THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1 928. iblished every morning except Monday ng the University year by the Board h :rol of Student Publications. ember of Western Conference Editoria xiation. he Associated Press is exclusively en I to the use for republication of all news atches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news pub- d herein. ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor igan, as second class matter Special rate ostage granted by Third asaistant Post- Lei eneral. bscription b .:arrier $4.00. by siail rices Ann Arbor Press Buildiag. May Street. ones: Editorial 4925. Business srat PA)ITORI41 STAFF Uelephon- 4924 viANAGING EDIT j h {n 14C4AMBERIiN Cu .Ellis B. Merry >r Michigan Weekly. Charles E. Behymei I ditor .Philip C. Brook lEdito;. Courtland C. Smith ien's Editor. . . Mtrian L. Welles ts i"ditor ....... Herbert E. Vedder ter, Books and MusicVincent C. Wall, Jr tart City Editor ..Richard C Kurvink Night Editors rt E Finch G. Thomas McKean tewart Tooke, Kenneth G. Patrick 1 Kern Nelson J. Smith. Jr. Milton Kirshbaum Reporters e& Anderson eTally Knox garet Arthur John H Maloney A. Bochnowsk Marion McDonald Campbel' Charles S. Monroe e Chur: h Catherine Price chard' W Cleland Harold L. Passman ence N. Edek. Morris W. Quinn garet Cross Rita Rosenthal org Egeland Pierce Rosenberg orie Firllmer V1eanor Scribner s B. Freeman Corinne Schwarz rt J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar e E. Gruber Howard F. Simon eHagelshaw George E. Simnons h F. Iloweli Rowena Sfillman Vallace Husher Sylvia Stone es K Kaufmuan George Tilley am F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller ence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, J.r L4 J Kline Benjamin S. Washer L Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM C. PUSCH Assistant Manager..,George H. Annable, Jr Advertising.... ...,... Richard A. 'Mey.r Advertising ...........Edward L. Huls Advertising.......... John W Ruswincke Accounts.... .......Raymond Wachter Circulation . . d ........ George B. Ahn, Jr. Publication .,.......,....... Harvey Talcott Assistantsr Gerge Brley Ray Hofelich Marie Brunmeer Hal A. Jaehn ames Carpenter lames Jordan iharles K. Correll Marion Kerr Barbara Cromell Thales N. Leington Mvary Dively Catherine McKinven Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons Ona Felker Alex K. Scherer Katherine Frohne George Spater Douglass Fuller Ruth Thompson Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varninm elen Gross Lawrence Walkley 1. Hammer rannah Wallen Carl W. Plamncrr FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1928. Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK FINALLY ADOPTED After more than a year of investi- gation, committee work, questionaires, md argument, it has been decided by action of the Regents that the Uni- versity College, projected organiza- ion for correlating educational activ- ty fon practically all freshmen and 9ophomores, will be placed into prac- ice beginning with the academic year, 1929-30.. Belief that the educational plan 'promises to be for the best interests f the students" led the 'Regents, it s reported, to direct that the project be executed. While the plan itself will o no more than change the con- rol of tha first two years c each af. e3ted college to one 'head, it 'is hought that merit will result' from he greater ease with which further ducational reforms may be inmiugu- 'ated. In faculty consideration, the Uni- rersity college was rejected by the iterary college andi -the engineering ollege. Objection by the former that he project would cause excessve ex- enditures will proably be taken are of now by the Board of Regents. the engineering objections that the tew plan would damage administra- Ive efficiency, rob engineering stu- Lents from instruction by faculty hav- ng the engineerling viewpoint, and rush the honor system seem to, have ieen counteracted in the minds of the regents by the possible benefits to e derived from the new plan. - For some time, the inclusion of the ngineering college in the new plan eemed doubtful. Unquestionably it s a border line case. " The exclusion f the pharmacy college and the nurs- rig school in which the subjects of the rst two years are even further from he literary or university college curn- iculum proves as much. As predicted, the President was sus- ained in .his insistence on adoption f the general plan as well as on in lusion of the engineering college. n a fashion, approval by the Regents hows confidence in his ability to di- ect University affairs from his cen- r'l position. Still, it is unfortunate hat educational reform, which is the ecunity of the University against tagnation, could not be designed to ecure greater unanimity of support. Though by its history the-plan may cem to be well known, its practical } less than perfect. "For the best in- terests of the students" it is to be hoped that that effort, now decided TOA.;E R LL upon, will be successful. WE HONEST INTEREST RAVE IT If there is anything good in an in- DESPITE PROFESSOR HOBBand - stitution, and nothing evil, that insti- the Literary faculty, to say nothing of e tution deserves suppont, and student the Engineering faculty, we are going government in its various phases is to have the University college. no exception. There is every reason to believe that such student govern- PROM ALL WE can gather this ment, as it approaches an ideal state, new feature of the University