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April 28, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-28

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Delegates Hear Lee White Of Detroit
News At Afternoon Meeting Of
High School Journalists
"But one thing has made possible
Michigan's great record in sport ev-
ents for 'the last three decades, and
that is the spirit imbued in the ath-
letes who represent it," declared
Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of In-
tercollegiate Athletics, who address-
ed the more than 300 delegates of the
Michigan Interscholastic Press Assoc-
iation at their seventh annual banquet
in the Union last night. "Michigan
has been fortunate enough to possess
that spirit which makes for service
and development."
Coach Yost went on to say that the
coaches problem is not that of devel-
oping plays but one of developing men
and the individual. "Men building is
the finest business in all the world,"
Coach Yost said, "and it is only to the
extent that individuals are properly
developed that a coach can hope for
his men to win. Morale is not some-
thing that you can put on like a shirt
or a suit. It is something that you
Describes Athletic Plant
Coach Yost told the high school ed-
itors about Michigan's new and grow-
ing Athletic plant. "More than $3,250,
000 have been spent in building and.
improving the plant, and it is still not
big enough," the speaker averred. ".But
we are not alone concerned with the
athletic side of this great project. It
is furthered with the idea of develop-,
ing Michigan students in a moral, phy-
sical and mental way. That is the
thing we are trying to accomplish."
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the
journalism' department, acted as toast-
master at the 'banquet. Shirley W.
Smith, secretary and business man-
ager, who was to have been the other
banquet speaker was unable to appear
owing to illness. Delegates attended
the high school debate in Hill audi-
torium at the conclusion of the ban-
Detroit News Editor Speaks
"You are coming into the inheri-
tance of one of the most com'plex civ-
ilizations the world has ever known,"
Lee A. White, editorial executive of
The Detroit News, told the delegates
at the afternoon assembly in the Un-
ion. "For that reason you must be able,
to express yourself well. A word is the7
symbol of an idea and they are to be
made use of in expressing your ideas.
The thing to work for in your writ-
ing is clarity, simplicity, directness
and refineinent. Don't be afraid to
use your own language; ,rather, ap-
proach it with the confidence that
makes for mastery and understand-
Allen Shoenfield, Ann Arbor corres-
pondent for the Detroit News, was the,
main speaker at the morning assem-
bly. Mr. Shoenfield spoke on the sub-
ject of "Problems in Journalism," tel-
ling the delegates what they could ex-
pect if they went into newspaper work.
He admonished them, in the event that
they intended to pursue this course,
to plan, on traveling along two roads;
the first one leading to some execu-
tive position on a reputable news-
paper; the second leading to some
branch of journalism apart from ac-'
tive newspaper work itself. "You
should consider a reportorial job not
as a mere job but as an apprentice-
ship to something better," Mr. Shoen-7
field declared.
Hold Discussion Groups
Discussion groups were held during
the remainder of the morning and af-
ternoon. The afternoon discussion
groups were held inthe journalism
department, and were conducted by
members of The Daily business and.
editorial staff, Sigma Delta Chi, the

journalism. department, the Gargoyle
and the Michiganensian.
The press convention will terminate.
today, with the annual business ses-
sion scheduled to be held this morning
in rootn 25 Angell hall, and the an-
nual banquet scheduled for 12 o'clock
in the Union. Awarding of the news-
paper cups to the prize winning news-
papers will be made at this time by J.
Stewart Hooker, '29, general chair-
man of the convention.
In the afternoon delegates will be
the guests of the Athletic AAoiation

