WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ ~ 1L tErVfATER POLOISTS1 Match Will Be An Added AttractionI On Swimming Meet Card For Jan. 28 In Union Pool WEISSMULLER TO PLAY As an added attraction to the dual swimming meet between the Illinois A. C. and the Michigan teams sched-- uled for Jan. 28, the two squads will compete in a water polo match. The 1. A. C. has one of the best water, polo aggregations in the country, holding the National A. A. U. chain- pionship in this event. Johnny Weismuller, world's cham- pion swim-mer, and Buck Samson, {for- mer Michigan captain, are members of the I. A. C. polo team. Samson was" one of the hardest shooting players in the Conference last season, play- ing center forward on the Michigan team. Drill To Perfect Team Play The Wolverine water poloists have been practicing since last November for the Conference season, which op- ens next month. Practice games, with picked teams -of Varsity and fresh- man candidates participating, have been conducted by Coach Matt Mann' in order to develop team play. Batter, Watson, Walaitis, Hosmer, and Ault are the most likely for- ward candidates. The first two nam- ed are veterans of last year's team. Spindle, Bob Halstead, and Hubbell are the leading contenders for guard positions. This trio of lettermen should provide a strong defense. Horn, .Varsity goal tender from last year, is back again this season. .ertz Is Outstanding Freshman Reif, Goldsmith, Thompson, and Hughes are other promising candi- dates for the water polo team. War- ner is an understudy to Horn at goal. Walker, a good forward pros- pect, is ineligible at present. Among the freshmen, Mertz is the outstand- ing player. The Michigan water poloists de- cisively defeated Penn. A. C. while on their eastern trip, but lost to New York A. C, one of the best teams in the country. Samson, Mayer, and John Halstead are the members of last year's polo team who are missing this season. TWO CONFERENCE TEAMS 1 ARE STILL UNDEFEATED (Continued From Page Six) the Illini can not be given a much higher rating in view of their most unusual schedule which calls for two games each with Purdue, Iowa, Wis- consin, Indiana, Northwestern, and Chicago-"plenty tough!" Those surprising Gophers haveE broken even in two games, and must rate as an uncertainty. Iowa, with two losses and one win, has fallen .rom pre-season dope. Michigan, the Conference favorite before the season began, opened her schedule by losing to Northwestern and Wisconsin in one week-end and was forthwith counted out of the race. Since that disastrous trip, however, the Wolverines have livened up con- siderably and will make plenty of trouble before the end of the journey in March. ILLINOIS A. C. TANK COACH PRODUCED MANY STARS (Continued From Page Six) all time, Norman Ross, great dis- tance swimmer, Arne Borg, Swedish aquatic ace, Perry McGillivray, Har- old (Stubby) Kruger, and Robert Skelton, one time breast stroke champion. Other fine swimmers who were coached by Bachrach are Al- bert Schwartz, former interscholas- tic record holder, John Faricey, a breast stroke star, and Conrad Mila, back stroker. Ethel Lackie and Sybil Bauer, who died last year, were two of the best woman swimmers ever developed in America. Both were proteges of Bachrach. Miss Lackie is the hold- er of many free style records and titles, while Miss Bauer, at the time of her death, held all the world's records for women in the back stroke. Caroline Smith, diving star, also competed for the I. A. C. under Bachrach's tutelage. Although responsible for the suc- cess of many of the world's great- est swimmers, Bachrach was never a star natator himself. Credit for his success as a coach is attributed to his magnetic personality, which inspires his pupils to do their best for him. The 200 pound I. A. C. aquatic mentor is also a master of swimming technique. Bachrach appeared in Ann Arbor last May in conjunction with Johnny Weissmuller's exhibition in the Un- ion pool. He will bring a powerful aggregation here for the dual meet with Coach Mann's squad. .... , '3 IRIS CLOSES AT3 P.M. UADVER NOTICE NOTICE-We deliver between the hours of 9:30 and 11:30 p m. Prompt Delivery. Barbecue Inn. Phone 4481. 