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May 02, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-02

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L i A






Internal Relations.Of Life Should Be
Adapted To External Changes,
Educator Emphasizes
Stressing the necessity of both "bal-
last and sail" in types of citizens, the
need for open mindedness accompan-
ied by definite convictions, and recog-
nition of leadership rather than mere-
ly the effort to develop it, President
Ernest M. Hopkins of Dartmouth col-
lege addressed the fifth annual Honors
Convocation yesterday morning.
More thal 300 designated honor
students, largely from this year's sen-
ior class, occupied the section in the
front of the auditorium reserved for
them, wearing academic caps and
gowns, and more than 2000 others at-
tended the session. A selection by the
University Glee club and the singing
of "The Yellow and Blue" featured
the convocation.
Emphasizes Internal Relations
Internal relations of life, President
Hopkins emphasized, must be adapted
to changing external relations. It is
a most valuable part of the function
of the "amateur scholar" the educat-
ed citizen, to study these relations and
appreciate their development.
In order to allow for the training of
a type of individual capable of realiz-
ing these necessities, he said, the
ideal college should involve largely
leisure time, besides the rush of stud-
ies and activities.
Americans tend to urge activity, he
said, thus over-estimating the value
of motive forces. He likened thef
course of human life to that of a ship,.
pointing out that while without sails
there can be no motion, without bal-]
last there can be no balance. In life,
it is necessary to have two classes1
of effort and opinion, that. which is
active, and that which stabilizes.
Two Elenethts of Value
The two elements were estimated1
of equal value, and said to be mutuallyf
essential. To have progress there must
be definite opinions, avoiding the com-
placent equanimity which results
from over-emphasized open-minded-'
The nation, President Hopkins ex-]
plained, does not appear to be lacking
in leadeship. The development of1
qualities of leadership is so stressed'
in popular discussion of education that]
he fears that the importance of the
recognition of leadership when it ex-'
lists. The factors of operation must
not be given too much power, but
must be inter-act with the actors of '
In discussing more in detail the
various problems of scholarship, Pres-
ident Hopkins pointed out that the
social sciences have an additional
complication to those of the practical)
poences, in that while in the latter thel
problems can be seen and locatedi
clearly, in the founer the questions
are obscured, and require painstaking
labor ti be ascertained.]
(By Associated Press)e
NEW YORK, May 1-New York
brought to an end its formal welcome
to the three men who flew the At-
lantic from east to west in the Be-
men with a banquet tonight at which

representatives of Germany, Ireland,
and New York state paid tribute to
their daring and skill.
In the ballroom of the Hotel Com-
modore, decorated with more than 250 ,
American, German and Irish flags,
with a metal miniature of the Bremen
suspended from a chandelier in the
center, those foritunate enough to ob-
tain places gathered for the dinner.
Three other large rooms were re-
quired to care for all of the morel
than 4000 diners.
Mayor James J. Walker, as toast-
master, introduced the speakers,
Dr. Frpderick W. Prittwitz,
German ambassador, S. A. Smitty,
minister-potentiary of the Irish free
state, Maj.-Gen. William M. Haskell,
representing Governor Smith, and
John D. O'Brien, president of the So-
ciety of the Friendly Sons of St. Pa-
trick. The addresses were broadcast
by the National Broadcasting company
and associated stations.

