_________ ~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y AU1O BOULLETIN WILL SP [ HSnual ditioji Includes Illu staton 's And FEtebint-s; ]index Lists All - Speakers And _Artists O'IES MAY BE RESER~VEDl A total of 5' addresses delivered in Michigan Night radiocasts during bie 1927-28 series will be included in le annual radio bulletin this y ear, it ;,s announced yesterday by 'Waldo 4, Abbot, of the rhetoric departmnta, h~o is program manager and an- ounlcer for the series. The bulletin already set up and will soon be pblished, Mr. Abbot declarNI. As has been the custom in past ears, approximfately 2,0'00 copies of he bullentin will be pui~shed. Hlow- ver, owing to the fact that more equertst for copies than ever befotre ave poured into thoe heatdquarters at ation WVWJ, the Detroit News, there ill be few.er copies avaiable for aculty men, Mr. Abboit announced. ore than 1,800 requests Ifor copies , e alrnieady been received at the Wtroit station, it was reported. The F): talks to be include~d in thej ulIctin will include 13; medical talkis, x dealing wilth engineering subjects, hree having to do v.ith athletics, six y .iemnbei's of thie history derz rt ent, three by r~ni nbes of the law dhool faculty andc those dealing with hoase, of explorit icn and scielice %vill on,;itute the rest, recording to Mr. ELiot. A pecial feature o4f this year's bu'i tinl will be sevreral illustr t ions rrong which will be included a ching of the Alumni Memorial build g made by Wilfred Shaw, editor of e Alumnus, and the photograph )ken of the Mlen's Glee club on the ccasion when they broadcasted from e local station on the fourth flos rUniversitIT hall. The bulletin is indc .ed according to e schools and colleges from whichL C sI.-eiers come and includes th4 ames of all the mus'cal artists, as 'll as the speaker s, with the ex. -aoni of the individuali mnebs of rge organizations ,which contribut- : to thl.e programs. 'WINS PRIZE FOR 'Foresters Make Plans For Annual Field GNRLMTR FORES CAROON ay And Receive Statue Of Paul BAunyan iTLS v ---'!'Multipli(ity- of ownership is the 11 1171 , PrcIliming the 18th annu al field land rm embers oaf the Forestry club, Anl cause of the pu~iblic's chLange of attitud re News F*om Other Col Firs prze i th conestcondcte tinsteducatinaldiedrn theotscndte' Amercan Forest Week, which is now being observed throughout the nation, was awarded to Sam B. Nash, Jr., of. Ty- ler, Texas. Nash and the prize winning car- toon, -Pruning the Tree;" which' won $ 250? for Nash' against 'a field of 200, FOJRUM HEARS BREfYOLDI "The Jew in Shakespeare" was the subject of a talk by Professor Louis I. Bredvold at the regular bi-monthly Open Forum at the Hillel Foundation last night. His talky was followed by a short general discussion. dlay of the Forestry club anl eight-foot1 rep~resentation of Paul Bunlyan, myth- ological hero of the woods, has been placed in the hiall, of Natural Science building. Field dlay for the Fore~st:- ers will be held this year ont May 4 at Saginaw Woods, the University ex- periiment station. Plans for the (lay are rapidly near- ing comnpletion. Shooting, canoe rac- inn, tiltinrg, log-rolling, sawing, and chopping to a mlark are some of the c oniteests inl which the "text-book" for- esters will engage in anl effort to li'Vel down thecir name. Mlulepacking, inj 1wIch a wovoden horse will play a lrepart, will also lie among t he (laiy's hapipenings. A feature of the ceclebration will be a tug of war be- tween members of the~ faculty of the' School of Forestry and Conservation Fay Summer ExpensesII Have Liberal Surplus Taking'I F ~ fort The New Self- wor. No 1Wringe r M'op with recog'knivze li the Broad stantly t~he tp. Steel Plate ing Qualities and the Tconbinyot this Wonder Moppur men take orders ' o 0to 100 weviekly-that means a3.ace sum lick you during your vacation. It-will help solve you r problems of education. This mop ends /stooping, backache , muscle strain anxd a1! the worrves of L _ w crubbing. Bans soiled floor- tornebhands -avoids Lau- - dling dirty crop water. jJUST TURN THE KNOB anitlIt Will Wring Out Dollars, °.clild s tiny fing-ers can wring this Mop drier than }man's strong hands can wring tie common Miop. Price is low. demand enormous. It's the best va- Cation work you can find. Work, at Homne, in your College Town 'or- Travel. You can take orders ANYWHERE. Tonr the country, if that's your ideal, aing expenses and a big surplus txsides. We' supply complete selling outfit-no capitai re- quired, as yuu simply take orders. KLEANEZY I OP Co. "DEPHOHI SEND TMiS COUPON FOR FULL ETiWLS XLEANEZVt MOP CO., Dept. 3518, Delphos, 0. Send me immediately, full details of your plan for taking orders for KLEANEZY Mops. I want to mnake v eadon and school expenses easily during coming vacaciun. t Name..................................... .drs . .. . .... . . . .. . . . ... .. .. .on. . . . . .. . . .. . tt exhibition of skill at ar~chery is also to~w "ri big colporations,said Filoyd included in the pirogram.l Allen, assistant to the head of the Signs announcing field a y corn- General Motors Corporation, in an ad I t U.NIVE'RSITY OF{JrMi (NESOTA07. pletely cover the walls of the forest seminar room,~ on the fourth floor of Natural Science building. One an- nounces a gigantic "Clutching Con- test, Special Prizes for Longp; Dis-I tane Clfttching, Accuracy and Specd' Essential, Woodpiles Furnished F ree" Another proclaims "Future Fashions for Forester s-hats by Stetson, sox by 'oleproof, shoes by the last, and tinl panz by Korewood and Creengore." The signs, manty of them work,' of art, are from the brnsh of Pr-o.. W. A. MeArdle andl a nuinhei of asist. anlts., dlress!,bfore Business A dministration studlent;. Mr. Allen ga