ESTABLISHED 1890, I Ar Ar -A-.Ah. t t *A MEMBER ASSOCIATEI PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 159. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1928. RDIGHT NAMES O ( NOMNEES FINALS OF SCHOOL e1 AM'LS -of HMIlNLLC TO BE RADIOCAS UICl FiclS Plans for a special May Festival radiocaston to be held Friday after- noon, May 11, were announced yes- hIterday by Waldo M. Abbot, of the ANNUNCDTB SM rhetoric department, who was pro- !gram n ager and annuncnr of MUSIC CONTEST T DURING FESTIVAL the School of Music during their stay KERN AND CRISTY ARE ONLY MEN NOMINATED FOR PIREf8I1DENCY. REGISTRATION TO CONTINUE Eight Seniors And Nine Junioxis Are Chosen As Nominees For Six Vacancies In Council Nominations for all offices of the Student council to be filled at the an- nual all-campus elections to be held next Wednesday were announced by CourtLand C. Smith, '28, president of this year's council, following the reg- ular weekly meeting. last night. Two men were nominated for the preai- dency of that body, eight for the three positions as senior councilmen, and ninefor the positions as junior coun- cilmen. Paul J. Kern, '29, and Harlan Cristy, '29, were nominated for the office of president for next year. Those chosen as nominees for the senior positions on the council are: Mark Andrews, '29, Durwin Algyer, '29, EugeneEast- erly, '29E, Paul Minsel, '29 Ray Wachter '29, Robert Warren, '29, David Wheeler, '29, and Jameson Wil- liams, '29E. Three of these men will be elected. Will Select. Three Juniors Those nominated for positions as junior councilmen are Robert Dickey, 30, William Edwards, '30, Ludwig I Emde, '30E, Donald Koch, '30 Willard Lowry '30, Jennings McBride, '30, Ernest Reif, 30, John Rice,r30, and Robert Short, '30. Three of these men, likewise, will be elected, each to serve a two year torm as councilman. Registration for the annual all- campus elections was statrted yester- day -at several points on the campus: and will continue through today. A large number-more than 2,000 stu-' dents-took advantage of the oppor- tunity to register yesterday and an equal or greater number is expected today. All names will be carefully checked before the final voting lists for the election next Wednesday will be compiled.' All Me Are Eligible All male students on the campus. are eligible to vote for the men who! are to 'serve on the Student council. The juniors elected to the body will serve for one year, and those elected as sophomores will serve for two years as members of the council. Further nominations for the junior and senior councilmen may be made by petition if the petitioners secure name's equivalent to 10 per cent of all students in all colleges in the Uni- versity before Saturday at noon, which is the latest time at which such peti- tions may be filed with Courtland C. Smith, president of the council. In no case can nominations for the presidential post be made by petition, since 'such procedure is precluded by the constitution of the council. I MILLER TO GIVE CAP NIGH T TALK1 Judge Guy Miller, '98, '00L, former captain of the baseball team and prominent in Detroit legal circles, will take the place of Judge William'Hest- on, '04L, as alumni speaker at the an- nual Cap night ceremonies to be held May 11, it was announced last night by the committee in charge at the regular weekly meeting of the Stu- dent council. Judge Heston, since his scheduling to appear a's alumni speaker, has been chosen as delegate to the University Triennial alumni dinner in Chicago, which will occur the same night Jo Chamberlin, '28,managingeditor of The Daily, will be the student speaker on the occasion, and the faculty Speaker will be announced in the near future, A report of the Spring games coni- mittee indicated that the preparations have been practically completed for the contests to be held Friday and Saturday. All members of honor so- cieties are requested to serve aS officials. The officials may secure their badge's and commissions at the side desk in the Union lobby at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon and 9 o'clock Saturday morning. The committee on registration fori the all-campus elections reported thati an exceptionally large number of stu- dents have registered during the first two days for the voting to take place next Wednesday. SIGMA DELTA CHIl ELECTS OFFICERS At a meeting held yesterday after- ; the 1927-28 Michigan Night radio- casts, just concluded. More