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April 27, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-27

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Discussions Will Concern Cooperation
Of high Schools And
Sessions of the Michigan Associa-
tion of Deans and Advisers will take
place today at the Union. The meet-
ing is part of the larger convention of
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club,
convening here this week end, the
conference of the Association being
confined to its program today.
All women who are interested in at-
tending the conferences have neen
cordially invited to do so, the invita-
tion being issued by Miss Grace Rich-
ards, adviser to women, and chair-
man of the association.
The schedule of events opens with
a university convocation at Ii o'clock
in Hill auditorium' with Gordon Jen-
nings, Laing, dean of the graduate
school of arts and literature, Univers-
ity of Chicago, speaking on "Litera-
ture and Leisure. This will be fo
lowed by a luncheon in the ladies dIn-
ing room of the Union at which Dr.
Wm, A. Frayer will speak on "Fresh-
man Week at Michigan 1927 and
Students will be admitted to this
and the remaining discussions by
student tickets which shouTd be ob-
tained from the office of the Reg-
trar. The afternoon meetings will
find the conference split into two
groups, the college unit meeting from
3:30 to 4:30 in the ladies' dining
room. Led by Miss Elva Fornrook,
social director of Martha Cook build-
ing, they will discuss "The Orienta-
tion of the High School and the Jun-
ior College Woman in the Larger
Simultaneously, the high school
group will meet in room 302, Michi-
gan Union; their interests will cen-
ter around what the high schools can
do toward orientation in college. The
discussion will be led by Mrs. Grace
C. Jones, vocational counsellor, Cen-
tral High School, Detroit.'
The keynote of the Schoolmasters'
meeting is "Cooperation of the High
School and College." Students may
attend all meetings of the convention,
as well as those of the deans and ad-
Living in the same small Vermont'
village of white clapboarded and
green-shuttered houses, Dorothy Can-1
field Fisher, through an article in
The Bookman, lets us peep for a
while at the Robert Frost Hilltop
"A long time the house has stood
there, about a hundred years. Three
stone houses have h'en built in this
village, all have had stone fo them
sawed out by hand and the smootheA
blocks fitted closely together, but for
'the Frost house' the stone was left
beautifully rough just as it flaked off
under the quarryman's hammer. Fin-
ished it became just a cottage joined
to the house by the same roof. Wood-
bine climbs to the topmost peak of
the roof. while its old lilac and syr-
inga bushes do much to give it a sub-
stantial look. Towairds the back fire-
wood has been laid against the shed,
while across thesway is a real barn
with hay, and stock in it. Dorothy
Canfield Fisher thinks the place needs
no lable to show that it is Robert
Frost's home.


Concrete suggestions for a better
Freshman week and advisory sys-
tem have been forthcoming in inter-
views given recently by 'some of the
women who acted as advisers to
groups of freshmen last fall.
In order to teach the freshmen
their obligations as students in the
University, Miss Beatrice Johnson
suggests a talk at some time during
Freshman Week-a talk stressing the
fact that this is a mutually helpful
institution and teaching certain cour-
tesies that may be expected of both
freshmen and upperclassmen. It has
been a common criticism of the fresh-
man groups that some of the women
failed to make any reply whatsoever
to the overtures and invitations of
their advisers.
Miss Johnson also mentions a plan
for a semi-humorous talk on "How to
Study and Take Notes" which would
equip the freshman with the facts
she needs to know; "There is," says
the adviser, "too much failure at mid-
semesters and final examinations due
to the fact that the girls 'didn't know
whta they should hvae done.' "
As a factor in securing the proper
attitude of the freshmen toward the
University, Miss Margaret Mann
makes the suggestion of an issue of
The Daily to come out at some time
during Freshman Week and before the
regular publication should begin. This
issue should embody the enthusiasm
of the upperclassmen and the staff
of The Daily for the Freshman Week
idea, thus giving the freshmen an ap-
preciation of the true spirit of that
first week.
In the problem of whether freshman

