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January 18, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-01-18

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______________________________________ W*~ ~VW~W~ A W WW~YW~U~1


IAll those having tickets for the
19 J-Hop must call for th ir fav-
ors from 2 until 5:30 o'clock this
Iafternoon at the side desk in the
Union, bringing the stub from their
ticket. The booth committee will
also be in attendance to compile
the booth preferences for fratern-
nty men, and it is req ested that
aj t this time such statement of








previous a rranugements beme ~ .
I NTRODUCED BY WHITNEY 'ripl5 will lie the last ophorttinity
-- to ob~ta in favors.
Clore Giamies Are Lost fly Overiraii. ' I____- _____________
Spcerli14rif~Aide:,eLAN DO N TO BE 130 STI
More games are lost by overtrain-
ing tha1n by nndert raining, Prof. OFiNjR A DN E
Colemlan C. CGriffithI, o!' thle raining, O r UNo-T DN
''y department of the University of T

Illinois, 101(1:stud~enlts and nl embers jAlumnus And C'ii lar 'Veteran
of the familty of fthe School or Edu- At end Send-.OffIDiuer At
cation in a. lec tre on "Psychology Ui oaI On SaIturiiday

I1'il I

in At hletics'" yesteriday afternoon.
After a short, introductory st ory,
Professor Griffith beg an his address;
by gradually tracing the steps in
some of his many researches withj
athletes and their psychology. The
firs.t general idlea that he sought to
demonstrate wvas that overtraiiiingI
has caused. the loss of ni-ore athletic
events than undertraining. To find
whether or not this was true theyl

D)r. .Henry' B. Landon, of Monroe,
Michigan, who graduated from the
University in 1861. and who is a Civil
war veteran, will be the oldest alum-
nus of the University to attend the
Centennial Send-off Dinner Saturday
night at the Michigan Union.
Dr. Landon, who is 88 years old, en-



i v baskeball squa inlls ted in the nor tnein army tonrune,
divdeda bskebal sqad n eual1861, was commissioned and later be-
groups. One group shot bsetI
cam a asisantstff ureo. He
caeteadisatltafsugen for an hour, while the other
)hot for three minutepeid an was graduated from the Medical
school and also received the degree of I
then took a short, complete relaxa ' Master of Arts in 186 .lHe will be an
tion, so that in actual time, they were h lonor guest and will sit at the speak-
at work about 40 per cent of the ers table at the dinner.
tine. Exhaustive study was made Over 300 acceptances had been re-
of each shot and player, and when ceived at the offices of the Alumni as-
the figures were compiled, it was sociation yesterday, according to TP.
found that the second group, work- Hawley Tapping, field secretary of the
ing less, had gained about 20 per cent Alumni association, and it is expected
more skill. that the assembly hall at the Union
Illinois Tries Plant I will be filled to its capacity of 420. A
Last fall, at Illinois, it was pro- large percentage of thoseatndn
posed and accepted that the scrin- j the dinner will be from distant parts
mage tiim'e of the squad be reduced of the country.
30 per cent even under the time al-! President Clarence Cook Little ap-
lowed by the neWv Conference regula- Ilpointed a special reception committee
tion. The team was divided in three Monday, which will cooperate with the
groups andl the third squad played Board of Governors of the University
the ~- fis ndscn regulary By of Michigan club of Ann Arbor ifn re-
the end of the season, +the members ceiving guests. The committee is to
were rawn and awkward from in- function all day Saturday with head-
tense work. They also wanted to de- quarters in the Union and the Alumni
termnine the alertness and degree of offices in Alumni Memorial hall. This
training of the team, so careful notej committee is an expression of the
was made of the team after each interest of the University in its re-
game. After the Northwestern, Michi- turning alumni.
gan, and Iowa games, the players Members of the committee are:
reached about the same degree of Chairman, Shirley W. Smith, secre-
fatigue at the beginning of the fol- tary and business manager of the
lowing week, only, to have it dropj University; Dean John R. Effinger,
about Wednesday to normal. But of the literary college; Dean Henry
after the Chicago game, it was noted; M. Bates of the Law school; Prof.
with concern that the general ex- Hugo P. Thieme, of the Romance Ian-
hausionconinud trouh Ae~des-guages dlepartment ; Prof. C. 0. IDavis,
(ay, so the team was given a i I r of the School of Education; Prof.
outgh rest en the next two days. "Iven Philip E. *Btiisley, of the Romance Ian-
then, onl Sat urday the team almost guages department; Prof. Louis A.
broke once or t wice, against Ohio. Strauiss, of this English depart moent;
PlanIsti1Suc(cess Prof. Orlan AV. Tostoil, (irector of the
Thus they proved that the p)lan O i' ngneein shops; Prof. Frederick G.I
redulcing the training and keoeping NovM, director of the hygienic lab-
watch upon the men was a henlelft orator Pr'of. Alfred 11. White. headj
to tllo team (ondit ionl of tranig ocf the ehemniral enginleerinig depart -
and Professor (rli ll also point U'; m(nt ; Prof. TLewis M. Cram), of the
out that schlahst ic st and inug's were : ructiura I engineering' depart ment:
mutchl higher. Prof. AV. 1). Hendersoni,(irector of the
Among° the other problems iflhil TnivelrSity ext enlsiondCivision ; Prof.
wJinchi he and his is >cia t's h va Evans Tlolbroolk of the Law sc'hool,
been working are lie traiiing of and Prof. Paul T .eidv , secretary of the
men to cnteor their eyes u pon i'itn' ItiTSl
main thing', and develop thle powers
to (-ourceiltrat e while seeing 0111(0 (do"" JT 'iJ7 a 1«t7A HA A-c Y A