than 4,000 high school students from throughout the state are expected to participate in the special May Festival program to be broadcast from Hill auditor- ium on that date. The students who will comprise the orchestral and choral organiza- tions to be represented at that time have been chosen in district contests held throughout the state to represent the various districts in the final con- tests -in connection with the Michigan State Music Contest for high schools during the May Festival. They will be the guests of the University and SMITH WINS DECISIVE VOTE IN__CALFORNIA Reed And Walsh Swamped By New York Governor in Presidential Primary Election REED HINTS PARTY BOLT (By Associated Press) SAN FRANCISCO, May 2. - A smashing victory by Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York in yesterday's Democratic presidential prim-ares ov- er Sen. James A. Reed, of Missouri, and Sen. Thomas J. Walsh, of Mon- tana, today brought claims from Smith's supporters of assured suc- cess at Houston. Varying explana- tions of the result ' care from the camps of the defeated candidates and one suggetsed a bolt from the party if Smith is nominated. Democratic voters of the state gave delegates pledged to the nomination of the New York executive more bal- lots than they recorded .for his two opponents combined. In 7,908 precincts out of the state's total of 8.753, the vote today stood: Smith, 130439; Reed, 56,651; Walsh, 44,956. Wilbur Legette, state campaign manager for Reed, made the sensa- tional suggestion of placing an inde-. pendent ticket in the field in the event Goveror Smith is nominated at Hous- ton in June. He telegraphed Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy under Prsi- dent Wilson, asking the former cab- inet member if he would make the race for the vice-presdeey on a ticket headed by Senator Reed or Sen. William E. Borah, of Idaho, Re- publican should either of the latter agree. "Majority votes in Southern Cali- against Smith showed that the best element of the Democratic party i not for Smih, Legett telegraphed Mr. Daniels. We do not believe Sou- thern Democracy will swallow Tam- n"any hall, do you?" California will send 30 delegates with 26 votes to Houston to vote for Smith. The fact that Reed was sec-. ond choice was an additional blows to the McAdoo forces who advocated the nomination of Walsh, a "dry ORATORICAL BODY PICKS NOMINEES 'Nominations have definitely been brought to a close for the offices of the Oratorical Board. R. M. Sander- son, '29, chairman of the nominating committee, announced yesterday Vhat the following men were candidates for president, Robert J. Gessner, '29, and Lyle E. Eisermann, '30L, Lawrence E. Walkley, '30, and Har- old W. Charter, '30L, will run for the vice-presidency, candidates for sec- retary are Dorothy Lyons, '29, and Margaret Arthur, '29, and the three running for treasurer are Lawrence Hartwig, '31, Jarl Andeer, '29, and John E. Webster, '30. Inasmuch as this list is final the nominating committee will accept no further petitions. DETROIT MEETING TO HEAR LITTLE President Clarence Cook Little will address a group of physical education delegates Friday afternoon at a ses- sion of the midwest physical edu- cation convention being held this week in Detroit. Other prominent educa- tors to be featured by talks include: President Charles P. McKenny of Michigan State Normal college, Frank Cody, superintendent of Detroit public schools, and Dr. Jessie F. Williams of in Ann Arbor. The musicians will play and sing in Yost Field house on Thursday af- ternoon, May 10, in a further elim- ination contest and on Friday after- noon, May 11, the winners in the vo- cal and instrumental events will make up a single orchestral unit of about 250 pieces and of about 150 which will give a concert in Hill auditor- ium to be broadcast by station WWJ, the Detroit News. Professor Abbot will be incharge of this radiocast. The slogan of the contest is, "Not to win a prize or defeat an opponent, but to pace each other on the road to excellence." The contest is plan- ned, according to Mr. Abbot, to cre- ate a greater appreciation of good music in the high schools of the state. The various state high schools are now rehearsing the same selec- tions in anticipation of the event. The concert to be broadcast by winners in the vocal and instrument- al contests is subject to revision af- ter the winning groups have been de- cided Thursday night, Professor