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April 22, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-04-22

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Published every morning except Monday
ringthe University year by the Board in
ontrol of StudentPublications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tied to the use for republication of all news,
ispatches credited to it or not otherwise
rdi ted in this paper and the local news pub.
ished herein..
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
[ichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
f postage granted by Third Assistant Pst-
Uaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
O ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214.
Telephone 492
Editor...................Ellis B. Merry
ditor Michigan Weekly..Charles E. Behymer
Staff Editor. i............. Philip C. Brooks
:ty Editor.........Courtland C. Smith
Women's Editor .......... Marian . Welles
prts tditor:.... .......Herbert 1:. Vedder
heater,t Books and Music.Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
ssitant city Editor.... Richard C. Kurvink
Night Editors
Robert E. Finch G Thomas McKean
r. Stewart Hooker Kenneth G. Patrick
Paul J. Kern Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Milton Kirshbaum
Esther Anderson Sally Knox
Margaret Arthur Tnhn H. Maloney
lex A. Bochnowsk Marion McDonald
'ean Campbell Charles S. Monroe
'eqjl ('h^hrtherine Price
lanchard W Cleland Harold L. Passman
renGe N. hoeiso Morris W. Quinn
Margaret Gross Rita Rosenthal
'albor, Egeland Pierce Rosenberg
Marjorie Folmer Eleanor Scribner
fames B. Freeman . Corinne Schwarz
Pobert J. Gessner Robert G. Silbar
Ilaine E. Gruber Howard F. Simon
slice Hageshaw George E. Simons
oseph . vHowell Rowena. Stillman
. Wallace Hushen Sylvia Stone
Charles R. Kaufman George Tilley
Villiain F. Kerby Bert. K. Tritscheller
awrence R. Klein Edward L. Warner, Jr.
)onald 3. Kline Benjamin S. Washer
ack L. Lait, Jr. Joseph Zwerdling
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager... George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertising.............Richard A. Mey
Advertising...............Edward L. Hulse
Advertising.............John W. Ruswinckel
Accounts.. .....,....Raymond Wachter
irculation.'...... . .:....George B. A hn, Jr.
Publication........Harvey Talcott
eerge Badley A Ra Hofelich
Marie Brummeler Hal A. Jaehn
knws Carpenter James Jordan
aharles K. Correll Marion Kerr
arbara Cromel Taesr " N.Lenington
Mary Tively Catherine McKinven
Bessie V. Egeland Dorothy Lyons
Una Fencer Alex K. Scherer
Catherine Frohne George Spater
)ouglass Fullef Ruth Thompson
Beatrice Greenberg Herbert E. Varnum
.elen Gross Lawrence Walkley
~arl W. Hammer
SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1928.
Night Editor-K. G. PATRICK
American Forest Week, designated
>y President Coolidge for observance
y the people of the entire country,
s of particular significance to the
eopl of Michigan. The magnificent
ores'ts which once clothed the state
tre now largely gone. Their, replace-
nent by new crops of timber has been
revented by repeated fires. As a
'esult there are millions of acres of
and which is of little value for any
ther, purpose than timber growing
ut which is now an unproductive
This is a situation which may well
nerit consideration. Even so pros-
erous a state as Michigan cannot af-
ord to allow a fourth of its land area
o lie idle. The future development
f the ;state depends on the full use
f its natural resources. These for-
sts can and should occupy a place
f outstanding importance. This will
e impossible, however, unless we
ake more vigorous measures than we
,re now doing to meet the critical sit-
tation which faces us.

Forestry is preeminently a matter
f public concern. As a form of land
.se, as suppliers of an essential raw
naterial, as supporters of agriculture,
ndustry and commerce, and to Mich-
gan, as centers of recreation, the
orests directly or indirectly influ-'
nce the welfare of our life. Ameri-
an Forestry Week offers an oppor-'
unity not only to emphasize this fact
ut to take counsel as to how best to
ssure the restoration and perpetua-
ion of our forest resources.
"We have made possible Chicago's
nayor because of our general char-
cter," President Clarence Cook Little,
peaking to the Sons of the American
,evolution convention, stated Thursday
ight. The allegation is perfectly
rue as a conclusion, but it has hardlya
een carried to its final chapter in
hat form, as the President will prob-
bly admit. It belongs more clearly
n the class of statement which can1
e used as a starting point for inter-
sting deduction.
For if the general character of the'
.merican public made possible Chi-1
ago's mayor, then that general char-
cter has more or less vindicated it-;
elf in the recent election where Big1
ill the Billder was snowed under I
'iithip w ,holes n hinn "hvn n nvr- t'

