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April 24, 1928 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-24

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I e









Ruins Of Fortress Of Opis Revealed
By Excavations Carried On 1
By Joint Expedition
Ruins of the ancient city of Opis,
fortress of a dead kingdom, have been
found near the Tigris river in Iraq,
in the vicinity of excavations being
carried on this year by Leroy Water-
man, professor of semitics, under the
auspices of the University and the
Toledo Museum, of Toledo, Ohio. After
two millenniums of slumber, bricks
inscribed with cuneiform writing, just-
ifying the authenticity of the city be-
ing that of Opis, and 500 or more other
relievs were revealed.
* ~F1id List Of R~igs
One of these cuneiform tablets con-
tains a list of dynastic kings, while
another almost equally important one, I
deals with the ancient kings of Ak-t
shak, which is the obsolete name for
Opis. One of these documents was
taken from a sidewalk of the unearth-
ed town, while the others came from
the side of a building, and they neither
have as yet been' completely deciph-
ered. Besides the greatness of this
find, it is almost phenomenal to have
picked out this one small mound as1
the location for excavation.,
"Like trying to hit a bull's eye with
only a landscape target on which to C
draw a bead," is the way Blakemoore.
Godwin, director of the Toledo Mu-
seum, who was first to receive the
news, described the feat of locating
The layout of the city includes a tem-
ple site, a cemetery site, a portion of
a city wall, pavement foundations and
several wells, in which were foundI
a large percentage of the relics, in-
cluding seven water pitchers.
Includes Bronze Coins
On the fifth level of excavation, a
temple area, bronze coins,'glass sculp-
ture, ,tera cotta figures' of human
beings and animals, heavy stone im-
plements, pottery, lains, ivory but-,
tons, and a glass goblet were yield-
ed to the explorers. It is expected
that these relics will fu'inish students
wvith new material with which to study
the various phases of these ancient
jpeople's lives, before they were wiped
from the face of the earth by the
forces of nature. These newly found
treasures are to be shared by the
University and the Toledo Museum.
The exact site of Opis on the Tigris
is not far from the place where it
meets the Euphrates river and is op-

Brownell Announces
Sell-OJut Of Tickets'
A complete sellout of tickets for the
annual Military ball, to be held Fri-
day night at the Union, was announc-
ed yesterday by Wayne Brownell, '28,
chairmran of the committee for the
event. A waiting list will be main-
tained through the remainder of the
week at R. O. T. C. office, however,
Brownell stated, with a view to find-
ing out how many tickets could have
been sold if they had been available.f
This information will be of value toI
the committee next year, he said.

"a~~s^R E NS




Campus Politicians
Scared ByGargoylet
Startling disclosures of the corrupt
methods employed in campus politics
will be disclosed tomorrow when the
Gargoyle "political issue" appears on
sale, staff editors have announced.
While it is being rumored from
authentic sources that every B.MO.C.
on the campus would leave town with
the appearance of the magazine, Gar-
goyle editors were laying plans to
thwart any move to stop publication
of the disclosures.
Additional features of the forth-
coming issue will be a number of
drawings by Maurice Lichtenstein, '28,
winner of the $2,000 College Humor
prize contest.

Speeches On Forestry Week, Dentist-
ry and May Festival Will Coin-
plete Final Air Entertainment
Owing to arrangements with sta-
tion WWJ, the Detroit News,' and

Sale Of

Billets Will End On Friday;
Seniors May Buy During
First Two Daysf

ry. Lroy vvaterluau
Who is the head of the expedition
in Asia financed jointly by the Uni-
versity and the Museum of the city cf
TnA. r.JtAtJ


niminiA un

Tickets for the annual Senior ball
will go on sale between 3 o'clock and
5 o'clock this afternoon in the lobby V L VE
of the Union. The sale will continue
throughout the week until Friday, but Royal Oak And Z
only seniors may purchase tickets the 1111 AudkPdr
first two days. All members of the School Fo
senibr class are eligible to -attend,
whether class dues have been paid orT
not, according to the announcement ( PRIMARY TO

