TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY A It 111. * TEESTOBE" ; I ST LANDSCAPINCI n N) R1D OND)S VIP. s RIEVONTITIONI N( 1,)1 lAAR DENS ENTY MEN EMPLOYED WITH PARADE AND PAPER BLIZZARDSOUITI!TOD[S[LlTHED ~ TWO SPANISH PLAYS Twohort plays, La Plancha, de 1a, tr i Marqueca. (The Mistike of the Mar 5 guise) and "El Milagro" (The Mir . ac), willy be presented by the So- f ciedad Hispanica on its annual ipro- > 4 The forrrrer is 'a farcial :satire on F p $ 4 zF! jthe new ly. rich of post-war Spain, 'f f r f Iwritten by Pedro Munoz Seca, one .of the most popular of contemporaryI 5 Y { F rSpanish playwrights. The role of the " 4 :,.. Marquise- will be played. by Marny . - ; :.;; " Vosper,'30, well-known in campus ,,I dramatic circles. 0E Milagro" is a modern comedy :hi~r~olioe . rf ^ « %;°written by Manuel Linares Divas, the' Who has been ele ;ted presiditnt of 4""xr>author of "La Garra" (The Claw), the Argentina rubcfoth c( e)oni~ which caused a great sensation when bieatog togtt e iot ' 4, {F it was presented in Spain recently. cal failure.E Bishop Makees Trip Alir To. Oration Contest 1 t '. '1 T to the win>ner of the contest is $100 Williaml (. ish,11 ,'2S,,,eal (I rof. aWard'ed !>y former ;governor Frank: James Mb. O'Neill of thl(,u)peecht de- O0. Lowd(en. A secomd prize of '$.-0 parttmntl fit Ann Ai'bo- late Tuesd(L i to the speaIke r finishing second. nilht for ineporsis w hereot theho Bishop earnied his right to makes the wil opee ;nihti te o hn trip lbyplcn first inl the Uiniver'sity Oraorcallegu cotet ratorical contest heel last Mar-ch. -n th~ee contfesti fshlopwill oppose 7iTU ' M G S A T , C.H I C .A G 0 0 IN G S A T s R(T) Ee 11 41i ,r,..'/ li prize which w f Vls F Jor Chilnese Gardlen Anil Sunken Pool Ar'omid New isenin Are Palindi Too Cosily Blecause two new University build- ings, the Museum and tI-be new Archi- tectural building must be landscaped, the number of shrubs and trees to be planted this spring by the uildings and Grounds department in their an- nual spring clean-up campaign is un- usually large this year, according to Ward A. Davenport, assistant super- intendent of the, Buildings and Gr'ounds department. In addition to the planting, an unusually large crew is engaged in reconditioning the cam- pus lawn and old flower beds. A crew of 20 men is now at work on the project in an attemipt to finish all landscaping worki in time for the various Senior cci omonies to be held in June and during the latter part of May. About half a dozen men will be retained for maintenance work throughout the summer and fall. Plans for beautifying the new Mu- seum and the Architecture building include the planting of a number of elms and red cedar trees, and the setting of a variety of shrubbery. In picking the shrubs, an attempt will be made to secure a number of plants which blossom at different sea- sons, in order that the lawns will be adorned with flowers throughout the greater part of the spring and sum- mer. It was intended to plant a Chinese garden, with terraces andj a sunken pool, in the grounds surrounding the museum, but this project has been deemed too expensive, according to ){,. C. Pardon,' superintendent of the buildings and grounds department. A few plants are to be placed out over the campus.. In addition, all FRESH FISH EVERY DAY Trout, lb........35c ;White Fish, lb.......30c Halibut Steak, lb. ...'.30c Walleye" Pike, lb. ....30c Perch, lb....... Herring, lb. .... Fillets, lb ..... Mullets, lb...... ..25C ..25c ..30c ..25c Free Delivery to All Parts of the City The Main Street Cash Grocery 215 North Main St. Phone 8111 Open Evenings, Sundays and Holidays New York gave the crew of the B~remen a typical wTelcomne when they showered them' with ticker tape and torn bits of paper. This picture shows 4 the paper blizzard which descended from the windows of the Woolworth building as the fliers approached the City hail, the end of a long parade in their honor. $3,000 Offered For 'History Rese arch L Gift of a fellowship