i 2s. 198.THEMICHIGAN DALY TIJEIBLOOD' TO TALK' ON PUBLIC SPEAKING DEFEATS MR. PINCHOT I;UNCLAIMED MAIL.I vrr r rl rstssra.rrarrxxrsrrrW tsrrstrr ar rsrxsrrrar r r trrs ssa rsx rrwrsr r Pr ofessor Thomas C. Trueblood, professor-emeritus of Public Speak- ing, w ho has recently returned frow a South American tour, will speak be- fore. the Men's Educational club at 7 o'clock Monday, April 30, in room, 0 of the Union on the topic "The In- troduction of Credit Courses in Pub- lic Speaking in American Colleges." Professor Truellood's tour of South -- . - _ _ I HELD FOR MANY, :..., Mail for the following persons is on . hand and undeliverable at the the Post Office. It may ibe secured fly the on- } ers if calledI for at the General De- 1"..~ei window, Main Office, 0on or be- lvr fore \lay 5, 1928:I F.. ,Aistead, Prof. W. B. Ander- Ion, Alarga rot Chancy, John G. Cris '' sey, Miss 1)ew y (Culp, Pr-of. Darrel la.Dai ,E.R. Edlmonsoii, Way ne E'rickson, lielga Floodr, Dick CGawipe ,;"., Frances Gibson, Mrs. L. D. Glenn, Katkrem me I-eitsru (or Tieitslire a *. J Nicholas. J. KaltehaisElizabeth Keet- scher ( ?) , GaynellI Kern's. Geo. J. 11 Knechler, James Alfred Lafer. 1Henr1y Stephen Lucas, Benjamin IMadero, Prof. Chas. Richard Morris, E R.Mosher, Adolph Murie, Prof. Rep. Louis T. McFadden defeated !IlnH'ison McAllister, H-ubert C. Mc- Mrs.Coreli Brce incotwif ofHugh, Carlton 'McNoeal, V. Mv. Ninobla, Mr.Crei m ePnitwf l Robert G. Ramsey, Clara A. Reid, Al- former Gcv. Gifford Pinchot, for 1re- I us Rob~binls, Prof. i-i. L. Schug, IDel-1 publican nomination for congr ess B~ert Schwi~artz, I. M~. Sheffer, Thos. from Pennsylvania.~atn sP d\l te h. - Stanton,-C-------White. I Pleasant Sunday DinnerI Served in the Nicest of Surroundings Our Chicken Dinners Are Delightful Ann Arbor 1Rhestaurant 215 'SOUTH MAIN STREET HURON VALLEY RIDING. ACADEMY OF YPSILANTI America Was undertaken to inters est the schools throughout the continent in public speaking, a subject which hie found sadly neglected. At Buenos Aires and several other cities active steps were tak~en. in consequence of his efforts. 1-is talk Monday night will likewise be in the interest of public speaking. =ELECTRICIAN WILL GIVE TAILK HERE "The Application of Electr icity to Railway Operation" will be the topic of an illustrated lecture by Mr. W. D. Bearse of the railway division of the General Electric compnny at 7:301 tomorrow night in room 343, West Engineering building. The lecture is under the auspices of the student branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Mr. Bearse is an authority on the topic of which lie will speak, being a. leader in the field of applying electricity to rail- road locanmotion. Service at All Hours ,.. , Miracleanl AN INVITATION MAY FESTIVAL "Clean as a Breath °of Spring" To "lovers of fine horses-to those who demand the best 'of service and courteous treatm e"nt--to those Ann Arbor, May 16, 17, 18, 19 desiring skilled equestrian in- 146 EAST 61st STREET struction, we sinicerely request the favor, of your early inspection and patro'nage. February 28, 1 92& -i Charles A. Sink,, Esq., University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Odorless, Oiess Cleanser made fresh and pure in our own plant every day. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS -Corona, Underwood9 Remington, Royal. We have all makes. Some fin colored deco finlshes. 0. D. MORRI LL 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. Dear Mr. Sink:- I have just received the program of your Ri ding, $'1.25 per Hour Individual Lesson $2.50 per Hour next May Festival. What a noble collection QI Good Food Prompt Service i of works and artists, 'and what an inspiration for your young audience. I wish I could be there seated in your noble hail to hear some of it. Cordially yours, May We Suggest]I Huron Streetr Phone 'Y .S at Washtenaw Early Reservations? 4(Signed) WALTER DAMROSC I. roij 1,480 M Lunch State Street Course Tickets-$5.50--$.OO-$7.0 Phone 42 13 220S. State CLASSIFIED ADS PAY :_kr ,, D. H. Glass Annunces His Third and Greatest Burr,Patro &z Auld company 1 s d- 0 0 Wl 7 vv ly 0 IN At Al azingl r Low Prices Don't Mi'ss Thios Sale tarts day Morning