0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Miikgptu Publiahed every Imorninig E'xcel during thc lniversity y'ear bye ii Control' of Sinden t l'nhli;iti ns. tenbcr of11Westeru ('on fi'un .Associa1tyor?. units inthe eventfthat the new iplan is adopte dThoe- ew scheme is w ith- wu Board in Sere'; sthe sn pport an(1 nlterest Iof, hle- I~mn ofthe sltudent bodly Iwhen it is cc ldlitoriial plaiced toI a vote ini the sec'ond se- 1 st rinous olr . , . Richard1 C. KurvinXh Night Editors Rtobert BF, inch C. Thoma.s MclKean 1. Steuart looker iKel -t11. 'atrick Paul J1-"Kerni Nelsol J. Smth, jr. Mliltpn Kirshbaum -~ Reporters Esther :Anderson Marioni McDonald F{l rom othe more 1or l ess mageacs- tivitires of1 a few organjhrizatis a few (ears ag-o, -au ra as anr ar t;itic oxpr ession by the tu ;1ident ha grwn The new scVR<_heme 10o (l ownl the treenousy. Mims f te nio Uivers ,ity e (nrollmnent is so insidious unde r thedirec tion o o r TI Iime . i (iirdynisauethtol Shuter hasbee . re lyi 1)~i(,e811(ati~YUtisntr htol for~~~~~~~~~ ri si ras.Fo h it great love for truth permitsu this o ubisttehumrs prsettin fthe 0Opera, the iwipulih te umrs ities of the organli'a tiofl have increas ed, -,cx _lin, t i nis-on with the S. C. A., to the present a, ion of several lplays cnd rgaiiizat' ii already held liable thouhot he~asn1I ; ri 71inl )UnT-ri -ersity lecturers as' Coup)led withli s; development, the improvement in the various iramatteprertrofee oeudr hlanded monvemenits to 'undermine our courses given by the public. s-peaking nto n nvriy he agitators department has been ('qually remark-o hsnwpo;hv aesc ed able. In both quantity and qualityo hsnw1lthv aesc ed the present courses far surpass thiosewytatte ae andaolwn in the very ranks of tihe student body. of a few years back. Certainly there*** is no reason whby this development Thjoplinofsrcl ee shoul notinteest ven ore tit arian meals for all students is the dents and become greate r in the near fuf~new restriction thlat these instigators i M~argaret Arthur Richard HIf, Miloy 1 _____________ Ummons A. Bonfield ('harles S. 1l onro len (tar lI Catherine Price Jessie .¢utch I ar old 1. Paissman Claren4 N. Edelson Morris W. QuinnCA PU O INO 14lnI argt ~hoss Rita Rosenthal C M U PNO Valborg REgeland Pierce losenberg Aimonyms'ommn unications will e Marjorie FAhner hdlw rdl 1. Ryan 1 ii l rde 11 The nme- o' comuni- James..,13k reenan J avid Scheyer cat s will, however, he regared as Roet Y. Gssner Fleanor Scrib nr cnieta pnrqet etr i Al4ice I'.aGrershaw obine. Sai- lished shoutd rot be cntred als ex- Alc IEeha RoetG ibrreinJoseph 17. Nowell Howard K. Simon pressing the editorial ppinion of The J. Wallace Hushen Rowena Sitilian Daily. Charles R. Kaufman Syvia tone William F. Kerby George Tillev l aren a. R . Klein Edward L. Wrner, ;r. IIUM3ATY 311 ICII I(AN Dlonal l'Kine Bee niain ,S.Wahcr ToteEdor Sally 1=;11conn tri-i s except England amd boardf directors; but all respolsi- t Anmem-ia has a delightful simplicity are attemptingp to foist upon the stu- d {ent body, if rummor can be believed. As usual, a Rolls:: investigationi corn- ittee has been a ipp(onmt ed to sear'ch out the truth. If T'tile rumors - are found to hae unsubstamtiated,- time S. C. A. and others alleged to be impllicated may be f rVgix-en, but if thmere be any vestige of fact, we will tight the re- strict lonms Itimte last chickenm meck. Wt ~ * * * k v 4) laP y ,tCOIME , N -IUPORTF'-M.'.-E ROLL -'-S N-DIION Cont'inud iene rm h Rolsi --- epeitoninfodo cotie badsilenearomhatthe j menmbers of the conmmission, in- eluding the nmayorality° represen- tative from Chicago may have Imet with foul play at the h.amnds of King George or the British rioteers. A relief expecktion will Ileave today'if. no word is received j (by tomorrow 'morning. THEATER, I BOOKS TO NIG HT: the 31inues lresent 'Steeith :leatven"s in their theater atj 8:30 oclock. TH'-E hA uIS PLAYERS The Barris Players under the direc- tion 'of J. F taleighm Nelson will present James AT. farrie's comedy, "Alie-Sit- by-the-Fire" on Wednesday evemning in the Masonic Temple auditoriunm. Jeanette Dale is doing Alice; Mary- Buffington, Amy; amnd Charles Wilson,I Colonel Robert Gray. For those who care for the quait and wst: o- nmances of Barrie, this is probably the only play of phis type the seasoni of- fers. "SEVENTIIHEAVEN"5 A review, by Kennel IiC. Patrick-. UJnless experience is a poor teacher, the campus will go wildi over this- and at the sacrifice of no -standards, false or otherwise. Any one who says that "Seventh H-eaven" is not glorified_ and moderni hokum is falsifying; amy one who thinks that nelodma i easy to put over with amnateurs and~ an Anns Arbor audienmce is ignorant. Thie Aus- tin Strong drama has moments which make a -'critic falter betw~een love and duty. Furthermore it takes a reno- vatedl barn of a theater, with a band- box stage, and retetl costumes, and~ effects pictutres which fairly blare with color and deth. "Seventh fleaven" has its mnoents. Several remarkable ammnl hard-work- ing performances, several