THE MICHIGAN DAILY (1 OsO A. imam MhL WAL'Im 2.S \:r I _i _ _ _ . TWEVE SOPHOMORES EWL~ [LCTED BY WYYERN Local Honorary Society For Junior Women Recognizes Leadership, Activities ASSISTS NEW FRESHMEN Twelve sophomore women, out- standing in campus activities and ful- filling scholarship requirements,: have been elected to Wyvern, local hon- orary society for junior women, in its annual spring elections. Those who have been recognized by membership are Margaret Bush, Margaret Olsen, Dorothy McKee, Helen Fellows, Mar- jorie Muffley Gertrude Smith, Vir- ginia Losee, Dorothy Griffiths, Mar- garet Sibley, Louise Cody, Marjorie Follmer, and Jean Wallace , Initiation will be held at 8 o8dck, May 2 at the Alpha Chi Omega soror- ity. Spring selections of new mem- bers constitutes the first group of sophomore women to enter the soci- ety; a further election is held by these new members in the fall. Selected on Three-Fold Basis Menrbers are chosen on a three-fold basis, of activities, scholarship, and personality. Organized in 1915, the society aims to further a spirit of cooperation among freshmen and junior women as well as to promote the welfare of the junior class. In the former capacity it has charge of the junior advisory system commun- icating by letter with incoming fresh- men women and assisting them during their first year at the Univers- ity. In the fall a freshman spread is given to further acquaintanceships among both the freshmen themselv- es and the freshmen. and juniors. With the introduction of Freshman Week in the University, Wyvern members have done all in their power to fur- ther this work. During the year .Wyvern meets once a month. One of its main pro- jects for a number of years has been. the sale of bluebooks, profits from which are turned over to the league. To Entertain Seniors Senior Society and Mortarboard,- honorary senior organizations for women, will be feted at a picnic to be, held 'Sunday, April 30. Although .plans are not as yet definite, the affair will probably take place at one of the nearby country clubs. Each year the old-grdup '6f juniors. leaves the organization, the nucleus of sophomores elected in the spring carrying on the work, later assisted. by those who are chosen to member- ship in the fall. Theta Sigma Phi To Entertain Visiting High School Women CAMP HEAD GIVES REQUIREMENTS AND DESCRIPTION OF PERFECT COUNSELLORI Mrs. P. O. Pennington of Camp In- that the boy or girl naturally feels at terlochen, Interlochen, Mich., has pre- ease with me, and responds in a sented a list of hints which taken to- friendly spirit? Am I un'selfish gether describe in her estimation, the enough not to let that friendship feed "perfect counsellor." Mrs. Penning- ey own vanity, but hold it instead, ton has for years associated herself my onvntbthl tised with young girls, and has had n p to 'a wholesome, 'non-crush' basis? portunity to 'study them, and their "Do I stand ready to make the camp advisers. She knows what kind of with which I am to be affiliated my young women make the best friends camp so long as I am under contract and pals of children, and as an aid to with it, and in so doing will I strive the aspiring counsellor gives the fol- to know and carry out to the nth de- lowing requisite, gree the ideals, standards, and fine "For the first requisite, the perfect traditions of 'out camp'? counsellor' of a summer camp will "Have I a clear and definite under- plan to give at least two consecutive standing of the 'skill and ability ex- Bummers to this work. Having recog- pected of me in the responsibility I nized the fact that the summer camp am assuming; and have I a reasonable is a distinct educational factor in the self-assurance that I can successfully life of today, the woman who aspires fulfill that responsibility? to be a counsellor in such a camp will "Am I rightly educated for my posi- do well to ask herself these ques- tion and leadership? Further, do I tions: know camp rules and regulations, and "Do I like to work with and for have I normal health so that I will children? Camping with boys and not only mak