rITHE MICHIGAN DAILY k_ s ALAN J. 7CIATED )PRE5S, SPORTS EDITC*L) C hisory Mats nto Ileave tinlthMe fils at Autwerp it 1920 -with ~*posterity a record of five Olyin-a single toss. tle waSssco nd int yc-and points scored for Untcle194 Sa i eer oe f l~imTraffic poli~ the dignity or his nlaynhavky in 1908. lMctrath, Ihen a. 1V'« hckits 198,Mc~ath 1 Zel ;lifted him high in the, police' depart- ,Oi~cC, won secondl place ill the. in- mtent, drifted away from lie sturdy} teitt nainl ae at London. l+our" Irisjtman as he t aled of Olympics, (Al :211W1 YOUK.-The grand "old". anOf American we«-ight throwers- (.Captain AMtt McGrathi of the New York police, tiallic squad, Division 'A, sir-is about to pick up his 16- pcund h ammier, andi for the, fifth. time, show thec Olympic talent in his spec- 1 1,UI v UII L 0 CLIu i l :4 .Jlt- system. When the day is over, Matt swai s thee regulation 'blue of New Y orb's y.arsblter, at the Beak of hlis care arr.'his struggle to carve out a name a>> finest for 'Jersey and shorts of an ath- A Att set the Olympic recordl at 179 al athlete, and his dleswre to lei%' lete and for an hour or in-ore seniv. (eet 6 inches in wining first placf, for the youth that sntinmo musi. the big; brass ball whistling thrvough ;0 Stockholm. Despite a set of torn supplant him, a record of cleanli- the air for. the same distances that11ligaiments on his right knee and a ness anid the benefits that nyhwnpae.i orOypccm m1