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May 03, 1928 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-03

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VairPl"Hy, ictfi Over Nortliweslcr11,
x , avo red To D)efeait SpartalI
Telinis Tea'ni

q t t oO '\t .t~ ~ ~ i't , Iai W ani W nixr1 playing between qarters9 of the "In-
k db ~ mps CC - !r~d °v iry M,11 ave C ( I I Ck el 1eii I e ~ id Tea,, IwIa treiigt1i diauaIi owa" gamie.In Veenker's line-1
°j ~'.i,-m eAs Cod pored(41To C )iiThlle Odens~e up wereC several veterans1i9 of last,



Fifty Last

Michigan's Varsity netmen will
meet Michigan State today on the
Perry field courts in their second
match of the year. Winner over
Northwestern, rated as ne of the
Conrfeirece's fasest. teams this year,
iby G-3 score Coach Hutbin's men'.
are conceded m are tan an even
chance to tuIrn back t he Spartas.
In all pof aility 'the Same sq~uad
that opposed the Widcats on Satr-
(ay will fae the St ae entries. Bar-
tn, Ba con, ii can y, Al gyr, Sb ef-
' r, and Moore wl1lar the brunt of
the singls uruecn. Cap~ain H1orace
Barton and Bing Moore, Conference
doubles chamnpion o' last year, are
likely to play first doubles while thel
second and thir'd doubles teams have
"notlbeen -announced) as yet.
Both Michigan ;and Michigan State
"have been hindered by ~he delay inl
conditioning or~ the 'tennis courts.
Only for thfe past week has fast play
" been possible.
t'ae makeup of the Spartan suad
is indefinite but will in all prba-
1Ilty include the veterans Cloven,
"Perrin, and Pennington. Don Swan, a (
promnent junior si'gles player, is6
at the -present hoding down the
secondl singles berth. George Lott,
nationally prominent on the courts,
xis not eligible for play r~Ts he let
school at the eginning o tle crr-
rent semester.
The match last year went to th
Wolverine teamn by a 9-0 scre but
athis year's contest is expected to be
more fiercely contested by the Spar-
tan aggregation In case Coach
Hutchins calls uipon reserve streng-
th, Elliott, Graha, Kempur, Mar-
.shall, Farbinan, and Marsh will le
n~ost likely to see action.
The following baseball games were
played Tuesday:
Tau Epsilon pi beat Delta Phi, 33
to 5. Sigma Phi defeatedDla Al-
pha Epsilon, 11 to . Sigm a Phi Ep-
silon beat Sigma Chi, 8 to 0. Alpha
Chi Rho lost to D.K.IE., 11 to . Alpha
.Omnega defeatedl't'heta Xi, 8 to 5. TPan
Delta Phi worn from Ti igo, '6 to 2.
Alpha Sigmra Phi lost to Hermitage,
17 to 9. Alpha Kappa Lambda de-
feated Phi Rho Sigmat, 8 to 1.
The scores of yesterday's 'games
were: D. K. E. , :Phi Kappa Sigmia, 0;
Phri Beta Delta 8, Dta psilon ;
Alpha Sigma Pi 11, Delta Cli 2;
Phi Rho, Sigmrat 7, Kappa Nu ; Pi
Chi G, Sigma -Phi Epsilon 3; Alpha'
Delta Pi 9rrheta (li 0; Omega Psi
Phri 20, Kappa Delta Rho 1; Delta
Sigma P i 9,' Concordia 1; Theta
K~appa Psi 0, Phi :Sigma Kappa 9; Phi
KappaPsi 0, Theta Kappa Epsilon 9;
Sigma Chi 8, Alpha Phi Delta 5; Phi
Mur Alpha 5, Phi Beta Pi 11; Psi
Omega 0, Zeta Beta Ta 9; Alpha Chi
Rho 8, Delta Tan Delta 0; Sigma Zeta
0, Zeta PSI 9; Phi Epsilon pi 4, Phi
Kappa Tau 10; Chi Phi 14, Theta Xi 8.
Varsity TIrack Team
Trains For Buckeyes
(Continued from Page Six)
star, proved to be one of the lumin-
aries of the meet. He lead the Buck-
eye half mile relay team to victory,
running the anchor leg, and then
came back to win the 100 yard (ash
from his teammate, Kriss. The Ohio
State two mile. relay team finished
In third place back of Bates and.
CORNLL.-Daylight saving time is
soon to be etablished in this univer-
sity, though the city of Ithaca has
decided to remain on standard lie.


