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April 27, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-27

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Journalistic Organizations Sponsor
Three Day Convention Of
School Editors
"Don't go to college if you don't
want to. Go to college if you want to
get a college education, for then we
will be glad to have you," Wilbur R.
-Humphreys, assistant dean of the lit-
erary college admonished the more
than 200 delegates at the opening as-
sembly of the Michigan Interschol-
astic Press assciation in the Union
last night.
"It is possible," Dean Humphreys
continued, "to get a fine education in
the school of experience-but tuition
there comes high. If you want to
come 'to college it is the best place for
you." Dean Humphreys then went on
to advise the high school editors to
get a good start when they first enter
college. "It is not so much more dif-
ficult," he said, "but the pace is fast-
er. You can't look for someone to
say 'Come, the parade has started.'
You must prepare to fall in of your1
own accord!"1
Dean Humphreys warned the dele-
gates against two things if they come'
to college, emphasizing the pitfalls of
doing too much outside work and of
preparing too narrowly for vocational
work. "For one thing, you can't tell1
what your vocation will be," he de-
clared. "And what is more important,
you -should plan on spending some
time in acquiring the broad cultural1
education which is really the founda-
tion of the other professions."
Drumm Welcomes Delegates
In making the address of welcome,
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the1
journalism department, suggested as
a possible keynote of the convention
the phrase, "The mistakes that make,
men of us are better than the accura-
cies that make us children.' It is our
mistakes that make us more intelli-
gent an d that help us to grow," Pro-j
fessor Brumm declared.
Professor Brumm emphasized the
value of setting up an ideal of leader-
ship in the community served the var-
ious newspapers. "This is one of the1
greatest services a newspaper can
render, both to itself and to the com-
munity which it serves," Professor
Brumm averred. The speaker also
advised delegates against falling into
a rut in preparation for the future.
"It is a good practice," Professor
Brumm declared, " to think of your
future in the terms of the satisfaction
which you wish to receive from your
later efforts. You should look for the
thing that will give you the greatest
happiness and avoid not rising above
the mediocre."
Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, president
of Sigma Delta Chi, welcond the
delegates on behalf of the profession-
al journalistic fraternity and pre-
sided at the opening session. Regis-
tration was held yesterday afternoon I
in the Union, and it was estimated
last night that between 200 and 300
delegates are in attendance. Regis-
tration was in charge of George C.
Simmons, '30, chairman of the room-
ing comm ittee.
Spcikers Anioiced
Allen Schoenfield, Ann Arbor o~-
respondent for the Detroit News, will
address this morning's session at 9
o'clock in the Union. This will be
conducted by members of The Daily
staff, Sigma Delta Chi, and the journ-
alism department, the rooms for the
discussions to be announced at the
Lee A. White, editorial executive of
The Detroit News, will be the main
speaker at the assembly at 1:30 o'-
clock in the -Union.' This will e fol-
lowed by discussion groups to be held
from 3 to 5 o'clock in the journalism
The annual banquet will be held
tonight at 5:45 o'clock in the Union,
with Professor Brumm acting as
toastmaster. Speakers for the ban-
quet are Coach Fielding H. Yost, di-
rector of Intercollegiate Athletics and
Shirley W. Smith, secretary and busi-

nest manager of the University.
The convention will continue1
through S'aturday, with the annual
luncheon scheduled for Saturday noon
in the Union at which time H. Stew-
art Hooker, '29, general chairman,
will award the newspaper cups to
the prize-winning newspapers. Rob-
ert W. Desmond, of the journalism
department, will act as toastnaster at
this time.