1'rof. H(lihs, IProf. (oddard. Ir. (a in
And (Charles A. Fisher Will!
Deliver Speehes
Four addresses andi a pogran by
the U'niversity ot M ichian i rl's le
club wrill comprise the eigihich~di-1
gan 'Night radio program to be broa-
cast over station WW.I . the Detroit{
News, bet WC('fl7 andIs oclock 1riday
iigh t.
EThe Glee club, uder t he diection
jof Nora('rane Hunt, inst ructor of
voice in t he Schol of Music will in-
e' le in their repertoire a number ol
popular andl semi-lasslidal 'Seleciotns;
inl addition to a nuniber 01 colge
songs. The to our speakers on thec pro-
gram are Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, o1
the law school; PrOl. William 1.
Hobbs, of the geology department;
Dr. Carl D. Camp, of the medical
school ; and Charles A. isher, assist-
ant director of the extension division.
The Glee club will open te pro-
gram with a group of three songs, ac-
cording to thle program a, an1n10uncie
yesterdlay by Waldo N~l Abot , (oftle
rhetoric delat n-u I, v io is pro
gram manauger and aulnmee ih le,
series. These wlhl ilile "L ade~ls
Atqu e Ca rminia,' by ,t a nly ; " Var-
sit y,'' by Lawt on; anid "Lin dy o,'
by Stricklnd.
This will be followed by a talk by
Professor Hobbs, di rector of tle two
Universit y of Mh igan exl)dii,
to Greenland, for the purpose 1. do- -
covering the source of the North
Atlantic storms. "Exploring Beside
the Greenland Ie Cap" will be the
subject of Professor H obbs.
The second interim by the Glee clubC
will include "Where the Bee Sucks,"
a Shakespearian sonnet arranged byi
Dr. Charles Vincent; "Wings of the
Night," by W. Watts; and "Love's a
Merchant," by Molly Carew. Solo
parts will be sing by Marjorie Chav-
enelle, '28.N
"Diseases of the Nervous System"
will be the subject of the second ad-
dress on the program by Dr. Camp,
who is professor of neurology in the
medical school and specialist in the
University hospital.
Soloist Will sin'
The third group of songs by the Gle
club will include "'My Grl at Mh i-
gan,'' by Wueorther; ''When Night
Fall Nears,''by Ry Dikisoii
Welsh:; and "(Comie oni ad .' by P.
)iamon. The solotist for 1 isr upl
will 1)e Dorothiy 1larsman,'0
"'Vahin g a Will" Will lbe thie subljectl
of the('add~ress ly PPlo ESsi lC(imid,
wvho diiring I ie 27 years he ihas 1 iee j
a meinlber of 1110 law facultv has amde
, Spl ~ mIst udyof tis subject. IFlo
has also xv rit t ii a nurmbe (f lhooks
on subject s relative to law.
"Wyuken lllln and Nod,'' by
Nevin, and "sopra no (Oblig to.' sing
by Carolyn Slepia, '2, will or-
1prise the foiurtlh song. gronph.
"Aduilt E'd ca ion and the Ex I esion
Bureau of the University,' will e the
subject of the a (1(1rss br M. Fisher.