eelaud To );eet In
ium For High
rensic 't'itle

Eleven Selected FrontlL Engineering
School And 20 Front School
Of Education
Phi Kappa Phi, national senior hon-
orary society, announced last night
the election of 82 new members from
he literary, engineering, forestry, den-
tal, and pharmacy colleges, and the
schools of medicine, business adminis-
tration and education. Election to
Phi Kappa Phi is based on scholar-'
ship and extra-curriculum activities.
Forty-one were chosen from the
senior class of the literary college
with averages from 2.72 to 2.29. Those
elected were: William E. Klein, Sam-
uel J. Lukens, Nellie G. Kenney, Wal-
ter P. North, Frederick J. Hermann,
Edward F. Furtsch, Francis R. Line,
Dorothy M. Canlen, Lee A. Lewis,
George Hammond, Eleanor Brekke,
Benjamin A. DeGraff, Eugene A. Er-
Howard Neitzert, Harry A. Wood, Ar-
thur L. Bailey, Mark W. ,Dick,
Marian L. Welles, Philip H. Nicha-
min, Jo Hubbard Chamberlin, Loren
B. Miller, Carol G. Carpon, Elizabeth
C. Fitzgerald, William N. Gall, Philip
A. Wight, Albert R. Leventhal, Alice
E. Kellog, Thomas E. Sunderland, Jus-
tin Zinn, Mildred E. Ynnis, Katherine
Loomis, Leonard S. Shorr, Addie
Crofts, Jean Dow, Margaret McCain,
Marie L. Burt, Bernice F. Staebler,
Sherwood Waldron, Elliot H. Moyer,
Russel L. Malcolm, Lucy Seeley.
Fronk Engineering School
The 11 chosen from the colleges
of engineering and architecture are as
follows; Basil K. Vsevold, Roy M.
Lyndon, Dudley E. Eisele, Gordon E.
Seavoy, John C. Mathes, Donald E.
Brummitt, Walter E. Hobertz, Martin
E. Berman, John F. Heidbreder,
Harold T. Ross, Clarence W. Chap-
Scool of Eiducdjio.
The names of the 20 froni the School
of education are as follows: Marion

iPraf. Hugo Junkers
Who built and designed the Bre-
men which is being reconditioned at
Greenly island <after its flight acros's
the Atlantic ocean.

Engineering Students Disciplined
Participation In Raiding Of
Annual Crease Dance


of the committee in charge.
Favors for the formal, which is to
be held in the ballroom of the Union
the night of May 18, 1928, have been
selected as vari-colored feathered
fans with bone handles. The dance
will, begin at 9:30 .o'clock and will
{continua until 2. o'clock.
Frankie Quartell's feature recording
crchestra. ha: been engaged to play
for the affair. Plans for decorations
to be hung in the ballroom have not
as yet been divulged by the commit-
The Senior ball is an annual func-
tion of each graduating class, and it
is the final senior social event on the
school calander, prior to graduation.
James Hughey, '28, is the general
chairman of the committee that has
charge of the ball this year.
For the benefit of engineering and
dental students who will be unable to
procure tickets (luring the hours of
sale th ma o - m .from
Harol (son, ViI1n
P7ayne, 28)

posite the city of Ctesiphen. Opis
thrived from the days of Assyrian and i
Babylonian supremacy to the heights
of Roman glory.
Inlander officials continued to make
plans yesterday for the lecture ap-
pearaice of Zona Gale, at 4:15 o'clock,
Thursday afternoon in Hill auditor-
ium. Miss Gale is being brought to
Ann Arbor under tlie sponsorship of
the America'n Association of Univer-
sity 'Women, through the efforts of the
Inlander lecture course.
Although attaining her chief fame
as a novelist, Miss Gatc has also been
extremely successful as a playwright
and short story writer. Perhaps her
best story was. "The Ancient Dawn,"
winner of the Butterick $2,000 prize
contest in 1911. One of her plays,
"Miss Lulii Bett," was awarded the
Pulitzer prize award in 1920.
Her first professional writing ex-,
perience was gained on a Milwaukee
daily. She later spent a year and at
half with the New York World. Since
then she has confined her work to
free lance writing, contributing to
both newspapers and magAiines.
She was born in 1874 in Pcrtage,
Wisconsin. She attended the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin for four years and
has in later years been made a mem-
ber of the board of regents of that in-
stitution. Since 1920 she has been a
member of the Wisconsin library com-
Of her impressiois of the New Ycrk
where she worked originally as a re-
porter and later as a playwright, Miss
Gale writes, "New York is simply a
magnified Friendship village. Many
of the things . have made my small
town characters say were really said
to me by people in an absolutely dif-
ferent enviornment, people steeped in
the atmosphere of citie's."