Meetings In Ann Arbor High School
Will Occupy Attention Of Club
During Morning Sessions
"Literature and Leisure" was the
theme of the convocation address
which Gordon Jennings Laing, dean
of the Graduate school of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, delivered before
the annual convocation of the Michi-
gan Schoolmasters' club yesterday
morning in Hill auditorium. "In how
many countries could one discuss this
subject?" he challenged. "There are
very few nations in Europe in which we
could talk on any phase of this, but in
this country, we are able to discuss it
so that it applies to the citizen and
the application of literature to his
leisure. This is due to education."
Dean Laing pointed out in the open-
ing that this application cannot be ap-
plied to everyone for all are not suited
to reading good literature, either by
mentality or temperament, and conse-
quently are not affected by books.
The new system of applying leisure to
literature depends on education and
students to prove these new ideas, and
I Dean Laing thereupon traced some
of the steps.
"The start may be made in the grade
schools" he said. He pointed out that
many of the new readers now used in
school are chosen from good works,
and thus train the child's mind in the
correct wvay. "Howiever great cre
must be taken in choosing the pas-1
sages, as many are far too advanced
for the child and thus kill their lik-4
ink for good literature at the start."
In high school, the advance may be
much more rapid. Here, influence of]
the individual teachers is one of the
greatest factors in shaping the stu-1
dent's path toward learning. "In col-1
lege, the application of literature, ofi
course, may be carried much further.t
Here they study good literature more
intensively and better," he said.
"But this is only the start. These
in1terests in college lend a great start1
in liking literature, but many drop itt
as 'soon as they leave college," he
emphasized. This is entirely the
wrong attitude, as they should be justf
"Many non-college men have ad-
vanced by applying leisure to liter-
ature. But they have read only goodF
literature, just as the college mana
must read it for full benefit. We must
not only read, but write as well" he
scored that attitude of many collegeC
men as that of "don't let your studies
interfere with your education." He
also scored 'as another obstacle to,
better literature and its enjoyment,
the cheap theater: follies, movies, andt
"The only thing to do is turn ourt
backs on poor theater and poor read-1
ing, and read good books," he con-t
The convocation was opened by two£
number by a girls' chorus and harp!
quintet, with cello, from the Cass
Technical high. school of Detroit.
Both the chorus and the speaker
were introduced by President Clar-
ence Cook Little.-
The program of the club, besides the
convocation included yesterday a
special lecture on "Sounds That Burn"
delivered by Prof. R. W. Wqod of
Johns Hopkins university in Natural
Science auditorium. Professor Wood
was greeted by a large audience and4
showed several pictures of his latest
experiments in his department of
physics. The club was split up in
many different section meetings for
the rest of the afternoon.

"The most outstanding accomplish-
ment of conservation in the state of
Michigan has been the land survey,"
P. S. Lovejoy, director of the game
division of the state department of
conservation. declared in a rlecture
yesterday afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium.
"Wild life affairs are of interest to-
day; tree planting is on the increase;
game wardens are now independent;
but it was the land survey that en-
abled Michigan to outstrip the other
Lake states in the field of conserva-
tion," he said.
"The development of forestry in
Michigan has been peculiar, erratic,
and for a long period without focus.
In the Lake State's the differences in
conservation between states are large-
ly due to land utilization. At first,
forests wereregarded As a menace to
farming. The plow followed the axe
as the demand for timber from the
prairie states developed. It was only
in 1900 that people began to say that
somebody should do something about
the excessive cutting. And in that re-
spect Michigan was ahead of the other
states of this area."
Mr. Lovejoy traced the history of
the forestry school of the University
and told of its relation to state for-
estry. He de'scribed the campaigning
of Prof. Filbert H. Roth, first direc-
tor of the forestry school, to interest
the state in conservation.
"Don't Come To College To Be A Big
Man On T lie Campus," Says
President Little
Responsibility to the state, to socie-
ty, and to parents was the main theme
of the address which President Clar-
ence Cook Little delivered to the Stu-
dent-Faculty Conference yesterday aft-
ernoon in Hill auditorium. President
Little's talk was on "Why Go To
College," and his talk was followed
by those of several members of the
University administration who an-
swered questions on their own special
"The state is saying 'we give you
$500 per year, why use it' for selfish
purposes?' " President Little opened.
He continued by outlining a few of
the types that are wanted and not
wanted here on the campus. "Don't
plan to come here on account of your
athletic ability, or your ability in de-
bating or oratory. Don't come to be
a big man on the campus. Too many
of them are useless. Look on your
abilities only as a source of useful-
Students Must Have Maturity
"In the elementary courses, you
cross the spaces of centuries of hu-
man knowledge to the boundaries.
There you are faced by obstacles-
what we want here is a trained set
of mountain- climbers." On account
of this immense advance in so short
a period of time, the mind must be
trained. Students coming here must
have maturity and ability, he told
them. The colleges are not what you
see in the movies. It is a place for
serious work, and is an opportunity
given you at the peoples' expense.
He named five points in the ques-
tion of coming to college, and in re-
garding the problems of solving op-
portunities. The first was "learn to
hunt for an opportunity." "They do
not come to you," he said. The second
was "learn to recognize an opportuni-
ty." The third "learn to put a sensible I
value on the opportunity" and the
fourth "learn to use opportunity" led
directly to the fifth point which he I

emphasized, "Use that opportunity to
create opportunities for others."
Purdue 7, Chicago 6.




