k. .
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p.m. (11:30 a~m., Saturday.)
University Girls' Glee Club:
The party which was to be given today in honor of the Freshman Girls'
G ee Club has been unavoidably postponed until a week from today.
Dielma Loyer.
Vnume 8.
Number 158.
Fa-^ulty School of Education:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education on
Monday, May 7, at 4:15 o'clock, Room 109 Tappan Hall. The special order
relating to policies will be taken up.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
Public Lecture:
The School of Education is pleased to announce that Dr. Petersen, Di-
rector of Teacher Training in Jena University, Germany, will give a public
lecture Friday, May 4, at 4:05 o'clock in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dr.
Petersen's t:pic is "Educational Tendencies in Modern Europe." The public
is cordially invited.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary.
Business Administration Lecture:
Professor Howard C. Greer of Ohio State University, at present with the
Institute of American Meat Packers, will speak on 'Analyzing Distribution
Costs," at 3 o'clock, Wednesday, May 2, in Room 101, Economic's Building.
The public is invited. (Note change in time from the usual Business Admin-
istration lecture hour.)
C. E. Griffin.
Moving Pictures of Industry:
The Schoot of Business Administration will not present the program of
moving pictures on May 2, at 4:15 o'clock, as was announced tentatively last
week. It is likely that this program will be given on May 9, at the same time.
Persons interested 'should watch for a notice in these columns on ,May 8.
Carl N. Schmalz.
Graduate Students:
Graduate students who expect to receive a degree in June should pay the
diploma fee of $1.0 by May 24. Blanks for this purpose should be secured at
the office of the Graduate School.
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder.
Graduate Students (Fellowship in European Economic History):
The Graduate School has received a gift of a fellowship of pne thousand
dollars ($1,000) a year for three years from an anonymous donor. The fellow-
ship is Cpen to graduate students working for the Ph.D. degree in the Uni-
versity who wish to do research in.European Economic History. The holder
will be expected to 'spend most of the tenure of the fellowship in .Europe.
Applications will be received by the Dean of the Graduate School until May
G. Carl Huber.
Senior Mechanleal, Electrical, and Civil Engineers:
Mr. H. D. Herron of Chicago, representing the International Harvester
Company, will be in Room 221 West Engineering Building on Thursday, May
3, for the purpose of interviewing those interested in positions with this
I. C. Anderson.
June Seniors-School of Education:
All Diploma and. Teacher"s Certificate fees must have been paid before 4
p.m., May 24, and the receipts returned immediately to the Recorder, School
of Education, if candidates expect to be recommended for degrees in June.
Blanks for this purpose may be secured at the office of the School of Edu-
I Lnlrsity of 3iichigan 'Varsity Band:
Rehearsal tonight at the Band Hall. All men must be at the Band Hall
by 7:15 o'clock sharp as the Band leaves immediately to play a short con-
cert at the Union. Don't forget written excu-ses if you have to be absent.
Gilbert B. Satonstall, Assistant Manager.
IPhilip Culkin In Graduation Recital:
Philip Culkin, baritone, will give the following program in graduation
recital at the University School of Music, Thursday evening, May 3, at 8
o'clock. He will be assisted by Margaret Stewart piano. The general public
is invited.
Alessandro Scarlatti: o Ces'sate di Piagarmi; Antonio Caldara: Sebben,
crudele; Giovanni Legreni: Che Fiero Costume: R. Schumann: Der Arme
Peter; Henri Duparc: Chanson Triste; E. Paladilhe: Psyche; Paul Vidal:
Ariette: Schumann: Traumeswirren; Eastwood Lane: Gringo Tango; Mosk-
owski: Air de Ballet; Otterstrom: Trabel On (From American Negro Suite)
Margaret Stewart; Tschaikowsky: Pilgrim's Song: Schubert: Wohin, Der
Neugierige, Rastlose Liebe. Donna Esselstyn, accompanist.
Charles A. Sink.
Phi Beta Kappa Initiation:
The Annual Initiation of the Alpha Chapter of Michigan will be held in
Room 1035 Angell Hall on Thursday, May 3, at 4:15 p.m. All Initiates are ex-
pected to be present and will be given their tickets to the Initiation Banquet
at this time.
P. F. Weatheril, Secretary.
Railroad Consolidation:
Mr. E. T. Howson, of Chicago, who is Western Editor of the Railroad
Age and a national authority on railroad economic questions, will 'speak
tonight, May 2, at 8 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering, on the
subject of "Railroad Consolidation and its Effect on the Future." The Trans-
portation Club cordially invites the public to be present.
P. M. Shoemaker.
Colloquium in Applied Mechanles:
The next meeting is on 'Thursday, May 3, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 248,
West Engineering Building. Mr. W. M. Coates will speak on "The Stress
Distribution in Arched Shells, with especial reference to Dished Boiler
W. I. Coates.
Soc edad Hispanilea:
The last meeting of the Sociedad Hlispanica for thi's year will be held to-
day, Wednesday, at 7:30 o'clock in Room 1035 A. H. Miss Kat-breen Scudder
will give a talk on Lope de Vega, to which all students are invited. A busi-
ness meeting will follow for the election of officers for next year. This will
take the place of the lecture announced for Thursday. New and old members
are urged to be present
Chas. S. Saubach, President.
