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May 01, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-05-01

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By Jeb-



Students Who Gained Recognition In
Scholarship To Be Seated
In Special Section
The fifth annual Honors Convoca-
tion, arranged for the purpose of ree-
ognizing those students who have
maintained an exceptionally high
scholastic record during their terms
in the University, will be held at 11.
o'clock this morning in Hill auditor-
ium. Nearly 350 students have been
included in the lists of those to oc-
cupy the special section reserved foil
honored students, by far the greater
number of' which are members of this
year's senior class.
President Ernest M. Hopkins of
Dartnouth college will deliver the
address of the occasion, speaking on
"The Amateur Scholar," and in ad-
dition to this address the University
Men's Glee club will give a number
preceding the speech. The students
selected tq occupy the honor section
will occupy seats in the center of thei
ground floor of the auditorin/ andI
otlier students, and the general pub-
lic are invited to accupy the remaind-
er of the auditorium. Seniors in, the
honor section are expected to ap-
pear in caps and gowns, while those
pear in caps and gowns.
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts-Roy G. Curtis, William w.
Bishop, Mary Louise Burt, Elizabeth
A. Clark, Mark W. Dick, Jean Dow,
Edward F. Furtsch, Samuel B. Gos,
Mary K. Hag-garty, Margaret H. Mc-
Cain, Russell L. Malcolm, Howard
Neitzert, Augusta A. Niethammer, Jo-
seph J. Piekarski, Elsie E. Radford,
Milo S. Ryan, Leona M. W. Schneirla,
Bernice Staebler, Thomas E. Sunder- I
land, Sherwood Waldron, Mary L.
Wedemeyer, Walter B. North, Karl K.
Leibrand, Ruth I. Holznagle, Justin
Zinn, Lucy Seeley, Lydia A. Rudolph,
Ruth )C. )Ale, Kathryn S. Bennett,
Louis Braitman, Thomas J. Dougall,
Florence H. Frank, Moses Frolich,
Normal Gabel, Phyllis M., Loughton,
Elliott IH. Moyer, Philip' Nichamin,
Frederick L. Omstead, Clifford W.
Van Blaroom, Dorothy J. Comins, Ben-
jamin A. DeGraff, Ellen N. Groff, Mil-
dred E. Innis, Alice E. Kellogg, Fran-
cis R. Line, Winfield lLine, Bernard
Patmos Ruth E. Banfield, Robert C.
Conybeare, Leslie J. Turner, Margaret
R. Houston, Philip A. Wight, George
Hammond, David C. Monroe, Frederick
J. Hermann, Lee A. Lewis, Mollie R.
Browning, Marian L. Welles, Loren
B. Miller, Francis M. Cottington.
Margaret G. Dow, Dorothy M. Carlen,
Elizabeth -0. Fitzgerald, Miarian E.
Layman, Nellie G. Kenney, Robert H.
McRae, Leone Hale, Vincent C. Wall,
Margaret E. Stewart, Edward T. Adele,
Dorothy G. Fried, Martin A. Mart-
zowka, Esther L. Merrick, Dorothy M.
Batdorff, Florence N. Perkins, Helen
J. Stone, Cecil A. Reed, Robert T. K.
Herkner, Eugene Knapp, Bennet M.
Rich, Margaret H. Breer, Carol G.
Carson, Dorothy L. Shore, Philip C.
Brooks, Robert S. Heinsheimer, Mi-
ton Kirshbaum, William S. Perham,
Howard J. Curtis, Arthur L. Bailey,
Eleanor Brekke, Raymond M. Freed,
Richard C. Fuller, Robert E. Carson,
Clark E. Boyd, Richard E. Erway, Al-
bert R. Leventhal, Tom H. Mack, Cor-
liss E Armstrong, Charles N. Stau-
bach, Phyllis D. Richards, Lester P.
Kauffman, Leonard S. Shor, Jo H.
Chamberlin, Margaret G. Hawkins,
Mildred D. Sommer, Jacob Levin,
Charle-s H. Behymer, Addie Crofts,
William F. Klein, Robert S. Miller,
Harry A. Wood, Samuel J. Lukens,
Katherine Loomis, Philip Plesofsky,
C. J. Peck, Roy Chang, William N.
Gall, Helen E. Smythe.
In the colleges of engineering and
architecture the awards were as fol-
lows-Donald E. Brummitt, Wilvan
A. Gardner, Ray C. Hoisington, Irv-
ing M. Salmid, John F. Heidbreder,
Martin F. Berman, Walter E. Bob-
ertz, Clarence W. Chapman, Martin