of $1,000 a year for three years has been received by the Graduate school from an anony,- mous donor. To apply for the fellow- campus gardtens are being 'recondi- ship, a candidate must be a student tioned by the removal of a winterl of the Graduate school who is work- potection layer consisting of straw; ing for the Ph.D. degree in the Unii- and leaves and by respadling.I versit~y andl who is specialjzlug inI Finih'DI' uroptean PEconomic history. lBewol Finish enlou e lg 0ree .,ar"ch work in. this suhl)jeot dur- WingCOf Hospitail With. the installation. of a large number of shelves and drawers re- cently, the remodeling of one wing of fj fln lo flCCH the convalescent hospital has been complet~ed, it was announced yestert- SAT URD clay by Irving W. Truettuer, mainte- nance inspector of the buildings, and' Grounds department. B ed re The remlodeling, which was undler v rad Pe way duning the greater part of the dQ wili me r winter, has completely chianged the wing; of the building. Several parti- p i1 Y B tions have been moved, and mcI . other work has beens done. t TVOWSONf DELIV, ERS SPEE 'h At a mneeting of the Transportatin I '.a .'. ' . ..- ," oh]) ]P1( SA{ rom r4 Wes t ing the time of his fellowship. Because practically all the source material relating to the subject is in ; l Europe, the holder of the fellowship. will lie expected to spend much of his time there. Original investigations w$~ould be made into the source ma- terial obtainable at European librar- ies and universities. EApplications are being receivedl by the Jflean of the Graduate school un- til May 7. Diiscovery Night ON THE SCREEN TrODAY-FRI.-SAT. TODAY AND FRI. ONLY By Those She Trusted, She Became the Spite-Bride of a1 HUNCHBACK _ Ja. PRODUC J(TIONBetiuy °i'' Visut~lzed 1 "hYlei~ . ..Falcone A ttPEASANT PRINCESS Of humbile birth, She loved a nobleiai, and niether dremed of the dread infueace of t111, liuiiible, vengeful huncllhbac o their lives, Until-4 " ~with a ' as the hunchback, and Nils Athur, Seena Owen, Mal POLICY Mlat,, x;003:3 -35, lo Evenin 7:00-8:40,S60% 14e APPOINTM.,ENTS ________ I'arawu t Hal Roach Presents Loch. N ewsocl. Primitive MXAX DAVIDSON in Latest I Iloiisekeeiiig"BLOW BY BLOW Tica3s E COSMOPOLITAN OPENING NoWSAT. M11AY 10th _ ont of Opening kY, MAY5 yand Pastry mieat Ingredients KEY HOP 'I 707 Packard Street 14 .. 'IQI "I: 'rl. u T'nbineering buildling, E. T. Howson of Chiicavgo, western editor, of the "~Railroad Age," spoke on the subject1 ol: "Rlailroad Consolidation and its Effect on the Future." COATES TOGIVP SPEEh Speaking on "Stress Distribution in Archied Shells, With Especial Refer-7 enece to Dished Boiler Head's," W. M.f Coates will address the colloquium in applied mechanics this evening in R~oom 248 of West Engineering build- ing. Ann Arbor's Courteous Corivenietice-Service RIJIJON'S AND S UPP1LJE S for all makes of TYPEWRITERS, 1 rrn e> t n Q ( v r w For Evening. Frocks, and i R j i I Spring Dresses Raip!4 trnover, fresh stock bfates best qualty at a moderate price. Q. D. MORR ILL 17 Nicels Arcade, Phone 6615. itt.t..... tt...ti. t R 1; 00 0 ~O~ I'U1]'iig- &3:30. J40-).40. &S:.40( 10.50 S,[ AG EA LTRACTION Woodward. at Eio~t BONSTELLE PLAYHOUSE NIGHTS, 75c, $1.50. fll'Rt$. TUes, Thurs. and Sat., 69c, 76c R- gining Siimtiyl April 29 "COCK ROBRIN" LASS THEATRE IRe"; ininig Monday, April :30 "Iht . . $.00, $1.50,40, $2.54) Wed. a114d Sat. 3Mats. (Best Seats).... .....$1.5,0 Chajidwrlaiii Browmn Presents TAYLO4R HOLJM ES In a. Ri~otous Comedy The Great Necker ji J11 wi- , _Iw NORTON I i 6A4Song or Everyone" Mr. Clarence Senna Entertaining at the Piano EUGENE CONRAD MIS RUBY It is possible to have all your clothes kept spotlessly clean at all times. Energine does it-no odors-no greases. They come back bright and clean-and stay clean longer. And this superior cleaning service is available only at Swiss Cleaners. Company A.J . .. . _ SIY pert-Laf ve e I I® ~~7RI+P r. ESTHER RALSTON -NEIL HAMIL'TON III M1r. Meiii i's I'm iidogiie by I I III I I i