groups should be expected to hold to-
gether, various po'ssibilities have been
mentioned which might aid in the
achievement of that aim. A more
careful selection of the women in
each group would undoubtedly be an
advantage, but this is a task that
carries with it enormous difficulties.
It has been found that the grouping
of women is more difficult than of
men because the preferences which
they express on their application
blanks are more vague. Men are
grouped as pre-medical, pre-law, or
pre-journalism students, etc. But
very many women declare their inten-
tion of taking a "general course" and
hence can not be grouped easily. The
possibility of a re-classification of
groups after two or three weeks of
classes has been suggested as a means
of making the groups homogeneous.
In order to encourage the freshmen
to meet freely with their advisers it
has been suggested that the adviser
be "at home" once a month to those
of her group who care to come to tea.
This would, it is hoped, make the call
quite optional and still would result
in each freshman's coming to tea at
least every other month. .
An optimistic view of the failure of
freshmen to respond to the invitations
of their advisers is taken by Miss
Doris Twitchell. She feels that fail-
ure to respond indicates lack of need
of assistance, and would prefer that
the relationship with the adviser be
thus considered a privilege to be used
when needed, rather than a duty,
which would evoke 100 per cent re-

Brick-Work Reaches Second Floor;
Line; Complete Excavation 1
For North Wing
"Progress on the new Women's
league building has been kept up to'
the schedule laid out, and the work
has been, going very well and satis-
factorily," according to Robert C.
Meleney, superintendent of construc-;
tion for Lovering and Longbotham,
general contractors for the new buila-
Tho rapid work on the building has
been clearly visible during the past
few weeks. Within the last week the
rough structural slab for the second
floor on the main building has been
put up and the brick work is at the
present time above the second story,
window-sill line on the south and
west sides of the building, while on
the other sides it has reached to
second floor line. The frames for the
second story windows are now being
set and the carpenters are building
forms for the third flow slab and the
second story columns. General/ e'
cavation work for the north wing; is
now completed and the excavation for
the column footings in the north
wing are being done, the footing of
which will be poured this week.
According to Meleney, the concrete
forms have been removed from the
basement enabling the plumbing,
heating, and lighting contractors to
start work, and most of the under-
ground sewer work has been con-
pleted within the building.
With this rapid progress on the
building, has been carried on a cam-
paign through the Alumnae council
office to raise the additional funds
which will allow the letting of the
contracts for the completion of the
south wing of the building. The shell
of this section is being constructed
under the present contract and it is
hoped that it will be possible to let
the contracts for the interior of this
part of the building in the spring.
Tau Omega, recently organized here,
claims being the most unusual Greek
letter fraternity of any American col-
lege since its membership is com-
posed exclusively of aviation pilots.
first step toward the establishment of
non-technical courses in 'iusie "here,
one lecture a week is being given on
imusic history and appreciation.

Zona Gale, well known novelist and
newspaper woman, was entertained
at a luncheon given in her honor yes-
terday at the Lantern shop . by the
members of Chi Delta Phi, national
literary sorority for women.
Following an informal luncheon
and reception, Miss Gale was intro-
duced to the women by Helen Smythe,
president of the organization, after
which Miss Gale, in a short, informal
talk, presented various ideas of the
aim of creative writing and the diffi-
culties encountered in the fiela.
Florence Robinson, '29Ed, aided by
Kathryn Francis, '28, arranged the
College Graduates.
Well Prepared For
Marriage,_Says Livv
That a college education is a fine
preparation for marriage is the con-
clusion reached by Milton Ives Livy,
a New York lawyer who was recently
completed a research into marriage
and divorce records of 48 states. He

find that you are able to do this, you
"Women naturally are much bet- feel what May Sinclair has termed
ter teachers than men," Miss Zona nascent ctas' " M Gale ent o
Gale, famous newspaper woman, au- and that is an experience that only
Gale fa'ousnewpapr woanan-the true creative writer ever has.

