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April 28, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-28

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Published every morning excet Monday
ing the University year by Board in
atrol of Student Publications.
dember of Wester Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ed to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news pub.
ed herein.
entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
thigan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
ster .Genteral.
usription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
d!Rees:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
'hones: Editorial, 4925; Business 212:4.
Telephone 4925
itar.............. . .Ellis I. Merry
itor Michigan 'Weekly.Charies E. Behymer
ff Editor...............Philip C. Brooks
yr Editor....... ....ourtland C. Smith
omen's Eitor...........Marian ... Nt Ves
>rts Editor...........Herbert E. Vedder
eater, Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
dstant {ity Editor... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
bert E. Finch G. Thomas McKean
StewartHooker Kenneth G. Patrick
ilI J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
her Anderson sally Knx
rgaret Arthur John H. Maloney
x A. Eochnowski Marion McDonald
n Campbell Charles S. Monroe
Ise Church Catherine Price
nchd W.. Cleland Harold L. Passman
irence N. Edelson Morris W. Quinn
rgaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
iborg Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
rjorie Follmer t Eleanor Scribner
er B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz
tbert _J Gessner Robert G. Silbar
ine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
ce Hagelshaw George E. Simons
eph E. Howell Rowena Stillman
Wallace Hushen Syvia Stone
ares R. Kaufman George Tilley
iliamn F. Kerby B3ert. K. Tritscheller
wrenceFR. Kleit dward I. Warner, Jr
nald J. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
k L. Lait, Jr Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
sistant Manager.,.George H Annable, Jr.
vertising............Richard A. Mey.
vertising................Edward L. Hulse
vertising..........John W. Ruswincke
counts................Raymond Wachter
culation............George B. Ahn, Jr.
blication................Harvey Talcott
orge Bradley Ray Hofeic
'e Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
nes Carpenter James Jordan
aries K. Corell _Karion Kerr
rbara Cromell Thales N. Lenington
try Dively Catherine McKinven
ie V.eEgeland Dorothy Lyons
ao Felker Alex K. Scherer
therine Frohne George Spater
uglass Fuller Ruth Thompson
strice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnumn
len Gross Lawrence Walkley
J. Hammer Hannah Wallen
rl W. Hammer
N>1w that the great post-war rush
colleges and universities has sub-
led, and the hysteria for higher edu-
ion is dying to glowing embers, it
possible for the saner minds of the
ticational world to make somewhat
an impression when they speak of
iversity education from a detached
wndpoint. It is this kind of de-
:hed viewpoint, apparently, which'
an Wilbur Humphreys of the liter.
y college assumed Thursday night
en he spoke to the high school ed.
s, saying, "Don't go to college it
. don't want to. Go to college it
IL want to get a college education,
' then we will be glad to have
['he statement, in itself, is an un-
alified indictment of the type of
pagandist who harasses high school
;emblies with speeches on the mon-
ry value of education, and the so-

1 advantages. Continuing along the
me line, Dean Humphreys approach-
a similar weakness in our educa-
nal system when he upbraided the
e of technical education that ex-
s purely for its technical side. "The
ad cultural education which is
lly the foundation of all profes-
ns," as outlined by Dean Hum-
'eys, is a thing far too valuable to
glossed over in our over-enthusias-
attempts to gain technical train-