(By Associated Press)
balloting in southern California where
nine counties have 52 per -cent of the
total registration of the state, and a
light vote in the northern part of the
state, was reported in today's presi-
dential primary.
With Herbert Hoover unopposed for
the 29 delegates to the Republican
national convention from hi's home
state, interest centered in the three
cornered race between Gov. Alfred E.
Smith, of New York, Senator Thomas
J. Walsh, of Montana, and Sen. James
A. Reed, of Missouri, for the votes ofs
465,000 registered Democrats, approx-
imately one-fourth of the states's reg-
The outcome of the contest for con-
trol of the 26 California votes that
will be cast at the Houston conven-
,tion, state political leaders predicted,
might be the determining factor in the
selection of the Democratic presi-
dential nominee.
L o s Angeles county, admitted
stronghold of William C. McAdoo
forces supported Walsh, reported'
heavy balloting, with a prediction of,
one of the large'st vote records for
several years.
WilliamE. Nissen, John Ruswinckel
And C. Ford Schott Selected
To Run For President1
Complete action of the Union com-
mittee nominating candidates for nextJ
year's student offices was announced'
yesterday following a meeting of that
committee held at the Union. William<
E. Nissen, '29, John W. Ruswinckel,<
'29, and C. Fond Schott, '29, are thet
names which will appear on the bal- I
lot for the presidency of the organi-
zation. Schott was nominated by pe-
The students picked .to run for re-
cording secretary of the Union are:1
Kenneth C. Schafer, '29, and William
F. Spencer, '29. All the candidates for
this office and for the presidency haver
been connected with the Union ate
some time' during the past few years. t
Nominations for the various vice-1
presidents who will be voted upon ati
the annual spring election are as fol-i
lows: Literary college, Ralph E. Popp,f
'29, Charles L. Whyte, '29, Paul E.r
'ft~oi 1a nri Riharl . U~m_'




Inquiries On Soft Coal Industry Of
Ohio Valley Are Finally
Concluded In House
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 1.-Death a-
gain turned aside plans of congres-
sional leaders today, word of the
aeroplane accident in which Repre-
sentative Sweet, of New York, lost
his life, causing the House to adjourn
without completing general debate on
the farm relief bill. The Senate ad-
journed out of respect to the memory
of the dead legislator, the sixth mem-
ber of the 70th Congress to die since
In the Senate, however, Smoot, of
Utah, held the floor for another two
hours and more to complete his op-
position to the Boulder Dam bill. The
end is not yet in sight for the Sen-
ate's fight over Boulder Dam. 'Ifomor-
row, however, the rules committee of
the House will take up the question
of providing legislative right-of-way
in that body for the huge rver regu-
lation project.
When the unexpected House ad-
journment was taken during the farm
relief debate, the time alloted for
speech making on the subject was al-
most exhausted. To prevent further
interruption and bring the voting
date forward tomorrow the Republi-
can management attempted unsuc-
cessfully to defer routing, and con-
tinue as soon as the House meets at
noon. The outlook was indefinite,
however, as to when the first amend-
ment would be dealt with.
Plan For Investigation
A new investigation that may
prove important in the 1928 campaign
will have its preliminary tomorrow
when Chairman Stewer, of Oregon,
named today by Vice-president Daw-
es, called together for the first time
the special committee create l to ex-
plore expenditures by and for presi-
dential candidates. Thus each can-'
didacy will come under quiz and
from what angle will be for the com-
mittee to decide.

