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May 06, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-06

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m., Saturday.)
-., , .. . . . . . ,.- -" ,

olume 8.


Number 162.

nate Councl:
The regular meeting of the Senate Council will be held at 4 p.m., Mon-
y, May 14, in the President's Office.
Frank E. Robbins, Secretary.
iculty School of Education:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education on
onday, May 7, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 109 Tappan Hall. The special order
lating to policies will be taken up .
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
eery Mussel Lecture:
Professor Henry A. Sanders of the Department of Latin who has been
osen to deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for the current year will lecture
the subject "The New Testament Text and Papyri," on Wednesday, May 9,
4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be illus-
ated with lantern slides.
At the time of the Henry Russel Lecture public announcement will be
ade of the Henry Russel Award for the year 1927-1928. The public is
rdially invited.
C. C. Little.
siness Administration Lecture:
Mr. Guy W. Ellis, President Guy W. Ellis Company and past President
'troit 'Real Estate Board, will lecture on Tuesday, May 8, at 2:30 o'clock,
Room 206 Tappan Hall on the subject "The Real Estate Broker and Prob-
ns of Urban Land Utilization." This is. the second lecture in a series and
11 deal particularly with th.e technique of studying properties, listing them
'sale and analyzing their potentialities. All who are interested !are in-
ed. (Note change in lecture hour from 4:15 to 2:30 o'clock.)
C. E. Griffin, Acting Dean
tion of the University Discipline Committee:
Mr. Howard G. Brown, '30, 1819 Hill Street, having been found guilty
willfully violating the rules of the University Library, has .been fined the
m of $5, the same to be paid into the Library Fine Fund.
J. S. Reeves, Secretary.
no Seniors-School of Education:
All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid before 4
a., May 24, and the receipts returned immediately to the Recorder, School
Education, if candidates expect to be recommended for degrees in June.
anks for this purpose may be secured at the office of the School of Edu-

University School of Music will unite their efforts with the Unversty Sym-
phony Orchestra, under the baton of Samuel Pierson Lockwood in a gradua-
tion program in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday evening, May 9, at 8 o'clock.
The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited.
The program is as follows:
Delibes: Czardas, Orchestra; Beethoven: Piano Concerto, C minor, first
movement, Elizabeth Schwier; Mendelssohn: Piano Concerto, G minor,
second and third movements, W. Dorr Legg; Ponchielli: '"Voice di donna"
from "Gioconda" Bessie Sickles; Schumann: Introduction and Allegro Appas-
sionato, Marion, Johnson: Beethoven: Violin Concerto, first movement,
Beth Hamilton; Grieg: Piano Concerto, first movement, Margaret File;
Mendelssohn: "If with all your Hearts," from "Elijah" Odra O. Patton;
Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto, B flat minor, first movement, Louise Nelson.
Charles A. Sink.
NaIteltWial Club:
Regular meeting will be held Tuesday, May 8, at 8 p.m., in Room 3201
Angell Hall. Prof. Carver will present "Business Forecasting by Mathe-
matical Statistical Methods." Mr. Cohen will present "On Sets Which Can Be
Mapped on Subsets of the Linear Continuum." All interested are cordially
W. W. Denton.
Freshmen Debate Squad:
Adelphi affirmative composed of Urist,.Levy and Hartwig, with Schroed-
er as alternate, will meet Monday afternoon in the Society's room at 3
Robert J. Gessner.
Phil Lambda Upsilon:
The May meeting will be held on Monday, May 7, 1928, at 7:15 o'clock
in Room 303Ch. The presence of all active members is desired as the elec-
tion of officers for the ensuing year will be considered as well as other
matters of importance. Prof. A. L. Ferguson will speak concerning
"Electrochemical Research at Michigan." The, spring initiation will take
place on the night of Thursday, May 10, and, the banquet, on Saturday night,
May 12, at the Haunted Tavern.
Rodney V. Shlamkland, President.