the necessary adjust- girls is the test for living with them ments but will bring enthusiasm and 24 hours of the day and night. Do good cheer into all camp activities I have an understanding of youth and and situations? its 'growing pains.' Have I the vision "When one: has successfully an- and the patience to increase that und- swered ten such que'stions, he will be erstanding if it seems lacking? Am ready to embark upon the 'adventure' I able to control others not through of being a counsellor in a summer fear, but because of my own self-con- camp. It is one of the greatest op- trol? portunities in modern education to- "Have I a.truly friendly spirit so day," Mrs. Pennington concludes. WORK SHOULD FIT Display Stage Sets, PERSONAL TALENT, Costume Designs Of SAYPIROFESSO . Famous Productions "The main problem in our educa- tional system today lies not in suiting Original stage and costume designs the work to men and women, but in are on display by the Theatre Arts fitting it to the man and the woman; Monthly at the new architectural 'that is, to the latent possibilities of building. Among the many interest- the individual," states Professor R. T. lug designs from famous designers D. Hollister of the speech department. are scenes from Pelleas and Melis- "There is very little difference be- ande as produced at the Metropolitan tween the reactions of men and wom- Opera House, Frigate Scene from- The en if their inherent worth is the same. New Moon produced by Schwab and It is to further, this development of Mandel, scenes from Shaw's Saint character in each individual that I Joantsketches for Shakespeare's would like to see the idea of a cult- McehadfrMc d bu o ural education in our colleges stressed thing, prison scene from Theodore rather than the "bread and butter" no- Dreiser's An American Tragedy, and tion. a sketch for Act I of Seventh Heaven. To be very practical if you gave a Two 'projetts for Wagner's Ring, The man as a start in business the approx- Ascent tor Valhalla in Das Rheingold imate $4,000 that is estimated for a Ant: toeValhal'a in ras Reion four year course at a university, at and Siegfried's Funereal Procssion the end ofuthe period of four years; in. Gotterdanmerung, are especially he would undoubtedly be far ahead interesting. financially. But no one ever ques- This exhibition marks .the begin- tions the cultural advantages of the ning o a new policy of cooperation college graduate." . between the architectural school and The field of dramatics gives an un- dranrtatic arts. They plan to put on usual opportunity for cultural growth other similar. exhibitions and" to have and character-building, through ap- lecturers come from outside. Thh predcation of the drama. But there week, beginning Wednesday, the dra- are also great dangers. There are 'matic artsclub will hold an exhibi- two classes of students who take -Up tion of stage designs in models in th dramatics: those who are interested auditorium of University Hall. Any- in drama, and those who are inter- one who is interested in stage design- ested in themselves. Unless the stu- ing is urged to attend. dent has a clear, undistorted vision of life, dramatics offers many tempta- tions to exploit oneself, to become too much e grossed in the noise one THE ORIGINA makes in "blowing one's own horn" Permanent W av That is one reason why the profes-Serv sional attitude should be' eliminated as far as possible from college dram- Latest Style Finger Wavin atics, why the true amateur spiritTI should be maintained.mKAY'S TOASORAL , _ __713 Packard Costumes Are Planned, Proganis Arranged, And Orchestration 01 Music Started ANNOUNCE COMMITTEES With the dance groups of the Fresh- man Pageant beginning rehearsals, members of the central committee have started the organization of the work of their respective committees. Plans for costumes are being submit- ted, m'usic is being arranged for or- chestra use, and the program com- mittee has made plans in conjunction with the W. A. A. Lantern Night com- mittee. Following is the list of committee chairmen and their assistants: Helen