ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr I 44 4h Lwmvl iait MEMBE! ASSOCIATI PRESS M- - I- I --- -- - VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1928. 1 1 >I R D R TIFIES U ERSIT COLL.E SCHOOL[MASTERS' CLUB TOU OPEN' WITH M EETING THIS AFTERNOON CONCERT BY ALL-STATE ORCHESTRA WILL FOLLOW RECEPTION AND DINNERTONIGHT Starting with a general session at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, the annual meeting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' club will open a three- day meeting today. Several general sessions, more than 30 special ses- sions to be held on tomorrow afternoon, and special entertainments are on the program for this week end. This afternoon, the session will open at 2:30 o'clock in room C of the Law building, with Albertus Darnell, president of the club, presiding. Three talks will be given. The first will be delivered by L. W. Smith, dean of Joliet Junior college, Joliet Ill., who will speak on "The Junior College Development and Its Import." The next will be given by Floyd Reeves, director of the Bureau of Surveys of the University of Kentucky, on "The Financial Support of Colleges and Standards of Instruction." The last will be on "What's What in Higher Education" to be delivered MICHIGAN ENTERS HOOVER'SCOLUMN (By Associated Press) DETROIT, April 25-'Michigan's 33 delegates to the national Republican convention were directed today to "vote for Herbert Hoover as long as he is a candidate." The Republican state convention, with more than 1,000-delegates pre- sent, was a perfect picture of the har- mony that had been pirophesied. De- spite the threats of a minority of the Wayne county delegation that objec- tions would be offerp d,° Arthur H. Vandenberg was endorsed for the nomination and election as United States senator. Rep. Robert Wardell, of Detroit, voiced the lone protest against the resolution. Governor Green's administration was commend- ed in the highest terms. President Coolidge was described as a "great President." COUNCILi TO MAINTAUIN REGISTRATION BOOTHS SCHOOL EDITOR'S BEGIN SE'SloSI I N UNION TODAY DELEGATESS ATOREGISTER iI[CIIIGAN UNION LOBBY THllIS A FTERNO)ON Iii by David Robertson, assistant direc- tor of the American Council of Edu- cation, Washington, .C. Little Will Speak The annual club reception and din- ner will be held tonight in the Union. The reception at which presidents of higher institutions, deans of junior col- leges, out of state speakers, and many others will be the guests, will be held at 5:30, on the third floor of the Union. This will be followed by the annual dinner at 6 o'clock for all club members and their friends. Per- sons who are intending to attend must have secured their tickets, of which additional ones will be on sale at the registration desk, by 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Tickets are $1.25 apiece. The main address will be delivered by President Clarence Cook Little. Following the annual dinner, the all-state orchestra of 175 pieces and the Ann Arbor high school chorus will present a concert at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium. For the members of the/ club, the admission will be by badge, and the balcony will be opened to the public. But one special event outside the tiegular proceedings has been planned for the visiting schoolmen today. From 3:30 to 5 o'clock, the members of.the Women's Educational club will enter- tain the visiting schoolmen at a tea In Tappan hall. As many of the mem-' bers of the club are prospective teach- I era for next fall, the tea will give both superintendents and students a chance to interview the others about teaching chances and questions. Teachers To Visit Classes Due to 'the cooperation between the University faculty and the special committee, arrangements have been made whereby visiting teachers and principals will be allowed to attend fneshman classes on campus today and tomorrow. Many of the club took ad- vantage of a similar plan last year, and it is expected that many more will in the next few days. The main object of the plan, according to the letter sent out by President Little, is to allow the high school officials a chance to observe at first hand the situations which their pupils must face when they come to the Universi- ty, keeping in mind the improvement in easier transition from high school to college. Tomorrow morning, the annual con- vocation will be held at 11 o'clock in Hill auditorium, with Pesident Little as chairman. The main address will be delivered by Gordon Jennings La- ing Dean of the graduate school at the University of Chicago. The Uni- versity classes at 11 o'clock, with the exception of clinics, will be dismiss- ed. Special provisions have been made for those students who wish to at- tend Lhe various