Senior men of all schools and col-
leges of the University will appear on
the campus Sunday carrying their
class canes for the first time this year
in observance of Cane day.
This will mark the thirty-ninth year
in which canes have been carried by
seniors during the month preceding
Commencement to commemorate the
use as canes of wooden pickets taken
from the fencethat at one time sur-
roundled the campus.
Members of the senior literary class
will have their last opportunity to se-
cure canes today from 1 to 5 o'clock
when they will be distributed at the
Union. Seniors must bring receipts
in order to secure canes, members of
the class cane committee announce.
"For The Love Of Pete" Holds Fintal
Performance As Attractioir
Of Club Conenton
Gay times and costumes will again
occupy the Whitney theatre when the
24th annual Junior Girls' Play, "For
The Love of Pete," appears for its
closing performiance at 8:30 o'clock
tonight. The showing is a special at-
tracton of the social program of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, con-
vening here at present, but tickets
are open to the general public.
Seats are on sale at the box office
of the Whitney theatre, or they may
be obtained through Marie Hartwig,
'29, business manager, at the Helen
Newberry residence. A sale of tick-
ets has also been provided for at a
table set up for that purpose in Uni-
versity hall this afternoon.
The return of the play is greeted
with pleasure by those who missed it
during its original run of a week at
the Whitney, March 19-24. At that time
it gained high praise from critics.
"Play by play," Marian L. Welles, wom-
en's editor of The Daily, stated in
review, "the junior production carries
a galaxy of ungovernable American
students on a floating university
headed by a faculty of priceless types
of professional incapacity."
The plot makes use of its setting
to advantage, presenting a clever sa-
tire on intellectualism. In this ca-
pacity the cruise takes one to the
land of Media, home of the mediocre
man, where the intellegencia are
banned and standardi7zation is the
rule. The second act, therefore, af-
fords an opportunity for several un-
ique songs and dances, particularly
the chant of the Median wom-en and
the soldiers chorus of Median men.
Unique as a product of the work of
women alone, the show: should hold a
special attraction for visitors in the
city, particularly when one bears ech-
oes of its former run tt en effect that
Theodora Maloy, the young lady who
takes the male lead, is "the best
dressed man on campus."

Tells Audience That Gleanings From
Between Lines Are Valuable !
To Reading Public
"The implication in writing, that
which is not said but merely left for
the reader to glean between the lines
is essentially the most worth-while
part of the material, rather than that
which is simply expressed in so many
words," declared Mss Zona Gale,
noted author and playwright, in a
talk in Hill auditorium yesterday af-
ternoon under the auspices of the In-
lander and the American association
of university women.
"For example of what I mean by
implications," dontinued Miss Gale,
think of a child's conversation. The
child will probably say very little in
actual words, but by that child's ex-
pressions are inferred certain other
very definite thoughts which consti-
tute the implications in the speec and
are therefore pertinent in the interpre-
tation of what is meant by the lines.
Is New Psychology
"What I am driving at is the concep-
tion of a latent power within the mind
of the reader to see familiar, common-
place, everyday things, with a fresh
light, with a new spirit, and with a
certain sense of the dramatic," Miss
Gale averred. "There is a new
psychology in the world which helps
us to understand moments which here-
tcfore had merely a word meaning
but which have come to bring with
them a deeper sense, a sense which is
what I refer to con'stantly as the im-
plication of the language."
Discussing the difference between
what she considered a "live book" and
what she considered a "dead book,"
Miss Gale maintained that, "A live
book is a book which has an indefin-
'able power of searching into things
below the surface of ordinary mean-
ing from written lines. Such, a book
delves deeper; such a look has
worth-while implications. On the
other hand the dead book to my mind
simply states the facts and lets the
reader take them as they are, but
fails miserably in imparting any deep-
er, more valuable, and I think far
more important sense.
iHumor Has Implications
"Humor, for example, obviously, has
its implications," continued Miss Gale,'
"and it cannot be denied, I think,
that the secret of most humor is
doubtedlessly resting upon the impli-
cations in the statement of the
humor. Humor is the great American
art and the public is ready to 1aug11
at the implications of such material.
If only we cau~ght people's implica-
tions in their actions, their manners,
their speech, as well as we catch the
implications of humor, a great deal
woul be gained by everybody."
Miss Gale concluded her lxcture
with several readings from her works
including recitations of "Autobiogra-
phy" and "Bill," illustrating the points
with specific reference to the lines
she was reading as she concluded each
selection. She asked the audience to
try to put themselves in the part of
the principal character in the story,
for in 'that way, she emphasized,
could the listeners best get the impli-
cations and full meanings which she
had intended in writing the pieces.-
The Weather