Orange Makes Only Score On Battery,
Errors And Sacrifice In
Opening Inning y
By Clarence Edelson
Until the chilly breezes finally weak-
enedl the pitching arm of the Syra-
cuse ace, George Miner, Coach Ray
Fisher's Varsity nine remained blank-
ed and the Orange run scored in the
first inning loomed more and more
impressive. But Fred Asbeck's erra-
tic twirling for Michigan was not too
erratic and the Wolverine's closing
rush finally allowed them to secure
their ninth consecutive triumph, 4-1,
yesterday at Ferry field. The two
squads will cross bats again today at
2:30 o'clock.
That lone Syracuse run which came
as a result of three battery errors
and a sacrifice hit in the opening
round seemed to be scheduled for
considerable company in the fourth
and fifth, and again in the sixth. Real-
ly pretty fielding by Bud Morse term-
inated the most threatening rally and
some good pitching checked the others,
enabling the Wolverines to hang on
until their booming bats came out of
a nrotracted il no which hnA dor-

Horses, mules, camels, and jack-ass-
es were the subjects of a University
lecture delivered yesterday afternoon
by Prof. William L. Westerman, of the
history department of Columbia uni-
versity, before the classical section of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' club.
He began by tracing the horse, in
history. The first records of such an
animal have been found in those of
about 3000 B.C. in the district around
the iMediterranean sea. The first name
fiwas "the ass-from-the-East." Soon
they were used to draw war chariots,
and later used as mounts in wartimes.
After their use in war exploitation,
they were used for communication
purposes. It was not until late that
they were used for horseback ridi-ng.
"Interest in war transports led to
the use of camels," he declared. "The
strange thing is that they had a know-
ledge of the beasts and did not use
them," he added. Since those early
times, they have been supreme in the
deserts until the innovation of the air-
plane and automobile.
The Greeks and Romans never used
the horse as a labor animal, he point-
ed out. They were regarded as a"
exotic animal.
Receives Unanimous Vote Of JudgesI
Over Zeeland Negative In
High School Debate

Plan To Be Submitted To Student
At Special Meeting Scheduled
After Campus Elections



Completely endorsing the merit system of choosing the president
recording secretary of the Union, the reorganization committee of
Board of Directors at a meeting yesterday noon with three intere
students enthusiastically and unanimously approved a definite plan wh
by those Union officials would be appointed by a board composed
members of the new board of directors.
The proposed board in its organizatioi and expected operation is cl
ly modeled after the system used with the Board in Control of Publica
in picking the managing editors and business managers of the var
publications. Its personnel would include three students taken from
Union vice presidents on the board of directors, the three faculty 2
on the board of directors, and one alumnus on the same board who i
in Ann Arbor.
The reorganization committee consisting of William Jeifries, gr
president of the Union, Prof. H. C. Anderson, head of the mechar
DECORTIONS engineering department and Arc
(I WIL RETIN DEORATINS W Diack, '92D, was namedfr
WILL RETAIN the Board of Directors four weeks
I(after President Jeffries had brou
The colorful decorations which student opinion favorable to the
adorned the Union ballroom for ( vision to its attention. At that 1
. the Military ball last night will wih one exception, the projeced bo
remain up for the regular Satur- was set forth in the Daily editoria
( day night Union dance, it was Effective Next Year
announced last night by Wil-Adth jectif
( lam V. Jeffries, Grad'., presi- snoplneterjcti
( dent of thefUnion. proved by the Board of Directors
( This has been made possible, , the' Union membership would go
Jeffries said, by special ar- | effect next year. It would not I
( rangements with R.O.T.C. of- (affect the choice of the next Un
ficials, who have agreed to leave ( president who will be chosen in
( the decorations in place for the I coming campus elections.
I dance tonight. : Fully approved by the reorgani
S.tion committee the suggested ame
ments will be reported to the Bo
.UPIPT r,- rrnm .of Directors at a meeting to be h
next Saturday. With the board's