meetings. Admis- sion to the sessions is by badge only, and these badges will be obtainable free of charge at the Registrar's of- fice, starting this morning. The badg- es will admit no one to the dinner without a ticket, but will gain admis- sion to the 'main floor for both the concert tonight and the championship high school debate, tomorrow night, in Hill auditorium. CANPS T RP DISTRIRITD EXPECT LREIRW FOR LEAGUE DEBATE High School Pupil-Teachers Meeting Will Be Held Friday Afternoon; S Little Will Speak EXPECT 4,000_AT DEBATE Latest neports from the Extension office indicate that a record-breaking crowd will be in Hill auditorium on Friday night when Royal Oak and Zeeland will meet in the Eleventh An- nual State Championship debate of the Michigan High School Debating league. Ninety-five high schools have notified Prof. Gail E. Densmore, the speech de- partment manager of the league, that they will send delegates to the cham- pionship contest. More than 2,000 vis- 'iting students are indicated from the reports of the high school principals to Professor Densmore. This num- ber does not include ;the delegations from either Royal Oak or Zeeland. These schools are expected to bring more than 900 delegates. According to Professor Densmore, Hill auditorium should be filled Fri- day night. The Michigan School- masters club will hold no meeting on Friday night in order that the visiting teachers can hear the debate. Con- sidering that more than 3,000 high school pupils are expected, there should be at least 4,000 people pre- sent to hear Royal Oak debate with Zeeland on the question: "Resolved, That the direct primary system, of nominating candidates for public of- fice in the United States should be abolished." Occupying a place of interest only secondary to that of the championship debate is the High School Pupil- Teachers conference which will be held on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. President Clarence Cook Little will deliver the main address of this con- ference on the topic, "Why Go to Col- lege." Registrar Ira A. Smith will preside at the conference. The' conference is for the purpose of answering any questions in the minds of high school seniors relating to their entrance to any college or university. Question- aires were sent out a month ago to the principals of the high schools, ask- ing them to send in a list of the proposed questions. All Students Must Register May 4 5 for All-Camps Elections To Be Held Next Week orl I BEAR COMMITTEE REPORTS Registration for the all-cam-pus el- ections, which will be held on Wed- nesday and Thursday, May 4 and 5, will take place at at least one cen- tral point on the campus and possib- ly at one or two other places, it was announced at the regular meeting of the Student council held last night at the Union. A booth will be maintain- ed in front of the Library building from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock in the afternoon on both of these days, it was announced, and all students intending .to vote in the annual all-campus elections a week later will be required to register at this time. In connection with the elections, also, it was announced that all peti- tions for the purpose of nominating candidates for the junior and senior positions on the 'Student council must be in the hands of Cou'rtland C. Smith, '28, president of the council, by noon on Saturday, May 5. Su.--i petitions must bear the names of at least ten percent of the students of every school and college on the cam- pus. The president can in no way be nominated by petition. Arrangements for Cap Night, the Spring games, and Swing-out ore proceeding satisfactorily, chailrmen of these committees reported. ,Jo Chamberlin, '28, has been named as student speaker for the Cap Night ceremonies, and Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will address the Swing-out gathering, which will take place on May 8. TENTATIVE DATES SET FORCONTEST Announcement of the probable dates for the preliminary trials and final competition in the Thomas E. Black oratorical 'contest was ma(, yesterday by Prof. Richard D. T. .Hol- lister of the department of speech. Manuscripts of the speeches must be handed in to Professor Hollister on May 1. He will be in room 302 Mason hall from 4 to 5 o'clock for that purpose. As the manuscripts are turned in, the speakers will draw for speaking places in the pre- liminary contests. BRUMM TO GIVE ADDRESS Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys To Speak On Program of Welcome To Delegates Formally opening its seventh an- nual convention with an assembly at 7:30 o'clock, the Michigan Interschol- astic Press Association will get un- der way in the Union today. Regis- tration of delegates will be held at the side desk of the Union between 1:30 and 