THE MICHIGAN DAILY AfO GPD[S[NTS TALK Three Chemists Give CLUB WILL HEAR TPALK B Y EDITORt Papers At Gathering rnnhrnr ____E.T.. Howson, western editor of thle N ~ in~ T D N S Three papers by members of We; ,1Rtlway Age,jillfbe theprn engneeingfacltyof he niersty palspekerat hemeeting of the Chinese studlents in Americ anti were presented at the fifty-thir(e Transportation club nx Wednesday! uropean11 universities was the general meeting of the American Electro- evening. Mr. Howson is a nationally ,pc of Paul C. Mleng,,, secretary or chemical society which is being held known speaker and an authority on le Chlines-e Studenit Christian asso,,- this week end in Bridgeport, Coen. economic questions. He will speak tion of .oriA America, in anl in- llrmal talk to the members of At the "Trec1hical Session of Elec- on "Railroad Consolidation" when1 l.e Chlinwe S dent,, dl at none tro-deposition" held yesterday, o~ he addresses the local club, treating ii la t night. Meng who h1as just; which Prof. E. M. Baker of the de- it more from an economic standpoint turhedi to this country after a rip partnrLelto eiaegnerg than from a technlical one. He is lie-a 'ound~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 olhsmd nItn h nvriywscara,~ e ing brought to Ann Arbor espeeiallyI ye study of the, Chines thesnivrsnttwasollowing I dnt:under, the auspices of the Transporta- ru l1 is relaition to for i gn environt- olwn papers by memb~ers of the tion. club. ent, andl drewa sharp) compav-son MichigĀ° rsne;an faceulty were peetd ctween the I lro Ean ('hinece tudtcen "Photomi(orographic Study of IM C )AI/ Z i 1 1 G omflmenCcem en~t 9 ift s IFoSter's Ilou .....dr... ..r. i 3 a I t TYPEWRITERS SEE RIDER foraO Y'AL The Fastest Selling, Most Up-to-Date Por On the Market. k AUvTHORIZEWD DALER rtable ha. he tse of Art 213 S. State 11 and thiaeone studying in a university of thlis coun11try. M ONEY GRANTED FOR GAS STUDIES! AI'nl uncemel~i hasm8 been madle by II the deprtme nit hf enoiginc~ering re- s;earch of itly.grant of a sumof$1, 700 by the A merican CGas associlation for continuaticn of the studies in "use of gas in forging practice" which hlave peen going forward in the re- search dlepartmren, since last 'spring unrkier thu. chrgeo Pior. W. }l. .Tommny. Rough or Nodulized Electro deposit- ed Nickel," by Prof. E. M. Baker an(, Prof. C. Unthegrove. Thlis paper dis- cussed the causes and Suggested rem- e!tdies for rough depos its in nickel- plating which cause rejection Of piaz.- work, and lowers the protective val- ue of the plating. "The Effec-t of Trivalent Chromium and Ircn, on Chromic Acid Chromium Playing Bathis" Was pres'ent~ed by R. I{. Schuneidiewinsd, assistanat investxga4- for in the depa{rtmnent of enigineering research id S Urban andl R. C. Adams1 , assi'staiits ini the depar tment of engineering r esearch. RESULT OFQUAKEi (lay Associated Press) VIETTNNA, April 27.-Only dust4, debris, .and dlesolation remain in many' cities and towns in the Balkan peniin- sula, where formerly 'stood populace,! flourishing communities. Dispatches from the earthquakel zone to the Associated Press Balkans buea in Vienna today; tell' of recur- ring uph eavals in Macedonia, Thrac-, andl Greece, which have 'takent terribly tolls in property, but fortunately the loss of life thus far is mercifully moderate. RIBBONS AND) SUPPTLES for all makes of TYPE WRITERIS ...,, EI I L.ANEHA LLtAVERKN The Finest of Wholesome Foods rBANQUETS AND SPECIAL PARTIES 'Breakfasts ....................7:00-10:00 Lunch (11:30-1:00)........ .......... .40c Dinner (5:00-7:00) ....................50c - MRPS. ANNA KALMBACI-I ' -tnt tttrttt~tttrtiiittt~~t ttin i~t i~i ~tiEnni n ~r r r~ttirEttttr. THEA TER "mV 1ATLat W ~eek Begijmniug Sunday, Apil 29 wel. alld Fsat.. Mat s., (Be4st; Lafayette at Wayne-Cadill-ne 1401). ('i4AMBfI.A IN BR~OWN Preseiiis Tayo Holmes Laf~ayelte at Shelby L0HBRT' I Cadillac 8705 SHUBETT 11 DRUGS KOEbAKSj . , i In a Mlotanis ('omiedy of 2.1041Cm [truil '.1 111) TBW rWEEK BErlNNINOG SUNDAY NIHT M1ATINE'ES SUrNDAY, THIURISDAY AND SATURDAY OR From Links to Sre 'the passing sport on the links is transformed into Perpetual fun on your home screen 'in Cine-Kodak Rapid unover, fresh stock inlsures best quality at a moderate price. 17 D. MOR"RILL 1Nickels Arcade. Phone 66n. a ~ SUNDAY- MONDAY Tim McCoy "Spoiljirs of the West" 3-Oilier Suljets-3 !! Iis "Ad" with 15c SUiNDAY-MION*DAY LON (HAf NEY in f"L~OND)ON AF