Thlirity swinviers - hve cin m'pleted
thir recquired lengths" to finish illn
'tae second annual Michi-aIll Union
r'cenf l ile "Swimt. (If.Ois~tnuer11)e(leve

} x fin ised befoe Eater vacation. At
W,, 4 xthis (ate last year (aver fifty ad
* t~flalcteul tirlenl(igths while hut
. k"X of that number finished by East-
e er vacation.
r Medals will e awarded Shortly e-
fore t he end( of school in June to
y .I hse who have suiccessuly co0m-
I lt.(l the required distance of sev-
(en hundred and four laps. The md-
als will he n the form of watch
h' , 1carms practicalIy the same as those
"40WA~$'sTMT Wared to the winning arii ants
f'RUYCET NJo MLATION x 221 entries are carded in tlhs
'BUT T$ej"lE 50TH r year's event as compared to the 24
tif'i-E > . O -{fx+, b f in the first annual Michigan Union
tdmeSANKw ,aswim held last year. Ninety of last
-~ -i yea1-,4 asiants inshed while this
year fro the uresct outlook it
- sa~ffeemis doubt ful if the nmbler corn-
E)plating the (istance will exceed sev-
! enty.
OF 'HE esro'.j A. ' -Te first, eleven finishing this year
F= -t-f- sof f w ho co mnpleted the te nl m i les before
~ ~ ~spring vacation are Robert W. So-
iriiiiiv ~ fll~i IIIU I~ II 1111 IRIIIIII ile, '1,P A. Knkle, '1; M. M.
JUDHII ~1fI1LL IUELO IU HUIflLOlrien, 30A, I. J. Peterson, ' 1, M.
EN CH MPION E M O[5HE'IT1QE, Carl Trrll, '31F... W. aly,
S '1E, M. M. P' Vank. '29', J. S. Tel-
'Nintee othrs avefinished since
(B3y Associated Press) lof ta hminhpcac.We vacation; they are in the order of
NEWYOR, My 2-Joriu Fa-T came in after getting my last putttheir completion: S. W. ILebowitz,
rellhas'wo th mot o th litle;(dOwn for the 69. the photographers '31, J. A. Pianfett, '29P, M. A. Sef-
rel ha wn te ostof helitleall rushed upl to take my piturg Of ,erein, '28, E. E. Ian Cleef, '1, A. A.
gotfchapioshis ad nverthecorse 1 could nt refuse but I believe A lplleford, '2, C. F. Kratz, '28, r.
big,'one but e is not down-hearted.; that if I had slipped into the club-} W. Malcolm, '1L;, II A. Nffze, '0
Only 27 years of are, hie be- house from the 18th green, my name W. T Fawet, '0, W. Minke.,'3,C
li eves he will be open hapion elc wuld e on the cupl. i. Burns, '1, J. 1. Sawyer, '31, . B.
I"T took 78 on the final 18, the Blume, '29L, A J. Cipriano, '0Th,
fore hie is Forced to retie frmco -smme number Willie needed, and Ci. J. Kuchler 28, R.L 1. Miller, '28,
petition. 'lobby came aroundl in 74 to tie Wil-land C. V. Nlawer, '29.
When hie does winl the title he 'will lie andl there was a play-off which( It is an interesting fact that the
putt his way to it. The, smiling su-ii-mae"arlane won.'';'freshmen outstrippedl Ithe field in
perlatively groomed WestchesteFr lire- - ___- boasting the agest number of finish-
is the world's greatest long distance j HIAVAD .-Ten men heave been ers. Thirteen first year men have
putter. Hle is Prepared to joun en- chosen lv'ire to compete with Yalo in i pleted the reuired (distance to
thusiastally in any camplaign for' a new scholarship competition. The d~ate while there are but six juniors,
more and bigger greens. (20 contestants will write an examina-I five seniors, and five sopomores.
Johnny is only a common or gar- I tio preare by two Harvard profes--__________
den variety of putter from four to snis, two Yale professors, andl one UNIVERSITY OF PRDU,,--Uni-
five feet,, but from 40 to 50 feet, he Princeton professor, and the univer- versiy officials have taken steps to re-
is a. tcoimbination of (deadly poison sity w~hosefoarn makes the highest (duce the number of required creit
andI high explosive. Hie has -made score'kv ill receive $5,00. The names ' hours in mocst of thie schools. TChey
putts in serious competition bletter of Imhe c ontestants are t0 le kept b lelieve that if this le put ist:o effect
measured in yards than in feet. sert to prevent cramming and pre- te students will have mre time to
"What is the explanation?" lie was examination nervousness. ituiy the hours they do take.
asked. "Have you always been a goodl
l1u ttPer.' r
"Always," was the reply. "I could
putt before I couldl play r'a other Friday and Saturday (rl
part of, the game. I was a caddy at i Onlys
Siwanoy and could practice putting
when I was not carrying clubs, whileI9"
of course, the caddies could not paI n s r a cltyS i t
o te course,.o hn7 I M nsB o dcohS it
"O cure outhnkevery year Cllar Attached--Fast Colors
is your year," Johnny said as he
chatted of his prospects for 1928. Fancy Stripe, Plain Blue, Tan or White
"but I, really believe I will win'. I $.15
have played good, sound golf 11l
winter but not too much and I an Men's Fancy Silk Socks, 25c
ten pounds :heavier than I have been.
"Golf's a gamble and the light-
nigstrikes btsometimes weiyujf ~ I (
latexpect it,, but you have to take A n~D y '.o u .O
steps to be as right as you can for M i
the big tests. The physical part, 1316". MStn .
have ,found not so important, for
golf itself keeps one who plays _______________________________________
steadily in shape. It's a terrific nmen-
tal strain through a big championship ____________________________________
and if you go through without crack-
ing you are lucky.
"IT ran into this at Worcester in the
open of 1925. At the end of the third
position. I had just shot a 69 for a
54 hole total of 214 and was one U
Istroke back of Willie MacFarlane. Cleaners andi Dyers
Bobby Jones was three strokes backtJ
and Francis Ouiimet two.
"I thought I was in, for I believed
that I could overhaul Willie and stave Service with a Smile
off Bobby and Francis.
"Piut I was photographed right nit