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the journalism department, will deliver the address of the welcome at the first general assembly in room 316- 18-20 of the Union tonight a 7:30 o'clock. Wilbur R. Humphreys, as- sistant dean of the Literary college will be he main speaker of the ev- ening, representing the University, and Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, president of Sigma Delta Chi, will welcome the delegated on behalf of the profession- al journalistic fraternity. Following the general assembly the New York Times movie will be shown for the delegates at a place to be announced tonight at the conclusion of the showng of the film, delegates will be conducted on a tour of The Daily by members of Sigma Delta Chi and The Daily staff. This will bring today's program to a close. Publisher May Speak The first session Friday morning will be held at 9 o'clock. The speaker for this assembly has not yet been definitely announced, although it is possible that V. V. McNitt, edior and publisher of McNaught's Monthly will deliver the address at this time. Fol- lowing this assembly discussion groups will be held during the remain- der of the morning. These will be conducted by members of the faculty of the journalism department, mem- bers of Sigma Delta Chi and members of The Daily staff. Lee A. White, editorial executive of The Detroit News, will address the afternoon assembly convening at 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, on some topic relative to newspaper work of interest to the high school editors. This will be followed by discussion groups during the afternoon until 5 o'clock.- The seventh annual banquet will be held at 5:45 o'clock Friday night in the Union. Speakers at this time will be Coach Fielding H. Yost, ,Di- rector Of Intercollegiate Athletics, and Shirley W. Smith, secretary and busi- ness mnager of the University. Pro- fessor Brumm will act as toastmaster. It is planned to provide some special entertainment at the banquet this year. ARCHITECTS PICK MUSIC FOR PART Y Howard Bunts and his orchestra, from Detroit, were selected yesterday to play for the architects at their an- nual May party on May 11, as an- nounced by Harold Philpott who is in charge of the music. The tickets for the party will go on sale next Mon- day, Tuesday, and Wednesday after- noons from 2 to 5 o'clock in the lobby of the Union. As the tickets for the party are limited those in charge ad- vise all wishing to attendto get their tickets as soon as possible. I i c 1 c 1 1 t i f t z 1 i 1 J e 1 t 7 1 COUNCIL INDORSES DRIVE FOR CAMP In view of the impending drive for funds for the University Fresh Air camp, the Student Christian Associa- tion, the Student council last night a unanimous vote: "Whereas: the work of the Fresh Ai capi atyashsrcie T SPEC1LitMEE T the support of a great many students Ai a p in paestyasasrcie and members of the faculty, and COMMITTEE WILLW "Whereas: there is abundant. evi-CO M T E WIL ( dence of its worthy accomplishments OF PLAN TO BE E as an educational and welfare work SEPTEMBEF by students "Be 'it hereby resolved that the Student council go on record as fav- Definite approval of all phases of oring the effort to secure funds for was voiced yesterday by the Board of R the Fresh Air camp sponsored by the for that purpose. The action of the bo Student Christian association, and of the faculties who had expressed thei recommends to the entire student the last step in a process iegun more th and 1 generous support on May 14 The resolutions adopted by the Re the principal points of contention over t lieving the plan to be beneficial to th board directed the President to appoint committee, and that this body shouldv TIRETal~~t I( Rincluding the appointment of a single r L T college is to go into effect Sept. 1, 19: schools and colleges which admit their s wi Junior Girls' Pl ay Will 3le Final IIAQT IG [ B OSNP One-Night Stand For Benefit DE v AT IO Of Schioolnmasters Club wh Un TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE 'HIT SOUTHERN STATES "I mo "For The Love Of Pete," 24th an-Id nual Junior Girls' Play, will make Acute Conditions Now Pre rall In col its last appearance at 8:30 o'clock Forida As Fods RushAcss the tomorrow night at the Whitney Thea- ostal Flats ToS asthe tre. Tickets for the production are __o_ now on sale at the box office of the fac Whitney, or may be obtained fron ESTIMATE 3,000 HOMELESSf Marie Hartwig, '29, business manager, "o P at Helen Newberry residence. (By Assoited Press) Seats will also be procurable at a ATLANTA, April 25.