"THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY,, Y 10, [ILIJLO I N 1 NQUARTELL'S BAND Ofr D 4N I All Frankie Quartell's featre record- 111' ~OIAA til fI[ing orchestra has been secured to play -l... (Students Pla NaiFr T 'our WILL HOLD MAY irdomePART Y ON FRIDAY; GOULD RECEIVES RUSSELL AWARD! T _ _ _ mommolownwa _____at the annual Senior trail to be held JoIhn ). Ilockefeller,: Jr., Rtemoves Col.' Friday night May 18 in the Ball roomf Stei art Fronm Office Beeftuse ; of the Union. Quartell was formerly i Of Te stilimy Giv'en tr mnpete ° with Isham Jones' orches- I 1T TR i ++ET ptra and has been with his ownl orches- MAGNT11E SENDS i E 'tra at the M~ontmarte Cafe and ther (By Associated Press) Decorations for the affair will re- NSEW YORK, May '9-Resignation of ipresent a ni~lon-lit garden. The1 Col. Robert W. Stewart, chairman of lighting is to be of (loep blue. Pillars the board of the Standard Oil corn- Iwill be illumiinated from behind hanks panry of.Indiana, has been requested of palms and four lighted fountainst by JohinlD. Rockefeller, Jr., because 'Will he placedl in the corners of the1 of Colonel Stewart's recent testimony room. The orchestra will be placed before the Senate, comrmittee investi- I rnder a canopy am.-41 palms and flow- ,gating oil reserve leases. lers. Mary Louise Murray '28, is chair-1 Mr. iockefeller previously had re- man of the decoration committee. ceive~l from i. Stewart a promise to, The grand march will be 10(1 by resign whrenever such a request was (Miss June Slomer '29 adt Janr:-e c. made. lFHughey, Jr. '28 who is general chair-i 'l'The following statement was auth-i man of the affair. Dancing will be orized by Mr. Rockefeller: 1from 9 o'clock until 2 o'clock, the "011 Ap>ril 27 I wrote Col. Robert W. grand March being scheduled for a- Stewart, chairman of the board of the bout 11 o'clock. The Senior ball is the Stanidard Oil company of Indiana, the 'last purely social function of the yearij following letter:. 'Your recent testi-laned the last Universty socia fiinctfen mohay before the Senrate committee inwi! ayoftegautn leavies mee no alternative other than 'm'emrbers will lbe included. to ask you~ to make the promise youe Favors for the ball will be vanl-} voluntarilyr gave me some weeks ago, colored ostrich feathiei fants With horne that your would resign at my request. handles. That reqtuest ?I now make.' The regular ticket sale was comn- "On April au1 I wrote 'again as fol- pleted some time ago, but there are lows: 'Mr. Seibert has told me thati still a few tickets for the function a in the course of the conversation you aalbea h ands nteU- had with him after receipt of my let- on, it was announced yeteda. ter of the 27th inst. mention was made las orthsfrmleredarly as toi the possibility of a special meet- Pln fo th frmlae ery ing of the stockholders of the Stand- com'plieted and work on the decora- arc! Oil company of Indiana bieing call- tdofl will begin early next week. eci s~o bth they might have opportuni- ty to cxpiress themselves in regard to PARIS.-Thp Red Star Olympics your req~uest for my resignation. If this won the cup final of the French soccer play is to be followed, have no, doubt league by dlefeating9 the Paris Athlet- that you will have the 30 day call !c Club 3-1., in the Columbus stadium. issue and that you will wish to write ~. .~-------~. me that it has been done.'"