Because of an insufficient number of
petitions for the various elective po-
sitions of the Union, the nominating
committee announced yesterday after-
noon following its first meeting that
further petitions will be accepted un-
til tomorrow noon which is the ab-
solute deadline for those desiring to
submit themselves to the vote of the
student body at the elections to be
held May 9.
The offices for which nominations
are to be filled are president, record-
ing secretary, and the six vice-presi-
dents. There are six of these this
year instead of five due to the addi-
tion of one from the dental school.
The other vice-presidlencies to be
tilled are literary, engineering, med-
ical, law, and combined.
Petitions to the nominating commit-t
tee may be mailed in care of thei
Union or may be handed in at thet
main desk or at the student offices
at the Union. Petitions should statet
the activities and qualifications of the1
men petitioning.{
Men not acted on favorably by thef
nominating committee may have theirt
names 'placed on the ballot by secur-i
ing the signatures of 200 students by
Saturday, May 5.t
The nominating committee con-
sist of Thomas Winter, '30L, James
U. Hughey, '28, Clarence W. Little,
'28, J. Albert Roesch, '28, and Herbert
Vedder, '28.
Royal Oak And Zeeland Will Clasht
For Forensic Championship t
In 11111 Auditorium
Debating teams of Royal Oak and
Zeeland will clash for state forensic
honors in the Eleventh Annual Statet
Championship Debate of the Michigan
High School Debating league at 7:45
o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium.
The topic of the debate is: "Re-
solved, That the direct primary sys-;
tem of nominating candidates. for pub-I
lie office in the United States should
be abolished. Royal Oak will uphold
the affirmative and Zeeland the nega-
Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of the
Speech department of the University,
will act as chairman ofthe champion-
ship contest. The three judges who
have been selected are Dean Edward
H. Kraus, Dean Clare E. Griffin, and
Prof. William A. Frayer.
The Royal Oak debating team is
composed of Dorothy Davis, Toin
Lederle, and Edward Aldinger. The
Zeeland team is composed of three
girls, Helen Clark, Winona Wells, and
Alice Katte.
pate Successful Seasons
These two schools won their way
to the state championship debate by
emerging successfully from their four
debate-s in the preliminary series ar-
ranged by the Michigan High School
debating league, and by winning four
successive contests in the elimination
series. The two schools which were
eliminated in the semi-final debates
were Memphis and Cheboygan. Both
Royal Oak and Zeeland lost one de-
bate in the preliminary series, but
won their other three ,contest's by
unanimous decisions.
Holding a place of interest second-
ary only to that of the championship
debate is the Hight School Pupil-
STeachers conference, which will be
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in
Hill auditorium. The main address of

this conference will be . delivered by
President Clarence Cook Little on the
subject, "Why Go To College."
Registrar Ira M. Smith, will pre'side
at the conference, which is being
held to answer any questions in th-e
minds of high school seniors relating
to their entrance to any, college or
untversity n Representatives from
every school and college of the Unri-
versity will be on hand to answer the
queries of the high schoolstudents-
which refer to their ,particular depart-
men t.
Each visiting high school delegate,
through the courtesy of the Athletic
association, will be given a compli-
mentary ticket to the Michigan-Sya
cuse baseball game at 4:05 o'clock.
Complimentary copies of the Fresh-'
man handbook will be given to every
delegate who asks for one. This was
made possible by an appropriation of
the Regents for this purpose.
Word was received recently by