j Patlti h'nn.i
Youth futl P olish violinist who makes
his firist A anAiibor- a pparance to-
nigh't as tie founrt Ii attraction of the
I egutlar- (-(niU'it series tunder the aus-
iices oit [lie University Chor-al Union.
;mm I lli iru nr TflhIIhI

Au important meeting oif the
presidents of all fraternities and
sororities will be held in Room
1035, Angell hall today at 4:30
o'clock. The presence of the presi-
dent or duly authorized represen-
tative is requested at this meet-
ing, a-s attendance will be taken,
according to an announcement
Tvfnnnv bythca Theo Stude ~nts.

VmLA M IUN HI ec argument. Expressing himself trial system, he will show the effects
Ill s favoring, if anything, the abolish- of the gun boats of foreign nations
I mont of the death penalty, lie then in the Yang Tze river, and lie will
Youthful Pole Offers Numbers Fromtb o g t icse h tell of the fight. of the Chinese
Old Artists Anid Fronm Ownt I against Imperialism and the oppres-
I.Couipositioits against capital punishment. sion of peasantry.
In dealing with his subject, Pro- WVhiile in Sha nghai, Nanking, and
}FEWS TICKETlS AVAILABLE' fessor Wood first, took up a discus- 'Ilaiikoxv it was Bliaushai-d's privilege
l :ion of certain tenidenc~ies cocen t#o interview many of the 'Most Irrri -
Paul.111 oehailsli, youthful Polish ing the deah enalty that have be- i IaIc'si 'i ewtei hc
viliitwilmae istAn r-det adfrom theni le has; gainexd an ini-;
vcoinitwil maiehisfrsAn - coirk-e apparent in' recent years. 'There fight possessed by fewy' Americanrs to-
boi apeariaiw-ciat 8 o'clock tonight in wafrsthveydcedrndht aI
If[lli auidlit oriumi, as the fourth attrac- wa irs h3eydcde rn htdy
-~ cnet - has resulted in the reduction of the(, After raduating from. the Univer-
11(11 of the regularcoer series number of crimes punishable btei gpnoe by the Uiesity Sho of M t o lich_ ia in 1.1111, Ilianshardl
sposord b th Uivesit Scoolofdeath penalty to three, homicide, took postgraduate work at Columbia1
M\usic. Although41 admission will be to ;treason and rape. In fact, Professor i aind Harvard before lie beeaiiie the
Irglr sscleratwsnl Wodfurther point ed out, iionlici(e r pastor of the 3oston Congregational
} tickets are available at the offices ofl is virtually the only one that exacts Church. After entering inito the field
the School of1' Music. ! the death penalty ;today. of labor work he was prominenatly
The pr'ograni as anniounced earlier' Talks Of Public Executions connected with the American F'edora-
wilinclde selections from Bach, "Secondly, public executions- arc tion of Labor, and has lately made
Kreisler, Mozart, anditi rahms, and in being discontinued because they have1 two trips around the world, prior to'
add ition work ot the artist himself. I!given rise to a hysterical reaction this last one to China. In the last
Ko{(chanslki is hailed as one of the j among the populace rather than act- two years he hias lectured to more
mor prinisiigyouge viliist, ng as a deterrent. There is also a than 125;,.004 'college students., and
andc is espIecially remarkable in that need for a reduction of press reports has- been to almost every large uni-
his success dates from his American j so as to reduce the excitement in- versity in the United States. The