-____; "I have taken the above action b)e- etroit T et cause I have lost confidence in Col- T etr An aerial flight over Detroit last-a ing 25 minutes, exhibit's of airplanes, and a trip through the Stout Airplane't factory, are to be the feaures of aI trip to the Ford airport at Dearborn, Saturday, sponsored by William L-. Chase, '28, for the Stout Airplane company. Special buses will leave the Uniont airport at 9:15 o'clock. Then the1 party will be divided into groups,,l some of the sightseers taking the air-1£ plane ride while others are inspecting the field, hangars and factory. The bus will return to Ann Arbor by noon., In addition tb the morning trip an- other is being planned for afternoon in case a sufficient number signifyjt their preference for that time. Flights will he made in Stout tri- !. motored biplanes, of 14 passenger ca- pacity, similar to the plane flown by Commander Byrd to the North Polh, an original of the later being ficiud- ed among the exhibits of plane;: to bel shown in the hangars! I Inspection of the airport, one of the largest in the country, will include visits to the shops and to the hangars~i in which is housed the' airplane mu-l seum. Besides the Byrd plane, the (Continued from Page One) Kindl a, half walls of the building willr represenrt a buiding terrace, while the. e awncr of the wall space will 1)0 taken'u,) uwith landscape, tall of which is dlone in futuristic rather' thazn realistic style. The orchestra will be seated on a raised platform on the far side of the gymnasium as one enters, andl be- hind them. will b)e a gigantic pai/nted hir d somewhat resnibling the Am- ., ca Ea l , w i h w s t e I ansym bol for the rising sun. There w ill be "several niches provided for seats, and the chaperones will have s, spec-C' =al booth directly to the right from7 the entrance to the dance floor. A, number of niches at' some distance fru'the floor in the building ter- .,ace section, which resemble wind-, ows, will be indirectly lighted with; soft lights to give an unusual effect. The ceiling of the gymnasium will he dlecorated to resemble the skcy, and the center piece high above the mla-' dle of the floor will be constructed as a replica of the conventional Incan .way of refnresenting the sun, as shown in their pottery which has coni-e do~~n to us. All lighting Qxcept one or two (Contined from Page Oine) mnt. Text s anrd Papyri,-' s rote81sor SiE'rltC' t''raed t!he btte' r wrngle in 'which the hiW1-l 1scholatrs have been I involve! overtheI( true text of the how r'estmnen(, arind outlined his own- r05C,.rcliQ5 on the subjects in the Egy,\j .ic-u papyri of the University' s col- lect ion . IDividing f the new testainent mnanu- s;cripts nto three main groups, the Alexanid ~i,,n, Antiochian, and \ < t-' em, h1 pointed(1olit the chronologicala intl ne:nce of these three schools oni rtis oi' the New Tpestament found' in lgpt Inter lal evidence in th( third century papyri show that the E-,yptian texts, of .the third ct uryI 'wecIQ(oplied from manuscripits of the so-called \Vestern group. I late third and early fourth century. texts, of which there are 15 frag- ments extant, show approximatly andi equality ofi influence between the Western and Alexandriani schools. This shows, according to Professor Sanders, that as early 'as the fourth1 ' century attem'pts were being made to correct the extant Western texts from the Alexandrian manuscripts. The trend in the fifth century parch- :ments andi papyri is towardi te Alex- andrlan, with a beginning of the Ani- 'tiochan, 'and ai liberal sprinkling of Western readings. After the fifth cen- tury through the seventh, Alexand- rian influence continued] to increase, while the Antiocl-fan and Western waned somewhat, although without dish.appearing entirely. HILL, AUDITO-FRIUMAT MAY -18,9 17, 18 19 First Concert, Wednesday, May 16, 8:1~5 O'clock SOLOISTS MARA I{ET M AtfZ EN AU EII, 'oftratlf '111 E, ('Ii J"AGO )SYiIM IllON W ORCH'11ESTRIA 1FIZI1EIEllCl( SOCI( nd ERIC I F )L1I'rl' (e),(onilor 'hA 1~11055 ROSSIlE AID, Accompanist OV IZtTIRE, "The Flying Dutchman.... .. ...........htgne AiLA,; (a) "Voce di doanna" from "La Gioconda..... ,... Pouhwi (br) "'Aim moms fils" from "L- lPrbphet e"........Me V(Y '-1w Margaret Matzenauer C'ONCERITO)No. 1,for Organ and Orchestra....... eaat Fw'-t~, with verve; Very Slowly; Brightly Palmer Christian (Th''e Compo)ser Cond(ucting) ' (Dedication of the new Frieze Memorial Organ, built by the Slciln~rr Organ Cornplany, Boston, M assachusetts) SoNO(IS: (a) Sapphische Ode-.1 (h) Vou Ewiger Lipee............... ...rahmsi~ (c) Widmiung ..........................Stch mn mll (dl) Erlkonig ....... ................ ........Schubeort Mine. Matzenaurer "Pride of Detroit," the Stinson mono- hanging lights will be indirect, and plane in whicho etottSchlee aisn luedBrock flew wiebilatcoswl rdm fromDetoitto oki isincude in mate in) the scheme they will be seen the exhibit. tin the soft glow of subdued ighting. -- - -- Otto Wenzler, '2MA, is the general CINCINNATI.-Vic Aldridge, hold-; chairman for the event, and will icad out New York flinger,, signed his con-I the grand march with Miss Arzella tract with the Giants and will accom- IlMyers, of Toledo, when the line forN's pany the team to Pittsburg. !at about It1 o'clock tomorrow night. Intermnission onel Stewart's leadership andl believe that the interest of the Standar'd Oil coinipany of Indiana can now best be served by his resigning. This action shouild not be construed as a judge- ment on my part as to the issue in- volved in thre legal proceedings now pending." TYPE W1IIINQ auh IIIEOGGRAPHfI1W a specfi lty, for twenty years. Probmpt Service, . xperleneed Oper, ators, lModerate RateO& OD. MORRILL 17NicelsN Arcade. Phone 64!'. KO~~A owERE "The Latetfrom Far'is"' This Ad vvith T1is if Y~n ish lirto 'Saxe AMoney, Visit us - SA'T.- tEINAL1 )EriNNY in "FAST AND FIIIlOIJS" iifff...~ffYYfiif .. .Y . f.fifY fY~f fY fi 1 om-w Woodward, at Eliot It0ISTtlLL!k PLAYHOUSE . uris.and Salt.- 0c, 75 Seeotid and La,,; Wek Beginning flon*Iay, My7 "COrjCK ROBIN". I _.... I .. . .,. .. .. «. :. .,. :. i - CASE THEARI ONE 1WEEK 0\iIY BcegtnniiigSunday, IMay 0 Wed. anid Sat. IM~atinees $1.04) to $2.50, plus :tax The Great Amnericani Play "A Man's Man" -S ..+ -S "S VS -p }S preset -Mol Ar c1Di 0l COSMOPOLLTANBRAT OPNN 'lemma p Mystery!f Wil SRIAY ONLY .. D1ULE FEATUI nting the World's Greatest Hero ire Thrilling, More Dr'amatic Than my Scree Story Ever Written! Policy 2:00 3:25 7 :00 8:40 50c 10C Drama! Sbz bert-Lafayette ,THURSTON 'il1I F VOUS MAGICIAN Nights, Sun. and Sat. lmit. 25c to $1.50. Popular Mat. Thurs., 25aC to $1.00. Pais tax. 4T s i a ( low CHASE lit sc-1J1017SIN E LOVE"-ILocall News 'Topics . I y ,. I FRESH FISH EVERY DAY E '1laeaare Cawmcity Will Be Taxed ,to lwlffmw4T i I'' wm Limit-Please Come Farly Fresh; Mackerel ......30c Fresh, Fresh Trout.........35c White Fish.... 35c Fresh Halibut Steak ... 35c Fresh Perch.........25C Fresh Walleyed Pike..-30c , Fresh Filletts.... ..30c Fre e eivery to All Parts of the City The Main Street. Cash grocery 215 North Main St. Pho©ne 8111 Open Evetnings, Sundays- and Holidays 1 ..r.. .u. ... STARTING ~TODJAY Now 11aying-- & 3:30, 10.30-I0. 7 & 8:10. 10-50 O . (AND E. Froll the Novel ANNA ( KARENINA b ) LYOF N. TOLSTOI r /Y YA a c , 4 ' A Fascinating John Gilbert! They swept their lo'PC-fll Dev'il!" Grceta Garbo, ~romantic you off pour feel with. Acing in "Flesh 'and the jyour breath azva nom Lfl tale of love def ting the OROAN SOLOS: (a) Scherzo, "Hymn of Pan"..................... ,.Moore (b) Impression. ............... ........... ....Karl Alrt, (c) Toccata, "Thou Art the Rck"....... ..... ...Mult Mr Christia'n" SUITP, for Orclicstra, Opus 19 ..................Dohnanyi Andante con Varizione;- Scherzo; Rtoan za; Rondo ARIA, "Gerechter (Got" from "Rienzi" . . ............Wagner Mine. M~atzenauer Second