(By Associated Press) i
SEVEN ISLANDS, Quebec, April 23
(By Canadian Press)-All parts nee-
essary for the reconditioning of the
trans-Atlantic monoplane Bremen
were on Greenly island today and the'
plane. was expected to be in the air
again headed for New York before
the end of the week.
New York city's relief plane, stock-
ed with spare parts and supplies at
Lake St. Agnes, took off here at 5:10
o'clock this morning and made the
500 mile flight to Greenly island inl
six hours and a half, arriving there
at 11:40.,
The plane was piloted by Bert Baal-
chen, one of Com. Richard Byrd's!
trans-Atlantic crew, Major James
Fitzmaurice, the Irish member of the
Bremen's crew who came out to civil-
ization in the first relief plane to get
aid for his German comrades, Baron
von Huenefeld and Captain Koehl.
The Germans presumably banqueted
tonight in a style strange to them
since they took off from Baldonnel air-
drome near Dublin, a week ago last
Thursday. On Greenly island the fare
is corn beef and salt pork with milk
to drink but in the rlief plane there
was roast beef, vegetables, delicacies
of various sorts, and wine to drink
as a toast of thanksgiving.
Floyd Bennet, Byrd's north pole
companion who flew the relief plane
with Balchen from Detroit to Lake St.
Agnes but who was stricken with
pneumonia, was in a Quebec hospital
today attended by local doctors and
two specialists from New York.

Royal Oak and Zeeeland will clasht
for state forensic honors in the Elev- t
enth Annual State Championship de-1
bate of the Michigan High SchoolT
Debating league which will be held1
at 7:45 o'clock Friday night in Hill
auditorium. -
These two schools woa the honort
of appearing in the state champion-1
ship contest by emerging successful-I
ly from the schedule of debates ar-
ranged by the Michigan high school1
debating league, which is one de-
partment of the extension division of
the University. Prof. Gni E. Dens-
more is the present manager of the1
Both teams won their way through1
perhaps the hardest schedule everI
arranged in the history of the league
BW which 244 high 'scools placed morer
than 1,500 debaters in the 600 contests
held throughout the year. Memphis
and Cheboygan were the two schools
eliminated in the semi-final debates.1
The question which will be con-
sidered in the championship coittest
is one which has been used in all the
regular debates in the league this
year. It is "Resolved, That the dir-
ect primary system of nominating
candidates for public office in the
United States should be abolished."
Royal Oak will uphold the affirmative
and Zeeland the negative.
Prof. Jamnes M. O'No'll, head of
the Speech department, will presidew
at the debate. The three judges of
of the contest will be Bean Edward
H. Kraus, Dean Clare E. Griffin, and
Prof. William A. Frayer.
According to Professor Densmore,
great interest among the high schools
of the state has been aroused by the
many attractions which have been ar-
ranged for the entertainment of the
debate delegates. More than 3,000
visiting high school delegates are ex-
pected to come to Ann Arbor to at-
tend the championship contest.
A special convocation service has
been arranged, which will be addres-
sed by Dr. Gordon J. Laing, dean of
the Graduate school of the lniversity
of Chicago. The second annual Pu-
pil-Teachers (on#"erence, scheduled
for Friday afternoon, will be addres-
sed by President Clarence Cook Lit-
Immediately preceding the debate'
in Hill auditorium the 'Varsity band
and the Jackson high school boy's
chorus of 80 voices will unite in giv-
ing a concert. Through the courtesy
of the Athletic association, each vis-
iting delegate will be given a, compli-
mentary ticket to the Michigan-Syra-
cuse baseball game on Saturday.