Landscape Club:
There will be a meeting of the Landscape Club at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday,
May 2, 1928, in Room 401 South Wing. Everyone is requested to be present.
W. I. Gray, President.
Radio Club:
There will be a meeting of the University Radio plub in Room 304
Union tonight. Captain N. L. Baldwin, Sig. C. U.S. Armhy, will speak on
Antenna Systems.
WaLter Nelson.
Web and Flange:
There will be an important meeting at the Union Wedne'sday, May 2,
7:15 p.m.
Wm. R. McCnochie, Secretary.
Phi Eta Sigma.:
All members who have not yet received their memberships certificate
will please call for them on Wednesday or Thursday, May 2 and 3, in the
Dean's offige in University Hall.
Douglas L. Edwards, Secretary and Treasurer.
There will be a brief staff meeting in the Library at 7:15 o'clock tonight.
Jean A. Glinan
Michiganensian :
There will be a meeting of the entire Business Staff of tho Michiganensian
Wednesday, May 2, at 4 p.m.
C. Wayne Brownell, Business Manager.
Michigan Opera:
Registration for the Opera will continue through Wednesday and Thurs-
day of this week. Anyone wishing to enroll for cast, committee or chorus
work please report at the Mimes Theater between 3 and 5:30 p.m.
D. 1). Walper, General Chairman..
Sigma Delta Chi:
There will be an important meeting of all members at 3:15 o'clock today
in Press building. A complete attendance is necessary.
K. G. Padrick, President.
Alex Dow Explains Differences
Professional Ethics Of The
Present Day
"The difference between business
and personal ethics," Alex Dow, presi-
dent of the Detroit-Edison company in
lecturing here yesterday, explained,
"is that in. business, each concept is
a group concept arrived at by com-
promise and accepted by experience."
For examples, he cited the buying of
land for the purpose of speculation;
which is considered ethical; and the
modern clothing salesman who con-
scientiously advises the small town
merchant, and lets the big store buys
er do his own worrying. "If the sales-
man sells the big buyer a few more
suits than he needs," said Dow, "he
can chuckle to himself and yet not
be considered unethical."
Explaining what he meant by im-
provement in business ethics, Dow'
brought to mind the modern treatment
of bankruptcy cases. In the old days,
he reminded his audience, a man who
filed a petition for bankruptcy was
considered a criminal, and was us-
ually thrown into jail. Nowadays, if
no intention of fraud, is apparent, the
man is given another chance. and
nine times out of ten he gets back
on his feet and pays his creditors.
"It all contributes to the sum total
of human happiness," Dow conclud-
ed, "which, after, all, is something we
should all strive for. My rule of life
fol many years has been so to live
that I shall not subtract from that
sum total.
"Accept business ethics as you find
them and try to live up to their stan-
dard. As for personal ethics, live up
to them, too, but don't make a nuis-
ance of yourself by thrusting them up-
on others."
Joseph Kurcz, '29M, was elected
president of the Polonia Literary So-
ciety, at the annual election held re-
cently, to succeed the retiring presi-
dent Cecilia D. Wells, grad.
The other officers elected were vice-
president, Charles Zamiara, '29L;
treasurer, Alex A. Bochnowski, '29;
secretary, J. E. Arsulowicz. '30. Stan-
islaus Chijuacki, '28, Zamiara and
Mrs. Wells were elected trustees of
the society for the coming year.
At a recent conference in Boston,
industrial leaders advised college sen-
iors to satisfy many business needs
by making an adventure of their jobs
in the business world, as- they would
in college.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Teachers' Certificates:
Blanks for the payment of the Teachers' Certificate. fee may be secured
at the office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be
rec~.mmended for the Teacher's Certificate in June must pay their fee before
4 p..n., May 24, and return the receipt immediately to the Recorder, School
of Education, 105 Tappan Hall.
Gretchen Krug, Recorder.
Senior Employment:
Mr. Lateer of the John Hancock Insurance Company will interview
seniors interested in Life insurance work in the State of Michigan, on Thurs-
day, May 3. Call at Room 201 Mason Hall for appointment.
W. E. Parker.
Employment for Seniors:
All seniors who wish assistance in obtaining permanent full time work
after graduation should register in the office of the Committee on Vocational
Counsel and Placement, 201 Mason Hall. Call for registration forms and re-
turn them i ith a photograph or snapshot before May 3.
'W. E. Parker.
History 128:
I shall be unable to meet this class on Wednesday, May 2.
A. E. R. Boak. 5
Economics 11-(Conibinat ion and Trusts):
The class will not meet Wednesday, May 2. The examination announced
for Friday will be postponed until next week. Assignment for the current
week has been posted on the Economics bulletin board.