the end of the eleventh year in which
the extension department of the Uni-
versity has sponsored the Michigan
High School Debating league. The
championship contest was a grand
finale to virtually eight months of
preparation for the six students par-
ticipating in it though high school
students in every part of the state had
interested themselves in the debate
proposition at the beginning of the
year. More than 3,000 of these deba-
ters, in Ann Arbor for the champion-
ship debate, are visiting the campus
and looking with critical eyes upon
Michigan as possibly their choice of
universities in another year or two.
Undoubtedly the holding of the lea-
gue debates has been of benefit to
the students participating but behind
th entire program and the benefits
that it has offered is the University,
sponsor through its extension deart-
ment. Eficiently managed and con-
tinually growing in populaity, the
high achool debating league has been
of immense benefit to its sponsor and
is proving an excellent means of con-
tact between the University and its
future students. Prof. Gail E. Dens-
more of the speech department is the
debate league manager and to him
credit for its success should go. His
efforts in introducing the University
in its best light are indeed commenda-
Those who are familiar with the
works of Zona Gale, writer, were not
sunprised at her statement Thursday
when she declared, in an interview,
that the philosophizing and brooding
passages in George Eliot and Walter
Scott were "out of place in the form
in which they were written into the
books." Nor is there any reason for
devotees of the Victorian authors to
rise in alarm, for Miss Gale, while
prominent, represents only one wing
of contemporary literary opinion.
It is true, to be sure, that present
day writing, perhaps influenced by
the current magazine and the present
demand for condensation of emotion,
has reduced to a minimum the con-
templative aspect of literature. It is
possible, also, that this is a perma-
nent development which has seized
upon all literature and that there will
never be a return to the calm, philo-
sophical speculation of the middle of
the nineteenth century. That Zona
Gale and others anticipate such a de-
velopment is not to be doubted, but
literature is not so much A matter of
writers as of readers, and that fact
introduces quite a different angle.
As long as the human mind is in-
spired by the figure of Hamlet, stand-
ing alone and overpowering, with his
imagination aflame and fired by the
mightiest of emotions, that long will
the soliloquy, or the philosophizing
passage, have a place in literature. As
long as some readers prefer to feel
the spell of the author's personality
rathen than the spell of the author's
plot, that long, also, will the work of
Eliot and Scott endure. Some of the
greatest of all literary masterpieces
have been woven from the web of
philosophical brooding, and doubtless
in the future, as long as such re-
flections move to emotion persons who
see them transcribed, so long will
they remain as priceless assets to the
world's store of truly great literature.
The comparison between the two
styles of writing is somewhat the
comparison between dramatic and

oratorical art. Miss Gale, and her as-
sociates, incline to the dramatic,
where the characters move through a
cycle of events which in the end leav-
es the desired emotion and impres-
sion; Eliot, Scott, and others prefer-
red the oratorical elucidation, the so-
liloquoy, the reflection.

SENIORS, LARGE AND small, short
and tall are all going to show off their
new canes next Sunday, rain or shine.
* * *m
ed that traditional Cane day would be
held no matter what the weather
(they spoke for themselves) and pro-
vided every Senior, who paid $4, with
a cane.
the canes come in two sizes, short and
long, the difference being one quarter
of one inch. Just picture for your-
self how funny some of the Seniors
are going to be.
* * *
THE FIRST OF a long series of
contributed columns arrived in our
office today. We hope that there will
be many more. In this we are ser-
ious in that Rolls must have a new
editor and everyone is willing to make
a stab at it. We print the first series
of wet cracks.
* * s
To those of you who are forced to
read the column of ravings perpe-
trated by Jeb every morning because
you have read everything else in The
raily-even the Music and Drama
column and editorials, we come as a
liberator fnom the pen of the afore-
said, whose only excuse for keeping
this sort of thing is tradition, and that,
my dear fellow children, is the excuse
for many things around this place.
We see by The Daily that the Mili-
tary ball is all sold out. Yes, so is
the Honors Convocation. Of course,
there will be lots of people there, and
you'll bump into generals, privates,
admirals and a few students.
That's easy to explain. Riding on
the government's train fare, getting
in free, well, why shouldn't all these
big men come? Now, you see why
the tickets ane all sold. The more
you give away, the less you can sell.
* * *
It's a long, sad story. He was mak-
ing his first call. He sat waiting -
trembling all over. How long would
she keep him waiting? Minutes pass-
ed. More minutes passed, seeming
like hours to him. But we are not
concerned with minutes. Finally, she
was ready. His breath came faster.
A cold word of greeting. He sat ner-
vously in the chair. Without another
word, she ran her hand through his
hair. This kept up-ah, but we ane
not concerned with minutes. Sudden-
ly, she stroked his face, and he held
his breath as she was about to speak.
"Shave, sir?" questioned the lady
* *
From the looks of things, it is going
to be an early winter this summer.
Okay Emenex.
* * *
THERE YOU HAVE it. See it isn't

hard. The above is the first attempt,
carefully edited. It isn't bad, give the
kid a hand.
We'll Take The Case For You. Is It
Rye Or Scotch?
Jeb: I am mad! I received a re-
jection slip from the Inlander poetry
contest editors He said my poetry
was better suited to the needs of
Gargoyle. He has no right to slander
me so. Here's the poem:

