cHEDULE SSION YIDL TELLS DEMPS$Y Air Corps Squadron ABOU LANINGShows War Strength', , , Pl an s Prom :Maniy sedfiion~Mhulize IF il.or Maneuvers .. ter :; . . .. COSMOPOLITAN OPENING TODAY -Il Aj 'n. , ' SVECI 'Ai TO!'ll~ 0 F F1, l R E 1), BY SVIIOQL (OF BUJSINESS -Aw1)M14TRATIO~ ]EXPECT fPIGiENROLLMENT d'cnui~s yetiit igd Tc'1"M1eet -eeds Of 8101(-10s 1"1Wo N e A eleraI SIlrIvey Of Field Cour:;es to be offered in the various schools 1and colleges ill the Sfumer Sssion of the University are to be un- usually complete in scope and sub- ject, a(ccording t(; the officials of th ^ 1928 Summer 'session. Recently, sp~cial annlouricemeints have been sent from the offices of the session and from the offices of 'several of the schuoals concerning the courses for njext year. E~xpect L rge Enrollinent The School of Business Administra- tion is one( of these. One of the main objects of pla«nninig the schedule for this school is to satisfy not only the 'Atudents wh(o are to take the courses, but also to fit the r, quircments of the many, people in public life who come here; to tako business courses during the sessions. A large enrollment is expecte d for the coming summer, very little opposition being expected from the rules on automobiles, as many of the Business school~ come under the special provisions. Ninecocurses will be offered for I (yAssociated lPress) LANGLY FIELD, Va., MCLay 4.- Glistening from the rub of scores of mechanics, more than 100 planes of all descriptions were being tuned . up here yesterdlay for the greatest dis- play of army air strength since the The ships had been brought fromt many 'sections of the country. Spread1 v out in rows all over the field, with pilots and mechanics hustling about, i with preparations for the two days of maneuvers, theyi gave. the army .sta- Major lt~hmliceion here the appearance of an air- Majo Fizitiurie !drome on actual war footing. Irish member of the Bremen crew, They included Selfridge Field, Mich., who with his German companions was pursuit planes, attack ships from Gal- the guest of Jack Dempsey and Es - veston, Tex., the big Langley bomr-- telle "Taylor iii New York yesterday ers, huge cabin transports and obser- upon their return flight from' Wash-' vation planes from Washington, and a in~gton. number oil other types. "What," ,asked Dempsey, "was the. The mobilization, marking a new first thing you thought of when you departure in the activity of the army landed on Greenly island?" air corps, is the first of six similar "God," answered the Major. demonstrations to be given by .the _______________-j corps throughout the country, and the SERVICE SHOUL D mimic air warfare was expected to be S i R. SHO LDvitnessedl by hundreds of citizens ,"BE COA-ITT'rrffrom the surrounding territory, In ad- Idition to aviation* officers and officials (B3y. Associated Press) and members of the' separate and D)ETROIT, May 4.-Lack of 'desire house military and naval committees. I ML\ 'if ..- CECIL B. DE MILLE'S UNDERWORLD SENSATION HERE SHE 18-CHICAGO' MOST JBEA UTIFUL MURDERESS ! AUDACIOUS, GASPING -MELODRAMA! OUTDRES THE STAGE' PLAY! f-- See How Lovely Roxie Hjrt Got Away with Murder and Made ']Em Like It I thoase interested in taking course=, in t his school. Elements of Business Amninistration is the first on the list, anid is a prerequi;~te for other courses. This course 'is designed to meet the needs of those students who desire a general survey -of the hield of busi- ness' administration. Among the oth- er courses listed are ones on business o rga n iz ation and (executive contrcl, advanced accounting principles, prin- ciples of production, courses son mark- eting and personnel principles and ones on financial management, and the various principles of finance. All Two-Hour Courses All of the courses will be for two hours credit apiece, meetinig four times each week. Two of the courses are divided into periods for