Katzin, Francis F. King, John C.
Hastie. George A. Miles, Gardon J.
Robertson, Harold T. Ross, James B.
Florence, Winifred E. Reichle, Walter
C. Main, Edward A. Ravenscroft, John
E. Starrett, Waldemar J. Poch,
Charles E. Robinson Jr., Bertram
O. Vannort, Carl A. Ebendick, Harry
A. Savigny, Leslie D. Weston, John C.
Mathes, Henry S. Felix, Ritchie J.
Stewart, Roy M. Kyndon, Dudley E.
Eusele, Albert F. Cords.
In the Medical school the awards

Displaying a decided 'superiority in
every department of the game, the
upper staff of The Daily easily defeat-
ed the lower staff, 6-5, despite the ef-
forts of Umpire Quinn of the lower
"Speed" Kern twirled a brilliant
game for the victors allowing only
21 hits 'and walking only 13 men.
The brilliant work of the infield, led
by "Bo" Chamberlin* on third base
saved the upper staff men several
times. The lower staff used several
heavers in an effort to find one who
could stop. the onrush of the superior
Finally, "'Horse" Edelson found his
way to the box, but "Babe" Kirsh-
baum caught the ball square on the
nose and drove it out of the lot for a
home run, with the bases loaded, and
won the ball game.
The Smith brothers, C. Cathcart.
and N. Jay performed -splendidly for
the victors; despite their beards they
managed to catch five out of 16 balls,
hit to them and each hit a double in
six trips to the plate.
A big loss was suffered in the upper
staff line-up when "Slugger" Brooks
was taken out and "Strike-out" Pat-.
rick took his place. "Skinny" Vedder
also performed in brilliant 'styledfor
the winners, stopping everything that
came his way, including the base run-
"Rabbit" Merry provided many

Play Production Class Will (Present I
"The Play's The Thing"
On Mimes' Stage
Rights for Play Production to pre-,
sent Franz Molnar's "The Play's The
Thing" have at least been secured by
Earl Fleischman. An extra-curricular
cast will appear in this production
which will open to' the public on
May 9, in Mimes' theater. This special
cast together with scenery designed by
the stagecraft class will combine in
making this play one of the outstand-
ing presentations of the season.
* "The Play's The Thing" at the pres-
ent time is touring the principal
cities of the country. It has met
much succe'ss with Holbrook Blinn in
the leading role. The drama is a
satirical and sophisticated comedy in
which the art and craftsmanship of
dramatists are thoroughly discussed
in an entertaining manner. The
novelty of the play is clearly shown
by one act which is ended in three dif-
ferent ways by three different people.
The setting is an old Italian castle.
Richard Woellhaf, graduate student
and prominent campus player will
carry the Holbrook Blinn role, that of.
Sandar Turai. Minna Miller, grad-
uate student and former head of the
Junior Girls' play, will play opposite
tWoellhaf, in the part of Ilona Szaba.
The remainder of the cast includes
Samual Bonnell, '28Ed, as Mansky,
I Charles Holden, '29, as Adam, Fred
Crandall, '28 in the role of Divorn-
itichek, Charles Peake playing Al-
mady, and George W. Johnson, '30, as
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, April 30.-The Ger-
man-Irish crew of the transatlantic
aeroplane Bremen was given a wel-
come today that left the trio gasping.
'Overwhelming," Major James Fitz-
maurice exclaimed when at last it wa-s
all over, and Baron Gunther von
Huenefeld and Capt. Harmann Koehl
nodded in agreement. "I am sure
that since the day of ancient Rome
such a sight was never witnessed be-
fore," the Irish major added.
It was a day of festival and the city
turned out to do honor to the heroes
from a foreign shore. Enthusiasm
seemed to have no limit and no jar-
ring note wa's heard in all the tumult
of friendly greetings.
(By Associated Press)
30.-Jack Sharkey, Boston sailor
smashed Jack Delaney, former light-
heavyweight champion of the world,
into a disastrous knockout defeat in
. ! just 1 minute and 13 seconds of their
- scheduled 15-round tight tonight. A
flow of ripping left and right hooks to
* the chin finished Delaney before he