TONIGHT: Comedy Club pre-
sents Lynn Starling's play "Meet
The Wife" in Mimes theater at
8:30 o'clock.
TOIGHT: Mr. McIntyre pre-
sents the Shubert operetta, "My
Maryland" at the Whitney thea-
ter at 8:15 o'clock.
A criticism, by Robert J. Gessner
Out of the "Cradle of Civilization"
there has come to us the exhibits of
a rare and ancient art. The "Holy of
Holies" has long possessed a unique,
exotic conception of divinity and of
life. This has fortunately been por-
trayed, with great cane and consum-
mate diligence, into a medium all its
own. And Ann Arbor through her Art
Association is now given the oppor-
tunity to see these rare banner-paint-
ings, which will be on exhibit in the
West Gallery of Alumni Memorial
only a few days more.
The unusualness of the exhibits is
what strikes one first, but just as
soon as the strangeness of the paint-
ings wear off one then slowly pro-
ceeds to conceive and appreciate the
art that lies before him. In general,
all the exhibits are somewhat alike.
That is, the technic and conception
are generally uniform throughout, and
this is in some degree to be expected.
For Tibet has a unity of religion that
necessarily compels all art to formu-
late unconsciously along one general
pattern. Thus, the Deity is seen in
every banner, in many poses doing
numerous things. Even the Deity's
face is uniform-the same expression
persisting whether he is hoeing his
ganden or converting heathens. This
can be especially noticed in exhibit
No. 8 entitled "Vajrakila." Here the
cycle of life along with the seasons
and the tasks of the day are vividly
and significantly portrayed. Even a
metaphysical problem or two can be
ascertained in the weaving of the facts
of existencetall oftwhich have been
shaped into the pattern. "Buddha and
His Two Great Disciples" is another
excellent example of this sort of
Saturday night at the Whitney will
see a single showing of the Shubert
operetta dealing with southern life
as it is lived in and for Maryland,
"My Maryland." The lively details of
this life are portrayed with an accom-
paniment of music and dancing -
something quite different from ordi-
nary existence as it is known in Ann
Arbor, the city of knowledge and
whatnot-and should provide a very
pleasant form of romantic escape for
a couple of hours.
As such things go, "My Maryland"
is not particularly old. Unless I am
mistaken two years is an exaggera-
tion of its age. But old or not, this
is a good place to introduce the cliche
"age cannot dim"-etc. etc. the tal-
ented production of the famous trio,
Romberg, Donnelly and Huffman.
These are already well known for
their success with "The Student
Prince" and "Blossom. Time" so that
their connection with "My Maryland"
in the respective capacities of Com-
poser, Author and Stage manager is
ample guarantee of an amusing show.
The brothers Shubert promise this as
a very respectable road company and
emphasize the huge cast of 150 odd,
including the doorman-which sug-
gests that during the big numbers the
old Whitney stage will rattle and sway

as it has not since the last act of
the Skinner-Fiske jamboree.
R. L.A.
* * *
Nikita Balieff has long been famous
foi his funnily curving appetite and
his carefully broken English. these
two accomplishments have stood him
in good stead on the Continent and in
this country. They have made the
job of master of ceremonies for his
Russian revue a little more easy and
considerably more famous. But this
week end brings the familiar and yet
always enchanting show to an end in
Detroit. Old favorites like the March,
of the Wooden Soldiers have been
kept intact in the program to main-
tain the personality of the show, but
much of the material is new and
startling although still in the same
style that created such a furore along
Broadway some five years ago. The
present revue is routed for the Pa-
cific coast--with plenty of stops along