Nine Appointments
[RMCIA'BAppointments to the Upper Business
staff of the 1928-29 Gargoyle were
made yesterday afternoon in an an-
nouncement by Car.l U. Fauster, '29,

9, 10, 11, 12

'Hillel Foundation:
The last Men's Luncheon will be held Tuesday, May 8, 1928 at 12:15
the Michigan Union. Mr. Waldo Abbot, of the Rhetoric Department, will
the guest speaker. Reservations may be had by calling 8578.
Harry Seligson.



Gretchen Krug, Recorder.

achers' Certificates:
Blanks for the payment of the Teachers' Certificate fee may be secured
the office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be
:ommended for the Teachers' Certificate in June must pay their fee before
p.m., May 24, and return the receipt immediately to the Recorder, School
Education, 105 Tappan. Hall.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
1-Pharmacy Banquet:
The annual all-Pharmacy banquet will be held Tuesday evening, May 8,
the Michigan Union. The speaker of the evening will be Prof. J. L. Brumm
the Journalism department, his topic to be "Efficiency and Culture." Harry
cDonald of Detroit, will also be on the program. Tickets, which will be
.50 each, may be obained from members of the committee or from the1
cretary's office Room 250 Chemistry Building.
I. C. Byee, Chairman..
phomore Engineers:
There will be a very important meeting of the Sophomore Engineering
iss Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock in Room 348. Election of officers and im-
rtant business meeting.
Stan Cochran, President.
echanical Engineering 29 and 32:
Inspection trip to General Motors Proving Ground postponed to Friday,
ay 11. Leave Auto Laboratory at 1 p.m.
W. E. Lay.
wling For Women:°
The bowling alleys in the new Athletic Field House are open every after-
on (Saturday excepted) from 4 to 6 o'clock. All women associated with the
iiversity are invited to use them,
Laurie E. Campbell.
tysics Colloquium:
Dr. G. Carlo of Gettingen University,' who is an International Fellow at
inceton, will speak on "Laboratory Ex'citation of the Spectrum of the
rora," Tuesday, May 8, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1041. All interested are in-
D. M . Dennison.
ack Oratorical Contest Preliminaries:
The following will speak Monday, May 7, at 4 p.m., in Room 302 Mason
i11: Green, Rose, Boesche, Mock, Bennett, Hartwig, Benson. The follow-
g will speak Wednesday, May 9, at 7 p.m., in Room 302 Mason Hall: Kell-
an, Gilder, Clay, Franseth, Bueno, Backus, Atwell, Moyer. The, public will
H. D. T. Hollister.
.oral Union Rehearsal:
The University Choral Union will rehearse at Hill Auditorium Sunday
ernoon at 2:30 o'clock. A full attendance is requested.
Earl V. Moore.

By Red
In the spring time, 'tis said, young
man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts
Once it was to autos, so our history
teacher told us. Last year it was to
auto bans and roller skates. And now
it is to that primitive gnd we supposed
extinct vehicle, the horse drawn car-
For there were, it seems, two dapper
young men of this community who,
deigning not to violate the auto ban
nor take up roller skating, went in
search of effortless recreation yester-
day morning.
Their mood, so the story goes, led
them to the stables of one of the local
connoi'sseurs of horses. There the
sight of fine young horses inspired the
young men with a brilliant idea. For,
they reasoned, where there are horses
surely there must be buggies.
And curiously enough there were,
though buggies are virtuously sup-
posed by all righteous people to be
of an extinct species. Nevertheless,
the young men crossed the stable
keeper's palm with streaks of the long
green and soon they were to be seen
trotting their fine horses up to the
door of a certain well known sorority.

In response to that famous old war-
cry, "whoa," which echoed across the
unperturbed Saturday morning evir,
two damsels are reputed to have am-
bled forth from their domicile and to
have been gallantly assisted, one into
each of the two carriages.
Then with two pairs of "giddapo,"
the buggies raced away, clatter, clat-
ter, clumpty, clump off down the
street toward the campus and neigh-
boring' regions.
Through traffic, around traffic,
even possibly over traffic, the two
chariots went. One would take the
lead and then the other only to be
forced behind when some obstacle of
the gasoline type appeared for a
moment on the horizon. But it was
good fun and even the girls squealed
a's if they enjoyed it.
That might be the end of this per-
fectly innocent little story of a nice
May morning but fortunately it is not.
You see there are whispers going
about that there are others who would
like to do the very same thing on oc-
casion and so it is being rumored
that the rental rate of horses and
buggies for two is going up apace.