thrills for the crowd when he threat-
ened to hit the ball on several occa-
sions, but in the long run he always
struck out.
For the under staff Umpire Quinn
was the best performer, con'stantly
calling rank decisions for his side
when the decision of any under staff
man looking for an appointment
should have gone the other way.
"Big Boy" Silbar dropped a fly ball
batted outi by "Strikerout" Patrick
and practically assured the upper
staff of victory and himself of an ap-
pointment. O"Mighty" Simons, how-
ever, lost all chance's of getting any
place by nabbing a fly that should
have fallen for a hit and robbed the
upper staff of several runs.
German Teachers Investigate Methods
Used By School Of Education
And Ann Arbor Schools
Thirty of Germany's most promin-
ent educators spent Sunday and yes-
terday here in the city, investigating
local educational methods in the Uni-
versity and the Ann Arbor city
schools. The educators, who have al-
ready visited many of the nation's
leading cultural ' centers, expressed
great satisfaction and delight with
the city and the University.
While here, the guests were enter-
tained at the Union under the cour-
tesy of the University. Sunday after-
noon, soon after their arrival, they
were taken on a trip of a few hours
throug4h the city and surrounding
country. At the end of this tour, they
were guests at an informal supper
and reception at the Huron Hills
country club.
Yesterday morning, most of the
guests spent the morning visiting the
Ann Arbor schools, the University
high school classes, and the various
classes and lectures in the School of
Education. Yesterday noon, the visi-
to4s were guests of the School of Ed-
ucation faculty at their regular week-
ly luncheon at the Union. At this
time, some of the Germans spoke on
various subjects. The afternoon was
also spent in visiting more classes,
and in inspecting the campus and the
Last night, the visitors were guests
of the University at a special dinner
at the Union. At this time, some of
the more prominent specialists spoke
on manynsubjects of interest.
The Germans are now making the
tour of this country in the interests
of the Zentralinstitut of Berlin, and
are studying athfirst hand American
educational methods. While much of
their observationdis being directed to-
ward the methods in secondary and
elementary education, they are also
vitally interested in advanced learn-
ing. Among some of the more promi-
nent were Dr. Peter Peterson, pro-
fessor at the University of Jena, Prof.
Otto Schultze of the University of
Konigsberg, and ,Dora Wagner of the
Girls Secondary school at Dresden.
Fire, which attracted more than
3000 people from the surrounding
countryside, last night destroyed eight
buildings, exclusive of the farmhouse,
belonging to Frank Mannor, east of
Ann Arbor near the village of Platt.
The loss, early after the fire last
night, was estimated at $10,000. The
large barn. the garage, and many oth-
er buildings were entirely destroyed.
Also much farm machinery, 400 Ush-
els of corn, and other rural posses-
'sions were lost, although all the live-
'stock was saved.