Hold Meeting For Those Interested In
Writing Opera Book; Royer
Will Drect Choruses
Newness and originaity in every-
thing from the nature of the book and
music to the execution of the settings
and the composition of committees
wil feature the 1928 Union Opera, if
the present plans of Mimes are fol-
lowed. Next fall will mark the 23rd
Opera to be produced. on the Michi-
gan campus, and it is intended that
this shall mark another turning point
in the nature of the presentation in
order that the complaints of the last
few years regarding the stereotyped
nature of the show be satisfied, ac-
cording to E. Mortimer Shuter.
Need Many Men
As a starting point in the new plans
a period of registration has been car-l
ried on at the Mimes theater all this
week, between' the houre of 4 and
5:30 o'clock each afternoon. Several
of the more experienced members of
the casts, choruses, and committeesl
of the last two or three years will this
year be lost to the production by grad-
uation, and the task of breaking in en-
.rely new men has been siezed as an
opportunity of changing the show to!
a radical degree. It is being espec-
ially emphasized by Mr. Shuter thate
all of the various activities are open
to tryouts, cast as well as chorus and
committee, and that new faces are de-
sired for the company. Applicants for
any of these departments should leave
their names and a description of theirt
abilities at the Mimes theater.
The trip that is being planned for
the next Opera will be longer than
any that have been attempted before.
Besides all of the places in the East
and middle West that were included
this year, the Opera will play engage-
ments in New York and Washington.
Meeting Held
A meeting of those interested In
waitig an Opera book was held yes-
terday afternoon in the Union under
Donal Hamilton Haines, of the jour-
nalism department, in the absence of
Mr. Shuter. The requirements of the
book were explained, and suggestions
were made that would assist the as-
pirant in preparing a manuscript dif-
ferent in form and content from those
of the past. Greater stness will be
laid in the next production on the
voices, both individual and chorus.
A method of selecting music that
was used several years ago will again
be resorted to this year in order to
raise the standard of the music and
make it more diversified. All who
are interested are requested to write
up their ideas, and in the near future
they will be given an opportunity of
playing their music before a commit-
tee. The score will be made up from
selections of several insteadof being
written by a single individual.
Roy Hoyer, for several years lead-
ing man with Fred Stone, will be in
Ann Arbor, May 15 to direct the chor-
uses in preliminary dance routines.
Hoyer has assisted in the preparation
of many past Operas, but has been
unable to attend for two years past.
His contributions to the Opera rou-
tines have always increased the val-
ue of the whole production. The per-
sonnel of the choruses will be selected
before that date, and work will begin
immediately, lasting until the end of
It is expected that the announce-
ment of the general chairman of this
year's Opera will be made within the
next few days, and it is possible that
some of the committee appointments
will be made this spring.



Tickets for the annual Senior Ball,
which is to be held Friday, May 18,
in the ballroom of the Union, will be
on sale today from 9 o'clock until
12 and from 2 until 4 o'clock in the
lobby of the Union. Dental students
should obtain their tickets from Wil-
liam Payne, '28D. Engineering stu-
dents will obtain theirs from Harold
Matheson and August Von Boeselager,
Jr., both '28E.
Favors for the affair will be dis-
tributed some time during next week,
according to the announcement of the

Convocation And Series Of Lectures
Comprise Program For Second
Day Of Convention
In delivering the main address be-
fore the annual dinner of the School-
masters club last night at the Union,
President Clarence Cook Little out-

