THE MICHIGAN DAILY students for work in Detroit during the summer vacation. Only students with grades above the average will be considered. Applications may be made in person to Mr. R. C. Gregory, District Superintendent, Ann Arbor. George W. Patterson. Sophiomore Lit's: Collection of class dues Thursday and Friday in lobby of Angell Hall. Aan J. Bovard, Class Treasure. English Semina-ry: Tuesday, 8 p.m. Miss Marguerite Jenkins will speak on "Old Legends from Virginia." James 11. Hanford. Education D100 and D102: I shall be unable to meet my classes in Education D100 and D102 today, Tuesday, April 24. F. D. Curtis. Education D125: Methods in History and other Social studies, will not meet Tuesday, 8 a.m., April 24. 0. W. Stephenson. Summer Employment: Mr. J. D. Hayden, District Sales Manager of the International Magazine Company, Inc., will be in Room 306, Michigan Union, Tuesday, April 24, from 4 to 6 p.m., to interview students who may be interested in summer work for his company. J. A. Bursley. Girls Desiring Summer Work: Miss Wieckel of the Educational A ssociation will be in Barbour Gymna- sium from 2 to 5 o'clock this afternoon to interview girls interested in a good proposition concerning summer work. Beatrice W. Johnson. Mathematical Club: Luncheon for the club will be served, Wednesday, April 25, at 12:15 p.m.,, in the Michigan Union. W. W. Denton. Physics Colloquium: Mr. Robert Bacher will speak on "The Optical Dissymetry of Space" and Mr. K. J. Miller on "Magnetism in Thin Ferromagnetic Films," at 4:15, Tues- day, April 24, in Room 1049, East Physics Building. All interested are cordially invited. 1). I. Dennison. in Room 306 of the Michigan Union on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. It is im- portant that all those who have signified their intention of attending the As- sembly be present at this meeting. All others who are interested in the As- sembly are invited to attend. T. P. Ryan, Chairman of Michigan Delegation. An. Arbor Art Association: The Exhibition of Tibetan Sacred Banner Paintings closes Monday, April 30. The Sacred Art of Tibet is the work of Lama-Artists living in the several monasteries and is rarely seen outside Millel Foundation: Prof. Bredvold of the English De- partment will address the regular bi- monthly Open Forum Discussion Group at the Hillel Foundation, this evening at 7:30 o'clock. His sub- ject will be: "The Jew and Shakes- peare." Philip S. Stern. Quadrangle Members: The meeting postponed from last Thursday will be held Wednesday eve- ning of this week. H. P. Scott. of the religious centers-of the country. Bruce M. Donaldson. Faculty Men Attend Physicist's Meeting Nine members of the University physics department, seven of whom presented papers, attended the regu- lar spring meeting of the American Physical society which was held last week end at Washington, D. C. Those who spoke were: Prof. Harri- son M. Randall on "Fine Structure of the Absorption Bands of Crystals"; Prof. Neil H. Williams on "Measure- ment of the Charge of Positive Ions by the Shot Effect"; Prof. Ernest F. Barker on "The Form of the Am- monia Molecule"; Prof. Ralph A. Saw- yer on "The Spectra; of Cadmium and Arsenic"; Prof. Charles A. Meyer on "Infra Red Spectra"; Dr. Samuel A. Goudsmit on "Multiplet Separations" and "The Mismuth Nucleus"; and Mr. Julian Mack on "The Application of X-Ray Laws to Higher Optical Spec- tra." Pyof. James M. Cork and Dr. David M. Dennison also attended. ALUMNUS ISSUES SPECIAL EDITION A special forestry edition of the Michigan Alumnus has been issued i occasion of American Forestry Week:. Articles by several members of the faculty of the School of Forestry and Conservation are included in the is- sue. Dean Samuel T. Dana,. head of the forestry school outlines the develop- ment of the school during the past year and tells of its plans for the future. Prof. Donald M. Matthews tells of the aims of forestry and Prof. Shir- ley W. Allen has an article on exten- sion work in forestry. i8 TonighI ( at 8:30 Scabbard and Blade: There will be a meeting day night at 8:30 o'clock Union. Wednes- in the C. E.Sat Alpha Nu: Alpha Nu debating society will meet Tuesday, April 24, at 7:30 o'clock. The program is in the form of a debate on the question, "Re- solved that the Parliamentarian Form of Government be Established in the United States." The freshman debat- ing team will oppose the sophomore team. Visitors are welcome. John Webster, President. Phi Delta Kappa: All associate and active members of Phi Delta Kappa are urged to be present tonight for the examination of candidates. The meeting will be held at Tappan Hall, 7 p.m. Regbiald D. Mac'itt, President. I You Simply Must MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALLER'S Botanical Journal Club: The Botanical Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1139 N.S. Professor J. B. Pollock will review a recent work on, bacteria. F. J. Hermann, Secretary. Il Circolo Italiano: The final lecture of the Circolo Italiano will be given by Prof. William A. Frayer. His subject will be "Mussolini as Seen by An American." This lecture will be igiven in Room 2003 Angell Hall, Tuesday, April 24, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. A. Napoli. Geological and Geographical Journal Club: There will be a meeting in Room 4054 N.S., at 8 o'clock Thursday evening, April 26. Professor Gould will give an illustrated lecture on "Some Geo- graphical Aspects of the Putnam Baffin Island Expedition 1927." All in- terested are invited to attend. 