peirfornmances rather than from any j curred 'by them," Professor Wood speaking is being sponsored by the
reputation obtained first on the con-{ continued. League for Industrial Democracy.
tinent. H7e was discovered and brought "More barbarous methods of capi-
to this country in 1921 by Walter ta uihetaeben bnoe U SCOLLECTION
tipnsmnarbenabnoe Damrosch, conductor of the New YorkI although there is no such thing as TOC NTN E
Symphony orchestra, and after his an ascetic means of putting people ITO BE CO TN E
first appearance was signed for five+ to death," was Professor Wood's ! THROUGH-OUT DAY
weeks straight contract with the or-j third point.
ganiatin a sooist Depit hi I Fourthly, in~ those states where Reporting successful results in al-
youth he has held positions of profes-' the death penalty is in existence the most all cases after their first day's
soy of violin at the conservatories of{ jury very often is given the right to attempt to collect class dues yester-
' Wars~aw and Petrograd. H-e gave these decide whether or not the, extreme , day, all of the class treasuriers of
tip to t ry his fortunes on the concert penalty shall be inflicted." , hI nvriywl tep gi o
st~e, ad tihedUniversityry dwillAswattAeguentsfagai to-
a nCro.'i hndh ds pebuaAr-rsArumntgu acay to collect the dues from tei
lie hs ilP ii1 Professor Wood then to p a!venious classes on tho campus. More
p-t ical ly ai1 of the world's ' numb~er of favorite arguments con- than 20 treasurers took part in theI
dlihitw inci1 ldinig those of Egypt and t cerning criminiology and answered first day, yesterday, and it is holted
Southi America. lihe has appeared with ! hm h frtwstht'sm
the sthehonTherflisstwas inhLoiidone1trim- ;by Charles Gilbert. '28, chairman of
the yinlion orhesra i LodonI inals are hopelessly degenerate and the Student council class dues corn-
dire('I md hy Alimit ('oat es. irreformable." In replying Professor Imitt cc, that all necessary collecting
I 'u- n('Xt (,"it (if ilie muisic'al sea- Wood emphasized that "'It is not wvhat- may be finished hy the ouch of to-
S~i wl ie ii ~hiea a c- hee f heshall we do to those whom wve have (hday.
sit01tf uhcril('bil unerthedi Icaught but who thne degenerates ai'e The system of c-ollectioni this year
ii''t) toftF'. Meius Cliistansemi on and how many moire of them there are involves the giving of a r'eceip~t toI
.1 an. Ufa. 'El us xvilIlibe lie last ninlier running' loose in the community.'' (aehi1 person blaying his dues from
buti t)i ohf i the Ext ia concert series,; In' answerin the question.,''Does; the regular Student council receip~t
wd lvitI willo hllowed Feb. 1Iliy the i thle death penalty really deter the ini- Ibooks, which afford a duplicate that'
Newx'York sipliy with l'a Itert~
i cividmal fr'om committing crinie,' hei is tuiined inl to the othice of the Unii-
ha= ni insehianmd I)lol Eislkine, lnovelist declared, "It is foolish to say that a ' x'ersit~y treasurle., A small portion
ia iid ('ohumbitia iioix'ei-sity p1 ofessor as penialty' is no deterrent bitt it is just of' cachi amount npaid by the women
soloistI as foolish to depend upon its effective-; students, 25 cents iii most caises, will
L.,. ---.. '-" ...,,..4-.- -4,-- - - - - - - 1l,,,,.