"Meet The Wife," By Lynn Starling
To Open Week's Schedule
in Mimes TheaterI
Lynn Starling's hilarious farce,
1 "Meet The Wife" will open its week's
run at 8 o'clock tonight in Mimes
theater. It will mark the third pro-
duction of Comedy club during the
present season, and will be one of the
few remaining attractions of the cam-
pus year.
Phyllis Loughton, '28, Robert Wet-
zel, '28, and Thomas Dougall, '28, will
head a cast which will include be-
sides themselves Lorinda McAndrew,
'30, Lillian Setchell, '30, and Richard
Kurvink, '29. Miss Loughton is re-
I sponsible for the direction. The com-
edy is in three acts and a single scene,
the setting for which was designed
and executed by Fred Rebman, Mimes
theater scenic artist. A special pro-
gram has been arranged by the Mimes
orchestra under the direction of Roy
Langham.S of M.
The regular ticket sale f6r "Meet
The Wife" opened yesterday mornng
in the Mimes the4ter box office, and
will continue throughout the run. All
seats are reserved and are priced at


E. Stevens, Gertrude Vint, Sadie Wood- 75 cents. Early sales indicate that
ruff, Leo A. Aroian, Robert M. Wet- the production will be well-attended.
zel, Katherine S. Patterson, Carl L. "Meet The Wife" is another of the
Anderson, Marian E. VanTuyl, Emma ;plays written directly for the talents
M. McKay, Vivian E. Retzlaff, Judith of Mary Boland, of "Cradle Snatchers"
M. Jimenez, Cletus J. Fagan, Arvid 'fame, and was first produced with her'
V. Jacobson, Lasetta K. Pickard, Ruth in the leading rple in the Klaw theater
M. Malcolm, Grace L. Kircher, Mar- in New York in 1923. The story deals
ian B. Saurerborn, Dorothy K. Boehm, with the complications arising from
Marjorie E. Vivian, Elvira A. Hooger- the return of a husband to find his
hyde. wife again married and ruling her
Six were chosen fron the Medical large circle of friends and enemies
School as follows: Richard U. Light., with a strong hand.
Donald S. Booth, Clare R. Rittershof-
er, Harold W. Jacox, Olin X. Cameron, WOMEN TO HONOR
William N. Murray.
Those chosen from the dental, for- A THLETIC BOARD
estry, and pharmacy colleges and the;
School of Business administration are In honor of the Board in Control of
as follows: Ernest E. Miller, Philip Athletics the faculty of the women's
M. Northrup, Lester M. Lucas, M. S. physical education department are
Bosley, Frederick Struhsaker, U. o. giving a party tonight which will take
Oakdale. the form of a "gala sports opening"
of the new Women's Ath etic building.
GREECE SUFFERS Athletic events, such as bowling con-
tests, in which the guests will partic-
FROM BAD QUAKE ipate, and bridge and dancing, will
furnish the entertainment of the eve-
(By Associated Press) . fing. . .
ATHENS, April 23. - Southern The invited guests will include the
Greece, like Bulgaria, h as been visited Board in Control of Athletics and
by a severe earthquake whichl has, so their wives, the Regents of the Uni-
far as is known, caused the death of versity and their wives, the members
more than 30 persons and the injury of the, art committee which has pro-
of large numbers. Some reports vided the dlecorations for the building,
placed the number of dead as high as Dean Edmund Day, of the School of
50. Business Administration, and Mrs.
The worst effect of the disaster was Day and others.
observed in the town of Cornith and I .
1-~~~ +h, ~cr,."hnr rf th C fniit r-1 17 A