H. L. Caverly.
Spanish Plays:
The cast of La Plancha de la Marque'sa will rehearse in 302 South Wing
on Wednesday, May 2, at 5 p.m., and on Friday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. All
members please be present at these rehearsals.I
Charles N. Staubach.
French. Play:
The Annual French Play: "Le Docteur Miracle," by Francis de Croisset
and Robert de Flers will be presented by members of the Cercle Francais at
the Mimes Theater, Thursday, May 3, at 8:15 o'clock.
Tickets on sale Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Wahr's bookstore
for 75 cents. Cercle membership tickets will be accepted as 50 cents towards
the purchase price of a seat.
Irene Talamon. E
Due to the fact that many fires become uncontrollable because they are so
far from habitation, the federal forest service has added 275 guards and
watchmen. This was made possible through a' projected increase in the
forestry 'service fund. A sum of $276,000 will allow for extra equipment and
more adequate training of the fire-fighters.
News From Other Colleges }
ABOLISH COMBINETD CURRICULA ic and close friend of Tunney, he ad-
A'T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA dressed over five hundred students in
one of Professor Phelps' classes on
Abolishment of the combined curri-
cula in Letters and Law was th-e PRINCETON ST1DENTS DIRECT
principal accomplishment at a recent STYLES ACCORDING TO SURVEY
meeting of the Board of Governors
of the University. Either the A.B. or PRINCETON.-Students here set the,
B.S. degree is now required for en- pace for the rest of the college world
trance to the Law school raising the in styles and are the }est dressed
number of years of study to seven. up of undergraduates in the coun-
try according to a survey recently
COLUIBIA DiEAN TO INCLUDE ;conducted by a men's wear magazine.
'SNAP COURSES' IN PRIOGRAM I A greater percentage of Princeton
students pay $75 and upwards for a
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY.-Accord- suit than in any other college. The
ing to a recent 'statement by Dean ordinary college student is said to
Herbert W. Hawks, "snap courses" pay between $35 'and $45 for his suit.
are soon to be a regular part of the At Princeton the average student
curriculum here. Dean Hawks be- owns over five suits and two over-
lieves that there are many students coats and spends over four hundred
who gain more from merely sitting in dollars annually for clothing, which
on an interesting but easy course exceeds Yale's average by $8f.
than they do from intensive work on
a difficult course. 0H10 STATE DEVISES NEW
Again Ready to Serve You!
Claude Brown
Is in business again at 115 E.
Ann St. in The Store with the
Red Front.
Phone' Calls Given Prompt
ney, world's heavyweight boxing
champion, was accorded a rousing re-
ception on his recent visit here. At
the invitation of Professor William
OHIO STATE.-A new election sys-
te ihas been established here in an
endeavor to eliminate corruption.
Each class of each schol and collegeE
in the university elects its class presi-
dent, and these presidents-44 in all-
elect the other class officers for the
Student leaders will gather at Labe
Geneva, Wisconsin, on June 12, for
the annual conference held by the stu-
dent division of the National council
of the Young Men's Christian associa-
tion, located at Chicago. This is an
intercollegiate event, and this year
will include more than one hundred
colleges and universities in the middle
west. The conference will last nine
days, and the delegates will be ac-
commodated in camp fashion,
The Geneva conference aims to give
men who are working at interesting'
activities on the campus an oppor-
tunity to examine, evaluate and re-
shape these activities from the point
of view of what is most meaningful,
creative and Christian.
It aims to make available resources
in leadership, experience and mater-
ials which will aid in the search for
better ways of meeting student life-
'situations, in order that practice may
become different on the campus and
that growth in. personality may come,
to those who participate. And finally,
it aims, to show how campus life is
related to the larger world situation
and to point out the way in which
solutions of present campus problems
can make .a contribution to the solu-
tion of similar problems in contem-
porary life.
Homer Grafton, secretary of the
Student Christian as'sociation, who is
handling the registrations in Ann
Arbor for the conference, and .who
will be present himself, has an-
nounced that there are to be many
of thecountries finestthinkers pres-
ent, among them such men. as Sher-
wood Eddy, Bruce Curry, Charles W.
Gilkey and A. J. "Dad" Elliot.
Railroad companies have given re-
duced rates to and from the confer-
ence, and there are all forms of sum-
mer sports on the camp grounds for
the entertainment of the delegates.
Anyone interested in attending this
conference should call Lane hall for
a reservation.
Lyon Phelps, the famous literary crit- whole university.
i ii
Our Stock Is Complete
Sophomore Lit's:
Today is the last day for the collection of dues.
and see us. The table is located in University Hall.
Plea'se come around
Alan J. Bovard.
University Club:
The annual meeting will occur on the last Club Night of the year, Fri-
day, May 4. Officers are elected at this meeting. Professor A. L. Dunham
and Doctor Robert Mark Wenley are on the program.
Program Committee.
!.N ' cl
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Merry Novelty Numbers-Delightful Dance Music by
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