Sociology Professor Pr31esents Speech
Showing Arguments OnilBoth
Sides Of Question
Challenging the idea that the death
penalty is justifiable because it gives !!
us the most satisfaction that justice
1has been clone, Prof. Arthur E. Wood
of the sociology departmient declar-
ed, "wre mnust get away from this'
emotional attitude toward cr'nme andh
resort to a more rational' solution of
the problem," in 'a Tolstoy league
lectur-e on capital ptunishiment yes-
terdhay afternoon in Room 231 An-
gell hall.
Professor Wood presented a cleat'
conception of the case favoring cap-
ital punishment and then answei'ed


IO e'ld Secreary 1or. ndutil1Lea.
Ig'ue s't'ill Dellneale 0Oil situationi
'I d13-In Science lI-,I
Brminging wxithi him "the enlighten-
m nent of recent stutdy in China, Paul
IBlatishard, field secretary for the
League foi-Indtuistrial D~emocracy oif
Newv York, will speak at 4:15 thisI
afternoon in Natural Science audi-
1!toi'ium. Taking for his topic "Tihe
IH-eart of the Chintese Revolution,'
IBlanshard will paint a pictui'e of thel
Chinese workers in their new indus-j


runmu ous Agreement For Beginnii ng
Of Conerence Reaelbed Without
,imcl Iifficulty
By Associated Press)
SHAVANA, Jan. 17.-The Argentine
and Aimericani delegation took the lead
today in disposing, in the first in-
formal nmeeting of delegates before the
first pleniary session tomorrow, of the
sixth Pan-American congress, of one
of tlie admiiittedly most thornypr-
po-lems confronting the conference.
IProposed by the Argentines and
secondled by Charles Evans Hughes
for the United States, an oral motion
I was approved today to make the
"open covenants openly arrived at,"
the keynote of the sixth Pan-American
congress by establishing a rule of
public committee meetings and plen-
iary sessionis.
Today's meeting was held for an
exchange of view's between chiefs of
missions here, to agree upon pro-
cedlure and conference and to' lay a
basis for concerted action regarding
organization of the parliament. To-
day's decisions must be confirmed by
tomorr'ow's pleniary sessions.
I . Chiefs Agree
Losing no time in starting work
after thle festivities of 'I rusident C'ool-
Idge's visit to hlavana, chiefs of dei-
gations found themselves in practical-
ly unanimous agreement. regarding
the beginning of the conferences, -.c-
tivities and the general policy to be
followed in the conference as It
The happy solution of the, probhlm
of public or executive conimitte e ses-
sions was hailed by all delegates as
Symptomatic of the ease with which
apparently difficult pioblems .could
be disposed of if good will were pres-
ent and the accomplishment intro-
duced a note of opthisimn into all
forecasts as to the congress. It was
pointed out that this was the first in-
stance of complete publicity in a con-
ference of this nature and it was re-
called that this very subject gave
ground for much vivacious debate in
the 1923 San Diego, Chile, congress,
with subsequent criticism of the re-
sults obtained.
Argentine Thtanks Hughes
Honorio Pueyrredon, Argentine am
bassador to Washington, took the in-
itiative in bringing up the matter of
open committee meetings for immediate
discussion and determination. After the
meeting hie expressed great apprecia-
t ion that Mr. Hughes, in t'he name of
the United States delegation, had im-
Smediately seconded his motion, there-
by adding the prestige of American
approval and securing beyond a doubt
a majority for his motion. Ambass-
ador Pueyrredon appealed to other
delegates in favor of his motion by
~declaring that he objected on prin-
ciple to "private discussion of public
affairs," adding that, since questions
d (iscuissedl in the conference will be
of world-wide importance, (le inter-
j vention of public and press ought to
b e welcomed insteadl of repulsed.
Tis morning's session also put on
record heads of delegations as favoring
I the constitution of eight committees
to report on topics on the agenda be-
fore their presentation to the plenary
'session. A move was made by lead-
ers of sonic of (lie lesser delegations
to increase this number to 21, makting
possible the appointment of each dele-
gation head as chairman of one com-
niittee. Trhe proposal was rejected on
,the grounds that closer cooperation

could be achieved with, fower com-


llvsS, nq 7lillell acz vv(f, dr) "