Ab- bot said yesterday. The committee in charge may decide whether the set piece or choice number of the win- ning group shall be used upon the final program. The several directors will meet with Earl V. Moore, Direc- tor of the School of Music, and the judges of the three classes for a con- ference on the final of the program which will be announced later. FRENCH CLUB TO GIVE ANNUAL PLAY TONIGHT, Production of "Le Docteur Miracle" Has Been Directed Chiefly By 1 Prof. Rene Talamon BONELL HAS LEADING ROLE' The Cerle Francais, student' French society, will conclude its yearly program with the presenta- tion this evening of its 21st annual play, "Le Docteur Miracle," by Mes- srs. Francais de Croisset and Robert de Flers. It will take place at the Mimes Theatre at 8:15. The leading role will be taken by Samuel Bonell, '28Ed. He has been associated with Mimes, Comedy Club, and the Rockford players, and has taken part in several French pro- ductions. Others included in the cast are Thurston E. Thieme, '29, Thomas H. Reed, Jr., '30, Max Fruhauf, '29, and Miss Gertrude Crampton, '28ED, all of whom have taken part in former French productions, and Mlle. Lu-. cette Moulin, head of the Maison Francaise, who has been associatel with the Rockford players. In order to effectively supplement the facilities available at the Mimes theater, several items of equipment have been borrowed from the Uni- versity hospital, for use in the lab- oratory scenes. The work of producing the play has been carried on chiefly by Prof. Talamon, of the French department; and several others in the department have lent their aid from time to, time. Several of the instructors al- so take a small and amusing part in the actual performance. Tickets for tonight's performance which will be the only one given, may be obtained today at Wahr'si book store for 75 cents, or for 25 cents and an associate membership card of the Cercle. For the benefit of those who do not understand French sufficiently well to follow the course of the play, a detailed synop- sis of the plot will be printed on the program. COMMIT TEE ENDS SINCLAIR QUIZZING (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 2-The end of the trial of the liberty bond profits1 of the Continental Trading company of Canada wtis brought appreciably nearer today with the conclusion of the questioning of harry F. Sinclair by the Senate Teapot Dome commit- tee. Before he was accused after a (lay and a half on the stand, the much prosecuted lessee of the Teapot Dome naval oil reserve in Wyoming was di-, rected to furnish a copy of his letter tiansmitting to the Sinclair Crude Oil Purchasing company the $757,000 of profits he took out of the Continental transaction. In addition he is to supply the re- ceipt which he took from the company CONGRESS LAYS ASIDE LAWMAKING TO GREET THREE FOREIGN FLIERS G'ERMAN - IRISH AIR TRIO WHO CROSSED OCEAN GIVEN OVATION IN HOUSE FARM RELIEF DEFEATED Equalization Fee Provision Cut Out Of McNary-Haugen Bill; Legality Of Vote Is Defeated (By Associated Press) } WASHINGTON, May 2.-Congress laid aside today its crowding problems and its usual aloof dignity to pay homage to the gallantry of the Ger- man-Irish trio, first to span the At- lantic westward by air. It greeted them with the thunder of applause from floor to gallery; in the House with an added shout of fury, punctuated with a rebel yell or two, and in both Senate and House with a friendly handclasp, to proclaim American admiration for the daring that brought this group of voyagers of the air lanes with their message of good will from friendly people across the seas. Move Is Discussed And had they . but known it, the three smiling, bewildered heroes of the moment came into the House chambers at a historic moment. By a vote of 141 to 120 a parliamenary situation had been created in which1 the House itself did not know whether it had cut the equalization fees, the heart of the long controversy, out of the McNary-Haugen farm relief bill. What to do about it had not been de- cided when it recessed to greet the air heroes. When that was over an ad- journment was taken to give time for deeper study. WASHINGTON, May 2. - The House by a vote of 141 to 120 today expressed its disapproval of the equal- ization fee provision of the MNary- Haugen farm relief bill and then en- gaged in its most heated parliament- ary dispute in years as to just what it had voted on. The reception of the fee principl came