-Devastating Ma table set up in University hall this floods which have raged over Ala- fai afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. bama, and northwestern Georgia, the Although the performance is sched- continued their destruction as they to uiled as part of the social program of racedtoadhesaongtcrsue the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, con- toward the sea tonight across use vening here this week-end, tickets the great coastal flats. est are open to the general public. Brighter pictures were painted T Commenting on the original show- through most of the affected areas in rec ing of the play at the Whitney, March Georgia and Alabama, but acute con- an 19-24, Prof. Carl W. Rufus, of the as- ditions still prevailed in most of the the tronomy department, said: "I was Florida territory where msore than Fe delighted with the Junior Girls' Play. 1,000 families were homeless and some en It recalled vividly the efficient crew, 300 additional families ready to flee of the dignified faculty, the frolicsome from rising waters. an students, and the m-uch scrubbed With the residents of Caryville, ed deck of the Ryndam, on the pioneer Fla., quartered at Conifa where food ed floating univerrsity." Professor Rufus and shelter have been provided pend- pla was a member of the faculty of last ing receding of waters which now fac year's cruise, flow 12 feet deep in the little Choct- Sc Other critics spoke in terms of awatchee river town, the populace of tio praise. A review by Jo H. Chamber- Westville, across the river from Car- fav lin, managing editor of The Daily, ryville, prepared to evacuate. tae reads "the production with a few im- It was believed that flood warnings the perfections, moves with balance generally had been obeyed in the val- wh and precision. The singing is corn- ley of -the Ocmulee and Oconee riversA petent, the dancing quicked by new in Georgia. The flood crest still was steps, and the dialogue runs rapidly, many miles from the seas, but the be but doesn't stumble. Tritely speak- regions adjacent to the rivers are ary ing, it is a creditable show, goo en- swampy. Aside from damage to ad tortainment in its satire on intellec-. crops, highways and railways little of tualism for both the faculty and stu- danger was seen for the area. gro dents." Estimates of the homeless today con ranged from 3,000 to 5,000 and the of PE TITIONS 1IIUST death list stood at six, all Alabama Ma BTFnegroes. Property damage still was fro BE PUT ON FILE unestimated, but declared to be sev- the eral million dollars in addition to ba Petitions for the purpose of nom- crop losses. ord inating students for offices in the Ora- Stories of almost miraculous es- the torical association during -the coming capes from death and of heroic res- T year should be filed with Russel N. cues came out of the flood area. A by Sanderson, '29, chairman of the nom- Louisville and Nashville plassenger low inating committee, as soon as possi- train missed disaster by minutes in tha ble, it was announced yesterday. All, northwest Florida when a section of. leg such petitions must bear the name of roadbed washed out shortly after the ted at least 200 students. train passed. Five person's were res- be cued after their skiff overturned while Un The eather they were attempting to cross the F river at Westville to Caryville. A an white man was taken from the wirl- po (By Associated Press) ing waters in Pelfair county, Georgia, exi Fair today and tomorrow; not much and many persons were rescued from col change in temperature. streams in the Caryville district. vis PLAN IADOPTE ING YESTERDA )RK OUT DETAIL FFECTIVE ON R 1, 1929 the University college propo egents in a special meeting call ard, surprising to many memb4 r disapproval of the plan, forn an a year ago. gents yesterday morning, covei he University college issue. I e students of the University A as early as possible an executi work out the details of the p:l esponsible head. The Univers 29, and is to be effective for tudents directly from high schc th the exception of the Schoo rsing and the College of Pharma resident 'Clarence CookLit o has led the movement for1 iversity college adoption, yest issued the following statemet hope and believe that in the- nths which intervene before 1 e; of opening of the Unvers lege it may be possible to enlist various phases of the probl enthusiastic support of mnore a re members of the various colle ulties. Little Tells Possiblules With their cooperation the pl y hold real possibltites; with4 h cooperation it will natura . I am sure that as time pas y will feel increasingly .nclii make the plan their own and it as a vehicle for many refor which they have long been int ed." 