tails out of Ithe cor1ncr of thle eye.
He, mentionied that Bare"I stutdies of
Red Grange in ac-Iion shiowr'd fI iou I
the player nearly always vas ce-n-
t ered upon sonmc pla1ce down tihe field
and saw only the neariby things toI
be done and to be avoidedl by his
power of "seeing fi-om the coi-ner of
the eye." lie pointed out that siw-hj
a thing was almost a necessity iin
the shortpassinig game of basketball.
Basketball 1Discussed
A third problem considered was
reaction to loads, such as in bas-
ketball where the playei' seldoni?
makes a shot in the same way. A1
man who can adapt himself to a
change of pace and quick stopping
will perhaps be htter material forj
the coaches' attention, although mostj
of their research has gone astray on
(this point, he declared.
As the last problem he discussed,
lie is now woi'king on the qtuostioni
of "how shall a coach amswer the
criticisms of peole who speak about



Annunceement has been trade by I play
jItl: he nivei-sity economic-s deparmient andit
of the r'eceipt of two notices concer-n- h ey.
iug' fellowships now being offer-ed to I
seniorsi and gr-aduates inter estedi in W
questions of economic r-esc at-el.
IOne is from the economics depart- j
mont of Tufts college offering teach-
hng fellowships in economics to ox- Jo
ceptionally equipped graduate stu- ? pros
dents. Application for these fellow- Lyle
ships, which include half-time tuition miec7
as w,,ll as a salary, should be madle last
! betore March 1. chios
'Phie graduate 'school of the Univer- ficei
sity of Califor'nia is also offering a '29,
number of fellowships open to stu- '31,
dents who dlesire to do graduate wrork corn
f in -c'onomnic's. Coin.

CATt Z6a11U11UWe(ohe finial song group Otl ithe(,ii I"UUI.'j/4InI L )Jel)i-oyingto the statemetit, "Life
Iii will iludllfe "Yea i-; Ago ,t i AT fI CKE ) A G /D 1E Iimprisonment- is a hoax," Professor
bligant ii,'' fi-u he ,Janior Cii Is Iit - Wood conimmenteci "The char-ge against I
194 "rot ill i tI tior- {;pci2alt)o 1hi' DailyT) Ipardoning' andpai'oling is not an in-
from )ll a st yeai's Junior (l. iI1 P W OIT', Jani. 17 -- Minnesota dictment of tlie Irinciple but an in-
"Mi'higan nMemnories,'' by IBrown, - umedinto thelheath in (lie hockey jdcmn fte diitain ti
'The Yell ow andt Blue,'' by C-ay- Cne-m- -tcln ih yue question of efficient administration."
(ocr efeat in" the Wolverine puchlmen 3-0 1
<it the Olymrpia iink in D~etr-oit, in thej RIVAL COMPANIESI
'EBST ER HEADS irst. Pig Ten Hockey contest. A AY L 'l E T i Y
DE A EcOI TY rtowd of 2,01)0 spectator. witnessed IM'AY E D A
L/ :" thecontest. The Varsity band ac- OVER RUSSIAN OILj
ohn F. Webster. '30P, was electetd(onpaimietl the Michigan team to the 1____
sietofApaNut u c etitst. (yAicatdPes
oieto ~paN oscee B soitdPes E. lsol-nan, '30L at (lie last- I Thme first score canie in the first I NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-The "price
Atn oftleso-e ,ti cnel to minutes of play when Brown, !wiar" now raging between (lie Royal
t nighit,.h'owai'd Simtiii, '0 t, xxa , 1 Gophier-wiiig, got thle puck in a i Dutch Shell group and thme Standard
semi vice president. 'The otherm-f- scramible illfi'ont of (lie Minnesota.' Oil company of New York imlInimdia will
ors elected were Paul h~ransetli, iiet , took; it. down the ice amid shot I immediately be extended if the Amer-
secretary, R. Carpentier- Hewitt, the goah. Time second point came ican company offers Russian oil for
treasur-er-, JosepihiE,. 1Hwell, '30 1iiv minut~es later on a pass from I sale in other countries. This was '
respondliiig secretlai'r, aindThom Ia thins to Lonw a. Shortly after,j made clear here tonight by Richard
mrlis, '0lt, sei-gtea ut -at -arins. I 'iWlein oTesws ocdAirey, Amiericanm repi-esemntative of Siru
I t'oii Iliel~niewitIi kieeimiitr. eini Dederding, head of I lie Shell in-
N CAN JIDA TEi'dl ihe i ttht da i-nillyinjthe.terests.
NI CIIA ISOK GI lilhiti tinl tdarlyi h eodpro, but Contway, inter-cept- "I do not amnticipate a price wvar in
IIEM IY I JO Iz G mig a pass iii fronit of his ownm goal, any other country," Mr. Airey said,
birought.;(lie puck clown (lie ice anti! "but this is eiitirehy in the hands of
.h vehiemently andh violently. Ilie st-oretd the final point. Maney, Jos- (lie Standard Oil company of New
ited to knmow if this was a game, ephi and Copeland hone the brunt ofI York. If they ship Russian 'stolen
3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h waMpaiiwa ifmeie(icheigan attack but failed to goods''to any other country, the
maei ewn u o otal score on the Gopher skaters. Royal Dutch Shell group will fight it."
I wound up with the assertion that The Wolverines, on the ice for the Mr. Airey declared it was his under-
omne could kid him and get away thir-d time tis year, clearly showed' standing that contracts held by the
hi2 it. He hung up on Wieman. tir lack of skating practice. Standard Oil company of New York'
1n h ~ r i tpi,0nnr Rin t on iori i eir ., _- __ e . __ - 1. ..,i n..: - -1 _

