni. - 1r2- - -. ,, *,,~, .",; .. III, mmmmmmmw - A it PENNSYLVANIA STATE-Ten pri- i zes have been offered, to students dis- playing the most dilapitated costumes at the annual Poverty Day assembly. ' 1 . ,, 1, , s i DANCING Whitmore Lake Pavilion Friday and Saturday Nights Turn Left on Pontiac Road at Gleaners' i I' 4 '4 M. r-- n - A Perimanent Wave of Laughter y G"Tonight rs"Ladies' 1 NIght" Saturday-John Gilbert in ."Monte Cristo" I I Hall and Follow the Arrows IL r: _ , 1, F LOWERDAY'S LOWERS II I I I Punishes noEnemies Makes no Profits For Mother s Day ORDER EARLY! Open Sunday Morning for Boutinere Flowers-Roses and Carnations at 25 Cents 11 I t