"Vegetation is the source of most of
our food, the source of much .of our
clothing, the source of some of our
most-used articles; it is expressed in
many forms of art and in literature,"
said Dr. Liberty Hyde Bailey in a Uni-
versity lecture yesterday afternoon in
the Natural Science auditorium. "Yet,'
he continued, "in spite of all our re-
lationship with it, we know very little
about it."
Dr. Bailey who is one of the world's
foremost authorities on Botany and
Gorticulture used as his main subject
'"Arboretums and Botanical Gardens.'
r "A botanical garden is an enterprise
to make the plants of earth known,'
he defined. "It is not only a collec-
tion of plants-it is an organized en-

Dances To lie Directed By Roy Hoyer
Leading Man In Musical Comedy
With Comedian, Fred Stone
Dalton D. Walper '29 of Toledo and
Robert W. Manss, '30, of Cincinnati,
were respectively elected general
chairman and stage manager of the
1928 Michigan Union opera at a com-
mittee meeting of Mimes, men's cam-
pus dramatic organization, yesterday
afternoon. Both Walper and Manss
have for some time been identified
with the activities of the opera. Other
officials for the 1928 production have
not yet been selected.
At the same time it was announced
I that a different policy will be follow-
ed with regard to the selection of mu-
sic and the selection of members of
j the cast and choruses. Instead of all
I the music being written by one indi-
vidual, all who are interested are
asked to write up their ideas, and in
the near future they will be given an
opportunity to present their music

Tickets for the Senior Ball will a-
gain be on sale today at the desk iii
the lobby of the Union from 9 to 12
and from 2 to 4 o'clock, according to
an announcement made yesterday by
James Hughey, '28, general chairman
of the affair.
The annual dance of the seniors of
all classes of the University will take
place in the Uniontballroom on Fri-
day, May 18. The tickets have been
priced at $5.
It was not stated whether or not
tickets would be available much later
as a large num'ber have been dispos-
ed of, according to class representa-
Prominent Campus Actors Have Parts
In Annual Presentation
Next Thursday


to a committee.

Furthermore, men

from the glee club will be urged to
try out for the various positions in1
the cast and choruses. In this way, it
is hoped that the Opera will be able
to boast vast improvements along gen-
eral musical lines, , as E. Morti-
mer Shuter, director of Mimes, ist
determined that there shall be ex-t
ceptional musical talent in the com-
ing presentation. t
Hoyer To Direct Practice
Roy Hoyer, for several years lead-I
ing muan with Fred Stone of "Criss
Cross" fame, will arrive in Ann Ar-
bor about May 15 -to personally di-1
rect spring practice and acquaint the
try-outs for positions with many new
dances routines planned by him for
the 1928 Opera. Hoyer has assisted
in the production of many past Op-a
eras, but for the last two years has
been unable to be here. His contribu-
tions in the past have always been
valuable in adding a touch of orig-
inality to the usual chorus work.
In addition, Theodore Harrison of
the School of Music and director of
the glee club, will personally direct
the singing and all musical work
having to do with the show for the
coming year, while Donal Hamilton
Haines, of the journalism department.
is consulting daily with those inter-
ested in writing the book for the
coming opera. Any who have not yet
talked to him with regard to the re-
quirements for the book and general
suggestions for the preparation of
the manuscript, are asked to com-
municate with him between 12 and
1 o'clock within the next few days at
his home.
To Continue Registration
Due to many requests, registration
for any wishing to enroll for cast,
committee, or chorus work, will be
continued on Wednesday and Thurs-
day of this week between the hours
of 4 and 5:30 o'clock in the after-
noon. A number of the more exper-
ieced members of the various units
in the show of last year will this
year be lost to the production by
graduation, and unusual chances for
new men are being offered.
i The trip that is being planned for
the next Opera will be longer than
any of the trips in the past. Besides
all the usual cities in the East that
are regularly played. The Opera has
scheduled engagements in New York
and Washington. The regular mid-
Western trip will be included in the
F itinerary as before, but this year the
trip will go East before going to
Chicago, and thence to Kalamazoo
where the company will break up.
' Engineering Classes

