THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dttilig I4 k~vr 2ecry ,y nrnning xcepi Monday te (Tniversity year by thr 4rard i of StudentPutiaon etn 1 "'d ;. r r''ier_:,eu ':sci r" Associated ess is exclusively en- to the use or republication of all news che: credit er( it o not otherwise "I tin thi? !";;w,~n4 the local *new Pull, herein ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, gan, as second class matter. Special rate stage granted by Third Assistant Post- General.. scriptior hN 'anter 4.00 b mail. ces. Ant' 4rbn' Press Buildia. Mai Street. nes: Editorial 4925, Business 21214 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR 10 H. CHAMBERLIN Xr .h Wek . Ellis 11 Merry - Mi higan Weekly..Chf-lp E ihem-r Editor................Philip C. Brooks n's Editor.., . ... Marian L. Welles sEditor .........Herbert E. Vedder er, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr. ant City Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink Night Editors t E. Finch G. Thomas McKean ewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters zAnderson Sally Knox aret Arthur John H. Maloney A. Bochnowski Marion McDonald Campbell Charles S. Monroe Church Catherine Price hard W Cleland Harold L. Passman ce N. Edeison Morris W. Quinn aret Gross Rita Rosenthal' >r Egeland Pierce Rosenberg )e Follmer Eleanor Scribner r B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz t J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar Rag Gruber Howard F. Simon Hagelshaiw George 1E. Sinmons h E. How~ell Rowena Stillman allace Hushen Sylvia Stone s R. Kaufman George Tilley r, F. Kerby Bert, K. Tritscheller nce R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr. i J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 -BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH ant Manager..,.George H. Annable, 'J. ising... ........ Richard A, Meyw, tising. ... Edward L. Hulse tising ....._.John W. Ruswinckel nts... ,...... .'Raymond Wachter nion . .,, , . George B. Ahn, Jr. ation ..,.'. ...Harvey Talcott Assistants Bradley Ray Hofelich Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn Carpenter James Jordan !s K. Correll Marion Kerr a Cromell Thales N. Lenington Dively Catherine McKinven V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons ielker Alex K. Scherer ine Frohue George Spater ass Fuller Ruth Tbompson e Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum Gross Lawrence Walkley r? n . Hannah Wallen V. Hammer P.IiURSDAY, MAY 3, 1928. interested student body. Representing as it does an excellence of superiority in both intellectual and cultural at- tainment, it offers an exceptional op- portunity for, carrying over the ac- complishments of the classroom into the less barren field of student activ- ity. The Cercle Francais, campus French society, has selected "Le Docteur Mir- acle" for this year's performance and in order that it may have a little more acceptable hearing are presenting it in the Mimes theater. In addition, a capable cast has been selected for the difficult roles which must be carried. These factors, combining as they do with the benefits which the production offers to those participating in it, place the French play in a position of deserving recognition. HOOVER-SMITH' California, the key state, where pol- iticians expend their best far-western efforts and where the whole nation's interest lays at primary time, wherte Charles Evans Hughes was beaten and where McAdoo is supposed to have the whip hand in the Democratic party-that is California. Tuesday it was California again, and two men in the two major parties, Herbert Hoov- er, Republican, and Al Smith, Demo- crat, apparently assured themselves of the nominations of their respective organizations. Hoover, going into the California primary unopposed, polled a 'vote which was a revelation to his closest supporters- nearly 200,000 greater than the total vote of the Democratic party, where there was a three-cor- nered race. Al Smith, entering the primary against his two most formid- able opponents, Senators Reed and Walsh, won likewise a sweeping vic- tory which definitely indicates the trend of his party. Smith, with a clear majority as- sured, will enter the Houston con- vention faced only with the necessity of gaining two thirds of the votes there; Hoover, close to a majority, will enter the Kansas .City convention practically assured of the nomina- tion (he now has more than 350 votes). * * * xr... HERE AT LAST SPRING, that much wished for season of the year, has arrived. We thought it would never get