yeaar s eleven and the superiority was
OBE Ii,LUNGES WELL oon exhibited when Truskow ski
brroethrough to pick lup za "Wiscona-
i"Ilinouis'' (eleated "Wisconsini" 1s inl" gunt tht B odeon hl ~bloc~ked
to 0) while "Indiana" was trilulephing andm ltrot ted across , he goal line.
over "lorwa" 0 to 0 yesterday in the, Ilughes,' intentions; of kicking the
first games of the sp~ring footIhl)i a pint, w( re spoile'd whlen a wild
practice. 1pass from (ccuter eadd Wistc rt's
A swarm sun beating dlown, out of For the remarinde(r of the quartr,
a cloudless sky somewhat olf-wfset the cl3l oa t. I
eagerness of the gridl candidtes an dt he t i c-. sesawed up ui d w ~
slwe1 p ~ly.J~n punin wsfield. in the folilowing; periodl,. ta
I' ~~Illinois" aggregattio n marcheid (down'
the imuportant groundl gained with on- th' il gi f akesat
ly an occasional pass andl enIllun1thl ieaginn ofthf"Wsonin"
mixe infot'dcc l~t~n.line seeming unable t o stop thle fleet
For the most part, the lines seem'- "luei" backs. Hughes bna rroh. the
e(l stronger ,on dlefense than on ofl- [all to the "Cardinal'' 80-yard~c line onf
colrat ,ties. hici oeerg, orte fstan 1 l-yarl (lash Oft tackle while a.
colo attims. Hwevr, or te frstdouble pass back of the line, Hleist,-
game and with weather conditions ett crd aei is lw
Iwhat. they wer'e play in general was ilthe 20-yardl marker.
goodi. A few tries, at the line failed to
Instead of the usutal four quarters, gain itnl Hughes dropped back to
each game was cuot to three. 'I'lJ for, h" 0-adln adhoedtebl
teas llayd o th sae gidions-quarely through the uprights for a
"Indliana" and "Iowa" playing one hield goal. Another "Illinois" touch
(uar~ter with "Wisconsin" and "II(down in the last quarter brought the
indcs" taking! the field for thme next finalI score to 15-0.

I Ng. Veenker was in charge of " z-
linois," Keen wa-s coaching 'Wiscon-
silL" Courti-ight supervised "'Indiana"
while "Iowa" wats und er the scrur-
i'y of Miller.
"Indiana" andl "Iowa" clashed first
and foughit through a scoreless per-
iod. Robechi, playing full on Mil-
hers team galve several good exihibi-
lions of line plunging while Brown
(A. the same team uncorked a fewn
sensational passes. Just before the
quarter, was over, Justice,' playing at
hialt' for "Indiana," recovered a turn-
ble and ran it back about 60 yards.
Gregg overtook him near the "Iowa"
'goal and downed him just as the
whistle endled the play.
In the next period, "Indiana" re-
ceived the kick off and worked the
ball (down the field on line plunges
and a few end runs to the "Iowa" 5-
yardI line with Lytle hurtling through
the line for a touchdown. The try
goal failed. Sukupchiek, "Indiana"
fullback broke away for a couple of
long rains soon after but no further
scoring resulted.
The third and final quarter was'
likewise umraarked by any touch-
dlown s.
In the meantime, the "Illinois" el-
even and "Wisconsin" team were

Wolverines To Meet
Colgate Nine Today
(Continued from Page Six)
COY will do the receiving for McAfee.
On its southern tour, the Colgate
team broke even in four games. Vir-
ginia Poly . Institute Was defeated
twice, but Virginia and Georgetown
each scored victories over the Ma-
Opening the regular season, Col-
gate won an abbreviated five 'inning
contest from Union, 5-0, with Cot-
trell doing the hurling. New York un-
versity defeated the Maroons' in a
seven inning game, 4-2, Wesleyan
was defeated in a close contest, 5-4.
Last year, Michigan and Colgate
split even, in a two game series at
Ann Arbor..- The Maroons won the
first game, 12-2, behind Hopkins'
steady pitching. The Wolverines
came back to annex the second by a
5-3 score.
DARTMOUTH.The board of trus-
tees has announced a building pro-
gram for the imnmediate construction
of two new dormitories costing in the
neighborhood of $2,000,000.

