Conrad Will Discuss R. 0. V. C. MEMBERS the purpose by George G. Booth and HOTCHKISS TO SPEAK NEW AIPLANE CARRIER RECEIVES SPRIG CLANIN BEORE TRZIALSI TOY ABOUT MININK President Of licblea Ciollege WillI Lecture Oni Ores And Fatories i JLower Peiniisula WILL VISITLABORATORIES President William C. Hothkiss, of the Michigan College of Mining ad~ Technology, will deliver a University lecture at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. His subject has been announced as "U~pper Peninsula: Ores and Lower peninsula Factories." Dr. Hotchkiss, who is a former com- issioner of highways in Wisconsin, j has had wide practical experience inI various engineering projects. In 1902 I he was mining engineer for the Don- ora Mining company, and until his ap- pointment as state geologist for Wis- consin, (id considerable geological ex- ploration work, chiefly in Ontario. It was during his public -career as state geologist that President Hotch- kiss became interested in the state highway situation in Wisconsin, and it was chiefly due to his efforts that a I K state highway commission was formed. s He was appointedl chairman of this t commission. Later Dr. Hlotchkiss accepted thet appointment as president of the Mich- igan college of mining which hie nowl hiol ds. President Hotchkiss, who is a past president of the American Association of State geologists, is a member of a 1 number of honorary and scientific t societies, including the Geological I- society of America, American Insti-IA lute of Mining engineers, Wisconsin Academy of Science Arts and Letters, and Tan Beta Pi. Hie is also the author of numerous scientific and I technical works. During his visit here at the Uni- versity, President Hotchkiss and la group from the experiment station of Ohio State university will inspect the engineering laboratories and consult! with various members of the engin- eering college faculty. Students Back From Trip TIo East Tawas~ Thirteen students, frm the School of Forestry and Conservation, mem- ber s of, a class in silviculture, re- turnled Monday from a trip to ast Tawas, Mich., where they engaged in experiments in the Michigan national forest. Considerable (data to he used in their class work was collected, on the tow. While in the national forest they were housed in Silver Crek ranger sta- ton. Talks were given to the men by1 It G. Schreck, supervisor of the forest and by rangers located at the station.l The men made the tribp to past Tawas I in trucks, leaving Ann Arbor Thes- days morning. Pref. Dow V. Baxter- -was in charge of the trip. ileat nrsery, where all trees plant- edl in the MVIichigan fU rests are gow Irom seeds, was visited and notes tk- en of' the adinistritien ad manage- meit.of the forest tracts. Salesmen WAnted College men~ as secil, saieiten fart tunie nmw. Full little in vaca- tion. Artele easy to sll 111d tas, wid ml iarket. W~rie Lii' gneral . genc. FLOWVER ~(11Y SPECIALTIY ('0 43 il Street, Rocheser,('1v . Y. Conrd' Wll DSCUS T.others. 2TO HEAR. MieAL ONE~ While in New York, Professor TakigAnWiin : Lorch saw the Lewis W. Hill collec- At A elph I ieetig; war will he the It(pie of an address by Reiss, and he is making an effort to IBrigadier-General 'Paul 11. Malonae, of get the collection here for an exhi- "Talking and Writing" is the sub- the U~nited Stattes army, at 7:301 bition gat the time of the May felgtiva~l ject of an address which will be (de- o'clock, tomorrow evening in the Nat- liveredI by Lawrence 11I. Conrad, nral Science auditorium. General author and rhetoric instructori, at a Maloine, who is mnaking a lecture tour R VI meeting of Adelphi House of Repre- of colleges in the midwest undeir the Y V SEI sentatives this evening at 7: 3{) o''clock,(ausp~ices of the War department, is . "uM in Angell hall. being brought here by the local unit Mr. Conrad will speak on the prat- !Of the Rl.O.T.C. %- tical uses of writing, pointing out the Geneiral Malone is exceptionally 9h easy. relationship which exists b~etweeni capable of presenting the work of ; micand talking and writing, a relationship Americans in the late war', as he com- wy a rent! which is closer today than ever before. mandled part of the United States ,GAW In developing the topic he will speak army in decisive encounter's of the' . MtorMap$1 of writing both from the writer's and latter part of the World war. He the talker's standpoint. led the Fouirth brigade of the Second r+I The speaker is well qualified to talkI division in the Mveuse-Argonne off en-; about writing, as he has written sev- !sive. A TU TQ fl6, eral textbooks and a novel, "Temper," -AT#g vceAR D jwhich has been hailed. by eminent , 5IJA.Z:4W'iaW 'critics as something refreshingly dif-!L rh F ns e T i The meeting will be open to the Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the col- public, Speaker Russell M. Sanderson, lege, of architecture, has just returned '29, announces. firom New York, where he attended the second and final sale of duplicates UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA- from the Cypriote and Classical col- 3150 students, over, half of the totalI lections of the Metropolitan museuml registration here, have received no- of art. A number of important objects tices of unsatisfactory scholarship were purchased for the architectural from the recorder, museum, from a fund( provided forl Ik ~SEE I The Fastest Selling, Most Up-to-Date Portable Oan the Market. AL- -- -- - - -w -. - Wr =% 92 ... The ILexington, h navy's new $'40,000,000 airp~lane carrier, is high and lry while getting its spr ing cleaning in drydock at San Fraincisco. Atter ;craping, tho giant craft carrier will undergo official tests. The airplane is taking off from the Lexington"s runway. ST TuDENTS BECOME j ed themselves to the. status of boot- blacks irecently in an attempt to help BOOTBL CKS T defray the expenses of the University HELP HOSPITALS infirmary. Tickets were sold to the students entitling them to shoe shines 1,1IIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON-- given by these upperclassmen and Dignified senior men and women at prizes wei e offered for the highest: the University of Washington lower- U ~ckcet salles. - T 1. . jf 1 i iii l I 4[ t i I. 4 ++ One N ight Only-S.. aturday, April 28 Scoe y "'I&IUND RO11BEDI.. *kSTUDENT o, essS 54,zriP BLE~JOSSOM Ttp , SHUB~kT ORCTHY Of 150~ GR'TUET u5IN GJNG-LO5O T[ M~ALE yJ.CHORU$MAN O ho3xao' ' f'?' Yed ik'IfXA OP '7"14. Love . Romdnce . ALL .-IgR. SiitII.0 A'hi~TIiVilt~MVTHlAT T I ISL! _ f R 'S: O(1 1 .s V; A L. *2.ThJ, 2X5A'. Ta'nx InIcl uded Pr 4 Always ia Gcod I'rogi'aiu ORPHEUJA Adults -05c ('lil roll ile First-Class Shoe Repairing Expert Workemanship CLARK'S SHOE REPAIRER 321 South State TODAY AND TOMORROW WARMNER BIRCOS. THE GREATEST OF ACTORS STEGRAETOFMVR \BAA RR BO' leading. Ci are ttes, Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbilt 3 ' 'i u4 S $, DIRECTED N y-- PRODUCTION- SCEIJARIO B . , PE55 IVREDYTK I,, 0 momhow x i 1 I 0