here, but when we slept through four class- es this morning the truth was evi- dent. Spring has come. * * * EVERYTHING SEEMS TO go about as fast as a 1914 Ford. Everyone ceeps along; everyone smiles lazily; profs talk drousily; yet, spring must be here. - 1++. a''" i . i i i si - w r r , h BUT AS YET there has not been a single roller skate upon the cam- pus. * * * LAST SPRING AT this time there were hundreds of students out on the campus rolling to classes on their skates. Tim Hay even got out an old horse and buggy because he had weak ankles. UP STUDENTS! GET out those skates and roam around on them. Re- member, you don't have to have a permit to use roller skates. All you need is a little nerve and a reinforaced seat in- your trousers. As for the girls-well, they can skate slowly and they won't need so much equipment. BIG THINGS COMING IN THE NEAR future all lhe tra- ditional spring events will happen along. The spring games in which the freshmen and sophoniores take ,part,that is the few of them who areI willing, will be fought out this Friday} and Saturday.] THEY ELECTED LEADERS for the classes yesterday and now the leaders are in hiding fon the rest of the week. When we were a sophomore the class elected the biggest man around so that he wouldn't have to hide. * * * YESTERDAY AND TODAY is the time for registration. If you haven't done so, get out and register right away or no one will be able to buy your vote. * * * THE LOCAL POLITICIANS will be hot on your trail for the rest of the week to vote for the fraternity broth- er who is nunning for third vice- president of the parent-teachers as- sociation and other important offices. *ces.* DON'T SELL A vote too cheaply. Remember there are always a lot of committee jobs open to those who hold off the longest. NEXT TUESDAY IS going to be the day when all the seniors wear their caps and gowns and parade about the campus. If any of them are especially sober it will mean just another precedent gone to the dogs. THE BAND IS going to lead the procession. They should play, either "The Funeral March," or, "The 'Vic- tors." The first to show that the sen- iors are leaving, most of them go to work. "The Victors" should be played to celebrate the fact that another group of students has defeated the faculty. * * * Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELLI THE NEW YEAR ough the official University year not yet.come to a close,and though of the most auspicious events of spring season are still to occur, new staff of The Daily, which handle the publication through school year 1928-29, has been ap- ed and with this issue starts :. Officially, to be sure, the re- g seniors have not yet left the anti for a month more they will nue to exercise their supervising ence, but the paper as a whole m to this editorial-is the product a incoming regime. e time is not yet ripe for re- >ect of the entire year, and pre- >ns are always dangerous. Edi- I policies, carried to a new level fectiveness during the -year just d in a number of lines, will be. nued without variation. Mistakes possiblyoccur, as mistakes are d to occur. when the- men occu- t the executive positions are un- to their tasks, but the high stan- of newspaper excellence, built by rations of Michigan Daily men eft as an heritage- to-the incom- taff, will be guarded as ably as s ever been. announce an issue-by-issue edi- 1 policy fori this publication at an early date in the year would f course, extremely inadvisable. nstructive policy, in its fullest- ure, often requires considerable uctive criticism, and no news- r which values its reputation can I to acquiesce in measures which lieves to be detrimental to the re of the institution which it s. Intercollegiate athletics, ad- s in educational policy, so-called nalism, and problems of every tudent life-suech as the Union- (fairs which should command the ton of student journalism. Care-; nvestigation, followed by even careful consideration of facts, a view to 'drawing a sane con- n, can not help but be beneficial; e University and to The Daily CAMPUS OPINION Annonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi. cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Letters pub. lished should not he construed as ex- pressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. PHI ETA SIGMA Editor, Michigan Daily. Dear Sir: "With the expected naivete" Phi Eta Sigma, the freshman honorary society, resents the attitude recently express- ed in your editorial columns on the honor system campaign which we are about to undertake. In your editorial you admit that