Jones, general chairman; Helen Cheever, assistant chairman; finance committee, Margaret Eaman, chair- man, Marie Edington, Marian Gimmy, Gladys Nordgren, Isabelle Rayen, Mary Stuart, Elizabeth Sunderland, Ernestine Wagner; dances, Frances Jennings, chairman, Eleanore Cook, Ruth Ellis, Margaret Morin, Thinma' Lou Smith, Jane Yearnd; music, Ruth Marshall, chairman, Catharine Shan- non, Marie Wellstead, Marion Dur- and;~ programs, Jane Robinson, chair- man, Elizabeth Wood, Helen Doine, Florence Frandsen, Albertina Maslen, Phyllis Moore; costumes, Hermines Soukup, chairman, Hilda Braun, Mar- tha Jones, Edna Newman, Ruth Tay- lor; properties, Ruth Van Tuyl, chair- man, Kathleen Clifford, Janet Dale, Catherine Hard, Alice Sunderland, Janet Woodmansee; posters, Helen Cheever, chairman, Mary Buffington, June Fosler, Edith Higbee, Roberta Reed, Dorothy Wilson; publicity, Hel- en Humphrey, chairman, Catharine, Wilcox, Adele Tossy. Tournament Games Start Spring Play In Class Baseball Freshmen, Juniors Score Tie; Seniors Defeat Sophomores PAGEANT COMMITTII BEGINS ORGANIZATIONj I I Daily Bulleti Rf S T.rSwois Daily Bulletin of SportszOine When the fneshman nine clashed with the junior nine at 4 o'clock yes-, terday afternoon the annual inter- class baseball tournament was offic- ially opened. Shc games will be play- ed by each class team this year in the tournament play. Each class will play two games against the other three classes in order to determine the champions for 1928, according to the schedule announced by the§ physical education department. More than seventy-five candidates for the teams turned out for the first practises which began before spring vacation. Following four weeks of diligent practise, the regular squads for each class team were chosen, with the final selections being made last week. An over-abundance of excel- lent material in the junior and senior sections made it necessary to select twelve members on each of these squads,the lineupfor these teams not to be known until they take the field. The freshman- and sophomore nines have fewer candidates to fall back on however, there is plenty of good material among those holding down regular berths. The tournament play will be carried out through a period of three weeks, the final game of the season being scheduled for May 10. Tuesday, April 24: junior vs. fresh- men; sophomore vs. senior; Thurs- day, April 26: senior vs. junior; fresh- men vs. sophomore; Tuesday, May 1: freshmen vs. senior; junior vs. spoh- omore; Thursday, May 3: junior vs. freshmen; sophomore vs. senior; Tues- day, May 8: freshmen vs. senior; junior vs. sophomore; Thursday, May 10: senior vs. junior freshmen vs. sophomore. The spring baseball sea'son was opened today with two inter-class games played on Palmer field. The freshman-junior game ended in a 3 to 3 tie. The game was characterized by good pitching and fielding by both teams. Koch scored the only home- run in the first inning, and Zauer hit a three-bagger later in the game. The senior-sophomore game was won by the senior's, 16 to 0. The line-ups were : freshman-Wil- scn, Koch, Schafer, Locke, Whitney, Wood, and Ohlson. Sophomore-Heil- man, Collins, Nowak, Beilby, LeRoy, Bush. Junior - Zauer, Saurborn, Lyon's, McKee, Johnson, Miller, Ney- er, Morton Urban. Senior-Beaumont, Robinson, Bonine, Child, Appelt, Tut- hill, Wright, Powers, Hough. PLAY NOTICE E There will be a rehearsal of the entire cast of the Junior Girl's Play at' T o'clock tonorrow and Thursday nights in Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall. 