nmore riic - ulous entrances amd exits, and a little terr'ible acting leave their scars on the audience-a. bit too susceptible except for the few raucous spirits who refuse to either weep or grow lumps in their throats. These almost broke up (o11 scene but tie audience held every- thing and the drama was saved. At least one fable was shattered to save the day for satire-Bud Lewis, making his first male appearance on a campus stage, floppied as far as tie limits of his small part would allow. Another veteran of tie holiday swogglimgcir- cuit, Tom ,Dougal, creditable couspir- ed with a strong nmanuscript to enter- tain tie customers. Most of them do not yet know whether his intentions were honorarle or whether lhe was ad-lib-Ing. I Phyllis Loughton does oie of the finest tiings she has ever (one in the role of the waltz-lady, Diane. Despite the fact that she bath to make use of all but the unmentionable emotions, she succeeded in catching the poig- nancy written into the part without weeping and wailimng. You will forget Dulcy after the first act, and every- timg else at tie end of the second, where is one of tie greatest curtains that has ever graced the Alimes b oards. The technical amd the dra- matic comibinied ii their timing to create a harnmonic and thrilling effect.E Charles Livingstone wins comnen- dationm rather than bouquets, and testi- monials above all else. He is unques- tionably tie hardest working, tie umost earnest of the lot. The destroyingI weakness lies in his dialect, which seems to be a conglomeration of Annaj Christese and Bad M~annish. It would be an interestimig experiment for him j to 'say his lines straight, and tie fa- ial adaptatiomi that le uses would I almost suipply time rest of time illtusion Iwithout time annoying .flashbacks to former performances and character, izations. 14ucette Moulinm, a mewcomer to the local sit-by-the-footlights, gives a powerful amnd convincing portrayal of time absinthme-soaked sister. Shme should he seen agaimn. Robert Wetzel has onme of thme most disguiisinig make-ups lie has exhibited sinice "Time Man. Of Des- tiny," and leaves little to be desiredtimu his acting. Eloise was splendid and for attraction ran a close second to Bola Mamnss as time lanmp-ighter. Roy Cur- tis andi Samuel Bonnell, as in tihe past, E give fimnely of what they are required, and stand above discussion. Pity isI tio stromng and time temptation to plaimnt lumriid pnmk andI green plictutres about the atumts, uncmles, and piolicemem i must succumb for once. But every onme will not be so kind. Finally "Seventh Heaven" boasts a parade oifI I proud piavememnt-pounders that ought. to make time late Opera chorues bite its nlails in envy. Bettr- see this. IL CI1COLO I ALIA'NO A programm of It-alianm music will lie fpresentedl Wednesday eveninig in Lane Eimall by miemmbers of the Circolt Italianmo. H~obert Graham, baritone, ammd Elizabeth Ramedon, sopranmo, wuill be soloists, t ogethmer withI several olin';' mmembers of time Circolo. BEA GA 3IA HAS KiT ERE'S j TO 11 MIINGLE 11111cOclmoN i..STUDIENTS IN CONTE STrS Picked teams from the building amnd groundtls, deprmn will encounter Univemsity students in time anmnual 'in- t ~emfraternity basketball conmpetition., according to the amnnotumcememit in Sunday's Daily. In the list of scheduled engage- ments the teams were listed as merely as B and G vs. B and G. Members of Time Daily sport staff believe the scheduling loft egagenments for time two teams is to be a test of the new footbaill schiedule for next fall. Cheer- leadiers will-also lie given a lprehiimi a try opportunity to develop yells ap-- lica bile toi two teanms befomre next fall. ON "I" O{ LIESLITTLE TRAGEDIES It was a calm afternoon in The Da:ily. office. Every (one was 'busily vorking, happily intent tpon gettimig out a goodist for t otmorrow.. Sudldenliy tmer'e was a commotioni ati the entrance. Time noise increased. Tlypewt'iter's ceasedtitheir c.licking anti evemryone tummned to face time door. Inm strode aim ominimoums figure. For a second all wer'e lost iii astomishmuent.! 'Thonthme smiles tum'ned to frownms, and the report ers began to file from time rcomm. A lisgustedl studemnt gave a cry (f mrecogmnitioi---" Its Iob :Hendersonm." And so the (lay was utterly ruimned. * * * i t : . ti 1 bility will be with the larger body. A.-nal units have a decinmal basis- it I PPL1ICATIONS RECECIVED Previously there have been seven (_consequzently can be quickly mastered, evea applicationis for the editor- ~tu dents on the board of directors and "Thec avpqrage high school student today ship of Toaisted Rolls have been re- one, on time board of governors, a totail r cognizes the imncise value of such ceived and am-c hereby acknowledged. o'. eight out of the 24 members of thea system as tihe metric system froum*** two bodies. Under the new plan the ithne standpoint of both convenience Applications, will not be finally board of directors w ill contain a total- andy standardization when compared . passed upon for several dlays,, so that studeat