The few remaining tickets for the
annual Senior Ball will be sold to the
members of all senior classes at the
main desk in the Union during all
hours that the building is open. The
booth formerly placed in University
hall for the purposes of this sale has
been removed. Contrary to a prev-
ious announcement the tickets will
sell for $5.50 and not $5.
The Union ballroom will be the
scene of the ance, which is to be
held Friday, May 18. According to
James Hughey, '28, general chairman
of the affair, the event will be a suc-
fessful one for the class as a large
portion of the tickets have already
been disposed of. Music will be fur-
nished by Frankie Quartell's record-
ing orchestra.
Favors for the ball have been or
dered for some time and will probably
be distributedthis week to all ticket
holders by the committee in charge.
Say S Announced By Committee For
First Annual Appearance
In Caps And Gowns
Swing-out, the first appearance of
all the senior's in their caps and
gowns, and the opening of graduation
activities for the whole class, will be
held next Tuesday afternoon. After
marching around the campus walks,
the classes from all the various
schools will a'ssemble at Hill audi-
torium for swing-out exercises.
John T. Snodgra'ss, '28, chairman of
swing-out committee, announced yes-
terday that Dean Henry Bates, of the
Law school, would be the principal
speaker on the program, and that the
Reverend Henry Lewis would give
the invocation.
The,proces'sion is to be led by the;
Varsity band, immediately followed by,
Robert Leland, president of the senior
literary class, and Courtland C.
Smith, president of the student coun-;
cil. It will be a two column pro-
The graduates of the various
schools and colleges will form in the
following order, and wear the tassel
of the specified color: literary stu-
dents, black tassels; engineering,
orange; architecture, orange and red;
medical, green; law, purple; dental,
lilac; pharmacy, olive; grad., light
blue; nursing, green and white; and
business administration students will
wear drab tassels.
The line of march, will in general,
follow the plan of former years. Form-1
ing in front of the Library, the seniors3
will go to University hall, then to the
Law building, and to Hill auditoriuml
for the exercises. After this they'
will make a general circle of thec
campus, the details of which will be
announced during the week. It is
urged that all seniors follow the -cus-
tom of wearing their caps and gownsI
each Wednesday on campus. The lo-
cation of the placards for the forming
of each school and college class will
also be announced later.
Work on the publishing of the1
Michiganensian for 1927-28 has been
nearly completed and an early de-
livery is expected on the annuals.
General distribution to those who
have bought subscriptions to the an-
nual will probably take place during
the -middle of the month.
SWord has been heard from the pub-
lishers that the printing of the year-
books is going forward rapidly so

that they will reach Ann Arbor
shortly. The routine work of distri-
buting them will go forward as soon
as they arrive here.
The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Fair and warmer today; showers to-
might and early tomorrow, followed by
fair and oooler.



Investigators Cross-Examinen Operator
And Instruct Him To Be Ready
For Further Testimony
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 1.-Reappear-
ing before the Senate Teapot Dome
committee after an absence of four
yearstHarry F. Sinclair revealed to-
day that a total of $757,000 of the
liberty bond profits of the Continent-
al Trading company of Canada were
delivered to him.
The lessee of Teapot Dom'e, who is
under a sentence of three.months in
jail by reason of his refusal to testi-
fy further before the Senate investi-
gators .in 1924, declared that he had
paid over a like amount of securities
plus $142,000 in interest to Sinclair
Crude Oil Purchasing company after.
his acquittal here 10 days ago on a
charge of criminal conspiracy inr
connection with the lease of the Wy-
oming naval oil reserve.
Company Secures Interest 1
This company purchased one-half
of the oil which the Continental con-{
cern bought from the late A. E.
Humphreys, of Denver, and it re-;
ceived $759,500 in liberty bonds 10:
days ago from Robert W. Stewart,
chairman of the board of the Stand-1
ard Oil Company of Indiana, who,i
with Sinclair, H. W. Blackmer, andi
James E. O'Neill were the moving c
figures in the Continental transac-
Sinclair was on the stand for moret
than four hours and was subjected to
a searching inquiry by Senator Walsh
of Montana, the committee prosecut-
or; Senator Nye, Republican, North
Dakota, chairman of the committee,
and Senator Bratton, Democrat, New
Mexico. His chief counsel, Martin W.t
Littleton, of New York, upon whose
advice he refused to answer fourt
years ago, sat to his left, and the twot
conferred occasionally.
The committee apparently had notr
finished with Sinclar after the two
sessons and he was told to hold him--
self in readiness to return tomorrowt
if needed.
The wealthy oil operator and
sportsman appeared entirely at his
ease during the two-hour and a quar-
ter of the morning session, but ap-
parently he began to tire before the
afternoon session had ended. He
frequently changed his position In the
witness chair and occasionally turn-
ed his eyes to the celing as he an-
swered the rapid fire of uestons. t
Sinclair Testifiest
From' the first, Sinclair insisted thatI
he was unaware that the bonds he I
received came from the Continental
Trading company; that he knew t
Blackmer had arranged to purchaset
oil from Humphreys and that he had
made his arran'gements with the for-#
mer chairman of the board of the1
Midwest Refining company for a
share of the profits for his company.
Asked whether many of the bonds
had been delivered to him by H. S.
Osler ,of Toronto, Canada, president
of the Continental company, the oil1
operator said he could not recall, but1
his impression was that he receved
most if not all of them either from
Blackmer or a messenger. He never
gave a receipt for any of the secur-
ities; as he received them he placed
them in his vault along with other,
liberty bonds.
Covering much of the ground which;
other witnesses have gone over in
detail, Sinclair said he paid out $233.-;
000 in bonds to M. T. Eberhart, of;
Pueblo, Colorado, son-in-law of Al-
bert B. Fall, after the lease of Tea-;
pot Dome, and asserted that he had
received the stock certificates for a