of Mich- has much to offer that is good, and igan will mean that many students consequently the institution is worthy will come here for two years and then of support. leave .without having any desire to do But there are numberless ways of so. Of course many do that now, but supporting an institution, and count- the numbers are to be greater. less deluded persons have effectively I T * p destroyed causes to which they were IN THE FIRST place we feel sorry allied by false standards of support. for the athletic coaches. They will The campus politicians, quite possi- have very promising sophomore class- s bly, fall into this same class, for in es, but as a rule the average Phi h thein naive belief that they are pro- Bete isn't a very good athlete. moting interest in campus govern- ment by political trades, promises, WE'LL GRANT THAT a few ath- pledges, and similar maneuvers are letes make scholastic honor societies, certainly harming the institution of especially track men, but then the student government which commands poor football players rarely, if ever, their attention. - do much more than pass. An honest vote, cast by a student in accordance with his honest conviction, THE NEW SYSTEM of things isn't promotes the 'best interests of that going into effect for 17 months and student government which is a desir- in that time the University should able adjunct to a University commun- practice flunking students out of ity and a desirable training for Uni- school. If none of the officials are versity students. A vote cast in ac- shot down by gun men the system condance with tho will of some self- may be called safe. ** * interested student politician, with no regard for merit, tends to defeat the TO MAKE THE system safer it best interests of the very institution would probably help to put a ban on which it creates. all students from the city of Chica ---_ _ _ _go. MXIV'NfES TO STAY * * * When the United States Senate re- BUT THEN IT really doesn't make jected on We'lnesday proposed amend- much difference anyway. In most per- ments to the ,aval appropriation bill4 sons a college education doesn't do idesigned to prevent American ma- any good. If you think it does just rines from ting sent to Nicaragua, ask some business man what he thinks 1 the general suspicion, and apparently of college men. . * * * the interpretation of the pr.ess, was to the effect that the vote (52 to 22 IT WOULD PROBABLY be a bene- vindicated President Coolidge in h isfit to many of the students if they present policy. The Norris and Blaine were required to leave. Too much of proposals to make the sending of ma- their time is wasted here anyway. * * * rines impossible were all voted down, BUT THEN WE must admit that a provides adequate funds for the car- lot of the wasted time is due to the rying on of the Central American professors. When you go to a class wand the professor puts you to sleep Upon examination, however, the there is no need to sleep at night. The fact that the Senate approved the ap- obvious result is that you have to do propriation does not mean that the something else. Senate necessarily condones the pres- ent policy, for the simple reason that THEN, OF COURSE, there are those there is a wide difference between be- who refuse to call that doing some- lief that interevention of marines is thing else, "wasted time." * * * an unwise policy and the belief that intervention of marines should be made totally impossible. The sena- ' ADMIRATION tors who voted against the Norris and Blaine proposals merely expressed WE CERTAINLY ADMIRE the their sentiment in favor of continu- man who makes a slight mistake, ing the possibility of intervention, and in the visual way, and has the in no way committed themselves as courage to have his eyes x- to whether they believed the present amined. policy a wise one. Such a vote can I hardly be taken as an unconditional endorsement of the present policy THE INLANDER AAIN .' THE INLANDER CAME out again t EDITORIAL COMMENT yesterday. It seems that they didn't run all the poetry that we sent them so we imagine that none of the poems TNDERGRADUATE INTERESTS were judged good enough to win the (The Daily Princetonian) contest. Strange as it may seem, there are .* * * undergraduates, who, if suddenly ask- WE KNOW THAT our contribution ed what they are most interested in was the best because Wordsworth was would be at somewhat of a loss for a reply. Aside from a mild sort of a better poet than any this campus has an interest in eventually passing * * * enough courses to ultimately get a IN THE AIR diploma; and perhaps, or even per- not, an active interest in the; NOW PLANS ARE afoot, or rather minor vices, there is nothing else in in the air, for a flight from Illinois undergraduate 'exstence that they to Sweden. That is a long way and care particularly about one way or rather dangerous. We should think another. that a trip from Illinois to Minne- Needless to say everyone in college sota, would bring the same results, can't wear an athletic letter, or travel with the Triangle club, or contribute nlots.s h to the publications; nor would they all * * * have any desire to. But we feel that AND NOW ITALY and the United men who are interested in something States have agreed to a new treaty over and above passing examinations, of arbitration. and in addition to the more intensive * * * forms of social recreation are espec- THAT'S THE TROUBLE with thesef ially fortunate. Individual tastes may European