'he University college proposit eived its first valid form from ds of the committee appointed President, and this was repor b. 14 of this year. It was then t up bys the faculties of the Colle Engineering and Architectu d after three meetings was der' by a heavy majority.. This ma: the first open opposition to 1 n. A committee appointed by 1 ulty of the College of .Literatu ence, and the Arts for consde n of the project reported in or, March 2, and this report V n taken up by the faculty as ole. History, Is Told fter four successive sessions 1 n held by the faculty of the lit college, resolutions were 4na opted which amounted to reject the University college plan on unds of inadequate finances a sequent danger to the Intere the students now in school. rch 22 questionaires were iss m the office of tie President purpose of determining the t sis of the faculty objections, er that a report might be mad Board of Regents. he text of the rpsolution pas the Board of Regents is as I vs: "Whereas, the Regents bell t the plan for the Universfty C e outlined in the report subn to them promises to be for At interest of the students of iversiy, therefore be it Resolved, that the Preslenst d he. hereby is, requested to int at his earliest convenience ecuive committee of the Unver lege, in accordance with the lp ions of the report of the conm, on the University college da b. 14,. 1928, and be it further Resolved, that the University t ,e be established as of Sept. "1, 1! d be it further Twq Exceptions Made Resolved, that the University c ge include all students of less t] nior standing in the present 4 ges of the University which ad udents directly from high schc ovidedi how'ave4 that until f er action students of the Colleg( arm-acy and the School of Ni g are excepted from this ruli id be it further Resolved, that the details of e University college be worked accordance with the general p' les of the report of Feb. 14, 1 the executive committee of iversit3 collee in cooneration v ZONA GALE INTRODUCED PRESENT TREND INF ICT ION-CONRAD SAYS "It was Zona Gale who taught us result of these latter books, it is cer- that our daily lives, our households, tain that Zona Gale first gave us the and our neighbors can be a suitable impulse to look. She made her "Vil- 'subject for .literature," Lawrence H.lage" a center of attraction, looking .je L c Hat it with a kindly eye, but seeing as Conrad of the rhetoric department de- well its humorous side and its faults clared yesterday, in commenting on and foibles. the noted woman noveist who is "The American village has under- speaking at 4:15 o'clock this after- gone quite an evolution since she first noon in Hill auditorium. looked at it," he avers. It has be- "She turned the tide of American come self-consciou's from being looked fiction from a striving after more and at. Much of that evolution has been more comprehensive effects to a con- the result of her work. She is still centration upon the community as a looking at it, still giving off impres- prot'otype of all things American," sions of it as it develops. Mr. Conrad continued. "She put into "Of all writers who use the small American literature the small town, town as a prototype of the American and along with it the most typically scene, Zona Gale is the least rabid and Amorian militiC fnr it i in t a n mnc f .i-in A hn1 --+ - a~ INLANDER ANNUAL POETRY ISSUE WILL BE PLACED ON SALE TODAY i DRAWING CONTEST DATE IS CHANGED Drawings depicting the work of a University councilor with the boys at the Student Christian association Fresh Air camp may be haded in as late as Saturday noon, April 28, and receive consideration in the con- test that is being held. It was for- merly announced that all sketches to be judged for the three prizes of $12, $10, and $8, had to be in the hands of the committee at Lane hall by today noon. Making its second appearance. in an entirely new format, the May num- ber of the Inlander i's on sale today in the main corridors of Angell hall and University hall. The number is the annual spring poetry number and sells for 25 cents. The issue, despite the fact that it is titled the poetry number, contains much prose from campu's writers. The poetry printed in the number will be submitted to Robert Frost, leading American poet and former holder of the University fellowship of creative art, and the winners of the prizes will be announced in the Jne issue. Tn th rna +hon i an ri~i-, zweig" is another original prose piece by an anonymous author, which deals with an analysis of character and impression, depending on the language and the total cumulative effect of language for its total result as a lit- erary experiment. The opening piece in the magazine is a narrative poem by Alice Ford, "Notes on North House." In it the theme is developed by the use of, familiar and real characters, and the attempt Is made to keep the language and the interpretation of the events in the tone of the characters and the setting. Robert Wetzel, well-known on the campus for his dramatic sue- ra ,.,-,+,'hil.c c *r. n n n~tc tee Fe leg ant leg ju leg stu pr th Ph ing an l th in icp by Un I I.