icn m Royal Oak was crowned debating
porarily held sway. champion of the State of Michigan by
It all started when Bennie Ooster- defeating Zeeland by the unanimous
baan's hit to third base in the seventh decision of three judges in the elev-
proved too hot fon Walkob to handle. enth annual state championship debate
Lou Weintraub's intended sacrifice in Hill auditorium last night before
turned out to be a full fledged hit(a crowd of more than 4,000 people.
when nobody covered first base. Bud1 Royal Oak upheld the afirmative
Morse then bunted to advance both Ro Oak ueld thesaffirmat
runners, and Ernie McCoy counted side of the question, "Resolved, That
Oosterbaan with the tying run on his the direct primary system ofinominat-
long fly to center field.' A passed hall 1ing candidates for public office in
eonabld tentrubto ull up atshrd, a the United States should be abolish-
enabled Weintraub tonpull up at third, ed." The winning team was composed
whence he registered on sbeck's of Edward Aldinger, Dorothy Davis,
driisnctehgle.,tand John Lederlee. The Zeeland team
when Capt. Stubby 'Loos' hit to righth was composed of three girls, Helen
coupled with passes to Red Lange and Clark Alice Katte, and Winona Wells.
Oosterbaan, a wild pitch by Miner, and ProfSpeech department of the University
Weintaub's third bingle of the game peshdeatmth e niversit
scored another pair of runs. presided at the championship con-
Syracuse's half of the sixth showed test. He was presented by Prof. Gail
how it was that the Wolverineshwere E. Densmore, also of the Speech de-
outhit and still managed to win.eSibus partment, who is the manager of the
led off with a hit to left; Deming fol- Michigan High School Debating lea-
lowed with the third' of his four clean3 gue. After the completion of the de-
knocks to the outfield for safeties; bate, Professor O'Neill presented gold
Miner advanced both runners with a watches, which were donated by the
sacrifice; Walkob walked. The bases Detroit Free Press, to the six con-
were filled and only one man had testants who participated in the con-
een retired. Morse raced in toscoop test.
u.Benzretired. Moer.adio Si The three judges of the debate were
lip Benzin's lazy roller and forced Si-DaEd rdHKaurf.Wlim
bus at the plate with a perfect tosst Dean Edward H. Kraus, Prot William
to McCoy and then took a wide throw A. Frayer, and Prof. Emeritus Thomas
from Loos at second to force Benzin C. Trueblood, Dr. Clare E. Griffin
and end the rally.di was to have acted as a judge, but he
BOX SCORE I is ill, and Professor Trueblood was
Michigan AB R H PO A secured to take his place.
Nebelurgcf .4 0 1 1 More than 110 high schools of the
Loos ss .... state had delegates at the champion-
Lange rf......3 1 1 0 0 'ship debate. The total number of
Oosterbaan lb .3 1 1 9 0 high school students present was esti-
Weintraub 3b . 1 3 1 3 mated at more than 2,500 by Profes-
Morse 2b......3 0 0 6 1 sor Densmore. The cnowd in attend-
McCoy c......4 0 0 7 2 ance at the debate last night was the
McAfee If.....2 0 0 0 0 1largest ever to witness a champion-
Slagle If......0 0 0 0 0' ship debate in the history of the
*Straub ph ....1 0 0 0 0 debating league.
Asbeck p......3 0 1 0 3 The Varsity band and Jackson high
Ak_..._1_ school's boys chorus united in giving
Totals......31 4 8 27 13a half hour concert immediately pre-
Syracuse AB R H PO A ceding the debate.
Walkob 3b .....3 1 0 0 1i
Benzin lb......4 0 0 11 1 OPERA TR YOUTS
Peck 2b ........5 0 0 0 31 MUST SIGN TODAY
Horowitz ss ....4 0 1 2 3j
Lambert cf ....4 0 1 3 0 All those who have not yet signed
Baysinger rf ..4 0 0 1 0 up for the Union Opera will be given
Sibus lt........4 0 2 1 0 a last chance to do so between 4 and
Deming c......4 0 4 4 2 5:30 o'clock this afternoon at the
Miner p .'.......3 0 1 2 2 Mimes theater, it was announced last
**Crowe ....... 0 0 0 0 0 night.
- - - -- Tho'se who wish to consult fprther
Totals ......35 1 9 24 12 about writing the book should make a
*Batted for McAfee in eighth. special appointment with E. Mortimer
"Ran for Lambert in fifth. Shuter, director of the Opera, who
Syracuse-100 000 000-1. will talk to each one personally.
Michigan-000 000 22x-4.'
Summaries: Errors- Oosterbaan j TALKS AND MUSICA


Ernest M. Hopkins Will Speak On
"The Amateur Scholar" Tuesday
In hill Auditorium
'The Amateur Scholar" has been
chosen by President Ernest M. Hop-
kins of Dartmouth college as the sub-
ject of his address to be made at the
Honors Convocation, it was announced
by University officials yesterday. The
annual convocation program will be
held at 11 o'clock next Tuesday morn-
ing in Hill auditorium, it has been
Seniors who have made scholastic
records in the highest tenth of their'
class in any school or college of the
University will occupy a section in the'
center of the ground floor of the
auditorium, according to arrange-
ments, together with the holders of
scholarships and fellowships in the
University and the members of the
two freshmen honor societies, Phi Eta
Sigma, and Alpha Lambda Delta.
The remainder of the ground floor
seats, together with both of the bal-
conies, will be open to the student
body and the general public.
President Hopkins, the principal
speaker on the occasion, has been
head of Dartmouth college since 1916,
and is a graduate of that institution in
the class of 1901. For nearly 10 years
after his graduation he served as
secretary to the president of Dart-
mouth and secretary of the college,
and from 1910 to 1916 he was engaged
in organization work for various in-
dustrial projects in Chicago, Boston,
and Philadelphia.
Since his accession to the chair of
president of Dartmouth on July 1,
1916, he has gained a reputation as
one of the most progressive college
executives in the country.