one-third interest in Fall's Tres Rios
Land and Cattle company in return'
for the payment.

Paul J. Ker n, 29, was chosen yes-
terday as editor of The Daily for the
coming year. He will assume his
duties in this capacity immediately.
The remainder of the editorial staff
of this publication for next year will
be announced in tomorrow's Daily.
The announcement of these positions
will be made at the office in the Press
building tomoilrow afternoon and the
students appointed will take their po-
sitions at once.

{Minsei, 2u, and RtcnardN. reims,
'29; Law school, David C. Vokes, '29L, WASHINGTON, May 1.-The ex-
and Alfred C. Bowman, '29L; engi- haustive inquiry of the Senate inter-
neering school, John R. Hall, '29E, state commerce committee in the
Thomas ' L. Yates, '29E, Frederick J. factors disturbing the soft coal in-
DeWitt, '29E, and Marshall J. Rouse, dustry of Pennsylvania, West Virgin-
'29A; medical school, Bernard A. Wat- ia and Ohib was tentatively conclud-
son, '29M, and Robert A. Burhans, ed today, after arrangements had
'29M; dental school, Judson B. Heese, 'Ibeen made for the calling of addi-
'30D, and J. Mortimer Fisher, '30D; I tional witnesses later at the discre-
and combined schools, Herbert D. tion of Chairman Watson.
Hunter, '29BAd, and Roland J. Dahl, The abrupt termination lacked the
'30P. dramatic touch that had marked the
The list of vice presidents contains I opening of the investigation, March 7,
one more office than the ballot for; last and -many of the almost daily hectic
year showed since the recent amend- sessions since then. While the spa-
ment which was passed to the Union cious committee room of those days
constitution provides for this increase had been crowded by many of those
in numbers. Nearly every member of I intent on hearing the testimony, on-
the new Board of Directors will be ly a handful of interested parties and
chosen and the new body will hold no spectators heard the closing an-
its first meeting early in the fall. nouncement by Senator Gooding, Re-
No further nominations may be publican, Idaho, the acting chairman.
made for any of the offices listed Vorrow Testifies
above except by special petition. Any J. D. A. Morrow, president of the
who wish to petition for nomination Pittsburgh Coal company, had been
to some office are requiped to have on the stand for the second consecu-
such a petition sined by 200 names tive day. His final testimony was in
and turned in to the recording se- denial of various charges made a-
cretary of the Union by Saturday. gainst his company by wtnesses for
the United Mine Workers and others
MAJOR STUART IS 1 who had appeared earlier.
HEAD OF SERVICE In a matter-of-fact way he he sub-
Major R. Y. Stuart, recently ap- mitted affidavits contradicting asser-
pointed chief of the United States For- tions m'ade by Harry B. Brundidge. a,
est Service succeeding Col. Greeley, ! St. Louis newspaperman, to the ef-
resigned, assumed his new duties yes- fect that his company had issued
terday, May 1. He has had a wide "clean-up" orders to its mine super-
range of forestry experience and edu- intendents prior to the inspection of
cation. Itheir properties by the Senate investi-
Receiving his master of forestry gang sub-committee.
degree from Yale In 1906, Major i Following the session, Senator
Stuart entered immediately into the Gooding said the investigation had
forest service as an assistant in tim- crystallized his opinion that the bi-
ber sale work. After several years iu tuminous industry was in a serous
the Western National Forests, during i plght, approachng warfare conditions
which he spent much time in the in some instances, that could be rem-
northern Rocky Mountain region as edied only by legislation. He men-
forest inspector, and chief of opera- tioned the establishment of a federal
tions, he was appointed to headquar- coal commission as a possible means
ters of the forest service at Washing- for stabilization.
ton, D. C.
In 1917 he was furloughed for mil- GERMAN DIRECTOR
itary service in France with the 10th
engineers. After the war he returned TO, SPEAK FRIDAY
to the Forests service, but resigned I
in 1920 to become deputy commission- Dr. Peter Peterson of the Univers-
er of forestriy in Pennsylvania. He ity of Jena in Germany will deliver a
later served for several years as se- public address at 4:05 o'clock Friday
cretary of the Pennsylvania depart- afternoon in the Natural Science au-
ment of waters and forests. On Feb. ditorium. Dr. Peterson, who is dir-
16, 1927, he was appointed to the po-|ector of teacher training at the Un-