20 100 ATTENTION SALESMEN - Position Open part or all time for very in- teresting work here in the city. Must be neat appearing and actually want to work. Prefer someone who has had experience. Cali at 408-9 Ypsi-Ann Building. Ask for Cornell. 88, 89 TYPEWRITER SERVICE COMPLETE typewriter service, new and used machines of all makes. Rentals by the week, month or semester; repairing of all makes by skilled workmen; all kinds of typ- ing, prompt service. High class rib- bons and carbons. Rider's Pen Shop. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS-Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock. You secure the best quality at a moder- ate price. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, re-f paired. Our machines and work guaranteed to give best satisfaction. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Rea- sonable rates. M. V. Hartsuff. Dial 9387. 77-180 ,.Ivi W TillS LA '- WEK of special oriental rug sale. Oriental hbrassware, Indlrn p1ifis, etc. M~ust be cloyed out re- gardilessof cost. Rcal opportunity TW( fu"rished rooms including one WANTE1) fairly large ro m, near Campus, by WANTED-Typing, careful work; faculty man. Adri')ss BOX 23, Mich-' rEasonable prices. C'aH 4449. igan Daily. 87, 88 1 UULp1 to buy. r Jdmg1i.Iotchs importatiOnis RlOM-IMATE wanted. 1leasat ()' CLr', at reduced prices. Thir dfloor, Mack FOR iENT- Nwy decOrated frot room. 1/2 block from campus. Gradi- & Co. 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 suit . igit and warm. 5mwr bath. te preferred. 1115 S. Univer-Pty. TFONG RENT 8Soo Si ete. llixone 61,. 21489. 88, 89, 90, 91, 92. 93 'FO I PA 7 8,8 FIRST-FLOOR apartment. Two large ' '.LOST ITYPEWRITING and ilimeographing rooms and bath. Will accommodate FOR 1i'NT Confo ahe suite and LOST-An Elgin watch was lost in promptly and neatly lone by ex- three persons. 500 Packard. single roxn. hone i:91. 89, 90, 91 the locker room of Wa terian gym, perienced operators at moderate 88, 89, 90----- Saturday. Reward for its return to rates. College work a specialty for FOR RENT-Rooms, single or double, LARGE beautiful suite, also double Champe, 556 So. State or 1Phon nearly twenty years. 0. D. Morrill, in quiet house, for next semester. room, in comfortable home. Coll- 4017. 87, 88, 89 17 Nickels Arcade. Good location, 429 So. Division. v~nient lecation. 208 N. Division. - 88, 89, 90 86, 87, 88 LOST-A reward is offered for the FOUNTAIN PEN SERVICE ___return of the Elgin watch which WE have three skilled penmakers ROOMS, single or double. $s alto S5. FOR RENT-214 Packard St. 2' was lost Saturday in Waterman back of our retail counter to serve Choral Ui,$ ticket for sal , Su. i tdobi rt is, n r - gym. Call Champe, Phone .1017, or you on correct fitting, adjustments Phone 7485. 88, 89, 90 +1 -3.. - ~ ''hoiv 915'. 86, 87, 88S 556 So. State St. and repairing of all makes. You --___R0_1______$_______~_____--__ " _ak will- not find equal service any- FOR RENT-Front suite, double andLO >., I i Ct at LOST-Blue lavelier setting, Friday where else. Our prices are no more single rooms, fine location, clean FLETCHER IALT night, between Michigan Union and than you would pay 'elsewhere. and reasonable. 433 South Division. Arcade Theatre. Dial 21494. 