as a complete surprise and im- mediataly .threw the chamier into tumult and confusion with a half a dozen members on their feet trying to obtain recognition. Aswell Moves Vote The vote had been un a motion by Representative A'swell - of Louisiana, ranking Democrat on the House agri- culture committee, which drafted the bill, to strike out the first section of the measure that proposes a state- ment of policy in the control of agri- cultural surplus. He offered as a substitute a new bill, which he said was identical to the Mc- Nary-Haugen measure except that all references to the fee had been omitted. He added that if his motion carried he proposed to move the substitution of his bill by section for replacing the other measure. Aswell carried his motion on the ensuing vote. He then started another motion to eliminate the second section of the McNary - Haugen bill and substitute the second section of his new measure. Canon Takes Floor Immediately however Representa- tive Canon Democrat, Missouri, who served as parliamentarian of the House under Speaker Champ Clark, took the floor nd contended that the House by its vote had substitued all of Aswell's bill for the MNary-Haugen bill and that the equalization fee had thereby'been killed. Then the fight was on, a number of the members supporting Canon's view; other opposed with vigor, and more had different opinions as to what had taken place. After two hours of discussion, dur-~ ing which the presiding officer, Repre- sentativo Mapes, Republican, Mich- igan, nearly wore out his gavel pound- ing for order. The House apparently was no nearer :a decision than when it started. It then deferred settle- ment of the quesion until tomorrow,. and adjourned. I It was conceded, however, that the I vote constituted the first defea for McNary-Haugen farm bloc in Congress for two years, but whether the victory will prove to be only temporary re- imained undecided. FRESHMAN SPRINGt ELECTED AT M In a clo-se race for the Freshman captaincy of the-annual Spring games, William W. Jamison, '31, was elected to lead his class in the traditional en- counter to be held Friday and Satur- day. The election took place at the close of a pep meeting held at 7:30 o'clock last night in the Assembly hall of the Union. Carl G. Brandt, of the public speaking department was the principal speaker of the se'ssion. He urged the members of the class of '31. to cooperate, both among themselves and with the officials of the games. "The most valuable thing about the games," he said, "i's the fact that it is the beginning of your activities on the campus. Participation in these annual contests wll lead up to partici- pation in something bigger during the four years in school." William E. Nissen, '29, chairman of the Union reception committee, spoke STAFF APPOINTMENTS. FOR DAILYANNOUNCED, Senior And Junior Officers Are Filled By New Managing Editor PLAN NEW BOOKS COLUMN Complete appointments to the up- per staff of The Daily were made following a meeting of the staff of this publication ysterday afternoon, by Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, managing editor for next year. The new mem-° bers of the staff will assume their duties at once. Except for the naming of Paul J. Kern, '29, as editor for next year, the complete. list was announced for the first time. Juniors who received positions a's iseniq'r staff members are: Nelson J. Smith, '29, city edi- tor, Richard Kurvink, '29, news edi- tor, Sylvia Stone, '29, woman's edi- tor, J. Stewart Hooker, '29, managing editor of The Weekly, Morris Quinn, '29, sports editor, Clarence Edelson. '29 rolls editor and night editor, and Harold May, '29, Music and Drama editor. Appointments to the other night editiorships are as follows: George Tilley, '30, George Simons, '30, Jos- eph Howell, '30, James Freeman, '30, Charles Monroe, '30, Pierce Rosen- berg, '30, and Donald Kline, '30. Law- rence Klein, '30, was named as as- sistant city editor. Three members of the class of 1931 will be chosen for assistants to the news editor but in other respects the list is complete. There is only one change of policy being made this year. The column which has ap- peared this year under the heading "Theater, Books, and Music," will. become the "Music and Drama" col- umn as it was a year ago and Smith will take over the editorship of a new Books column which will ap- pear on pages two or three of The Daily in the near future. New plans are being contemplated for The Michigan Weekly which had completed its first year. Nothing de- finite has ben decided as yet but the new editor, Hooker, will take up plans at once which will make for an even more successful weekly. FORDS SAIL HOME ABOARD MAJESTIC (By Associated Press) SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., May 2.