Three Faculty Addresses And
Club Will End Fifteenth
Radio Night


Three faculty addresses and a pro-l
gram by the Men's Glee club under<
the direction of Theodore Harison,
will comprise the fifteenth and con-]
cluding Michigan Night radio pro.
gram to be broadcast over station
WWJ, the Detroit News, between 71
and 8o'clock tonight. Tonight's ra-
diocast will be the last regular pro-
gram of the 1927-28 series, according
to Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric de-
partment, who is program manager
and announcer.
Prof. Shirley W. Allen, of the School
of Conservation and Forestry will be
the first speaker on tonight's pro-
gram. Professor Allen, who is exec-
utive secretary of the American For-
estry Week committee, will speak on
Forestry Week, which is now being
observed throughout the nation, and
the preservation of America's forests.
Sink To Speak
Charles A. Sink, '04, president of
the University School of Music, will
be the speaker on tonight's program.
Mr. S'ink will address the radio audi-
ence on the subjects of the May Festi-
val soon to be held, which annually
attracts autsiders to Ann Arbor.
Prof. U. Garfield Rickert, of the'
School of Dentistry, will be the third
and concluding speaker on the pro-
gram. Professor Rickert will speak
on some phase of his work ini the
School of Dentistry, 'according to Mx
As an item of special interest to
inrany Michigan alumni, an anounce-
ment will be made during the radio
hour, Mr. Abbot said, of plans for the
Michigan triennial to be held in
Chicago on May 10, 11 and 12.
More than half of the radio hour to-
night will be given by the Men's Glee
club, according to plans. Following
is the program to be broadcast by this
organization: "Laudes Atque Carn-
ima," Stanley; "The Victors," Elbel;
"Varsity,' Moore; "Swing Low Sweet
Chariot," Huntley; "Promise Land,"
Burleigh; "Old Friards Song," Diel-
erlie; "The Bum Army," Moore; "'Tis
of Michigan," Moore; "I Want to G,.
Back to Michigan," Moore; "The Yet-
low and Blue,' Balfe; "Secrets,"
Smith; land "Morning," Speaks.
The program will be nroadcast ov-
er station WWJ, the Detroit News, by
nreans of direct wire connections
with the local broadcasting studio
on the fourth floor of University hall.
Dr. William Linm Westerman, pro-
fessor of history at Columbia univen-
sity, will deliver a University lecture
in connection with the .classical con-
ference of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters club at 4:15 this afternoon in
room 2003 Angell hall. Dr. Wester-
man has chosen to speak on "Trans-
portation and Communication Chang-
es in Antiquity."
Dr. Westerman's lecture is open to
the public.

lined the plan of his University Col-
lege idea before the assembled school-
men of the state. President Little
opened his discussion by a few re-
marks upon the most recent develop-
ments, that of the passage of the
proposal by the Regent, Wedneday
afternoon. He then outlined five
points in the University college as
he has now planned it.
The first object will be the chance
for rapid advancement by the excep-
tional student, President Little declar-
ed. He pointed out that at present
superior students and the average are
held together, and that many who
could step ahead are held back. The
second was the proposal of compre-
hensive examinations after the end
of the second year. "These examina-
tions must also test the teacler as
well as the pupil," he said, "for then
the teacher will find out what he has
Encourages Choices
The third point stressed the idea'
that the pre-professional groups will
encourage wider and more able choic-
es in selecting the life work. "I do not
believe that the American college real-
izes that it is fitting the American boy
or girl for his future destiny" he de-
clared. In the 'period before going
into a professional school, the nw
college student will have a chance to
look around and decide what he rally
wants to do, disregarding outside or
previous influences.
The fourth point, as the President
outlined the idea, was that of contact
with the professional groups, and the
last was that of introducing special
courses for those who are in college
only to acquire a cultural education.
and not a specialized one. He pointed
out that now most professors are
interested only in those students who
are specializing in thein field, and pay
little attention to giving the others,
the majority, a knowledge of the sub-
He named the two main objects of
the idea in conclusion: the desire to
have a better educational standard
and an earned one; and the desire to
give the students a greater sense of
obligation to parents and the state.
Three Addresses Given
At the opening meeting yesterday
afternoon in room C of the Law build-
ing Pnof. L. W. Smith, Dean of Junior
College, Joliet, Ill., was the first
speaker on a program of three ad-
dresses, speaking on "The Junior Col-
lege ;Dkvelopment and Its Import-
ance." Professor Smith gave a very
clear presentation of the junior col-
leges of the North Central associa-
tion, emphasizing the need for stan-
dardization in the secondary educa-
tion system. The next speaker, Floyd'
Reeves of the North Cental associa-
tion of colleges, taking "The Financial
Support of Colleges" as his subject
outlined the financial status of 29
colleges giving in detail some of the
difficulties in endowment and expens-
es that areprevalent among these and
other institutions of the same kind
The final address on the program, de-
livered by Dr. David Robetson of
Washington, D. C., on "What's What
in Higher Education," while concern-
ed withthe defining of ambiguous
terms, was concentrated on the inter-
pretation of the words "university"
and "college" with reference In par-
ticular to the prevalent evil of bogus
titles, degrees, and diplomas.
The first event on today's program
will be the annual convocation at 11
o'clock in Hill auditorium. This con-
vocation will be presided over by
President Clarence Cook Little, and
the main speaker will be Gordon Jen-
nings Laing, dean of the Graduate
School of Arts and Literature at the
University of Chicago. The delegates
will be seated on the main floor of
the auditorium, and the public, st-
dents, and townsmen will occupy the
empty space on the main floor and
the balconies. All University 11
o'clock classes, with the exception of
clinics will be dismissed in order to
enable those, who wish, to attend the
convocation. This is an annual cus-