the successful intro- duction of the system requires "strong supporting student opinion" and then in your customary paternalistic atti- tude you hasten to ridicule us. Isn't this a bit paradoxical? How can you expect us to get the support which we are working for when we receive this sort of encouragement from a campus paper that should be whole- heartedly for us? You admit the system is good, but because we hap- pen to be "yearlings," and an honor society, you take our efforts with a grain of salt. Let us assure you that our under- taking is much more than "freshman idealism." We are making a serious and thorough investigation of the honor system with the cooperation of well informed authorities on the mat- ter, and we hope in the near future to have something concrete to offer. Un- til then it is too much to hope for "Daily" support, but we do earnestly ask for a watchful waiting policy instead of your usual negative en- couragement. Yours sincerely, Phi Eta Sigma Honor System Committee THEATER BOOKS TONIGHT: Philip Culkin in a graduation recital at 8 o'clock in the School of Music auditorium, TONIGHT: The French Play, "Le Docteur Miracle" at 8:15 o'clock in the Mimes theater. TONIGHT: The Harris Players present "Right You Are" in their Guild theater at 8:30 o'clock. * * * "RIGHT YOU ARE" A review, by Phyllis Loughton and Vincent Wall Something which seemed about as practical as a dramatization of the "Three Dialogues of Hylas and Phil- onous" was presented last night in the new Guild theater of the Harris Players. This latest addition to the local Thespians has chosen Pirandel- Jo's "Right You Are" for a last pro- duction of the season, and have given it an interesting but somewhat tedious rendition. Pirandello's thesis in this play chafes a bit within the restrictions of the spoken drama and the picture stage. It is essentially, as the pro- gram states, a parable in three acts. The material is philosophical to a perplexing degree, but nevertheless is both adult and highly worth-while entertainment. A very interesting case in point arises, when the sanity of several members of an Italian community is in doubt. A woman is said by her son-in-law to be under' the delusion that he daughter is his wife, but that she has in reality been dead for some years, and that he is living with a second wife. The woman re- futes his statement and accuses him of thinking her daughter dead. Since all connections and relatives of both parties have been wiped out by a con- venient earthquake, Pirandello arriv- es at no astounding conclusions con- cerning the Truth, but leaves the audience carefully poised between the horns of his dilemna. The handling of the characters is in some cases well done. Earl Fleisch- man, as Agazzi, the main inquisitor in the investigation of the lunacy, does his utmost to set the tempo as it should be played, and besides gives an excellent ,caricature. He plays with ease and grace and shows the rest of the cast up deplorably in the matter of speaking the English lang- uage. Elizabeth Pike plays Signora Frola with sympathy and understand- ing, though rather young in movement and voice quality. James Dahl infuses into Lamberto Laudisi a refreshing amount of ease, though lacking the savoir faire that the part demands. John S. Donal gives us an erratic Ponza, and the rest of the cast lend background. Working with limited stage equip- ment, Mn. J. Raleigh Nelson has done an exact and careful production. * * * THE STUDENTS' RECITAL A review, by Harold May In a program beginning with the Prologue from "I Pagliacci" and end- ing with Miserere from "Il Trova- tor%," James Hamilton managed to include enough of the operatic high hurdles to properly exhibit all of the more or less varied abilities of his pupils. Mr. Hamilton, however, was hampered in the several duets that he tried by the lack of a student tenor. and there were enough duets that the recital seemed almost to be Mr. Hamilton's very own. While none of the performances were outstanding yet therie were three of the singers 'who stood out from the rest of their brethren, these were Fanny Shiff, Hermann Hildner, and Carolyn Slepicka. Fanny Shiff, con- tralto, sang a duet with Mr. Hamil- ton, "Ai Nostri Monti" from "Il Trova- tore;" her voice had volume and char- acter; her attack was precise and almost spirited. Hermann Hildner, in addition to singing a duet from "La Forza del Destino" with James Ham- ilton, sang "Dio Possente" from "Faust." This song should have brought the audience from their seats for it has a catchy tune and a di- luted "Two