Varsity Band Will Conduct Seniors
To Hill Auditorium
On Tuesday
Unusual activity, .even for the
Spring season, will be seen by the
members of the Varsity band organ-
ization, according to the latest an-
nouncements of the forthcoming for-
mations until the close of school. At
least ten formations will be made
from now until Commencement time,
and it is expected that more may be
added to fill in the times between.
The band will open the last rush
of activity by playing at the Swing-
out exercises, next Tuesday. This is
a regular custom: the band leading
the procession into Hill auditorium
after forming in front of the library.
Practice will be held Wednesday
night, although if the weather is
suitable, it is possible that the first
of a series of Spring concers will be
given on the Library steps.
Next Thursday night, the band will
play at a dinner given for the visit-
ing competitors in the state contest
of high school orchestras and chor-
uses. The Glee club will also sing
alone and in conjunction with the
Band for the edification of the visi-
tcrs. Part of the music will be broad-
cast from Station WWJ. The enter-
tainment will be given in the Mason-
ic temple.
The second University event of
the week, Cap night, will bring out
the band to lead the march to Sleepy
Hollow for the traditional ceremon-
ies. The band will form at 7:15, and
will remain to lead the march gack
t tOW..
lly 12 will conclude a busy week,
with an extremely busy day. The
band will form early in the day to
play for the Michigan-Minnesota
track meet at Ferry field. After pay-
ing a few -hours at the contest, the
band will leave directlry from the
field in large buses for East Lansing.
During the day the finals of the state
championship band tournament will
be held at Michigan State college,
and in the evening, a joint concert
has been planned, to be rendered by
the Varsity and M. S. C. bands. This
concert will be similar to the one
given here Friday night in Hill au-
ditorium by the two bands, under
the direction of their respective
leaders: Leonard and Nicholas Fal-
cone, brothers. This will be the sec-
ond time that two such college bands
have ever joined in concert, the
one here Friday evening being the
first. It is hoped that the high school
campions will also play a few selec-
tions at the concert.
The Freshman pageant on Lantern
night of May 15 will again see the
resumation of band activities. The
next events of importance at which
the band will appear will be the
two combined Senior sings andl
Sprihg concerts on the nights of
Wednesday, May 16 and 23. This is
a new idea put into effect this year
by the persons in charge of the band
and the senior committees.
The Harvard-Michigan baseball
game on May 26 will be the last ath-
letic contest of the year at which
the band will play. The gai'will
commence at 4 o'clock, and th had
will appear early to play a few se-
lections before the game.
Four formations in four days . -f
Commencement time will conclude
the official band activities for the
present school year. These forma-
tions will be made on June 15,16, 17,
and 18. All of the University exer-
cises will be attended by the 'organ-
ization in full uniform.

recently selected business manager of
the campus humor magazine.
Eight sophomores were named in
the appointments and one junior. The
junior, Paul E. Minsel, '29, was se-
lected as assistant business manager
for the coming year. Six of the eight
sophomores will head the several de-
partments of the publication and 'the
other two will act as alternates.
The sophomores selected were:
Theodore S. Long, '30, Charles Roth,
'30, William D. Berger, '30, Paul
Kelly, '30, Norman Levy, '30, Frank-
line Quale, '30, Richard S. Cole, '30,
and Bernard Friedland, '30.
Department assignments have not
been determined as yet but will be an-
nounced at an early date. The men
will take office immediately and will
be responsible for the publication of
the June issue of the Gargoyle which
will appear on the campus May 23.