There will be no 11 o'clock
classes, with the exception of
clinics, in the schools and col-
leges of the University this
morning. The dismissal is due
to the annual convocation of
the Michigan Schoolmasters club
at that hour in Hill auditorium.
This convocation will bo ad-
dressed by Gordon J. Laing,
dean of the Graduate school of
the University of Chicago. The
student body is invited to at-
tend this meeting.

(By Associated 'ress)
' Fair today and probably tomorrow;
_{ not iimuchi change in temperature.

"When I first read George Eliot's one real thought accomplished by the
t work, I used to skip over pages and entire book. A writer should en-
page ofphiosohizng nd rooingdeavor to cast a certain spell upon
. pages of Ihilosophizing and brooding the reader with his book, to make him
interspersed with the other material, think upon important topics so that
but nevertheless noticeable as solid he will gain something worth-while
units between episodes, believing that from the reading of material. The,
the material of that nature was out of fault with so much of the work done,
place in the form in which it was I think, is as I have said, the episode
written into the books, and time has idea, all working towards one conclu-
made me feel strengthened in that sion, the crowning idea of the whole
conviction," Miss Zona Gale stated book. But that idea could have been
yesterday in an interview following brought in along with a number of
her lecture in Hill auditorium. other ideas. It could have been in-
"Similarly it was with Scott's de- troduced in such form as to make the
scriptive passages," Miss Gale con- reader develope the idea for himself
tinued, "But my conscience always with the skelton of questions present-
made me wonder whether I was jus- ed to his mind in reading the liter-
tified. Now I feel certain that the ature.
statement of action and the sudden "I liked 'The Bridge of San LuisI
ceasing of that action foil several Rey' better than any book I have read
pages of author's opinions and the in recent years," Miss Gale said en-
lil i~ cfln xt--A 1cfnr1.nf1-..- .nftIfhi- J rfi... 4 IrL.L fT 121n.hnr if .


Flags and bunting, lending a smart
aspect of the military to the Union
ballroom, will form the decorative
featuires for the eighth annual mill-
tary Ball to be held tonight by the
'local unit of the R.O.T.C. The danc-
ing, to the m-usic of George Williams'
recording orchestra, of Cleveland, will
begin at 9:30 o'clock and will contin-
ue until 2 o'clock Saturday morn-
The grand march will form at 11
and will be led by Miss Helen Wes-
cott, Ypsilanti, who. wil attend the
affair as the guest of Wayne Bruwn-
ell, '28, general chairman.
Piar '28 4-n4- r rP w,, ilh0n qfnrmgl

Scabbard and Blade.
Later, at the dance, the, formal
pledging of campus students into the
arganization will take place. Reo-
grams will be taken of .this event, as
well of the grand march and other
events to occur during the couse of
the evening. A flashlight picture will
be taken of the conclusion of the
grand march and will be sold later in
the evening.
Ranking men in the R. O. T. C. and
all m'ilitary officers will attend in
dress uniform. All others wil be at-
tired in formal civilian clothes.Great
pains have been taken by the commit-
tee in charge to insure a strictly mil-

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