I- -
8 A. M, to 11 P. M.
On the Huron River at Foot of Cedar Street

Beginning Sunday, April 22
Return by Popular Demand
Abie's Irish Rose
At These Astonishing Prices
Nights SOc to $1.50
Wed. and Sat. Matinees 50 to $1






Starting Sunday, April 22
Night . .$1.10, $1.54, $2.00, $2.50
Wed. and Sat. Mats. (Best
Seats). ..............$1.50
Chamberlail Brown Presents
In a Riotous Comedy
The Great Necker

3-Other Subjects-3
This "Ad" with 15e
Obey That Impulse
Take Her to the Rae




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Optical Prescriptions
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Beg. Sunday Night
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Fraternities and c
ties. Does your
proach Create a


a -
Golf clubs must keep their costly
greens healthy and luxuriant
throughout the season.
Scraggly grasses and disease-
ravaged areas are4 no longer toler-
For several years, famous clubs
have used an amazing treatment to
keep their fine green's in the pink
of condition.
NOW, this'atreatment, NU-
GREEN, is available. for your
lawns. NU-GREEN performs a
double service-never offered in
any other lawn treatment.
First, it brings to your lawns the
stimulating nutriment which pro-
duces early vigorous growth and
insures hardy, full development.
Second, it afford,, soil 'disinfec-
tion which protects the grasses
against "Brown-Patch" and other
destructive diseases.
This spring, give your lawn a
three weeks' start over your neigh-
bor's-and keep it . luxuriant all
Fine for plants and shrubs, too.
Brings blooms, earlier; makes foli-
age greener-and protects against
many soil diseases.
NU-GREEN is clean and easy to
use. Simply add water and apply
with sprinkling can.
1 pound NU-GREEN will treat
1,000 sq. feet.
I lb. $2.00 5 lbs. $9.00

$1.50 delivers,
balance monthl..y
with your light
At this price, the six cups
and saucers of "4Golden
Glow" china, together,
with the seven-cup per-
colator, hands omely
nickeled,' make an un-
usual value that ordin-
arily would sell for much
more. The percolator is
guaranteed,' and will.
percolate many a tempt.
ing cup of coffee.

e literary college's assistant dean,
single speech, has apparently
,k at the heart of two very vital
lems confronting American edu-
n at the present time. In re-
to the first of these--the grand
to the colleges-the tide seems
e subsiding somewhat by itself,
the inauguration of continually
stringent entrance requirements
ir reputable institutions of high-
earning. The second problem,
ver, the problem of over-empha-
>n the technical side of college
ses, is ever in the forefront, and
inly interlocks very definitely
the entire cause of education.
specialize in a field of technical
ing for professional purposes, is,
ort, a necessary part of the aver-
tudent's career; but it is not par-
trly necessary that he neglect his

(The Cornell Daily Sun)
The educational value and possi-
bilities of motion pictures were most
clearly indicated at the illustrated
lecture on conditioned reflexes. By
their means interest was aroused and
maintained in a highly technical sub-
ject, which was clearly and simply1
presented. The audience will not soon
forget the experiments depicted; their
significance-and Pavlov's work has
been called by one commentator the
most important scientific investiga-
tion of the century-will sink in slow-
ly and indelibly.
Perhaps it is true that appealing to
the mind through pictures rather than
by the spoken or printed word is a
childish proceeding-after seeing the
pictures that is to us no longer a
criticism, and the method is unde-
niably effective. The use of motion

Once more
Once nore
But the

the campus grass is
ethe campus air is
memory lingers on.

The China


matches the Toasted

If you will take my case for me
we will split the $10,000.00 damages.
Count de Fleis
S * *
TONIGHT IS THE big dance where
all the warriors, soldiers, and the
like drag their loved ones and dem-
onstrate just how big the feet of a
soldier have to be.
* * *
WE REALLY FEEL sorry for theI
girls ,who have to attend with mem-
bers of the cavalry department. They
mi +b fnrtt. 1,an-.c. al r.fn..r n mflnmov-n4

Sandwich China


and the Waffle Iron



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