the first and for the second four weeks of the, session. There are no formal requirements for admission to this school, as the courses are open' to all "who can pur- sue them to advantage." "THE BORIDER CAVALIER", ('Not a Spanli lSto'y) lltt Ad 1001 155. St '!DAY. 1 i k {C i among studenlts at state supported col- leges and universities to fit themselv- es for work of public service was scor- ed by Dr. Clarence C. Little, president of the University of Michigan, in an address here Thursday night. " tudent's who seek an education to serve their selfish ends should be di- re'cted to private schools where they would pay ade'quately for their cours- es," he said. Dr. Little explained his, view that students of a public-supported educa- tional institution should participate to to some real extent in public service and in endeaivors bjeneficial to their fellows. "In other words, they should be+ goodl citizens, in the full sense of the word," Dr. Little explained. He declared. that youth should be concerned ih gaining an education, not entirely with the interests which will serve'themf in this generation, but to so fit themselves for life that future generations will reap the full benefit. i fI ........a. rait .air . ...trtarin a aar W VVoodwardjt.tat Slgt PLAYHOUSE NI H'IIS, 75c, $1.50. Mats. 71119., T IAurs. and Sat., 40c, 75 1!%'ginning Sunita y', April 29 "COCK ROBIN" It Imo. . This Is the story titat seamed, bilt, This is t he jazz sliayer failr Ifloxie lart, This Is the husband sttiiiich shied trute, ivijo loved Roxie, for a i lllion or tvvf This is tier ilihtind olie ;and 11nii, whlose chill(cst intc love was kntowil by f ew, This is tnp gUwR xie used to kill her lover as the scandal grew, ThNIs s her luwcr, , both crookied mnd vi se, Who tellsile the " r to look hi her evels, while Rlxe takes care to 5hiE- thiem tier kllcfe5, This is the irep 'rte~r, al'() (lever anid roii!h 11,11 tells it~oxie she's front, page stuff, That startled Chicago's soeic y elie, bringi- Ing the enttire city to her feet, T[has crultipled the jury with her jretty knees, T'hat furnished the laiwyer exorbitant fees, That proved hris client's innocenlce had to That res,,oretj he~r love for lmlbby true, and no0w a verdict we seek from you. kf.Y HART " 13e lleiiiuig; IMondy, April 30l = \ itil 1.0l0, $l. iO, $2.(It, $2.it4 1V ic-d. and Sat. Mats. (Ilest - Seats).... ........$15 Char iherlaiBrown lPresents TAYLOR HOLMES In a Riotous Comedy SThe Great Necker PLANk DANCING AT THE 2 Shubert-Lafayette Beg. Suniday Nighit THURSTON THlE FAMOUS MAICIAN Nights, Stn. -hnd Slit. MA t.25e 'to .A' Popular Mat Thurs., I AIRMOgY EVERY ID. AND SAt. EVE. lit~sic]BY MISSLE'S WOLVERINES E ver ybody Welcome I ij ]DISTINCTION Thtfs theatre presents only the sereeWnS de. luxe productionis. Cer- thited entertainment id- ways. IF-- - .-. .... . ,, WO TODAYOLY you'll latUgh .roll hI II Som1110more atl the ftwo ildill- Nw hvru-& :L1-04.7&:( 00 20C to $1.(JO. Plus tux. Starting Sunday } 1obart Bosworth, tt~ Richard Arlen+ aGEORGE B. SEITZ Pr"dUctlon f Story try NORMAN4 SPIMMf /r____________ r 'r I i I .1 1 r/ t j IAIL l+t, G e You Love Thrilling Comedy Drama hil, N. i f Y t +. .l p , '" ' l I Phyl 1 act V"irginia B Julia. Fa k n=d av III:t P 1 'd'I\ 'Ii ,° usHaver Irad ford, Robert Edeson, rye,, Ma Robson and rRoy earnes I , L'Oi.1CY TO (DAt -AN)EVENING 35~C. loe 7:00 -'8:40 -5O'Ctoe J i l APPOINTMENTS A ('brstle Comedy "IJust The ' yooe RUBY NOTON A New A-esop's Fable I "ART AND ll I, c II'.ive 'PVC1AL Shtowinig - MtaryBall I The .Ityes of ithe world I I 11n "6A Song for Everyolne 1 Mr. Clarence Senna T~he Idol of ihie World 40,000- Miles with Lindbergh Mid-Week Announcement Another of Our Fanois DOUBLE FEATURCIS Adolph Men jou 'A NIGHT ol MYSTERY" Entertaining at the Piano EUGENE CONRAD Mr. Senno'ls PIiawdogne by f ' , . 1Last Times Today NONE r .U ESTHER RALSTON -NEIL HAMf LT,-)N Kee~y Your * I ,