A manufacturer of excellent clo
sIng sold us his entire surplus jste
of Spring Snits at prices that enal
us to offer them at just oe-half the
actual value. Collegiate suits, f
college men who prefer snappy styl
We 'have a Wite assortment of ph
terns and~ colorings, beautifully ta
ore(L perfect itting, neat appeari
and well wearing Prices range fr
$19.50 upward:;.
200 Main Street
Wat hmake .r.
Exprt Repairing
217 South Main St., IUjmtars
NOTICE-We buy mes clothi
Phone 4310. 115 W. Washhgt
St. Wed-Fri-:gun
SITUATION wanted by experen
cook in sorority or fraternity, 1
ginning September, 1328.le
RESPONSIBLE, dependal courl
Coinnected with Univrsiy; -
Children, would like to occupy ho
(luring owner's absence, for sum
or longer. Bec interested lin ke4
ina home and nremises in sb"
Board out. References. Box 43
1 5-59-
Framed Mottoes-Cars
Francisco' Boyce Photo Co.
blessing to golfers- who ar affli
ed with tired, aching feet. T
rest your feet while playing. C
no more than ordinary golf sho(
Golf shoes for men and wome
corner ou k'reiLand South
Only one store-cannot e bog
elsewhere. Handmade. Yes,
do repairs
TY~lIN-Theses 'a specialty. Rt+I
gonable rates. M. V. Hartst
Dial 9387.. C-771
TYPEWRITERS- Sales and ervi
All makes, large anti portal'
bought, sold, rented, repaired. O'
Mnachines and work guaranteed.
business since 108. . D. orr
17 Nickels Arcade.
FOR RFlNT-Firnied groom -pa
mernt for business women. Inqul
226. Thompson or dial 6961.
FRATERNITY and rooming house
0. T. Albro, 106 East fur
Phone 5800.
FOR SALE-Two Choral Union c
pons; value $6 on May Festi
tickets; for $3 Call 5687 after
FOR SALE-Willy'-Knight cabril
coupe; used one week; fu
equipped; priced' right for qu
sale. Call Ypsi 572. 196
WANTED-Students to know that 4
home laundry methods give y
clothes personal attention. IM
Laundry, 204 N. Ma iTa #111i1.
WANTED-To renct a hose for £
ternity jpurposes. Mut accmie
date from 20 to 25 mhen. Spci
details. Michigan Daily, Box 4
LOST-D~elta Sigma Pi fraternity p
Return to W. F. Spencer, 1502 Cl
bridge Road. Call 5518. Rewar
LOST-A white gold Plgin watch a:
chain.k Open chain and mrongr
on b~ack of watch. 'Lost betwe
Cambridge Road and Engineer
Bldg. Phone 5791 for reward.
LOST-Theta Chi ' Fraternity la
with crossed swords on, col
snapse. Reward. Call Kini k
bocker, 21737. 159-60

Earn Extra, Credit
During Summer V acatil
The change and recreation so necessary to ever:
one are here. com~bined with superior oppo
tunity for, educational advancemnent. Boatin
swimming, tennis, con~certs, dramatic performa
ceih inspiring lectures, etc., are all available.
Organized excursions to industrial, financial andn
centers of Chicago. Courses covering full ye'ar's wo
In General Chemistry, P'hysics or Zoology, for studen
interested in Medicine, Dentistry or Engineering.
Opens Junie 25, 1928. and includes:
Graduate School Law School
College of Liberal Arts School of Mfusic
School of Commerce' School of Speech
*School of Education School'of Journalise
Send for FREE Booklet
booklet, "Edetlo Plus Recreation" describest
MER SESSION -and its recreational and educatioi

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Phone 21548

702 S. State St.

Spring, parties and dances
should be properly announced

We Deliver


With the coming of Spring' are parties
and dances---and, parties and dances
nceed be announced and invitations ex-
We have printed and. engraved hun-
dreds of invitations and announcements,
both formal and informal, modest' or
more elaborate.
Before your next party let us submit our
figures to you and show you samples of
our work. There is no question but that
our wNork and prices will please.



SVITS $35 to $75


University H1all EVANSTO!


IIA C.Barf I1


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