engineering class pays for the dam--
age done and if the men observe goodj
behavior and the class be not in-
volved in any violent disturbances
during the remainder of the year.-
The senior engineering class ha-s1
already submitted an apology for the1
disturbance, which fact was taken in-'
to account in mitigating the penalties
of the four last named men. Tillit-
sen was suspen(ed unconitonally
because of the prominent part .took'
.n the aff air.
The raiding of the Crease party, at-
tended by law students, took place
about 11 o'clock of the night of Fri--.
day, March 30. The lights of the
ballroom of the Lawyers' club, to-l
gether with all' other lights in that
section of the building, were turned
out as a group composed largely of*
engineers forced admission into the'
building. After being ejected through-
violent measures the engineers left
behind them several stench bomb's.
Henry Burchell, secretary of the
Italy-America society and formerly
a lecturer in the Greek and Latin de-
partment of Columbia university will
speak at 8 o'clock Wednesday night in
the west lecture gallery of Alumni
Memorial hall, it was announced by,
Prof. Aubrey Tealdi of the landscape
design department yesterday. Mr.
Burchell will speak on "The Rebiri
of Imperial Rome," and will describe
the life of present day Rome and the
plans for restoring the capital to its
beauty of centuries ago. The lecture
will be illustrated. -
The speaker is a prominent Il-lian
scholar, and has been honored by thel
king of Italy for his services in the
field of international relations with
an appointment as Knight of the Or;-
der of S. S. Maurizio e Lazzaro. He
gathered the material for his present
lectures under the auspices of the
Italy-America society and with the
collaboration of the government of

One man was suspended and four
others placed under conditional sus-
pension by the University Discipline1
committee yesterday afternoon as an
aftermath of the raiding of the annual
Crease dance by a group composed
largely of senior engineering students
on the night of March 30. Edward
Tillitsen, '281E, was suspended for the,
remainder of the academic year Un-
conditionally, while Leroy Heston,
'28E, Richard Sheridan, Spec., Lewis
Goddard, '28A, and William Heath,
'28E, were su'spended with the provi-
sion that their punishment will be
commuted to probation if the senior


eastern broadcasting stations whose
:ime will be advanced one hour this
week, the fifteenth and concluding
Michigan Night radio program will be
>roadcast this Friday night instead
>f May 4, Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhet-
>ric department, who is program
manager and announcer, declared
yesterday afternoon. This will be
the last regular program of the cur-
ent Michigan Night radiocasts.
A progi~aia by the Menv's Glee club,
inder the direction of Theodore Har-
ison, and three adde sses will com-
prise the program, Mi. Abbot an-
nounced yesterday. The program by
he Glee club, which will occupy a-
bout half the radio hour, will include
college songs and popular selections.
Allen Will Talk
Prof. Shirley W. Allen, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation,
will be the first speaker on this Fri-
~ay's program. This will be a par-
ticularlY timely talk, Mr. Abbot point-
ed out, in as much as Professor Allen
is executive secretary f the Amei-
car. Forestry Week Zonniltee, and
this is National Forest Week: Pro-
fcsor Allen will speak on plans for
Forest Week and the preservation of
America's forests.
Senator Charles A. Sink, financial
manager of the School of Music, will
be the second speaker on the pro-
gram. Senator Sink will confine his
remarks to the May Festival soon to
be held in Ann Arbor, which annual-
ly attracts many outside visitors.
Will Maike Announcenment
Prof. U. Garfield Ricker, of the
School of Dentistry, will be the third
speaker on the concludhig program.
Although Professor Rickert', subject
has not yet been announced, accord-
ing to Mr. Abbot he will speak on
some tonic relating to his work.
One of the special items on the pro-'
gram, Mr. Abbot . stata- yesterday,
will be an announcement concerning
the Michigan Triennial to be held in
Chicago on May 10, 11 and 12, This
announcement will be of especial in-
portance to Michigan alumni. .
University Enters
Extensive Exhibits
In Aeroplane Show

tinno.Timnornoon of tio orni

I I I I- - A A I - 4. " e,%, *4



At last Yale and Harvard are go-,
ing to pit brain against brain for the
first gray-mattir championship of the
world. Harvard must now show oncet
and for all that Cambridge is the geo-
graphical pole of American culture;
Yale will make a brave attempt 'to1
out-Harvard Harvard at Harvard's
own game.
Yale will go into this epoch-making
long-heralded contest the underdog at
three to one odds as quoted on all
the better exchanges. New Haven is
not noted as the home of mental ath-
letics; swimming teams, football
teams, and fashion plates account