The Cercle Francais, campus French
society, has completed all prepara-!
tions for the presentation of "Le Doc-
teur Miracle," its 21st annual pro-
duction. It will take place Thursday
evening at 8:15, in the Mimes theater,!
and is the concluding feature upon the
yearly program presented by the Cer-
The main role will be taken by Sam-'
uel Bonell, '28Ed., who has been con-
nected with all campus histrionic ac-
tivities, including Comedy Club, Mimes,
the Rockford Players, and French
productions. Other importanmt char-
acters will be enacted by Max Fru-I
hauf, Jr., '29, who took part in last
year's French play; Thurston E.
Thieme, '29, who also was in last year's
p;oduction, and who is a member of
Comedy Club; Miss Gertrude Cramp-
ton, 29, who took the leading role in
the presentation of last year; and
Miss Lucette Moulin, who is head of
the Maison Francaise, and who has
been associated with the Rockford
The general tone running through-
out the entire play is one of the mys-
terious, the unusual, the profound.
Strange scenes and weird actions
abound; and with the use of the fa-
cilities of the Mimes theater, this at-
mosphere of obscurity and mystery
will be produced in an effective man-

Vachel Lindsay, the poet, who was
to give a recital in Hill auditorium at
8:15 o'clock this evening, has been
compelled to postpone his Ann Arbor
visit because of temporary ill health,
those in charge of the Inlander Lit-
erary lecture series announced yes-:
terday after receiving a telegram from
Mr. Lindsay.
The message, which came from the
poet's home in Spokane, Wash., did
not state whether he would be able to
appear here before June. It an-
nounced, however, that a recital which'
,was scheduled to be: given in Detroit =
Saturday has also been postponed.
Those who purchased tickets for the
event may receive refunds at the book
stores, it was stated yesterday.,
The coming of Lindsay to Ann
Arbor had been awaited with much
interest, as evidenced by the advance1
ticket 'sale. He was scheduled as the
second of a group of two events
planned for this year in renewal of
the Inlander Literary lecture series.
Zona Gale recently appeared in Ann
Arbor under the auspices of that or-
Freshmen To Choose
Spring Games' Head
At Union Tomorrow

E. L. Hulse K. G. Patrick
appointed managing editor of The
Summer Daily and the appointment of
business manager of that publication
was deferred to a later date.
Two Editors Named
In appointing the executives of the
Gargoyle for next year, the board re-
verted to a policy followed two years
ago- with two men being appointed on
the editorial side. Maurice Lichten-
stein, '29, was made the art editor
while Philip M. Crane, '29, was made
the hitenary editor. Carl U. Fauster,
'29, was made business manager of
the campus humor publication.
One Appointment Open
It is expected that the new execu-
tives will take over their positions
at once and that staffs for the various
publications will be announced within
a week. All positions to which the
board makes appointments have been
filled except the business managership
of The Summer Daily. This appoint-
ment will be made later in the spring.

F 1

Appointments to the executive positions of The Daily, the Michi-
ganensian, the Gargoyle, and nominations for the student members of
the Board in Control of Student Publications were announced following
a meeting of that board in the Union last night.
Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, was named managing editor of The Daily
for next year after three years work on this publication. Edward L:Hulse
,29, was named business manager for the coming year. Editorship of the
Michiganensian was awarded to
Thomas Thomas, '29, while the busi-
ness managership went to. J. Franklin
Miller,29. J: Stewart Hooker was
Illness Prevents Appearance Of Poet
As Second Author On Inlander
Literary Lecture Series:: "r


For the benefit of those who wish to
attend the performance, and yet do
not understand French sufficiently
well to follow the action, there will
be printed in the program a complete
synopsis of the plot, sufficiently de-
tailed so that no difficulty will be ex-
perienced in comprehending the sig-
nificance even of the more profound
Tickets for the production will be
n sale at Wahr's book store today,
omorrow, and Thursday. The price
's 75 cents; and upon presentation of
in associate membership card, 50 cents{
will be allowed toward the price of a
(By Associated Press)
URBANA, April 30.-Wisconsin put
)n a five-run rally in the -ninth in-
aing of her game today and defeated
the Illini 5 to 2. Illinois got its two
runs in the fourth inning when Dorn
hit a homer with Dundlach on base.
The unexpected defeat of Illinois by
the Badgers ends the Michigan-Illi-
nois tie for first place in the Big Ten.
Other Scores
Purdue 6, Minnesota 2.
Iowa 11, Northwestern 8.