- Registered on the passenger list of the liner Majestic as "Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson," the names under which they came to England several years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford were 'sailing back to the United States today. The Fords boarded the Majestic in secret last night, after a rather quiet- vacation in England, during which Mr. Ford made his first public speech. Yesterday the Fords made an au- tomobile trip to Beaulien, scene of a famous abbey. On the way, their driver lost his way in the woods and they had to travel nearly 40 mile's to reach their destination, which was only 20 miles away. At Beulieu, they took tea at the hotel. in the English fashion, and bought the same souvenir post cards. that most tourists do. . Mr. Ford made no statement con- cerning a rumor to the effect that he was to establish a giant factory in England for the manufacture of air- planes. PLAN TO SET UP BANDSTAND SOON Announcement was made yesterday by university band officials that a GAMES CAPTAIN EETING LAST NIGHT to the Freshmen about the program planned for Father's week on May 11, 12, and 13. Ju'stin C. Weaver, '29, pre- sided over the meeting. Russell D. Sauer, '30L, who is chair- man of the Spring games committee of the student. council, outlined plans and rules for the contests. The Tug- 'o-War will be held Friday afternoon shortly after 3:30 o'clock. There will be two tugs between picked teams of 50 men each and a free-for-all tug fol- lowing. Saturday morning the re- maining events of the program, the cane spree, obstacle race, and rope- tying contest will be run off on South Ferry field. Comparatively few members of the freshman cl-ass turned out for the meeting, but the gathering was an en- thusiastic one. Yells were led by vol- unteers from the assemblage and the Varsity band furnished music for the program. Members of the sophomore class will gather at 4:15 o'clock today in Natural science auditorium to elect their captain for the games. The class of '30 faces an opportunity to main- tain its record of straight wins hav- ing won both the Spring and Fall games -as freshmenand defeated the present freshman class in the first contest this year. CASHIER TELLS STORY OF LA LUZ EXPLOSION 29 Cases Of Dynamite Used By Rebels Under Sandino To Completely Destroy Mine ONE MAN MADE PRISGNER (By Associated Press) BLUEFIELD, Nic., May 2-So great, was the explosion which destroyed the La Luz mine in the Prinzapolka dis- trict a few days ago that trees more than a mile away were uprooted and fell, according to the story told here by the cashier at the mines, a Mr. Brown. Having seen the rebels ap- proaching, Brown had hidden in the bush to await their departure when the terrific blast which destroyed the works occurred. Assistant manager Johnson of the mine in telling of the explosion said that all 29 cases of dynamite kept there had been used for the blast, which destroyed the machinery, the mine mills, mine house and offices. Parts of the machinery were fond as far) as 300 yards away, he said. According to Johnson, George E. Marshall, another assistant manager at the mine, and a New Yorker, was taken prisoner by the rebels at Gen. Agustino Sandino's order and sent to the rebe leader's headquarters, sup- posedly somewhere to the north. What has happened 'to him there is not known. The Bonanza mine, to the north, also was blown up, but the damage there was not so extensive and John- son said it was believed operations could be resumed if there were no further disturbances within three weeks. The manager of the mine, Jerry T. Amphlett, had started back to the Prinzapolka district with a marine de- tachment following the rebels under Gen. Giron who raided the mine on April 12 when he met Johnson and others from the mine. He was told by them what had occurred. MEDICAL SOCIETY TO PRESENT PLAY Secret practices for the four act production given by members of Ga- lens, medical honor society, are be- ing held in preparation for the an- nual All-Medic smoker to be given Tuesday night, May 8, at the Mimes Theater and the