.astic championship. Ten men have


been picked from the senior classes
of either university for the champion-
ship bout, and four substitutes are be-I
ing trained for an emergency. A coal-
mittee of five faculty men, two from
Harvard, two from Yale, land one
from Princeton, will propound the
brain-twisters for the contest, and a
jury of three referees, one from
Princeton, one from Brown, and one
from Cornell, will make the decision.,
When the papers are handed in, the
perspiration has evaporated, and the
smoke cleared, $5,000 will be awarded

canal The pl asure resort on tlr I e Weather the city of Rome. The reproduction
canal at Louerhai Jalamhal and Posei- of---o plans which he will present has
conia, having suffered heavily. (y Associated Press) been hereto unpublished, and was
That the casualty list was not larg- Partly cloudy today and tomorrow; authorized by Premier Benito Musso-
er was due to the fact that the first Inmuch change in temperature. lini. -
shock last night was light amid drove
the people to the open, so that when WRESTLERS CELEBRATE BANNER YEAR
the heavier shocks came today the AND SEVEN VICTORIES WITH DINNER
Ihouses that collapsed weere largely un-ND S V NW T
__________--- . Wrestling, the overgrown infant of gan athlete. Coach Wieman also ex-
Michigan sportdom, was feted last plained the great part to be played
People InSouthern h i t l a te T by the new Intrauural Sports build-
y night inabanqueth ing in developing men for Michigan,
StatesTrouble By to honor the 1927-28 mat aggregation telling of the particular facilities pro-
which won seven of eight dual meets vided for the wrestlers. He spokel
Floods In Lowlands uring the past season and annexed most highly of Coach Keen and his
other high honors. accomplishments with the infant
(By Associated Press) Coach Clifford Keen acted as in- sport.
BIRMINGHAM, April 23. - Low- formal toastmaster, recounting the Toastmaster Keen called on the re-
land inhabitants of Georgia and Ala- achievements of the team and lauding tiring captain, Alfred Watson for a
I bama tonight were experiencing the the men who made them possible. short talk while the other three sen-
worst flood in many years while resi- The Wolverines not only scored 162 iors oa the team, Donahoe, Sauer and
dents of Arkansas, pestered several points to opponents 32 but took sec- Prescott, the first two former Confer-
days by overflowing streams, were team honors in the national meet and ence titleholders said a word or two.
winning -heir fight against the back- qualified nine men for the finals of Keen also called on The Daily sports

Participating in the first all-Amer-
can air show ever to be staged, the
Aeronautical engineeringdepartment
sponsored an extensivetexhibit in Con-
vention hall in Detroit. The Univer-
sity of Michigan booth included about
600 square feet of floor space.
The exhibit, which was in charge of
R. W. Miller, Grad., and C. R. Strang,
'28E, included various kinds of aero-
nautical instruments and models. A
small wind-tunnel produced a series
of air currents which made possible
demonstrations of a series of aero-
nautical phenomena. A small air-
plane model was flown in the air cur-
Another feature !of the exhibit was
the dynamo driven by power furnished
by a windmill. Two small electric
lights were lighted by the current
thus generated. A dynamometer
which demonstrates the variation of
the lift of a wing with the variation
of the angle of incidence was also in-
cluded. A wing model with a pressure
guage attached to show the suction of
air on top of the wing was on ex-
A model hang, r with a pressure!
guage which showed the upward pres-
sure on the roof proved to be an inter-
esting part of the -exhibit. Propellor
and propeller truss demonstrations
attracted many people to the booth.
Photographs of planes designed by
alumni, and a collection of pictures of
the new wind tunnel were shown.
The telescopic protractor which de-
termines the angel of incidence of
models being tested in the currents of
the wind-tunnel, together with a show-
ing of parts selected -from the air
plane parts collection of the depart-
ment completed the exhibit. The ex-
hibit was prepared by seniors in aero-
nautical engineering, under the super-
vision of Mr. E. N, Fales, of the Aero-
nautical engineering department.


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