Columbia UniversityT
Law School Allows
Entrance Of Women
Columbia University Law School is
opening its ,doors to women. After a
period of persistent knocking on the
part of many interested groups, the
Law School opened its doors to wom-
en, last spring, sufficiently to allow
two Barnard graduates entrance to
full-time study. A woman with a de-
gree of Doctor of Philosophy from the
same institution was later allowed to
enter. Under the present terms ad-
mission is granted only to women of
high standing holding degrees rrom
Barnard or Columbia.
The opinion of forty eminent law-
yers of New York in regard to equal
opportunities for women in law in-
struction was set forth in the follow-
ing indorsement: "We the undersign-
ed, irealizing through experience and
observation how close is the connec-
tion between, law school training and
professional achievement, believe that
the benefits of sound legal instruction
should not be denied any qualified
That women are moving toward po-
sitions of mark in the profession is
attested by the achievements of such
figures as Judge Florence Allen ot
the Court of Common Pleas of Cleve-
land; of Mrs. Mabel Walker 'Wille-
brandt, Assistant Attorney-General;
and Judge Jean Norris and Miss Ber-
tha Rembraugh of New York City.
Following the recent move by Co-
lumbia, the Harvard Law School is
the only great law school that re-
mains wholly masculine in the
United States.
YALE.-According to reports of the
Yale prom bobbed hair is quickly ap-
proaching it's demise. Nine-tenths of
the girls had passed the "Growing
stage." Furthermore, the Charleston
and Black Bottom of last year were
replaced by the graceful waltz.

Smoking, either in sorority houses
or on college campuses, was con-
demned in a resolution adopted by the
National Panhellenic Congress, meet-
ing in Boston recently, according to
the Carnegie Tartan.
A number of sororities have strict
rules against smoking in the chapter
houses, it was revealed in a discus-
sion preceding the vote on the reso-
lution. In some cases the penalty
for smoking in thechapter hou'ses is
The president and secretary elected
at this National Panhellenic Congress
were, respectively, Miss Irma Tapp of
Kinston, N. C., representative of Alpha
Delta Pi sorority, and Miss Rene S.
Smith of Long Beach, Calif., represen-
tative of Delta Zeta.
three stulents on the Floating uni-
versity of this year who do most to
further international relationships,
$6,000 in prizes has been offered by
John W. Campbell of New 'York.
-g..................... ..... ......:....... ..2

has statistics to show that when a portant thing is the ability to see
college woman gets a husband she through the persons about whom you
almost always keeps him, for divorce are writing.
is rarer among college women than "Unless you can tear the mask a-
in any other classification. side and actually see the real person
Livy is convinced that college wo- whom you are portraying, you can
men stay married because their minds never create live human beings. But
have been trained, and because they if the moment ever comes when you
come nearest to having the virtues as-
sociated with the old-fashioned wo-
man. A college woman has an under-
standing of what she wants in tho
world. While deciding to take a hus-
band, she uses her brains as well as For .
her emotions, and she is less likely
than the uneducated wife to attribute
to a man virtues that he never dream- "
ed of possessing. And because she is
frank and unpretending about herself,"
there are fewer disappointments in,"
store for her man.
Next to the college woman, the wife
who has a job outside the home is
most likely to stay married, accord-
ing to Livy's statistics. The young
wife of today may have as much ener-
gy as her grandmother had, but with
modern time and labor saving devices,
she cannot use it up in her home
work. The less educated woman will
bottle this surplus energy up HIS is thoughtful little
or dissipate it in planless idleness I s a year come
that leads to nervous unhappiness. But, Once each year Comes
according to Livy, the intelligent, edu- gohnston sis so d elighfully
cated wife takes stock of herself and et us send it for you. Before yC
her talents and finds something to Special Mother
do. , ., .

why Not?
Get your Shampoo and
Wave on Monday or Tues-
day and profit by our sur-
prising reductions?
19 Cutting Apts.
Inimitable Ingenuity in Beauty
i. ........................................... :...........


i :.......... ....... : ...............................

nrr"e ws u ; y




its - "


or Concerts
rn .
New models in white, blue, green, pink
r--- -
Sor Copies latest Pari de-
sigs.Superb materials, exquisite tailor.
ing. Not a garment but would be ordi--
r- -
narily retailed at from $35 to $40.
This Week
- 25 and $29.-50
r -I
Street Gowns
Remarkable models in high grade silks
are shown here at
I- $15-75 $19-75 $25
Coat sale
special May offerin, of 200 late model
Cloth Coats i dress and sport designs-
reduced to
$24-50 $34.50 $44.50
~ ~




A varied selection, sailor, blue and beige, lipstick red and w
chocolate brown and beige Straps and Oxfords.


and 68U




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