1I. V. Senstius, Secretary. Transportation Club: Meeting tonight at 8 p.m., Room 348, West Engineering. Mr. Harrison S. Taft, until recently of San Francisco, will speak upon the subject of "Pacific Coast Ports." His talk will be illu'strated by a group of modern slides. After Mr. Taft's talk, there will be a closed meeting for Transportation Club members only for the purpose of electing officers. The public is cordially in- vited to the open part of the meeting. P. 11. Shoemaker. Alpha Epsilon Mlu: There will be a special meeting of Alpha Epsilon Mu tonight at 7:15 o'clock in Room 308 of the Michigan Union. Bailey L. Canfield, Librarian. Gargoyle Staff: There will be a meeting of the entire business staff of the Gargoyle, in- cluding tryouts, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. It is important that all be present. Ray Read, Business Manager. A.S.C.E.: Regular business meeting of the student branch at the Union Wednesday, April 25 at 7:45 o'clock. . M. Salnmond. Pi Lambda Theta: The regular meeting of Pi Lambda Theta will be held on Tuesday eve- ning, April 24, at 7:30 p.m., at the Delta Delta Delta house, Tappan Avenue. Jean de Vries, President. League of Nations Model Assembly: There will be a meeting'of the Michigan delegation to the Model Assembly STATE ST. JEWELRS P E NMAKER SY SEE Rider for Pens HIGH QUALITY AND STANDARD PRICES PLUS SNAPPY SERVICE REPAIR SERVICE CORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas' Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. s I E, T THE VvIFE In Camfidy Clubs Production of Lynn Starling's GAY FARCE CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4551-4555 Yard Office: 5152 with ~.. m sitors' Night Angell Hall Laboratory: The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell all to observe the moon from 3 to 11 p.m., on Friday and Saturday nights, ril 27 and 28. Admission only by ticket. Reservations must be made by ling the Observatory office between 0 a.m., and 12:30 p.m., Tuesday. R. It. Curtiss. oving Pictures of Indiustry: The School of Business Administration will present three films, as its ;hth program of Industrial Moving Pictures in Natural Science Auditorium 4:15 p.m., on Wednesday, April 25. The titles will be "Fine Arts inr Metals, e Manufacture of Silverware," "The Man at the Throttle," (taken from the b of the 20th Century Limited), and "Speeding up Our Ocean Sea Cables, e Laying of a Cable to the Azores." The public is invited. Carl N. Schmalz. siness Administration Lecture: Mr. Floyd Allen, Assistant to the President, General Motors Corporation, 11 speak to Business Administration students and others on the subject, rends and Policies in Modern Business" Tuesday afternoon, April 24, at L5 o'clock In Room 101, Economics Building. (Note change in time from ier Business Administration lectures). MAY FESTIVAL Ann Arbor, May 16, 17, 18, 19 T. ARTHUR SMITH CONCERT BUREAU T'HIS is a thoughtful little gift that she will much appreciate. Once each year comes Mother's Day-it's her day. And Johnston's is so delightfully good it's just what she will want. Let us send it for you. Before you forget, order Mother's present. Special Mother's Day Packages In one-pound, two-pound, three-pound and five-pound packages a," $1.00, $1.25, $1.30 and $2.00 the pound. BETSY ROSS SHOP ' ' ARCDE S AUTHORIZED JOHNSTON'S HEADQUARTERS Member National Concert Managers' Association 1330 G. Street N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. Phyllis L oughton Robert Wetzel Lorinda McAndrew Tom Dougall Harlan Cristy Richard Kurvink Lillian Setchell Robert Adams She's a Riot! AT HOME in nOl T'HEATRE TONIGHT and all this week March 5th, 1928. Mr. Charles A. Sink, President, University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. My dear Mr. Sink:- r'L7 dmM~mMMM~JMMMMMUMMMM MMU Admission 50c Tickets Here. __AT Hill Auditorium on Thursday, April 26, 4:15 P. M. An Opportunity-Don't Fail to See Her I-IFR NOVFI S FOR SAIE AT I have your letter of February 27th, circular giving information about the very May Festival which, as I understand, will thirty-fifth recurrence of the happy event. enclosing ambitious mark the I congratulate you on the program for "Michi- gan's greatest musical event" and if my observation may be taken as conclusive evidence-then the forth- coming Festival promises to be the most outstand- ing of the thirty-five. A week of music of the character outlined, pre- sented by artists of unqu:estioned ability, must inevit- ably be far-reaching in its influence, and stimulate in no small degree an enthusiasm for and appreciation of the world'smusic masterpieces. I I 0