Justin C. Weaver, 729, Will Explain
Rules To Freshmen At
ieeting Tonight
Members of the class of 1930 will
meet at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow after-
noon in Natural science auditorium to
elect the captain for the annual spring
games to be held Friday and Satur-
day of this week, it was announced
yesterday by Russell D. Sauer, '30L,
chairman of the Student council com-
mittee in charge of the events.
Sauer and John R. Gilmartin, '29E,
will speak to the 'sophomores at this
time,'explaining the rules and regu-
lations of all the events and supervis-
ing the election of the captain.
The freshmen will gather at a pep
meeting to be held tonight in the main
assembly hall of the Union. This
meeting will be conducted by Justin
C. Weaver, '29, chairman of the under-'
class committee of the Union, and
speeches by Carl Brandt, of the speec'h
department, Robert Leland, '28, presi-
dent of the senior class, and explan-
ation of the rules and regulations of
the games to be given by Sauer. The
Varsity band will also be on hand to
provide added spirit'to the meeting.
At this meeting, Ain .addition to the
talks, the electon of the freshman
captain for the game's will be made.
The sophomore class faces its
chance to maintain its clean record
set at all previous games. It defeated
the class of 1929 in both the spring
and fall games last year and defeated'
the present freshman class in the fall
games this year. If the sophomores
are victorious again they will set a
record seldom attained by any clas
in the history of the games in re-'
cent years.
Major George P. Ahern, director of
the Tropical Plant Research founda-
tion of Washington, D.C., and Arthur
Koehler, technician of the Forest
Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis.,
were in Ann Arbor yesterday to at-
tend a conference on the testing of
tropical timber.
Material collected in South and Cen-
tral America by Tom Gill will soon
be shipped to the School of Forestry
and Conservation here for wood util-
ization tests. Prof. William A. Kynoch
of the forestry 'school will conduct
the local tests in cooperation with the
Tropical Plant Research foundation
under whose auspices the Gill expedi-
tion was sent out. Mr. Koehler was
here to help advise the testers and to
inspect the new wood utilization lab-
oratory being in'stalled in the old hos-
pital heating unit.
All of the species collected by the
expedition are rare hardwoods of com-
paratively little known species. They
were secured chiefly in British Guinea
and Venezuela. Mr. Gill, who under-'
took the expedition, has already re-
turned to New York, while the woods
are enroute to the United States now.
Professor Kynoch of the local forestry
school will leave 'soon for New York
city where he will supervise the cut-
ting up of the species and their ship-
ment to Ann Arbor. Logs ten feet
long and 16 inches thick will be sent
here for testing.
In the wood utilization laboratories
here the woods will be tested for gen-
eral shrinkage, tensile strength, con-
tortion, compression, and strength.
After these have been determined fac-
tory tests as to their, best usage will
be made in various factories through-

out Michigan.
Wilfred B Shaw, editor of the
Michigan Alumnus, aind Charles J.
Rash, secretary of the class-officers
council of the Alumni association, left
.e-vtaerinv for Minneanolis where they