countries. They all agree find the work of one of the multitud- to arbitrate with the dear old U. ,S.,f inous campus organizations to their the most peace loving country in the liking, or if none of these are par- world, and fight each other tooth and ticularly suited, there are other things nail without . listening for any rea- even better. sons.f Literatune in any one of its varied * * * forms is only one example. A critical BUT EVEN AT that it may be that taste for writings is always a source] Mussolini has plans to do something of enjoyment. Everyone should have on the American side of the world.f some sort of an outlet for his excess Considering the Monroe document and1 efforts and the development of ability all that it has come to mean, it is in any line brings a sense of satis- best to be on good terms with the faction. Let those who are not con- States.t vinced of the truth of the above ask * * * people who might know. BUT WE WON'T say any morec about: international troubles, we don'tt Now that the University College know much about them. We willI project has been passed it is time for leave it all to the editorial columns.! a good old-fashioned faculty picnic- * * * one of those kind that tend to pro- BACK ON -THE campus again, wet duce cooperation and sunburn. are wondering when spring will real-c THEATER BOOKS I'I TONIIITt Comedy Club pre- sents Lynn Starlng's "Meet The Wife" in Mimes theater at 8:30 o'clock. ZONA GA E A review: by Harold May In low, vibrant tones, with simplic- ity and restraint, but yet with a very conscious dramatic technique Miss Gale told her audience of herself and the things of life. She laid stress on "implications," or that echo of ancient emotional pains and pleasures that the written sentence can, evke; there were times when she let us catch short glimpses of her set of values for men and manners-from which, it seems, only those who are stained with the sunset glory of one who has struggled, loved, and lost can have the stamp of approval. She summed up her attitude toward life by saying that she sought to write not from the viewpoint of one who writes either from above or below the common level of humanity but as one who stands in the midst of it and feels and suffers as it suffers. After her introduction by Professor Strauss as one whose literary quality is "realism without cynicism," the auth- or began her talk with a few incidents concerning the actions of simple men in the face of nature which were purely automatic in the doing, but whose implications had antique reach- es. Thus she announced the keynote of her lecture. She then gave us brief sketches of people and incidents, one of the small town old lady, who sit- ting in her window reconstructs the life of the town from what she sees passing by, another of an incident from a play, and yet another of a school girl who had to climb a moun- tain to get over a mole hill. Then we were read three of her stories in all of which her point was that it was not what was on the printed page that counted but what could be read "between the lines." Zona Gale seems to be chiefly ma- ternal in her attitude towand things; she surrounds her characters with sympathy and by dint of asking us to identify herself with the protagon- ists of her stories, so turns them that we are left at the end with a catch in our throats and an inclina- tion to say "Nice work old man- a good fight." -an unwelcome sensa- tion at best. Her fine point on "im- plications" is known yr every born artist at his first breath, and realiz- ed by every reader the minute he looks at a printed page. Her invi- tation to identify ourselves with the characters of her stories is an invita- tion. to do something that her art, un- aided, should compel us to do; it also invites us to lose any critical perspec- tive that we might have. Miss Gale's chief cry seems to be for pity and compassion, with sentimental over- tones, but it seems better to lose one- self in fleeting and "precious" nu- ance, or to devote oneself to a hard, strenuous ideal than to lay on that fakir's bed- the forcible evoking of a soul in a common man. * * * ALL STATE ORCHESTRA A review, by Robert Gessner _VORE HERE Few people in town are aware of a national celebrity living here among us, occasionally displaying his rare gift. Nevertheless we have 'such a person, and last night was one of the few occasions when we were giv- en an opportunity to hear the results of his efforts. For a most unusual achievement took place last night. Two hundred high school boys and girls came together, and with only four rehearsals presented a concert that sounded as if it had been playing together for weeks. They had, of course, been practicing individually for some time, but it took the fine character of the conductor to mould them into a graceful and harmonious unit. Too much praise can not be given to Joseph E. Maddy, who held the baton last night, and who is unan- imously considered to 'be one of the leading condetors of public school music in the country. As Mr. Maddy said, in a few in- troductory remarks, we can not judge the orchestra in their interpretations or even in their technic, but only in their emotion. And in that respect we can say that at times this quality supplanted the other fundamentals. The orchestra itself, of course, was crude: they insisted on tuning up at the end, of every piece. The piano soloist, Ju- , v TARGETS, RIFLES AND AMMUNITION .;P CTAT .RF..FNAMF _ FIW GIO.F RALT I 5 R r Fem,