Union. This will be the only All-Medic event of the year and is sponsored by Galens. The program will include, beside the feature production, several acts of vaudeville and music by Bud Gold- en's orchestra. This year's enter- tainm-ent is said to be the largest of its kind ever attempted by the or- ganizrion. It will be arranged to pleasurize the daily events at the University hospital and to burlesque the prominent people in the Medical school. Following the program at the thea- ter, the affair will be continued in the Assembly Hall of the, Union. This portion of the entertainment as well as that which wil be held at Mimes is being kept secret by those in charge. A limited number of tickets are being sold in the classes of the Med- ical School. The advance sale is pro- gressing rapidly and a complete sell- ] out is expected by the end of the REGISTRATION PERI1 BOOTHS WILL BE SITUATED SAME LOCATIONS AS YESTERDAY TO ,BEGIN AT 9 O'CLO Medical Students Will Be Allowed Register Names During The Class Sessions Following yesterday's exceedit heavy registration for the all-cam election next Wednesday, the bo will be held open foR another da order that everyone may have opportunity of registering in ti There will be no extension of time any circumstance, it -was announ' The booths, according to Hai Grnnel, '28, chairman of the Stu Council committee in charge of registering and election, will be a Fted in the same places about campus as they were yesterday. The booths will be found in fron the library, at the engineers' arch the law club, at the University ho tal, and at the dental college. All booths except those at the hosp and at the School of Dentistry 1 be open from 9 o'clock in the morn until 4. The two exceptions will o at 1 o'clock and close at 4. Medic students will be given an portunity to register in lap secth where cards will be passed out. Today will be absolutely the i opportunity for any wishing to v in Wednesday's election to regis It is urigently requested by the c mittee in charge and by th en Student Council that every person the campus make himself eligible vote by registering. Any undergra ate, man or woman, is competent register and vote. WHERE TO REGISTER Students in the College of Lit erature, Science, and the Art should register if possible i front of the library. Engineering students may reg ister at the booth in the Engi j neers' arch.- I Law students register at tf Law school. Medical students may registe- in their laboratory sections. Students in the School 9f Den tistry will register in the boot) at the Dental school. In accordance with past custon strict check will be maintained c the names registered and those E scribed on the class rolls. The istration carts has been cut in a and every device possible has b employed in order to save time filling it out. The present registration is be conducted for voting for oflicer the Student Council, the Orator association, the 'Board in Control Athletics, the' Union, the Stu Christian association, andfor var class officers. With the publication of Tues May 8, The Daily will publish special section on the election, ,' the pictares of all presidential ca- dates for thevarious offices. Because of the profundity of off to be filled this year, it is prophel by the committee in charge that usually heavy registration and su quent voting will take place. OPEN ROAD TOUI LACKS FOUR M) Four' moire members will be'selec- by the group of Michigan men S will take the Open Road tour of p ope this summer under the diree of Oakley C. Johnson, of the rhet department. This group, which sail June 30 from New York, is ing selected from those students have especial interests in the fi of art, literature, and the theater The itinerary includes what known as a "city tour," stopping oral days each in Berlin, Dres ( V:enna, Munnich, Geneva, Paris London. It sails for home Augus from Queenstown, Ireland. The en Road society stresses an idea "student hospitality," and the gi oz Michigan men 'will be guided each foreign country by Engl speaking students of that country HONOR INITIATE TO HEAR SLOSS( Initiation of the newly elected m bers. of Phi Beta Kappa will place at 4:15 this afternoon in r, SENIOR CAPS AND GOWNS, In order to have their caps and gowns for Swing-out next Tues- day, all seniors who have not yet purchased their costumes must arrange to do so today at Van Boven and Company in Nickels Arcade. Caps and gowns for all 'seniors .._._. ,' I tl i I