Strict Cheek Of Names Will Be )i
By Comparison With Various
College Roles
Registration for the all-campi
elections will take place today and t
morrow at various places about t
campus, it was announced by Hen
Grinnel, '28, chairman of the Stude
council committee in charge of t
registration and election. There wi
be five booths at which registrath
may take place. They will be situa
ed on the diagonal in front.of t
library, in the engineering arch,
the Law club, in the dental school,
the University hospital.
All the booths except those at t
School of Dentistry and at the hospit
will be open from 9 o'clock until
o'clock today and tdmorrow. In t
case of the two exceptions the bootl
will be open from 1 o'clock in t
afternoon until 4 o'clock. The booth
will be open for two days only at
will then be closed.
Act Is Necessary
It is imperative that a person b
registered if he wishes to exercil
his franchise in the all-campus ele<
tion which will be held at a lati
date, according to the announcemen
As has been. the precedent in past re
istrations, a strict check will be kel
on the names registered by compa
ison with the various class roles. T
registration card will be simplified a
much as possible, in order that
minimum of time wil be expended i
the proces's of filling them out.
The registration tomorrow will I
made for voting on the student o
ficers .for the Student concl tI!
Michigan Union, the Oratorical ass
ciation, the Board in Control of St
dent publications, the Board In Coz
trol of athletics, the Student Chri
tIan association, and for various clas
Request Early feglstration
In view of the fact that there wi
be such a profundity of offces to i
filled, it is urgently reguested by t
Student council that every one re
ister today or tomorrow for the elei
tion. All undergraduates in the Un
versity, both men and women, a
eligible to register.
In order to facilitate the checkil
of the registering, the committee ri
quests that students in the variot
schools and colleges adhere to tI
following regulations:. literary sti
dents will register in front of the 1
brary; engineering students wi
utilize the booth in the engineer
arch; law students will subscribe
the law club; dental students wi
register at the School of Dentistr3
and medical students will do so i
front of the hospital. .
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 1.-Jack Shar
ey's sensational one-round knockoi
of Jack Delaney in Madison Squai
garden last night will be investigat
by the New York state athletic coi
mittee, Chairman James A. Farley a
nounced today.
Although Farley refused to spe
for the entire commission, he said i
vestigation of the match -already w
under way, and that evidence of an
thing wrong would result in "drast

Reports that Delaney was not
good physical condition prompted Te
Rickard, Garden promoter, to que
tion Jimmy Jackson, manager c
Sharkey, shortly before the bout too
place. Jackson said he took Ricka
to Johnny Buckley, the sailor's ma
ager. The promoter was assured th
as far as the gob was concerned ti
fight was absolutely on the "up an
up," and that Sharkey would knot
out Delaney exactly when he desire
regardless of conditions.
Caps and gowns for all seniors vI
purchase them through the cap an
gown committee may be secured
Vans Boven and Company in Nicke
Arcade, it was announced yesterd:
by Robert Leland, '28, president of tb
senior literary class.
All seniors who have not yet boug
their caps and gowns may do so 1
meikino. annlication to a memberc


Although Franz Molnar's "The,
Play's The Thing," is at present a
major production showing in New
York city on Broadway with Hol-
brook Blinn and other favorite play-
ers, Play Production, using a cast
chosen from the entire campus talent,
will present that production in Mimes
theater on Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-
day, and Saturday nights, May 9, 10,
11, and 12. After much effort, Earl
Fleischman of the department of
sneh. and director of Play Produc-

manship of dnamatists are thoroughly
discussed to the amusement of thou-
sands of audiences which have viewed
the play. The unusual novel charac-
ter of the production is shown by one
act in which the ending is in three!
different ways, by three different peo-I
ple. An old Italian castle provides
the setting.
Richard Woellhaf, graduate student
and well known campus player, will
carry the role made famous by Hol-
brook Blinn. that of Sandor Turai.

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