'I DEIATH TAKES LEADER IN LE AGUEACTIVITIES Word has just been received at the office of the Alumnae cou.ncil, of the death of Ellen Soule Carhart, ye'ster- day morning at her home in Los Angeles, Calif. The wife of Prof. Henry S. Carhart, who was for more than 20 years, head of the department of physics in this University. Mrs. Carhart was one of the most active women in the organization of the Women's league on this campus. She was one of the original committee which founded the undergraduate or- ganization of the Women's league and was, during all the years of her residence in Ann Arbor, closely relat- ed to all league 'activities. Mrs. Carhart was Dean of Women at Northwestern university before her , marriage to Professor Carhart and was always keenly interested in academic work. During the last few years of her life she published sev- eral books of poems. Her interest was -ever keenly con- nected with the new Women's league building and with the turning of the first spade of earth for the building last year at commencement, she sent the following greeting: "As the swift years glide away, may the League be: come a storehouse of precio's mem- ories where thousands of noble wom- en study the fine art of living, learn the divine laws of growth, the charm of harmony, the high delight of serv- ing and helping our needy world." i t The Famous Fox Institute i i 3 a a Y t1 a a e s [- e r.. ! FRENCH NEWSPAPER IS CONDUCTED BY WOMAN For the scientific care of scalp opened an office at 223 South Brecourt Apts. and hair has State Street. Ap 4 ,,{ One of the largest newspapers in the world, The Petit Parisien, is own- ed and conducted by an American born woman, Mme. Dupuy, widow of Sen- ator Paul Dupuy of France. Mme. Du-. Puy, whose husband was a pioneer in France of the policy of giving . the public the .best news, the best pic- tures and the best advertising, hopes to carry out his traditions and ex- presses her policy as a newspaper editor thus-"accurate and brightly presented news and pictures, a well- printed paper, and good advertising." BELGRADE--There is no clause in the Jugoslav Constitution of laws which prevent women's entrance into diplomatic service. ° tY sj R A ' r + ! pia ! , ' '. .tom' , . . :", "' '<. . .' e+ .#S'rr J.'4K3+' ct , 3 T .1 S y f S +, "1's3 YVIw'L a,,t..l x. ., .pr. f+< -' . .. <, v - .. ' .: ' '' ~ r* ', ., - dY'' 1 = . i+ .. ~a . _ . C: ..=. ..r. ' -A M "'< ' r ,,x , . " . No. 951 wing chair priced un- til Saturday $68.50 L MARCEL WAVE 3ng, Special-$7.50 ice Free g, Done by Man Operator-75c AND BEAUTY SHOPPE DIal 7240 Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary journalistic society for women, is this week assisting the men's society, Sigma Delta Chi, by entertaining the women who are attending the con- vention of the Michigan Interschol- astic Press association, the higl school journalistic organization of the ~state. The members of Theta Sigma Phi will assist the men in the regi'stra- tion of the delegates -on Thursday noon. At 4:30 o'clock the same da3 they will act as hostesses at a tea in honor of the visiting high school wom- en, at the Kappa Alpha Theta house The society is also making'arrange- ments for the accommodation of the women delegates in various sororit houses over the weekend. I 1 e i y AQ 4 : :: 1/, 1 4ORDER OF THE STAR" Tonight at , P. 3., Mr. Coon from Detroit will speak at 1217 Olivia Ave., on: "THE ETERNAL COMPANION" All Are Welcome THE SCHULTZ GROCERY THE HOME OF PURE FOODS Phone 4277 114-116 East Washington St. to. 951 sofa and r chair reduced =,rKarpen Week $104.00 A deposit will hold them Fraternities and Sororitie s Now is the time to be thinking of your year books or annuals. Let Us Give You an Estimate PRINTING THAT ATTRACTSi "Yo6r6 or 6etter mr press ons I I BULK COFFEES Still Leading Them All To enable all to take advantage of our remarkable values during Karpen Week, we make this offer: While prices must be withdrawn next Saturday, a small deposit will hold any piece or group at its striking Karpen Week reduction., What an opportunity is opened to you to secure this lovely suite. The legs are genuine mahogany. Rich plum mohair and jacquard velour clothes its, graceful lines. Its pure hair and cotton filling, its fine quality throughout is assured by the Karpen nameplate. Come! See this and the many other rare offerings. Superior to Any'Sold in Ann Arbor J. W. SPECIAL 5 pound lots, 38c per pound O.' PHONE 8805( 22 S. Main Pione 4161 711 N. Univ. Ave. (Over Geo. Moe's.) 1I , P rirr...... -",r--- -.-d rawwa .w.w.. ... rr r . i AFTER VACATION You Are at Your Best 4, 4 4, THE TIME FOR A FINE PORTRAIT