of tli(' 'Womnen's league, rand ftut Ithis
reasomn all of the woiieni's receipits
,will lie specially st ai 10(1ftr the
puxpe)se of keeping pr-open records.
All womn istitdetnts are irequestedl to
see that thoi' receipts are proplerly
stamipedl when payimg their dues.
According to the plans of (lie Stu-
dent council at present, these two
d eays will he (lie only opportunity
offered for (lie paymemnt of duos this
year, since all the class treasurers
of (lie Univer'sity have agreed to co-
operate at this 'tinie.
! nseveral classes of the Univer-
city the treasurers have already

Imade arrangements for the collec- j Anmotnemnent was niade yesterday
(ion of their dhues In anothier man-; of (lie coninittee which will handle
xner. 7n time freoshimen class of (lie the Freshnian weewk prograni next
engineering college, special amranige- year. Prof. Williami A. Frayer of the
ni-emts will be matde to collect the history departmient wxill again serve
dlues at a regular class assenibly, I as chairman of thie comimittee, which
and in several classes of (lie archii- nummbers nine menibers, aiid the pro-
tctuiral colle ge (lie cuies nadl been gr'am next ye'ar will take place Sept.
;-ohhcetett before (lie present two day; 10 to 16.
periiod. iIra Smith, i-egisutrai' oft(le 'Univer-
____________sity, Prof. C. S. Yoakum, Prof. Amthur
Ip A T TI Y H !! D. Moore, Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser
. S UDY i S T , to wonion, Dr. Margaret Bell,, Elmer
IN UNION LIB RARY Mitchell, director of intramural ath-
- - letics, and J. A. Burslay, dean of stu-
Starting this week and extending! dents in addition to Pi ofessor Frayer
thr'ough the mid-term exams Pendle- will compose the committee that will
ton library in the Union will stay have charge of the programs, and
open from 11 o'clock in the morning; though no definite arrangements.
I until 192 o'clock"i-at night fto accommo- 1 have, boenniade as vet it is possible

the damaging powers of athletics?" I " LIIAVI' ,) C.(ll iI
The methods whereby they hope to j



throw some^ light upon this subject To tlie forestry school must go the
of damage of sports to the partici- C credit for numbering aniong its 25, a
pants are rather incom'plete as yet, soul of sufficient hardihood to toll
but 'professor Griffith believes per- Michigan's head football coach in very
sonally that they do no harm if pro- plain language -whore to get off.
perly indulged in, and that they lead . It seems that among its other
perhaps ^"not to a longer, but to a celebrities last fall, this forestry

it in

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