Grenadiers" flavor, but, in spite of the pleasing quality of Mr. Hildner's baritone, his lack of en- thusiasm brought him only the usual round of applause. Fanny Slepicka, who with Mr. Hamilton and a double quartet from the G1jee Club, sang Leanora in the Miserere scene, was the only one who, in addition to being able to use her voice could sing with enough fervor to make the song seem in any degree fresh and new. There is no doubt but that the E Fiction and General Books A Hand-Tailored Suit of Style- Knickers b Match if Desired From $25 and Up. CHASE DOUKAS 1319 South University Suits Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00. Pressed, 35c MAY FESTIVAL Ann Arbor, May 16, 17, 18, 19. .__. C[ Good Food NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Prompt Service DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Washington Square, New York February 27, 1928. Mr. Charles A. Sink, President University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. M Lunch State Street aaa Dear Mr. Sink:- have read with interest and pleasure the prospectus of the coming May Festival at Ann Arbor. It is good to know that the fine traditions of choral singing is being upheld in such splendid fashion in your community. My heartiest congratulations on your magnificent array of artists. i Cordially, Be Prepared! H AVE a Sawyer's Frog Brand Slicker on hand and the rain won't bother you. Sawyer's genuine Oiled Slick- ers are guaranteed waterproof. Get your slicker before the dealer's stock runs low E UM SAWVYER saon. E CamnbrldoeMassachuets (Signed) ALBERT STOESSEL, THE LATEST and MOST IMPORTANT AS:RK Chairman Dept. of Music. II 1I11 Course Tickets-$5.50-$6.00-$7 00 ALWAYS TO BE HAD AT GRAHAMS Both Ends of the Diagonal CLASSIFIED ADS PAY E Cva~ahwdcA-9art 1 JLA iiira ir{4af . ---- ---"--Ad l~o). rlll% f RUSSIANS ARE NOT.LIKE THAT Editor, Michigan Daily. Dear Sir: Russian students of the University of Michigan have asked me to express their indebtedness to the Michigan Daily for giving them a chance to have a good laugh once in a while. I am speaking about the article un- der the name "Pupils of Russia Con- trol Schools Student Explains" which appearied on the Women's page last Tuesday. Stunning bits of informa- tion about Russian education, con- firmed with hair raising details, were indeed just as new and unexpected to us (who were in Russia during the years the article refers to) as to the thousands of American readers. We are too good natured to consider this article seriously and we are per- fectly willing to take the joke even if it is approaching the limit of in- ci in.1.xtin ntl n~ vc WE HOPE THAT the engineers and lawyers don't get feeling too gay be- cause the country needs lots of talent in both fields and we should hate to lose any of it on the eve of commence- ment. * * * - UNION NOMINATES - THE UNION COMMITTEE which messes up such things has finished its nominating. Names have been decid- ed upon to place on the ballot. When! you go to vote and don't recognize any of them write in our name and we will win the election. * * * AFTER WE HAVE won the Union presidency we shall resign., That will prove to the campus that the presi- dent of the Union is rather worth- less. * * * STATISTICS THAT REMINDS US that some one figured up all the positions that are to be .had around this campus. When! he got through he found there were more jobs than students. If you have no job you must be punk. * * * ' IN POLITICS BEFORE- AND AFTER Using that'Marvelous New Silver King Fizz Everyone who has ever tried Silver King Fizz pronounces it the most wonderful discovery in refreshing drinks that has ever been made. One drink is enough to convince you, and you will find it wonder- fully pleasirg during these balmy Spring days. Silver King may be bought everywhere. High Hat Harry Uses Silver King Fizz The delicious flavor of Silver King Fizz and its sparkling clearness make it a delightful drink, and you will be dumb-founded with what it will do aa a mixer. It just seems to change what you have into a new and smooth drink that you never thought you could enjoy so much. Refreshing Drinke 4nn Arbor a this issue the old order passes new; the old staff remains only advisory capacity. Barring mis- e, the year 1928-29 will see a tuance of the high standards have become traditional with Daily-standards which have ht the publication to the very front of all college journalism. Silver King Fizz is a Delightfully For Sale Everywhere in A S ilver Ki TO GET TO national affairs it seems that a gentleman by the name of Sin- I-