was not as base as its politicians,
however, was demonstrated at the
earliest opportunity when 60 per cent
of the entire electorate-a record for
Illinois electionsf-turned out at the
polls to give the Thompson machine
the worst political drubbing seen in
that state for years and years. It
took a rather bitter lesson-a blow on
the head, so to speak-to bring the
electorate to its senses; but if the
general character of the American
public can be deduced from Chicago
politics, the statement of the Presi-
dent requires an addenda.
Any doubt that President Coolidge
may run as the Republican presi-
dential candidate seems to have been
again quelled, the general opinion of
Will Rogers to the contrary notwith-
standing. In his latest announcement,
Mr. Coolidge has shown that he not
only "does not choose to run" but
that he does. not even want. his name
to be proposed as a candidate in the
state primaries.
His statement that the latter "action
would be most embarrassing to me"
should be a subtle remonstrance
against those who doubted his abso-
lute sincerity even at compliment of
political astuteness. His declaration
further proceeds against subtleties or
evasions which may be made of the
situation. Claims that his name is
being used with his tacit consent, as
it is alleged to be done in New York,
are totally discountenanced.
In point of fact, it seems that Mr.
Coolidge does not want to run for
renomination' and will not do so if
he can prevent it. Though- he in no
way depreciates the honor of the po-
sition, he just has not the inclination
to continue in the office. Human ob-
servation of the change in the Presi-
dent in the last six years could have
told disagreeing politicians as much
months ago.
If Wilbur Glen Voliva, who is now
taking a trip around the world to
prove that it is flat, is right, Byrd
has a surprise waiting for him which
will take the nature of falling off the
edge of the earth down south where
he thinks there is a pole.
If it were not for the quadrennial
return of the campaign issue we sup-
pose that the word "venal" might just
as well be left out of the dictionary.

Michigan State College, Michigan's
second best educational institution
(but oh, how second!) has resigned
from another president, it seems. Ken-
yon Butterfield, who left for the Holy
Land all unsuspectin;just a few brief
days ago, has had his leave of absence
involuntarily extended two months.
Thus when he returns to New York
city on May 1, lie will find that his
vacation really lasts untly July 1. This
is considered to be a practical joke.
It is rumored that the next time
that Michigan State College chooses
a president he will be left in office for
six months. Persons familiar with the
policy of the board refuse to believe
this statement; and persistent rumors
exist to the effect that a list of ten


presidents has been prepared for the
state College post during the next
* * *
Concurrent with the announcement
that Butterfield had been tossed out
comes the news that a student also
felt the axe for attacking the adminis-
tration of the state college. The stu-
dent was guilty, it seems, of slander-
ing the board of trustees. Is it pos-
* * *
This is the new college seal of Mich-
igan State college, adopted and sup-
pressed by the board of trustees yes.
terday. It has been officially denied
that this is a picture of the president
of the board, as was rumored early
in the day.


TONIGHT: "Gay Paree" in the
Whitney theater at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
It's rather hard to ballyhoo the
May Festival this year. There are
fewer of the artists who are tradi-
tion-the Kreisl ers,the Schumann-
Heinks, Jeritzas, Tibetts or, Paderew-
skis-and in their place we have
(with the exception of Matzenauer,
Grainger and Christian) a group of
youngsters who are famous or no-
torious as the case may be within
the last few years.
=For that reason it will be much
easier to talkit over afterwards, and
predict brilliant futures for the vari-
ous fledglings who distinguish them-
selves by vocal or instrumental pyro-
technics. Everybody is remembering
when they heard Florence Austral two
years ago, now that Edward Moore
has called her the greatest dramatic
soprano of the generation. Austral
has airived, but at the time nobody
was particularly thrilled over her, and
on the contrary were much more ex-
cited over ogling Homer and Marti-
As far as musical excellence goes,
the odds are about even; the great
and the near-great often have little
more to offer than their names and
personalities; and the unknowns are
at times possessed of both talent and
technical ability. So .as in most cases
it is rather unsafe to offer anything
very definite in the way of critical en-
couragement. However, judging from
single performances with the Chicago
Civic Opera this season, it is safe to
say that Leone Kruse and Chase Ba-
romeo will bring, besides their youth,
two marvelous voices; as to the
others, they rest on the knees of the
gods-along with the Democratic con-
vention and the trans-Atlantic fliers.
* * *
"Gay Paree"-a slightly tattered
and torn version of the early Schubert
show-comes to the Whitney tonight,
with the same nude young ladies and
the same Chic Sales who very lately
held the boards at the Shubert De-
troit. The whole is neither so Gallic,
nor so indecent, nor so spicy, as the
publicity would have you believe. But
it's not bad for an example of the
big time girl and music combina-