dorsement, the plan will -be submi
to the students at a special mee
shortly after the campus elections
was felt that the strcisT1bTthe
ject as well as the interest in the T
er would be enhanced by action
As outlined to the committee by
of the students, this application of
merit system is designed to give c
tinued student control through e
tion of the vice presidents, contin
and stabiliy by faculty and alu
members, and general acquainta
with all applicants by the entire
sonnel. Though it will not be s
gested as a constitutional amendni
it was advanced from examination
the publications that each retir
president and recording secretarys
mit to the appointment'board a rec
mendation which would present
length the record, ability and pers
ality of each applicant. With this
ture, thorough knowledge of each c
didate plus detached considera
have been advanced as advantage
the plan.
Expect Closer Contacts
The outline of the projected bo
takes advantage of the'rnewun'
Board of Directors which will go
effect next year and in which the
ancial and student function are
ready isolated as sub-committees.
lection of the seven suggested nm
hers of the appointment board4
eludes it is believed those mem'
which are closest in contact with
applying students.
Action of the committee in adop
the plan was based on the belief
the merit system as applied in
plan would. eliminate political.
sideration from student endeavo.:
the Union. Reward for work d
and recognition of ability were
factors set forth qualities which we
be better recognized by the new
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman hono:
scholastic fraternity, will endeavo
institute the honor system in the
erary school if the project is fc
advisable, it was announced yes
day by Harold Bruce Palmer,
president of the society. The ide
an outgrowth of the society mee
la'st Wednesday, according to Pa
er. The committee appointed to
into the matter consist of Dou
L. Edwards, '31, chairman; Myer
telbaum, '31; and Morris Alexani
The procedure intended would

Some 250 couples attended the was placed on raised platform under
eighth 'annual Military ball held last crossed flags, and in the opposite
night in the ball room of the Union by corner was the chaperones' booth.
the campus R.O.T.C. organization. The Along the wAl's, about, the entire
dancing began at 9 o'clock and was room, were various insignia of a mar-
cgitinued until 2 o'clock. G'ebrge tial aspect.
Williams' recording orchestra, of Officers of the R.O.T.C. attended the
Cleveland, furnished the music for dance in dress uniform, while others
the affair. wore formal civilian clothes. . Gov.
The grand march, led by Wayne Fred W. Green was numbered among
Brownell, '28, general chairman for the guests, included among whom
the event, and his guest, Miss Helen weise numerous prominent militaryf
Wescott, of Ypsilanti, formed at 11 and civil authorities.!
o'clock. At the conclusion of this Prior to the dance tonight the initia-
feature a flashlight picture was taken tion of Lieut.-Com. Wortley, Lieut.-
of the assemblage. Col. Daugherty, Dr. Fred A. Perry, and
Reograms of Lansing, filmed the Dr. Walter Perry to honorary mem-
rnircaoff lip. rn an ti I 1a+or fvnh4ir,' h I hi 4..i O..n h1.. ..1 .. A 1r..-A



(2), Horowitz, Sibus, Miner. Bases on
balls-off Asbeck: Walkob (2); off
Miner: McAfee, Lange, Oosterbaan.
Struck out-by Asbeck: Walkob (2),
Baysinger (2), Sibus (2), Peck; by
Miner: Nebelung (2), Loos, Weintraub,
Morse, Asbeck. Sacrifice hits-McCoy,
Morse, Benzin, Miner. Passed balls-
McCoy (2), Deming (3). Wild pitch-
Miner. Double play-Benzin unas-
sisted. Umpires-Green and Richard-


Concluding the 1927-28 series of Un-
iversity }radio programs, WWJ, the
Detroit News station, last night broad-
cast three talks by University officials,
and some selections by the University
Men's Glee club. The speakers were
Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School
of Forestry and Conservation, Charl-
es A. Sink, '04, president of the Uni-
versity School of Music, and Prof. U.
G. Rickert of the School of Dental

busy in forestry have the situation
help," he added. This however is not
the case, for it is something on which
we all must work. He emphasized the
establishment of additional forests as
community and city projects. ,In con-
clusion, he mentioned the many uses
for wood, and need of keeping faith
with the forests of Michigan.
Mr. Sink traced the history of the
University Musical society, and of the
May festivals. He then described the
next festival, to be given from May

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