Hall And Struhisaker Make
Scores In Tests Of




A long and varied program featur-
ed the eighteenth annual Forester's
Field Day yesterday at the Saginaw
forest, three miles out Liberty street.
The affair was sponsored by the For-
estry club and was exceptionally well
attended, about 'sixty students and
members of the faculty being present.
This is the first year the field day has
been held during the present admin-
istration of the Forestry school.
High point honors of the day went
to Ralph C. Hall, grad., while second
place was taken by Frederick P.
Struhsaker, 28F.
The first event of the day was the
traverse, consisting of finding one's
way with compass and pacing. This
was won by Professor L. J. Young of
the Forestry school. In the chopping
contest, Ralph C. Hall, grad., won 'for
chopping a log in two and Prof. Young
for chopping to 'a line. Sawing with
a cross-cut saw went to the team of
Struhsaker and Hall. The last indi-
vidual event of the morning was the
small bore shoot, taken by Willis C.
Branch, '30F. In .connection with this
shoot Ivan H. Sims, grad., gave an
exhibition with a bow and arrow.
The tug of war resulted in disas-
ter for the faculty, the students win-
ning easily. In the large bore shoot,
Btanch also won for the rifle, the pis-
tol contest going to Albin G. Jacob-
son, '30F.
The day was ended in canoe rac-
ing and tilting. Leonard M.' Smalley,'
'29F, and Charles Melichar, '28F, won
the former event, and the team of Hall
and Struhsaker again triumphed in
the tilting contest.
A steak dinner was served at noon.
The whole day was in charge of com-
mittees headed by Willis C. Branch,
'30F. Newsreels of the day's program
were also taken for advertising for
the Forestry school.'
After the day of field and sport
events the members returned i to Ann
Arbor where they attended the Camp
Davis dance in the Masonic temple.
The dance was sponsored jointly by
Web and Flange, honorary engineer-
ing society, and the Forestry club.
Music was furnished by Cal Edwards'
Wolverine orchestra.
Fountains pens were used as long
ago as 1600, when reference was made
in a book to their use by travelers.
In 1788 fountain pens were first men-
tioned in an advertisement and about
this time they had come to be called
by their present name.




Ferenc Molnar's



Still On Broadway
Holbrook Blinn

Police are to be called out this
week by the Buildings and Grounds
department to bring to a stop the ac-
tivities of a group of Ann Arbor school
children who have been doing serious
injury to the roofs of the East and
West Engineering buildings.
The children have formed a habit
of climbing up on the roofs every
Saturday morning and afternogn,
Ward A. Davenport, assistant super-
intendent of the Building and Grounds
department, explained yesterday. Since
the roofs, which are constructed of
tar and pebbles, contain a number of
bubbles, the children do a great deal
of damage.
All previous efforts to restrain the
children's activities have failed, Mr.
Davenport said, and the mastter has
been turned over to the Ann Arbor
police department.
PALO ALTO, Cal.-Roller skates
and bicycles are threatening to take
from the fliyver its prestige as thej
campus conveyance at Stanford uni-

Students To Gather
In Mock Convention
Twenty-four eastern and mid-west-
ern colleges will participate in an
Intercollegiate Mock Democatric Con-
vention to be held at Smith College,
Northampton, Massachusetts, on
May 18 and 19. Arthur Barnhart,
president o fthe convention, has an-
nounced: "The purpose of this'con-
vention is not to favor any particu-
lar candidacy, or any particular doc-
trine but to provide an opportunity
for forward looking college men and
women to gather in "common coun-
cil" and freely consider the appli-
cation of progressive American prin-
ciples to present day political con-
The convention will follow the ac-
tual procedure of National Conven-
tions; and every possible effort will
be made to 'uake the convention dem-
ocratic in all respects.
EVANSTON.-First fteshmen try-'
outs for numerals in track will be
held at Dyche stadium today, the
yearling managers have announced.

"The public may expect
that 'The Play's the Thing'
will be. equal to the best


productions for the


Auditorium, Concert:
ght seniors from the piano, voice,

and violin graduating classe's of the


1 I

Again Ready to Serve You!
Claude Brown
Is in business again at 115 E.
Ann St. in The Store with the
Red Front.
Phone Calls Given Prompt.


Granger' s

The Eleven Wolverines

Mother's Day Sunday, May 13

Seats 75c

At Box Office



Dancing Every
- Friday


- Saturday


Phone 4151


Granger's Academy

Book Store




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