I i



(Minnesota Daily)
"I think-in fact I feel quite sure-
that everything which has been writ-
ten upon the subject of style is ab-
solutely nonsense because it mistakes
results for causes. I hold that such
writing has done immense injury to the
literary student in every part of the
world, and I propose to prove to you
that there is no such thing as style!"
These are a few words from "Talks
To Writers" by Lafcadio Hearn. In
this day and age when scholars every-
where are devoting time and money
in teaching. people how to write, a
statement of this kind by a man who
spends a lifetime in writing is very
relevant. In our own school, as "else-
where, there are courses deliberately
attempting to analyze style, with the
object of finding out how things are
done. Men like Swift and Stevenson
are studied and their technique and
method carefully pointed out. What
is it that these men did to raise their
work above the rest! In short, what
is their style?
Is there such a thing as conscious
style in writing? Does the study of
the style of other writens and the
knowledge of their methods teach the
young writer anything?
Lafcadio Hearn believes that style
is inevitable result of character, and-
nothing could 'be more reasonable
than this. The idiom of a writer is
the product of his experiences. What
he writes, in form as well as in ma-
terial is nothing more than a reflec-
tion of his experience. It is interest-
ing to listen to the authorities on
style trying to seperate mannerisms.
for instance, from idiom, that unde-
finable something which they recog-
nize as the essence of the man- his
style and, then tf rn about and point
out the mechanical mannerisms as in-
dicative of a specific cuthor.
A student may be educated. He may
be polished in character and made to
think along the well trodden conven-
tional lines. In time, his character
will take on a definite f rm and his
writing will begin to have a style. If
he is individual he will shed all the
attempts at bettering his style that
are directly applicable to his writing.
He will appreciate the tricks of the
trade and will recognize the flavor
of great characters. but he will shuin.


. Governor Green Friday reported "MEET THE WIFE"
that he was keeping a watchful eye Comedy Club has been in the throes
on Michigan State college. Nero also of another play since the departure of
kept an eye on Rome. Mayhap the the late lamented Easter vacation. Out
governor recalls what happened to of the melange of rehearsal comes the
Willie Thompson, however, in an edu- announcement that the play will be
cational way, when he mixed with an "Meet The Wife." Previous to this
educational board. announcement there was some wonder
* ., ., as to just what it was that would
JR. GIRLS PLAY TO BE come of all the frantic rehearsing and
PRESENTED OVER AGAIN mysterious stage business.
Aperson by the name of Lynn
The Jr. Girls Play, officially sill)Starling is responsible for writing
pressed by the Rolls Board of Cen- the play and the famous Mary Boland
sors more than a month ago for be- was the reason for the play's success
ing a proper show, will play again in New York in the 1923 season. Crit-
Friday night, it is officially reported. ics called poor Miss Boland infamous
The original Ann Arbor 'cast, with its for what she did to Gertrude Lennox.
colorful costumes, will appear. What she did of course was to "house"
the play along,.refusing to take au-
thor Starling at all seriously, but the
Fears that the Jr. Girls Play would
hav it usal emralzin efectonpublic very nonchalantly damned the
have its usual demoralizing effect on critics and gave the play a remarka-
local artisans was expressed in sev- ble run by appearing at the box office
eral quarters last night. This pic- in droves every night.
ture was snapped during the last run The plot through which the char-
of the play: acters travel has to do with a mag-
nificent wife: a woman so magnificent,
-M in fact that her first husband made
the San Francisco fire an opporatunity
O to take French leave. A case of an
alleged death, or what have you. Mar-
ried again, she henpecks "number
two" and hull-dozes her woman's club
-a zoological feat which culminates
in her securing the services of lec-
The patient from tie above opera- turer Philip Lord for the aforesaid
tion survived, however. This case club.
was supposed to be mild compared plotfully, Lord turns out to be hus-
with the doctor who left a sponge in a band number one who has made a
customer after an appendicitis operg- name for himself outside the connu-
tion. bial field-in literature or something.
And so the play closes in a tremend-
The foregoing is nothing but the ous dramatic climax as all plays do
most flagrant kind of publicity for before the opening night.
the Jr. Girls. All patrons of Rolls The cast is positively heavenly in
are advised not to read it. the matter of stars:
* * * Gertrude Lennox .. Phyllis Loughton
OFFICIAL FLOWERS WILL Harvey Lennox.-..... Harlan Cristy
BE CHOSEN FOR CAMPUS Doris Bellamy ... Lorinda McAndrew
INSTITUTIONS BY ROLLS Victor Staunton .... Robert Wetzel
Gregory Brown .......Dick Kurvink
In response to great popular de- Philip Lord ..........Tom Dougall
inand, official flowers for various cam- Alice .............. Lillian Setchell
pus organizations will be chosen un- Comedy Club is to be congratulated
der the auspices of Rolls. Sugges- for having found a play in which. the
tions for all such official flowers too-frequently miscast Robert Wetzel
should be forwarded at once to the finds a sympathetic role. Nominally



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