88 Manufacturers of the famous Rider 88, 89 9o Ann Arbor's only Men's Dormitory "Masterpen." Rider's Pen Shop. I LUnder new Ianagement. LOST-Brown and tan scarf, .h.p FOR RENT-Single room, in private Especially adapted for Student's con- (esign, in Michigan Theater. Call FOR SALE home, upper class or graduate stu- VCniiIce. New, Fire-proof Building 73 dent preferred. Phone 6623. Steam heat, Shower Iaths, Hot and 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 cold water in each room. Lounging and Smoking Room FOR SALE FOR RENT-Two furnished rooms 915 Sybil St., near Ferry Field. Dial with bath, for girls; near campus. 1770. )t i r TWO J-HOP TICKETS Dial 6204. 88, 89, 90 I FOR RENT-Furnished house, 6 For Inquire Box 23, FOR RENT-One apartment and one rooms, good couditicn, facing cam- suite for ladies. 920 Monroe. Dial lpus. For second semester. 421 Michigan Daily 21241. 88, 89, 90 Church. Phone 5561., a' FOR RENT-Furnished Apt. 1215 Hill 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 St. First floor front, four rooms, FOR RENT- -A pleasant single room. MICH IGAN sun parlor and bath. Phone 3567. Dial 8191. 86, 87, 88 FOR SALE-Two first-floor tickets 87, 88, 89 for Kochanski Concert, $1.50 each.Es FOR RENT- -Conpietely furnished jW E ment or rooms for two girls, second from Campus. Very reasonable. 1 FOR SALE-J-Hop ticket. Apply Box semester. 621 Forest. Phone 5607, Phone 6642. 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 99 Michigan Dail. R6 87 88 near camnus. 87. 88, 89 3 LL, iviluairjall 1.l qi l,} . Uv, o i l Vv .<..,..., .., ..i,...,,. .,. .... _, .. I AMU .:_ 7 11 .1 I BOSTON-Reports are that Albert PORTABLE Stark, freshman basketball coach at TYPEWRITERS Dartmouth, will be named a National Coroa, Underwood, league umpire for the season. Remington, Royal. We have all makes.1 NEW YORK CITY-Jimmy McClar- .meihclreauc in es nin and Sid Terris will meet in Some i colored duco finishes. Madison Square Garden in a light- 0. D. M O R R I L L weight bout on Feb. 24. 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. Ia ar R rae I d t I-l o)C:( (V" I" lt ) u CPI. (). t n ne ? ""'.j L 14' 1 .- Ij /KJV ...,\ 0 wn Stare ids ale The Famous SHELLEY Suits Designed for the most exacting trade. Tailored from foreign fabrics. $39.7 5 .L I 'L I Including Tuxedo Suits, Spring Topcoats, Imported and Domestic Haberdashery at Irresistable Prices Mt. Rock Fleece OVERCOATS Michigan's finest overcoat. famous 'for its wear.Blue and grey. $439*75 q Dusty Rhodes' Free Throw- or Fame for a Day THEY didn't expect him to make a point. But he made a free throw. And that free throw was the cause of their winning the game. The crowd went wild and more girls wanted to put their arms around Dusty's neck than he could accommodate. Fame! And after the game Dusty had a few team- mates around to his rooms. He served them "Canada Dry." It made a big hit-even bigger than winning the basketball game. More fame! This ginger ale has a delightful flavor tang to it . . . dryness ... . sparkle. It has a subtle gingery flavor because it is made from pure Jamaica ginger. It contains no capsicum (red pepper), and nota M: blends well with other beverages. 66 - 99 6CANADA DRY Reg. U. S. Pat. 01. "The Champagne of Qinger fAles" Extract imported from Canada and bottled in the U. S. A. by Imported Flannel Pajamas Smartly Striped, Warm and Durable. Formerly to $9.00 .® - h CUSTOM BUILT SHIRTS Any shirt in our stock-w or colored-values to $5.00 hite $345 I Terms. ALL Sales Cash A $10 Deposit Requir-ed On All Suits Before Altering. THE BYRON TUXEDO A strictly 1928 model as pre- sented by leading Eastern Custom Tailors. 3 9.75 .® No Goods On Approval No Exchanges We Charge for All Alterations. II nYY7v WV F - L1 Ar^"%L AM Ambkl I a m