Concert, Thursday, May 17, 8:15 O'clock SOLOISTS MARIE MONTANA, Soprano (t IASEBAROMEO, Th:% iss" MEIRLE ALCOCK, Contralto UNIVERSITY CHIORAJL UNION ITU )011 DA VI ES, Tenor (C11ILDREN'S CIIOJIU hA VMTN I) KOCHf, Baritone t ICAh.O S'V IWIIOIN VYW1. PALM VRt CHRISTIAN, Olrganist EARL V. MOORE,; Conductor PROG~RA1 "SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI".............. +..... ...Pierne An Oratorio in a Prologue and Two Parts CAST OF CHARACTERS Saint Francis ......Trdor lavies Sister Clare .....Marie Montana The Leper The Lady Poverty. .Mere Alcock Thec Voice of Christ.Birds.........Children's Chorus ...Chase Barotrieo Friar' Leon......Raymund 1,Wch Friends of St. Francis, Pe- Friar Angelo PI e, etc ................. Tfenor' Solon ........Ottis Patton " .Unversity Choral Union Friar M.asseo ......Philip C11kin Earl V. Moore, Conuctor Third Concert, Friday, May 18, 2:30 O'clock SOLOISTS B ENNO EABl N OF, 'Vialinist MARIE MiON TAN A, soprano Chlildreni~s Festival Chorus rchitctral Aeonipaniment .. Fi'it. lfI)EWK STOCK Kand SUVA 101GRIBE, Conductors MAMhL ROSS ifHRAI, Aecoiripanla~st. PROGRAM OVERTURE, to "The Impresario" ........ .................Mozat ARIA, "'Siccomie un di" from "Thre Pearl Fishers" ........... Bizet. Marie Montana (ONCERTO for Violin and Orchestra, E Mnor, Opus G4.., .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . .Mendessohn Benno Rabinof, Intermission CANTATA, "The Quest cf the Queer Prince" ... .......Hyde Children's Festival Chorus VIOLIN SOLOS: Waltz Scherzo ....................a............... Chabrier Gypsy Capice..............................Kreisler Witches' Dance.....................Paganini Benno Rabinof' SONGS: The Crying of Waters....................Campbell Tipton The Soft-Footed Snow ... .....................Sigurd Lie In the Silence of the Night .......... ........Rachmininoff Love Went a Riding........... .... ... ..Prank Bridge Fourth Concert, Friday, May 18, 8:15 O'clock SOLOIST IJEONORA. CORONA, Stopn The University Choral Union thm Cieag Symphotny Orchestra Frederick Stock, Percy, Grainger (Guest), Conductors Palmer Christian, Organist Mabel R.oss RBhei, spanit PROGRAM OVERTURE, "Le Baruffe Chizzotte," Opus 32........... Sinigaglia ARIAS: (a) "Cata Diva" from "Norma" ................ .Bellini (b) "Suicidio" from "La Gioconda" ............. Ponchielli Leonora Corona SYMPH=ONY No. 4 E Flat Major, Opus 48........,.......Glazounow "Marching Song of Democracy" .. ........ ..........Grainger University Choral Union (Conducted by the Composer) Intermission ARIAS: (a) "In Quelle Trine Morbide" from "Mano"......Pucchin (b) "Vissi d'arte" from "Tosca"....... ..Puccini Leonora Corona SUITE from 'W'Oiseau de Feur"..............Strawinky ARIA, "Adieu, "forets," from "Jeanne d'Arc"........ .. ..Tchaikosky Leonora Corona Fifth Concert, Saturday, May, 19,2:30 O'clock SOLOIST PERCH' GRAINGER, Pianist CICAGO SVOIWPIONY ORCHESTRA FRIE)F RICK STOCKt, courdetor PROGRAM OVEII7t'RE, "The Roman Carnival,' Opus 9J................Berlioz SYMPHONY No. 5, L Minor, Opus 64 .................Tchalkowsky Intermission CONCERTO for Pianoforte, A Minor, Opus 16..... ........ .. Gieg Percy Grainger Sixth Concert, Saturday, May 19, 8:15 O'clock "A IDA" GUISEPPE VERDI An Opera in Four Acts CAST Aida.......................................... .Leone Kruse Amnenms.................... ............... ...... .Marion Telva High Priestess............................... .Thelma Lewis Radanies...........................Paul Althouse Amonasro............... ... .............. ......Marie Basiola Ramphis The I{lng .........................................Chase Baromoo I 5IICIIIGAN STAGE PRESENT'ATION TILLIS LA RUE CO. irea- DANCE--LOGU Nvit h 'f THE FOUR ROSES" CH ST5P EOG TELL ITTO SWk"4E 1 1i