Plans for the -meeting of the fresh-
men to be held tomorrow night at
the Union for the election of a cap-
tain for the spring games have been
completed, it was announced yester-
day by Justin Weaver, '29, chairman
of the underclass committee of the
Cards have been sent to all the
freshmen informing them of the meet-
ing and a large attendance is expect-
ed. The meeting will be in the na-'
ture of a pep m-eeting with speeches
-by Carl Brandt of the Speech de-
partment, Robert Leland, president=
of the senior class, and an explana-
tion of the rules and events of the
games to be made by Russell D.
Sauer '30L, chairman of the Stu-
dent Council committee in charge of
the affair. Fred Asbeck, '29, had orig-
inally been announced as a speaker
but is leaving town with the baseball
team tomorrow.
The games themselves will take
place Friday afternoon and Saturday
morning with the annual tug of war
across the Huron river the first
event. An obstacle race, cane spree,
and -rope tying contest will decide the
games in favor of the opposing classes
on Saturday morning.

The nine nomin-
ees chosen by the
Board are Ellis
Merry, '28, Cassam
A. Wilson, '30L,
George An, Jr.,
'29, William Pusch,
'28, Thomas Yates,
'29, Charles Spicer,
'29, Howard K.,
,Kenyon, '29, Paul
Minsel, '29, and
Edwin Forbes, '29.
<rAll of these stu-
dents have h ad
connections w I t h
J. S. Hooker one of the student
publications at some time. .
In pursuance of the policy of the
past year, The Michigan Weekly will
be continued through next, year. Ti's
publication is supervised by the two
staffs of The Daily. The newest stu-
dent publication was a distinct suc-
cess during this year and, a great ad-
vance even over this record is fore-
seen for this year.
No changes in policy were formua
lated by the board except -the change
in the Gargoyle editorial executive
positions. Two years ago the same
positions were created so that the
plan is not completely new.
Will Vote Soon
The nominees for the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications will be
voted on at the annual spring camp-
us election. All the names given a-
bove will appear on the ballot and
three will be elected for menmbership
of the Board, which has-four faculty
members as well.
The present Board consists of
Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Edson R. Sun-
de-rland, of the Law school, Joseph
A. Bursley, dean of students, Prof:
Robert C. Angell, of the sociology
department, Cassam A. Wilson, '30L,
Francis A. Norquist, '28E, and John
Cunningham, '28.


Hear Bearse Address1
Application of electricity to rail-,
way operation was the topic of an
illustrated lecture, given by W. D.
Bearse of the General Electric com-
pany. last night in the West Eng-l
ineering building, to electrical eng-
ineering students in the university.
The affair was under the auspices of
the Student Branch of Electrical En-

Announcement has just been made
by the journalism department of the
awarding of the prizes offered every
year by Vergil B. McNitt of the Mc-4
Naught newspaper syndicate of New
York and Cleveland. The bronze me-
dal for the best news writing done
by a student in journalisnr this year
has been awarded to Frank Paul
Holmes, '29.
Milton Kirshbaum, '28, will receive
the gold medal given for the best,
four years scholarship average. The
silver medal award for the best edi-
torial writer will not be made until
the end of the semester.
Slosson To Address
Honorary Fraternity

Final nominations for offices of the
Union in the coming year will be
made by the nominating committee
of the Union at noon today. Applica-
tions must be in by that time at the
main desk in the lobby of the building
to receive consideration.
Lack of nominations for several of-
fices has been a feature of the work
of the committee this year for the
figst time. No student has been nom-
inated for the medical vice-presidency
as yet nor for the vice-presidency re-
presenting the combined schools. Un-I
less they are in to the committee this
noon, a special petition must be made
with the names of 200 students sign-
ed to it.

As announced on the invita-
tions, all seniors attending the
I Honors - convocation and those
| who will take seats in the see-
! tion reserved for students of
high scho'lastic standing, are
expected to wear caps and
gowns. Academic dress will not

Speaking on the ideals and aims
of the society, Prof. Preston W. Slos-

, ;,

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